Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 71 The End of the Xiliang Cavalry

Chapter 71 The End of the Xiliang Cavalry
"Xiliang! We must win!"

Zhang Xiu roared one after another, constantly boosting the morale of the army. At this time, he had already seen the dawn of victory.

Not only did he break through the obstruction of the sword and shield men, he not only charged into the enemy's camp, but even now that the enemy general had moved all the baggage up, he could no longer stop his cavalry from charging!

At this moment, Zhang Xiu seemed to have found the feeling he had before.

On the battlefield beside the Feishui River, Zhang Xiu did not find Zhao Yun as usual and directly engaged in a fight between generals.

He seemed to have changed into another person. After a brief fight, he began to command his Xiliang cavalry to continuously charge and kill, using all the military tactics and strategies he had learned on this battlefield.

This made Zhao Yun a little uncomfortable.

As for Gao Xiang, although he has some talent, there is no comparison with Zhang Xiu, especially in this kind of confrontation between infantry and cavalry.

All he could hope for was to wait for Mi Wei to dig the dam and bring the water down.

There seemed to be a dull sound in the distance, like thunder exploding from the sky, but
Zhang Xiu looked up at the sky above his head. It was indeed not a good day with the sun shining brightly, and it was even a little gloomy, but it was far from raining.
Especially with that kind of rolling thunder, this movement must be the coming of a heavy rain, but in this weather, there is no sense that a heavy rain is coming?

Zhang Xiu frowned, suddenly thought of something, and looked behind him with a look of disbelief. That was the Feishui River and the upper reaches of the Feishui River.
"Rumble~" The dull sound got louder and louder, and got closer and closer, as if the thunder had already arrived on the road.

Zhang Xiu finally saw Lei's lineup that day. The clear and transparent water was now rushing and roaring, and the water splashes seemed to have color.


There were no turbulent waves as rumored, and it was incomparable to the Yellow River breach. Mi Wei had too few soldiers and horses, and the time was too short.

It is really hopeless to rely on them to completely destroy Feishui, but this does not hinder Zhao Yun's plan.

This also put the Xiliang cavalry under Zhang Xiu into a desperate situation. The water rushed over directly and spread to both sides of the river.

Especially those gaps that had been crossed before, the turned-out soil was soaked with river water.

This turned the originally muddy land into a quagmire, and the moderate impact caused the Xiliang iron cavalry to be in chaos. I don't know how many soldiers directly declined the horses.

For a time, the entire battlefield fell into incomparable chaos.

Zhang Xiu, who was conducting the command, looked at the situation and knew that this time he had fallen into Zhao Yun's scheme again.

Zhang Xiu, who was already injured, knew that even if he rushed forward, he would not be able to do anything to Zhao Yun. The soldiers and horses under his command were in such chaos that the Xinye soldiers and horses who had been charged and slaughtered by them just now began to fight back.

The muddy riverbank and the constant flow of water did not have much impact on them.

The soldiers around him fell to the ground one by one, and the wailing of the horses came and went, and the soldiers on the horses had completely lost their motivation to charge.

All that awaited them was the ferocious massacre.

"Zhao Yun. Zhao Yun!" Zhang Xiu knew that there was nothing she could do to him, but he still couldn't hide the resentment in his heart. He reached out and jerked the reins of his horse.

After only hearing a neighing sound, the Xiliang BMW under Zhang Xiu's crotch let out a long roar, then pulled out of the mire with both feet, and rushed towards the enemy in a sprint.

"Xiliang Army!" Zhang Xiu kept shouting while running, his voice was shrill and tragic, like the last cry of a fierce horse.

"Xiliang Army!"

"Kill the enemy!"

Zhang Xiu's voice was completely hoarse, but he still roared one after another, as if he wanted to use this method to reawaken the bravery of the Xiliang army.

But the Xiliang army, which was in panic again, could not control so much. The only thing they wanted to do now was to escape.

They beat their horses desperately. When the horses were unable to move, they even gave up the mounts that a cavalry should regard as their second life.They began to flee, dismounted, and fled. Their timidity made them completely forget about the past of the Xiliang Army, and also made them completely forget that they were also brave enough to die.
"Zhang Xiu!" A loud laugh passed into Zhang Xiu's ears. Two generals from the New Field Army came to him with dozens of people. The ferocious smiles on their faces represented the joy in their hearts.

"In this battle, I will make great achievements!"

Yang Qun and Ding Li, the brave men under Zhao Yun, had also thrown off their horses and charged towards Zhang Xiu with sharp blades in hand.

He wanted to kill this former brave general of Xiliang and become famous all over the world.

"How dare you look down on me, little thief!" Zhang Xiu looked at Yang Qun and Ding Li who were charging towards them, and tried hard to suppress the anger in his heart.

He felt the pain on his shoulder and did not let his anger destroy his reason. Instead, he pretended that the pain on his body was getting worse and that he was unable to resist and continued to show weakness.

After several collisions, Zhang Xiu retreated continuously, causing Yang Qun and Ding Li to relax their vigilance and separate step by step from the soldiers behind them.

"Dog thief, die!"

Seeing that the soldiers who came over had already held back the soldiers and horses brought by these two guys, the angry Zhang Xiu finally had nothing to hide anymore.

After roaring, he directly dodged the long knife that Yang Qun was slashing at, and suddenly clamped the spear in Ding Li's hand, wrapped his arm around the spear, and broke the spear directly with one arm.

The spear in the other hand also pierced Ding Li's heart like a poisonous snake.

Blood flowed from Ding Li's mouth, and he looked like he couldn't believe it. He used his last strength to keep the spear shaft that pierced his heart.

"Yang Qun, take revenge on me!"

This was Ding Li's last request, giving Yang Qun a chance in exchange for his life.

"Kill!" His eyes were red, he jumped up high with his legs, and the long knife in his hand was slashing again. This time Yang Qun wanted to chop off Zhang Xiu's head.

"Hmph~" The long knife struck the empty space against Zhang Xiu's long hair. At the same time, Zhang Xiu let go of the long spear and the broken spear, and reached out to pull out the sword hanging on the horse.

Taking advantage of the moment when Yang Qun had just landed and was unable to move, he directly slit his neck.

Killing two people in a row, Zhang Xiu held the bloody sword in his hand, once again proving his bravery. At the same time, he also looked at Zhao Yun who was glaring at him.

"Hahaha Zhao Zilong, it feels like..."

"Fire arrows!"

Before Zhang Xiu could finish his mocking words, Zhao Yun, with a gloomy look on his face, gave the final order directly as he watched Yang Qun, Ding Li and others die on the battlefield.

Zhang Xiu saw bursts of arrows appearing in the sky again, as if dark clouds covered the top of his head. He did not show any fear or panic, and just pulled out the spear from Ding Li's chest again.

“He Xiliang”

"Xiliang Army!"

"Kill the enemy!"

 Chapter 3 here.

  The holiday is almost over, do you guys still have any extra tickets?

  I don’t ask for anything else, the main thing is to get good grades in the future and support my family.

(End of this chapter)

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