Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 640 A gift to Sima Yi (4 updates)

Chapter 640 A gift to Sima Yi (fourth update)
"Command the army to evacuate slowly!"

"Establish a second line of defense in the remaining lines of the Aetherline. Please ask General Zhang Yan to take charge of the important matter!"

"Ke Bi can continue to cruise with Liu Bao to prevent Liu Bei from launching a large-scale attack."

"Send troops to continue the assault and penetrate the grain road behind Liu Bei."

"Respond to Guo Huai and Wang Ling and tell them to evacuate immediately."

"Tell Xianbei, Hexi, that victory is in sight, and ask them to join the battlefield immediately. As long as the battle is won, Beidi County will be given to them to herd horses and cattle!"

Sima Yi's orders came one after another, and the army slowly withdrew and rebuilt its defense line to prevent Liu Bei's army from continuing to penetrate deeper.

Even ready to migrate
However, although Sima Yi has made such preparations, he still has sufficient confidence that as long as he can turn around the camp, he can stabilize the situation.

He has more than [-] Xianbei elite cavalry under his command, a large amount of supplies of food and grass allocated from Luoyang, and Yecheng and even the entire Hebei area as his rear.

How could he not be able to defeat a mere Liu Bei?
If you can't defeat it, how can you still be unable to defend it?

Especially when Sima Yi got the news, Xiahou Shang successfully got rid of the harassment and entanglement of Hu Zun and others, and led his soldiers and horses into the flank of Zhuge Liang's army from another direction.

After cooperating with Liang Xi to strictly guard the camp, his heart became more stable.

In Sima Yi's view, even though he, Zhuge Liang, has great abilities, there is still a big gap between the two sides in terms of logistics such as soldiers, horses, food and fodder.

As long as he is given time, he can stall the situation again and regain the advantage!

The idea is really good.

But when Sima Yi just entered the camp, Zhuge Liang, who had already begun to withdraw his troops, had someone send Sima Yi a gift.

Of course, this gift was not sent by Zhuge Liang from outside, but when Sima Yi's army entered the camp.

This is the time when this camp is most chaotic.

Appeared silently in Sima Yi's military tent.

a woman!
A very beautifully dressed woman!
A woman who made Xiahou Shang almost draw his sword against Sima Yi
"Sima Gou thief, you really are plotting evil!" When Xia Houshang yelled at Sima Yi with such an angry sentence.

Sima Yi knew something was wrong!

Although he has never met this woman, he has not heard of the fact that Xia Houshang has been criticized over the years.

How stupid it is to neglect your wife for the sake of a mere concubine!
Sima Yi even told his wife in private that Xia Houshang should learn from him.

Look at how kind he is to his wife. When he saw her raising the knife, he immediately knew that he had to bring her a basin of water.
But this was a joke, when this woman appeared in Sima Yi's camp.

Especially since he changed from a light guard to a suit like this. Even if Sima Yi was full of words, he couldn't explain clearly.

Not only that, but now that this woman has appeared here, things have begun to escalate. Sima Yi is now in a dilemma.

If he directly pushed this woman onto Xiahou Shang, not only would he completely offend Xiahou Shang, but he would also offend Cao Pi.

But if he pretends that he doesn't know, he secretly hid his female relatives. Xia Houshang is now officially angry, and I'm afraid he won't let him go.

But if he persists in doing this and directly punishes this woman with military law, Sima Yi feels that he will not be able to get out of this camp alive!
At this moment, Sima Yi felt helpless and wanted to cry. He looked at the woman who appeared out of nowhere, and then looked at the furious Xia Houshang. He was already greeting Zhuge Kongming's ancestors in his heart. "Zhuge Kongming, why didn't the school government dig up all the graves of your Zhuge family back then!
Do you have the nerve to use such low-level tactics? "

The curse in Sima Yi's heart was certainly not random, because this matter was indeed inseparable from Zhuge Liang.

As the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, Zhuge Liang certainly couldn't do such a thing as kidnapping someone to keep a concubine.

So after Zhuge Liang and Han Long discussed it, they worked out a wonderful story about giving Xiahou Shang's concubine to Sima Yi.

I think this is also a beautiful thing that will be recorded in history books in the future!
Of course, the real reason is that Han Long is sure to enter Cao Jun's camp silently.

Zhuge Liang also had the ability to find the concubine that Xia Houshang had hidden, which Zhuge Liang had never doubted.

But Han Long was really not sure that he could bring a living person back to Zhuge Liang so quietly.

In response, Zhuge Liang changed his strategy.

"Just relying on a woman can make Xiahou Shang crazy, but it may not make Xiahou Shang lose all his sanity.

Therefore, if you want to break through the Bingzhou defense line, you need to remove Sima Yi from it.

Since the woman can't be taken out, then take her in!

He hid Xiahou Shang's concubine, and then waited for Cao Jun's chaos to take the opportunity to send the concubine back to Cao Jun's camp.

While Sima Yi, Xia Houshang and others were discussing matters, they changed the women's clothes and sent them to Sima Yi's military tent. "

It is said that Zhuge Liang prepared this outfit for Sima Yi. Han Long still doesn’t understand that his prime minister prepared clothes for Sima Zhongda.
What are you doing with that kind of clothes!
As for how to ensure that Xia Houshang knows about this matter?

In fact, it is very simple. Let Han Long dress up and pretend to be a soldier and mutter something quietly when passing by Xiahou Shang.

"I heard that Sima Shangshu also brought a woman into the military camp. It is indeed the style of a noble family!"

With such a simple sentence, Xia Houshang would definitely catch Han Long.

But if it's about his concubine
Sure enough, the angry Xiahou Shang did not give Sima Zhongda the chance to kill people, bury corpses, destroy the corpses and eliminate traces.

And a very serious conflict broke out between the two sides that day.

Sima Zhongda also understood that something was wrong, and immediately asked for orders to go to the rear to rebuild the defense line, just in case.

This would have been the case if Sima Yi hadn't spent all his energy and Cao Pi thought highly of him.

Xia Houshang would not give up no matter what he said.

After Sima Yi led his troops to withdraw, Zhuge Liang immediately took action again, and soon asked Han Long to pass on the rumors one after another.

The soldiers were fighting desperately, but the lieutenants and generals were singing and dancing. Such things immediately aroused some dissatisfaction among the army officers and soldiers.

And Zhuge Liang started to attack again, attacking Xia Houshang's camp head-on, after there was no outer line of defense.

Xia Houshang could not stop Zhuge Liang's military tactics with just this line of defense.

In desperation, they could only mobilize troops and horses from Xihe to come to aid and recall Zhang He.
At this time, Jiang Wei and Zhang Yi followed closely behind, Tian Yu from Yanmen Pass also attacked directly, and the Xihe defense line was also declared lost.
(End of this chapter)

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