Zhuge was reborn, killed the old thief Sima

Chapter 81 Zhang Fei arrives in person

Chapter 81 Zhang Fei arrives in person
"Open the door, open the door quickly!"

The iconic roar made the soldiers on the city wall feel their ears numb. Even if they had never seen Zhang Fei, they definitely knew that this was the famous Zhang Yide.

After all, it’s hard to find anyone with such a voice in the world.

"General, wait a moment. We've already informed the general. Soon, general."

"Don't talk nonsense and open the city gate quickly. What have you done during this time to allow Cao Cao's soldiers to wreak havoc in Jingzhou!

Today we are here to teach you.”

"Open the city gate!" Before Zhang Fei could finish his angry words, a somewhat cold and slightly excited voice appeared on the city wall.

"Mr. Moto Nao."

"Open the city gate quickly and let General Zhang enter the city!" Xu Shu waved his hand to the many soldiers on the city wall to be polite. At the same time, he urged them to let Zhang Fei in, and then he walked quickly down.

"Yuan Zhi."

"Yidemo, if you want to say more, how long will it take for the lord to arrive? How many soldiers and horses have you brought, and how many soldiers and horses has the lord brought?"

Hearing Xu Shu's barrage of questions, Zhang Fei opened his mouth slightly and didn't know what to say.

"We are expecting a light force this time. After the elder brother got the news, he immediately asked people to prepare dry food, and then led five thousand troops. With You as the vanguard, he led more than a thousand troops to Fancheng.

The eldest brother personally commanded the Chinese army with his uncle, and at the same time Liao Li, the military counselor, came with the army.

In addition, the eldest brother also wrote to Jiangxia, asking the second brother to send troops.

However, Jiang Xia has recently been wary of Jiangdong's sudden raids, and his second brother and Xing Ba are both clearing out the Yangtze River bandits.

I’m afraid that even if reinforcements arrive, they will only amount to over a thousand troops.”

After hearing Zhang Fei's words, Xu Shu's face suddenly became pleasantly surprised.

"Five thousand or even 6000 people. The soldiers and horses in Jiangxia and Jingnan are all elite... Yide, these soldiers and horses under your command?"

"They are all Wuxi barbarians." Zhang Fei also said helplessly, "We don't have many troops under our command now, and Kong Ming also transferred Wei Yan to Jingnan.

So we can only draw the best from the Wuxi barbarians.

But fortunately, Deng Fang is doing well now and has gained the trust of the Wuxi barbarians. In addition, he has a reason to rescue their barbarian king Shamoko.

These people can be considered obedient."

Zhang Fei's words were full of helplessness. As a fierce general who fought all year round, what kind of troops did Zhang Yide lead back then?

Those are the strong warriors of Yanbei who are skilled in bow and horse, and those are the Danyang elites of Xuzhou who are the best in the world!

That's why we can't make a group of Wuxi barbarians look like skinny monkeys.

Xu Shu seemed to hear the helplessness in Zhang Fei's words, but this was not the time to say this.

"Lord, how long will it take to arrive? There are also reinforcements from Jiang Xia."

"It should be soon." Zhang Fei scratched his head, and then said, "Zong Yu, what do you say, brother?"

"The general contacted the army at the rear yesterday, and the lord will arrive in Fancheng tomorrow at the latest."

At this time, a young general also appeared from behind Zhang Fei. He looked quite young and somewhat elegant.

"This is Zong Yu, who is also a member of Nanyang Anzhong. Seeing that he has good abilities, I specially transferred him to my command as a junior general. He can be regarded as our half guide in this battle." Seeing the bold look on Zhang Fei's face, Xu Shu knew that he was Quite satisfied with this little guy.

"In that case, please ask General Yide to help Huo Jun. Gao Lan's attack is very brave. We are exhausted physically and mentally after supporting it for so many days."

"What's so scary about Gao Lan?"

What Xu Shu didn't expect was that after Zhang Fei heard Gao Lan's name, instead of being worried at all, he had a look of disdain on his face.

It was as if this person had never been in his heart.

"General Yide, don't be reckless. Gao Lan is probably not a good person. It seems that his command is quite organized."

"Hahaha, Yuan Zhi, don't worry. Ask Gao Lan if he dares to be so presumptuous when he sees us!" Zhang Fei interrupted Xu Shu's words with a loud laugh, and then didn't wait for Xu Shu to say more. What, just go out with your troops!

Zhang Fei, who was originally clamoring to enter the city, suddenly did the opposite. Xu Shu was also stunned for a moment, but he soon understood Zhang Fei's thoughts.

He actually bypassed Fancheng and rushed toward the battlefield in front of him.

"Kill!" Soon, with Zhang Fei's roar, the battlefield changed again, "Gao Lan, son, let's see if you still recognize Grandpa Zhang Fei?"

"Zhang Fei?" Gao Lan, who was commanding the army to continuously attack the city, couldn't help but tremble when he heard this sudden voice.

The scouts had just come to report that a troop of troops was coming from the side, but he didn't care and just sent a partial division to deal with it.

After all, when the scouts came to report, they found that there were no more than a hundred people on the other side, and they were not fully clothed and armored. They looked quite thin and seemed to be Jingzhou barbarians.

How could such soldiers and horses be worthy of his attention? After arranging them casually, he no longer cared about them until this voice appeared.

"Get away!" Zhang Fei roared, and penetrated the two of them with the eight-foot-long snake spear in his hand, and then threw them away with a strong wave.

When the two fell to the ground, blood was still spraying from their mouths, and the twitching of their bodies proved that although they were not dead, they were almost dead.

"Gao Lan, come on, let's have a fight with a certain family! Come on!"

"You are known as the Four Court Pillars of Hebei, aren't you? My second brother has already killed one, and today I, Zhang Yide, will kill another one too!"

"Gao Lan, don't hide behind, don't you just let the soldiers under your command die for you?"

"Come on, Gao Lan, fight with me!"

"Is it possible that all the famous generals in Hebei had their backs broken by that thief Cao?"

Zhang Fei didn't know if he was too depressed recently. He kept charging in the direction of Gao Lan and kept saying all kinds of provocative words.

If Li Dian from before heard these words, he would probably feel ashamed of himself.

Facing Zhang Fei's insults and provocations, Gao Lan's face was extremely gloomy, but he didn't dare to rush out and fight him.

After all, although he and Gao Lan had never met before, it was not that he had never heard of it!
How about Yan Liang and Yong Wu?Guan Yu killed him with one blow, and then returned with his head among the thousands of troops.

But according to their lord Liu Bei, Zhang Fei was not as brave as Guan Yu, and in Gao Lan's eyes, Liu Xuande was not a braggart.

He had been desperately trying to delay the troops all the way, but now he saw victory in sight.

Gao Lan is not Yan Liangwen Chou, who would send himself to such a dangerous situation.

"Gather the soldiers and horses, call the crossbowmen over here, and shoot this thief for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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