queen brood

Chapter 1 How to Survive

() White mist enveloped the world, the surrounding scene slowly became blurred, time seemed to stop, the people and vehicles on the street all stopped in place, and the traffic light numbers on the street corner also stopped moving.

The fog is getting bigger and bigger, as if an unknown monster wants to swallow the world.

The time resumed again, but the light began to distort faintly. The walking of people, the driving of vehicles, everything was distorting, and the colors were intertwined, becoming chaotic.

"Where is this place? What's going on here?"

At this moment, the ground suddenly disappeared, and an invisible dark abyss appeared. Qi Mo, who was confused, stepped into the air and fell into it instantly!


Fear, darkness, coldness, loneliness, loneliness, countless negative emotions hit Qi Mo's nerves!

He opened his eyes suddenly...it was a dream!

"Huhu..." Qi Mo panted lightly. He just had a strange dream, time and space became distorted, and he fell into a terrifying abyss... Does this portend anything?

Waking up from the dream, his memory came back. Qi Mo remembered that he went to the flower and bird market to buy mealworms for his pet 'Black Tooth' to feed. Because the weather was too hot, he fell asleep while sitting in the store with the air conditioner on and leaning against the sofa. up?What a gaffe...

Qi Mo struggled to get up, opened his eyes, looked around, and was stunned!Here... where is it?

The clean and tidy shop, the chirping birds, the comfortable air-conditioning, everything is gone, replaced by a dirty and messy room, with rats biting wood under the bed and making annoying noises, it is very stuffy In the indoor environment, there is still an unpleasant sour smell in the air.The contrast is starkly different.

Qi Mo was a little confused, and couldn't figure out the current situation for a while.

He was startled, and stood up immediately like a reflex, and looked at the narrow room—a bed took up most of the room, and there was a table next to it, with a bucket stuffed under the table, and Some living utensils, a soup bowl and a pair of chopsticks on the table, other than that there are only some broken metal in the corner.

Could it be that he was kidnapped by a scavenger?

Qi Mo shook his head in disbelief. He clearly realized that a poor ghost like himself could not be treated like this, and if he was kidnapped, he would not let him go!So there is no such possibility!

What the hell is going on?Why can't I remember it?

Qi Mo was thinking wildly, his back was already wet with sweat because of the nightmare just now and the sultry environment, and the feeling of his clothes sticking to his skin was very uncomfortable. He took a few steps, opened the door, and squinted his eyes to look outside world.

The morning sun has risen, and the blazing light casts down, like fire, and the heat waves in the air seem to be clearly visible, flapping everywhere with the wind!

The outside world can be perfectly described with a broken word, dilapidated low houses, rusty guardrails, potholes on the ground, and sewage flowing in the corners.

Although the environment is not good, the density of people coming and going is very high.The clothes those people wore were very dirty and unkempt, as if they hadn't showered for many days, and their gestures revealed decadence, like people who had no goals in life and only knew how to eat, sleep, and sleep, with no spirit at all!

"That's not right... There is no such place in the small town I live in? It's already 2023. If there is such a place, the news has long been exposed, and government subsidies will come down immediately. Even if you don't rely on the government, find a factory to work , the money earned from part-time jobs is enough for daily expenses, so there is no need to look like this?"

Qi Mo muttered softly, he realized something was wrong.

At this moment, a man came running to this narrow street crazily, shouting loudly: "Killer! Zhao Qi and Wang Da in the fourth block started a fight, and they all used knives!"

Hearing this, the eyes of those people who were slumped in the corner to enjoy the cool showed expressions of interest, and they stood up one after another, pushing and shoving, or walking or running to the side of the fight.

"These people are quite enthusiastic?" Qi Mo pushed open the door and walked over as well.

At the end of this street, you can see a crowd on the far right, a large group of people formed a circle, Qi Mo quickened his pace, walked over but found something was wrong.

No one stepped forward to persuade the fight, they all stood by and watched the two people fight excitedly, and shouted at the same time:

"Hurry up! Hack Wang Da to death!"

"Kill Zhao Qi to death! Grass! Chop hard! Kick with your feet, Shabi!"

"Hahaha! Well done!"

Qi Mo is quite tall, standing outside, he could vaguely see someone wielding a knife in a duel inside, and it happened to be hit by another knife, and a hand flew up!Blood splattered high into the sky!

Accompanied by this beautiful slash, was the scream of the person being slashed, but the scream was immediately overshadowed by the cheers of the crowd!

"Beautiful cut!"

"Good cut! Haha!"

"Zhao Qi can't do it anymore, keep chopping!"

Are these people crazy!

Qi Mo opened his eyes wide in horror, and reached for his mobile phone, wanting to call the police, but found nothing!Where's the phone?

Qi Mo wanted to ask someone where there was a phone call to call the police, but seeing the sick and abnormal fanaticism in these people's eyes, he immediately shuddered and interrupted the idea!These people are crazy!Best not to touch them!

Where the hell is this?How did I get here?

Just when Qi Mo was confused, there was a desperate scream from inside, followed by cheers from the crowd: "Dead! Dead!"

dead?Qi Mo was dumbfounded, why can these people accept this fact so calmly or even excitedly?

What the hell is this situation!

Just then, 'Bang! ' A shot rang out in the distance.

"You guys, calm down!" A car drove up in the distance, and the people inside shouted: "Clean up the dead, don't cause a plague in this hot day, or you will be killed." Burn them all to death! Don't blame me for not reminding you!"

"It's better to die..." Someone beside him muttered like this, and Qi Mo heard it clearly. This is the absolute despair of reality.What kind of environment can cause such a character?Where the hell is this?That person is holding a gun, isn't he afraid of being investigated by the police?

Although they had this thought, the cheering crowd lowered their heads and fell silent. They were still afraid of death.

Seeing that the crowd had quieted down, the man turned around and left in the car again.

Qi Mo squeezed through the crowd, followed up, saw the scene in the distance, there was a checkpoint, and barbed wire fences of various sizes seemed to surround the dilapidated community.

captivity?Are these people imprisoned?

Qi Mo was thoughtful, and stopped at the same time. He was afraid of being hit in the head by a shot, and he would not do such a simple belch.

"I heard that someone in this city killed a ninth-level madfire wolf. The body is about ten meters long. The energy crystals inside are worth living outside for a lifetime! Hey! If you snatch the energy crystals and exchange them for enough points, you can live It's so comfortable, and I can fuck a lot of beautiful women!" A wretched middle-aged man wiped the sweat from his forehead, and chatted beside him.

"Ha! Li Du, you fucking like to have this kind of daydream." The person next to him shook his head, very disdainful of the thoughts of this wretched middle-aged man: "If you have this kind of baby, tell you, you will definitely If you can’t survive the next day, it’s called...what’s it called? No matter what, it’s just that the money is not in vain! I don’t understand such a simple truth!”

The wretched middle-aged man glared at this person, and sneered: "You know everything! Why don't you live with us in this lowest living area!"

"Mom! Fuck! I know a lot more than you, but I'm not capable. I know so much. Don't worry! Fuck! Use it!"

"Bah! Just pretend!"

"Stop arguing, this kind of topic is interesting? Let me tell you, I went out a few days ago and saw a beautiful woman. Her breasts, face, and ass are hundreds of thousands of times better than my woman! Lao Tzu and her The last time you go to bed, you can lose ten years of life!"


Qi Mo soiled his clothes, huddled in a corner and wandered around, listening to these people's chats, and slowly analyzing them.

He couldn't draw any conclusions at all, and couldn't analyze where he was on the earth.

At this moment, a thought flashed in his head, could he have time-traveled?There are often such plots in online novels, but it is a different world, but I am still on the earth, but this mess only shows one problem——

I have traveled to a parallel space, and the doomsday has already happened in that parallel space!

According to the chats of those people, the outside of the city is filled with all kinds of evolved animals, which are called strange beasts.They are vicious, aggressive, and like to attack humans, and there are other strange monsters, even demons, undead, such existences!

And here is a low-level living area in a city where humans rarely gather, and they are all ordinary humans with no abilities.

Ordinary human beings are protected or imprisoned by those capable people, let these people live in dirty and messy low-level living areas, and distribute half-filled food every day, which is completely in the form of charity. It seems very benevolent, even ordinary people Also have the qualifications to survive.But this is not the case. They don't have any entertainment activities, and they are banned except for work. They are not allowed to go out of the low-level living areas, and a curfew is imposed at the same time.

This is simply a form of captivity, there is no freedom at all, after living in this environment for five years, no wonder these people are going crazy!

After Qi Mo had a general understanding of the situation, it was noon, which was also the time for food distribution.

Qi Mo held the soup bowl at home in his hand, and followed the crowd to the place where the food was distributed, that is, the cafeteria.The cafeteria is so big that it can accommodate even thousands of people. The most worthless thing in the last days is land.

The food is vegetable porridge, and I don't know what vegetables are made of it. It's extremely ugly, like green vegetable leaves dotted in the paste.In addition to the vegetable porridge, there was also a piece of meat from an unknown animal.

Qi Mo walked to the corner and tasted the vegetable porridge, then spit it out immediately!what is this!I ate a little more meat from an unknown animal, and couldn't help but spit it out again!Extremely sour!What kind of meat is this? !Can you really eat it?

However, when he saw the people around him gobbling up, he had no choice but to swallow his complaints, and silently took the food back to his room.

After closing the door, Qi Mo sat on the bed in a daze, his mind was in a mess. He tried his best to analyze his situation and how to take the next step.

Just then, a furry tarantula the size of half a palm crawled over.

When Qi Mo saw it, he couldn't laugh or cry, and you also traveled through it?He held it in his hand, and talking to it was actually talking to himself: "Black Fang! You have come here too, this is a crazy, horrible, cruel world, how should we survive?"

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