Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 615: Border Market in the Western Region, Businessmen Doing Serious Business (4 updates)

Chapter 615 Western Region Border Market, Businessman Doing Serious Business (Fourth Update)

"Come on, come on, put this sign up for me!"

On both sides of the river thirty miles away from Yangguan, a large camp has been erected.

Here, some people are reclaiming land and cultivating food, and some are grazing cattle and sheep to provide supplies.

In the camp, there were also Hu women doing sewing and mending, helping the soldiers repair their armor, bedding and other items.

There were even some children taking some time to play.

It doesn't look like a military camp, but more like a gathering place where Han and Hu people live together.

The Hu people who were captured by the Han army seemed to have forgotten their fear and started a new life.

This is naturally the result of Zhao Yun.

He is also quite familiar with the foreign races on the border and knows their customs. They have already prepared for the spoils of war and for themselves to become the spoils of war.

Even before Mifang and himself did it, they might not have been taken captive by other tribes.

Therefore, living and living better is their only requirement.

They will follow whoever gives them food to eat. This is the truest thought of most foreign women and even children.

But now, Zhao Yun gave them food to live on, and even told them that as long as they obeyed his instructions, they could even live a good life.
With commitment and bravery, killing and emotion, Zhao Yun successfully turned these people from prisoners into slaves and even subordinates who could be used by them.
On the other side, Mi Fang, who hung a sign with the words "Bianshi" on the banner, was also very satisfied with her calligraphy.

Although these two words were not carved by myself, they were written by me.

After holding a knife for so many years, I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable with the pen.

However, Ma Su on the side looked at the two crooked characters and felt that something was not quite right. One of the two characters in total seemed to be wrong.
"How many years has it been since General Mi Fang wrote a book? Back then he was also a descendant of the Mi family in the East China Sea."

After sighing, Ma Su continued to wander around the camp, while everyone else was busy and busy.

Ma Su felt that he needed to do something, but no matter where he went, he didn't seem to need his help in the end. Even if he didn't help, everyone might be more relaxed.

The final result was that Ma Di wandered around in the camp, and from time to time put forward some suggestions that Wang Ping half understood.

Of course, after Ma Su left, Mi Fang's followers also came to him.

Looking at the word "border market", I couldn't help but make a tut-tsk sound in my mouth.

"Master Mi, do we really want to do business with those guys?" One-eyed Dragon couldn't help but groped his chin, as if he couldn't believe it, "Why don't we just rob them?"

After Mi Fang heard this, his face turned dark, but before he could refute, another follower on the side kicked the one-eyed dragon directly on the butt.

“Nonsense, how hard would it be for us to rob them?

When they come to us with their money and treasures to buy things, can't we just detain them and their belongings? "

"Oh, how brilliant!"

Mi Fang's face turned even darker when she looked at the group of subordinates who were discussing the matter of "black eating black".

"Shut up!" Mi Fang couldn't help but interrupt the nonsense of these guys, "How long have you been thinking about such nonsense?

Let me tell you, I will forget about this kind of murder and hustling from now on!
We want to do serious business. "

"Doing business seriously?" As soon as Mi Fang said this, everyone became more and more stunned, especially the leaders, whose faces were full of ferocity and a bit of confusion. "Master Mi, look at our faces. Does he look like a serious person?"

"It certainly doesn't look like it." Mi Fang looked at the group of crooked melons and cracked dates in front of her, and knew that in terms of appearance, they really couldn't handle it.

But it doesn't matter, I saw that Mi Fang waved his hand, and then began to talk about his great achievements in the past.

"Let me tell you, I, Mi Fang, was also a wealthy businessman in Huaisi.

Back then, my Donghai Mi family was also well-known as the number one wealthy businessman in Xuzhou, and it was one of the few in the world.

Not to mention anything else, when His Majesty first arrived in Xuzhou, he received full support from my Mi family.

That’s the perspective of my Mi family!
Let me tell you, you must follow me to do serious business in the future, but don’t always think about such crooked things, he won’t be able to last long. "

Mi Fang said a lot to this group of people, but they didn't know how much they heard.

It was only after finally waiting for Mi Fang to finish speaking that she dared to continue asking.

"Master Mi, what are we selling now?"

"That's right, Master Mi, since we are doing serious business, we need some goods to do things.

This us. War horses?clothing?You can't let us sell ourselves!
Those barbarians and slaves who surrendered before, General Zhao are also leaving, and they won’t even leave us a single ahem.
There’s not even a single product, how can I sell this! "

"That's right. And even if someone sees the name of the border market, they come here to sell some things.

So what should I use to buy it? "

When these questions arose, Mi Fang also fell silent.

Of course, Mi Fang didn't just decide on this matter as soon as her head got hot, and then got stuck at this point regardless of it.

It's about how he wants to explain the business scope of his border market.
“Well, there are many kinds of border markets.

For example, the border market in Youzhou is about war horses and grain.

There is also a border market in Jiangxia that sells Shu brocade and money and grain.

We are outside Yangguan, so the border market in the Western Region is naturally different from them!
Everything is here!
We want war horses, furs, and medicinal herbs. Even if we have no money, we can all have it if we sell ourselves, our wives, children, and children! "

"Then what shall I pay for it at this price?"

"Sell yourself!" Mi Fang used very serious words to come up with a conclusion that shocked everyone.

"Master Mi, aren't you joking?"

"Of course!" Mi Fang nodded again, "Whether you let us help you take revenge, or let us help you fight against the enemy tribe.

Or help them rob something and grazing land.

Even if we help them fight for tribes and women!
As long as they can afford to pay more, we will do anything! "

When these words fell into the ears of Mi Fang's people, a group of people were stunned for a long time, and their minds kept thinking about Mi Fang's repeated requests to them.

"From today onwards, we are businessmen doing serious business!"

(End of this chapter)

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