queen brood

Chapter 10 The Severed Head

()Dawn has come at this time, and the sky is pale, just like the scene in the dream, the light is slowly descending to the earth, but at this moment, there is such a life-and-death crisis, and Qi Mo doesn't know how to face it.

He forced himself to calm down, because only by calming down can he think more. Being irritable, angry and fearful will not have any effect, but can bring people closer to death.

However, although it is said so, human instinct cannot be completely controlled.Only try to control and confront instinct, this is the confrontation between wisdom and savagery.

"One level five, one level six, black teeth, are you sure you can get rid of them?" Qi Mo asked.

"It can be held back. They are all undead creatures, and their main ability is mental attack. This is ineffective for me, and it has no effect on the creatures I bred, but for the master, this is a dangerous situation. Master, I What worries you most now is you." Hei Fang expressed his worry.

Qi Mo shook his head. He looked at the sky and said, "The situation is not that bad. It is already daytime. If the night is the stage for these undead creatures, then even if they will not die immediately, they will suffer Once weakened to a certain extent, at that time, you will be able to eliminate these two guys in one fell swoop."

"But I can't confront these two guys at once. I'm afraid they will attack the master." Black Fang continued to say with his thoughts.

Qi Mo, who had already looked around, already had a countermeasure, and he said, "It's okay, you hold a sixth-level undead, and then let two worker bees hold the fifth-level undead. In the open space, where the light shines straight down, if you get there, even if you are not safe, there is no major problem. You can rest assured to fight against these two strange beasts."

"Okay, Master." Black Fang agreed to the plan.

Although the plan is like this, Qi Mo is very unwilling, because he doesn't hope that he can only run away blindly, he hopes that he can also fight.From the depths of his consciousness, he had a faint uneasiness. If one day, his pet, Black Fang, left him, then he could only face this cruel world alone.

Although I don't want to examine this possibility, the truth is always so cruel.Who knows what the future holds?

In fact, Qi Mo also knows that the reason why Hei Fang listened to him was just the relationship between the pet and the master before. The master-servant relationship has no unchangeable constraints such as the legendary soul contract. Mo subconsciously relied on Hei Fang, and Hei Fang also subconsciously relied on this master, that's all.

Hei Fang stared at the sixth-level undead with both eyes, and greeted him with a skill: mental shock!

A worker bee with full combat strength and a worker bee with half disabled also rushed towards the fifth-level undead.

But at this moment, Qi Mo ran away, as long as he reached the open space, it would be his victory.

The sixth-level undead was hit by a mental shock, his body shook violently, and the eyeballs hanging below his eye sockets almost fell to the ground. The violent trembling made him feel particularly angry, and he roared: "Ooooh ! Ho Ho!" It was also a mental attack, continuously released on Hei Fang.

At the same time, the two worker bees pushed the fifth-level undead back a step, and the fifth-level undead opened its mouth and also screamed, and the mental attack rippled instantly.

These two undead creatures launched mental attacks at the same time. Even Qi Mo, who was far away, felt a terrible headache, as if he might explode at any time. Under the pain, his legs trembled, and suddenly fell to the ground.

The pain in the head continued, and Qi Mo's consciousness gradually became lax, as if he might fall into a deep sleep at any time.But Qi Mo knew deeply what it would mean if he fell asleep at this moment.

This is what he is absolutely unwilling to face!

"Ahhhhhh!" Qi Mo endured the pain, screamed wildly, crawled and ran, and continued to move forward frantically.

At the same time, the two undead found that their mental attack had no effect on the creatures in front of them. Instead, it was Black Fang's mental attack that made the sixth-level undead feel the first pain in history.

This is a great shame, but these two undead creatures who are not very stupid are also aware of the fact that mental attacks obviously have no effect on the creatures in front of them, and because of this negligence, the prey that has no resistance can escape Yes, they responded immediately.

The sixth-level undead creature gave up its mental attack, stepped forward, waved the machete in its hand, and in an instant approached Black Fang, and the machete fell down, 'Huh! ' A knife brought the sound of piercing wind, and then it was' poof! ’ With a sound, the knife slashed into Black Fang’s body.

"Oh! Hiss!" Hei Fang, who was using a mental attack, had difficulty dodging for a while, and was actually hit by the slash. He was mad with pain, rolling his body.Between the fifth level and the sixth level, the gap is bound to exist.

At the same time, the undead who were repelled by the two worker bees also raised their hands. These two hateful creatures have no soul, and the mental attack has no effect!The raised hands gradually grew sharp claws, and one fell suddenly, and the two claws attacked the worker bees.

A worker bee retreated sharply, its instincts made it aware of the strong danger, and it must escape the blow.The shot missed, and it was lucky to escape.

However, another injured worker bee was not so lucky. It had no time to dodge, and was instantly stabbed by its claws. The blood was splashed and it was directly torn to pieces. This third-level gestational creature was dead!

Black Fang trembled all over. The disappearance of the faint connection that gave birth to the living creature made him feel distressed. This was the first time he felt it, so it was particularly clear.

Even, this feeling is more painful than being hit by a knife just now!

But the sixth-level undead creature holding a machete will not stop its attack because of the pain of the black teeth. In the eye sockets where it lost its eyeballs, a cloud of faint blue flames jumps up, and the sixth-level momentum really expands. Come on, the machete in his hand was also pulled out, and he swung it down wildly with even greater strength.

He didn't aim at it just now, but now he has aimed at it. This move aimed at Hei Fang's head.

Hei Fang didn't dodge, with a puff, the machete instantly split Hei Fang's head into two!Blue blood, pale brain, and various internal organs, strange fibrous tissue, strange green creep, everything in Black Fang's body was exposed to the air for the first time.

Qi Mo suddenly realized something, he turned his head, and suddenly saw the tragic situation of Hei Fang, his mind instantly went blank, as if something was being torn apart deeply, and the severe pain hit him suddenly, he couldn't bear it Immediately shouted: "Black teeth!!!"

Qi Mo gave up running, but turned back stupidly.Grabbing a rock on the ground, he frantically ran over and threw it at the sixth-level undead creature.

It was impossible for the stone to harm the undead creature, and it was easily intercepted in mid-air. The undead creature glanced at Hei Fang indifferently, and then at Qi Mo indifferently.A cruel smile suddenly appeared on the rotten face.

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