Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 65 Nanyang vs. Zhao Yun (2)

Chapter 65 The Battle of Nanyang - Zhao Yun ([-])
The sound of trampling horseshoes soon reached Zhao Yun's ears.

Zhao Yun, who has been fighting Wuhuan outside the Great Wall for many years, is very clear about this turbulence and dull sound. It seems to be the muffled sound of thunder and the trembling of an earth dragon.

From the sound and turmoil, Zhao Yun could even guess the approximate strength of the opponent.

“From far to near, the noise and confusion may be no more than three thousand soldiers and horses.

It's just that Cao Mengde hasn't all gone to Jizhou yet, how did he get so many cavalry?

Could it be that he dared to transfer back the Xiliang rider Zhang Xiu who occupied Wancheng at this time? "

Zhao Yun quickly figured out the enemy's origin and confirmed his previous guess.

A black line slowly appeared on the ground in the distance, and it rushed towards him quickly.

Seeing that the enemy had appeared, Zhao Yun immediately roared, and then asked Ding Li beside him to lead his troops to disperse, not to let the opponent hit him with one blow.

And he himself was holding a spear, clamped the belly of the war horse with his legs, and rushed out directly.

"Drive~" With a roar, Zhao Yun slowly leaned down, stretched his spear forward, and his whole body and the war horse were close to each other.

"Fire arrows~" As the Xiliang cavalry that dominated the world back then, even though the cavalry under Zhang Xiu are no longer the Xiliang cavalry they used to be, they are still well-trained.

At the command, the arrow immediately rose into the sky and landed towards Zhao Yun, who was leading the way.

"Drive!" There was another roar, and the snow-white warhorse accelerated the pace of charging again, leaping forward a few times.

At the same time, Zhao Yun raised his left arm, and the sturdy arm armor blocked the only few arrows that fell on him.

For a moment, with a clanging sound, Zhao Yun and the other party fought together.

"Pfft~" The spear pierced his body, and in just one confrontation, Zhao Yun killed two people in a row and rushed into the enemy's camp.

But in the next step, he did not continue to charge head-on. Instead, he immediately relied on his superb equestrian skills and the majesty of the horse to make an emergency stop, turned around, and charged in the direction he had just come from.

The spear in his hand kept waving, killing the surrounding soldiers one by one. From a limited distance, Zhao Yun seemed to be leading the army this time.

"Thieves will be rampant!"

Just as Zhao Yun was fighting and leaving, a roar came directly into Zhao Yun's ears.

At the same time, Zhao Yun also saw out of the corner of his eye a general wearing black armor and approaching a Xiliang horse, holding a spear and attacking him.

Although he had never seen this person before, Zhao Yun could guess the identity of the general from the sight of the general charging all the way, the soldiers all around him retreating, and the large flag with the word "Zhang" following closely behind him.

Zhang Xiu is one of the few "remnant" generals of the Xiliang Army.

And on the other side of him, there is also a barbarian, eight feet tall, wearing a half body armor, and the BMW under his crotch is also quite handsome.

Waving a long knife in his hand is also majestic.

"It is said that there was a Hu general under Zhang Xiu who was brave enough to win his army. His name was Hu Che'er. Cao Mengde gave gold to him to win him over, but this guy turned around and killed Cao's son and nephew.
I saw him today as a good man! "

Zhao Yun looked around and then looked at the situation before and after him.

At this time, behind him were densely packed Xiliang cavalry with fierce expressions on their faces.

At this time, his own man Ding Li was also fighting and walking with the few cavalry in his hands, while relying on his extraordinary cavalry shooting skills to fire arrows at the Xiliang cavalry.

The other side is constantly retreating, allowing the two sides to maintain a safe distance, so as not to trap themselves.

As for supporting Zhao Yun, Ding Li knew he couldn't do it, and Zhao Yun didn't intend to let him do it. "The iron cavalry of Xiliang is known as the invincible hand in Yongliang Cong. I don't know how it can compare with the white horse Yi Cong back then?"

Facing this "desperate situation", Zhao Yun not only did not have the slightest fear, but his mood was extremely calm, and his whole person became a bit calmer than usual.

"Drive!" Regardless of the enemy generals attacking from the left and right, Zhao Yun once again urged the horse to speed up. He moved the spear in his hand left and right to kill and dismount the enemy soldiers around him who might hinder his speed.

Then he used the speed advantage of his own horse to not only widen the distance from the enemy behind him, but also ensure the stability of his rear.

At the same time, Zhang Xiu finally reached Zhao Yun's side, and the spear in his hand stabbed Zhao Yun's left rib from a very strange angle like a poisonous snake.

It seemed like it wanted to pierce his heart directly from here and kill him with one blow.

Zhang Xiu's spear was fast and fierce, his legs were clamped on the war horse, and his arms were very steady. With just one shot, Zhao Yun knew that this guy's name as the "King of Spears in the North" was not just the result of fame and bragging.

"Get out of the way!" Seeing the spear coming, Zhao Yun refused to evade the interception. Instead, he twisted his waist and rushed toward Zhang Xiu's neck with the silver spear in his hand at a faster speed.

After this shot, Zhao Yun would be seriously injured, but Zhang Xiu was definitely dead.

Obviously, after years of fighting on the battlefield, Zhang Xiu saw Zhao Yun's idea of ​​​​exchanging his injuries for his life. Zhang Xiu, who now has a great future and absolute advantage, does not want to die with this unknown guy.

"Hello~" Being timid, Zhang Xiu couldn't help but rein up his horse and draw his gun to stop Zhao Yun's attack. Zhao Yun got rid of him at this time.

As for Hu Che'er who was also charging towards him from the other side, Zhao Yun did not repeat his old tricks, but showed a fierce look in his eyes.

"Kill!" With a roar, Zhao Yun rushed towards him without hesitation.

"The thief will be rampant!" Hu Che'er saw that Zhao Yun dared to take the initiative to greet him, and his cheeks suddenly turned red, "There are pursuers and generals behind you, do you think you can kill me with the skill of crossing the horse and body? "

Hu Che'er, who felt that he was completely underestimated, didn't care about other things, and directly rushed towards Zhao Yun with a roar.

He actually wanted to use the method just now to engage in a fatal confrontation with Zhao Yun. The Hu man's fierceness and ferocity were fully demonstrated at this moment.

At the moment when the two sides were about to fight, the angry Hu Che'er seemed to have heard such a sentence from the opponent's mouth.

But before he could understand what this sentence meant, he saw the guy opposite holding a gun with one hand and holding his long knife away.

At the same time, the other hand also loosened the reins of his horse.
"What does he want to do when he loosens the reins..." As soon as this doubt appeared in his mind, Zhao Yun gave the answer directly.

"Pu Chi!" The sharp blade scratched the flesh, and Hu Che'er felt a pain in his lower abdomen. Then he saw the enemy general who had just held his long knife away with one hand, and a simple pendant appeared in his other hand. Sword hilt.

The blade of the sword had already pierced into his lower abdomen, causing him serious injuries in an instant.

"If it weren't for the fact that the piece of embroidery was still somewhat useful, this sword would have been given to him."

 Regarding Zhao Yun’s abilities in history.
  I still have a few chapters to write about him, so let's talk about it when I finish writing.

  We can only say that from the historical books such as Chen Shou's "Three Kingdoms", Pei Songzhi's "Yunbie Zhuan" and "Huayang Kingdom".

  This guy is not a top commander, not a top general, not a top civil servant, or even a top Confucian general.

  But you can't help but that this guy has no shortcomings, speaking from statistics.


  But all his other values ​​are above ninety.
  This is an all-around BUG.

(End of this chapter)

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