Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 600: The New Era (5 updates)

Chapter 600: The new era (fifth update)
In April of the 25th year of Jian'an, a fast horse rushed towards Liu Bei's mansion at the fastest speed in his life, holding up the silk book in his hand.

The people along the way couldn't help but feel waves of curiosity after seeing this scene, and there was also an unspeakable feeling of panic and worry deep in their hearts.

Quickly entering the mansion, the scout handed the news to Liu Bei, who was also wearing a simple cloak.

When Liu Bei saw the news brought by the scout, his expression changed from shock to ecstasy, from ecstasy to sadness, and in the end he was left with only bouts of loneliness and loneliness.

"Send the order for Kong Ming to return to Chang'an quickly, immediately!"

After leaving such a sentence, Liu Bei returned to his study and refused to see anyone again.

His close followers, such as Fa Zheng, and his heirs, such as Liu Chan, were not allowed to see him. Even the food brought by the servants was turned away. There was no movement in the study alone.

Many ministers and generals tried to break in several times but were stopped by Chen Dao, but Chen Dao just told them not to worry.
Zhuge Kongming, who was leading the people to cultivate and reclaim wasteland, was also shocked when he got the news. He immediately got on his horse and galloped towards Chang'an regardless of his current demeanor.

Fortunately, Zhuge Liang is now in charge of farming and migration in Jingzhao County. This trip only takes a day and a half, so Liu Bei is not allowed to go on a hunger strike.

"Lord!" When Zhuge Liang saw Liu Bei again, he was also shocked by his appearance. Liu Bei looked very haggard in a few days. "Lord, take care of yourself."

"Mengde is gone!" Liu Bei used "Mengde" to address the Cao thief in his mouth for the first time. "In those days, among Xu Xuchang, Qingmei cooked wine and discussed heroes.

His words, "Shi Jun and Cao Er are the only heroes in the world" are still echoing in Gu's ears.

It has spurred Gu for so many years, and also supported Gu for so many years.

The only heroes in the world are Gu and Cao Cao! "

Listening to Liu Bei's words that were not heroic at all, Zhuge Liang just smiled softly, and asked someone to bring some food and water, and then asked someone to close the study door again.

"Lord, what news is there about Luoyang?" Zhuge Liang looked at Liu Bei in front of him. He knew that after Cao Cao died, Luoyang would never be quiet.

He had handed over all Zhou Buyi and his spies to Liu Bei, and he really didn't know about this.

Today's spies are no longer what they used to be. With Wei Xi's help, Zhou Buyi can hardly be called a human being. Their ability to confuse people with lies has allowed the two of them to develop to the extreme.

And the news came faster and became more real.

Liu Bei, who had regained his composure at this time, took out the letter again and handed it to Zhuge Liang with a sigh.

"Three months ago, Meng De died in Luoyang City.

Before his death, he left a "posthumous order" to arrange his funeral affairs. He was buried next to the Ximen Leopard Temple, released the ladies, and sent the maids, concubines, and singers to the Tongque Terrace for support.

He didn't leave any tribute for himself, everything was buried lightly! "

After Liu Bei sighed, he couldn't help but said, "But he did not explain the matter of Cao Pi, and he even secretly ordered Cao Zhang to lead troops to Luoyang.

This should be the reason why Cao Zhang suddenly left and Tongguan was in turmoil some time ago."

"Cao Zhang." Zhuge Liang frowned slightly, "It seems that Cao Mengde also knows that after his death, there will be turmoil in his subordinates."

"Why doesn't Kong Ming think that it is Cao Mengde who wants to leave his position to Cao Ziwen?"

"No!" Zhuge Liang's attitude was very firm this time, "Cao Ziwen has no ability to be a master, nor does he have this ability.

And if Cao Mengde really wanted to, he would not call him back at the last moment. The only possibility would be to let Cao Zhang help Cao Pi gain a foothold.After all, Luoyang at this time is a mixed bag! "

Liu Bei nodded slightly when he heard this.

"Kong Ming really understands people's hearts, and Cao Zhang really helped Cao Pi a lot.

A few days after Cao Mengde's death, he invited his mother Bian and Xiahou Dun, who had just been recalled, to fly into Luoyang with him and succeed him as Prime Minister and King of Wei!
With the support of the two of them, the army and the veterans had no objections, and the clan members of the Cao family and the Xiahou family no longer had any trouble.

However, the Qingxu soldiers and horses under his command immediately mutinied and rioted, and almost caused a big incident. In the end, although they were stabilized, they scrambled to escape and return home.

At this time, Cao Zhang led his troops in, rode alone into Luoyang to honor Meng De, and handed over his military power, which stabilized Cao Pi's position.

After that, Cao Pi appointed Jia Xu as Taiwei, Hua Xin as Xiangguo, Wang Lang as Yushi doctor, and Xiahou Dun as general. A series of appointments stabilized his current chaos.

He is worthy of being the son of Cao Mengde, and his methods are indeed good. "

No matter how Liu Bei's words were heard, they couldn't be considered as praise. Even Zhuge Liang couldn't help but curl his lips after hearing this.

"Cao Pi's method is indeed better than the average one, but it's just...far inferior to Cao Mengde!"

"He's worthy of it!" Liu Bei snorted coldly, with disdain on his face, "You're not old, but your ambition is not small.

I'm afraid that if you are so eager to stabilize your position, hmph! "

Liu Bei didn't say the rest, but he already expressed his meaning very clearly.

He already had a guess about Cao Pi's next move, and Zhuge Liang also nodded.

"If that's the case, then we have to be prepared."

"Get ready." After Liu Bei heard these words, his heart couldn't help but beat violently, "You can't do the first thing for others!"

Liu Bei himself didn't know if he had been struggling in his heart just now, but he still left such a sentence in the end.

Zhuge Liang bowed slightly and said no more, and Liu Bei also waved his hand for him to leave.

In the following days, Zhuge Liang was even busier than before, not only cultivating farmland, but also making preparations in advance.

Ma Chao continued to sweep away the powerful forces in Liangzhou, cleaning up the Wubao defense line back then, and returning this defense line to the hands of the Han Dynasty.

At the same time, he also used his reputation to continuously attract more and more Qiang, Hu and Di people to join him.

Especially the Di people and Qiang Hu people from Yinping in Wudu, who didn't know how many people showed up.

The Huns on the other side also secretly sent people to deliver more than a hundred fine Bingzhou BMWs. Although they did not dare to reveal their identity directly, they came with great fanfare, which also proved that Zhang Fei was becoming more and more powerful in Bingzhou.

As for Guan Yu, he also added a lot of land and population to Liu Bei, and of course it also made the powerful people in Yizhou and Jingzhou suddenly discover it.

In fact, Pan Jun is not that hopeless, and Dong He is very cute.
Even the general guarding Yangguan in Liangzhou came to report that envoys from the Western Regions came, hoping to meet the King of Hanzhong and pay homage to the great Han Dynasty.
A new era seems to have begun.

(End of this chapter)

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