queen brood

Chapter 106

"Get to the point!!!" Hearing that Jiang Sanyue was obviously showing off her superiority and knowledge, Qi Mo couldn't help shouting, while stepping away.

'Bang bang bang bang! ! ! '25 Daoguang appeared again, and the speed of the electromagnetic gun was very fast, many times the speed of sound, but with Jiang Sanyue's advance prediction, it would not be able to cause too much threat for a while.

But this is just a matter of time, the world insects and snakes have not been killed, and now there is the threat of the electromagnetic gun, the situation has become embarrassing!

Qi Mo and Jiang Sanyue dodged again, but this time a flame dragon did not dodge, its head was blasted to pieces!

'Boom! With a sound, it exploded suddenly, like fireworks, and brains splashed everywhere!The falling milky white brains and blood fell like rain.

Qi Mo's face was a little ugly. It took only a dozen seconds, and another flame dragon fell. Although such a loss is still being endured, it will be difficult after a long time!


Jiang Sanyue was extremely calm at this time. She didn't seem to see the huge pothole more than ten meters in front of her. The electromagnetic gun shot ten meters in front of her. The huge noise caused her and Qi Mo's eardrums to burst into tears. There was a buzzing sound, and the body trembled two or three times. That kind of power was much more powerful than the electromagnetic cannon on the earth. No matter whether it was level [-] or level [-], it was not able to withstand this blow!Perhaps at the eleventh level, it is possible to barely parry at the twelfth level, but at this moment, the only way is to avoid the edge.

Regardless of the buzzing of her ears, Jiang Sanyue stopped talking nonsense and continued to shout, trying to tell Qi Mo the key information she knew!

"The rapid cooling system cannot immediately turn the superconducting magnet into minus 200 degrees, but this process is only a matter of five seconds! The time for the super-civilized five-pack electromagnetic gun to activate is only one-tenth of a second, so in one After the wave of shells is fired, your time is only [-] seconds!"

Qi Mo vaguely heard these voices. His ears were buzzing because of the shells just now. He only heard the general idea, but he understood the information provided by Jiang Sanyue. He nodded and said, "Understood!"

In fact, Qi Mo has already begun to calculate the launch conditions and launch time of the electromagnetic gun, and probably guessed the time of five seconds, but the time Qi Mo guessed needs to be verified in the next step. Now with Jiang Sanyue's words, It saves the verification time.

Suffocated, Qi Mo waved his hand to let the ten ninth-level queen bees activate the overlord state. On the ten queen bees sat ten elf saint archers, who were thrown into them by Qi Mo and began to block the world snake!

'Bang bang bang bang! ! ! '

At this moment, the time of [-] seconds has come.And Jiang Sanyue's warning had just sounded, and Qi Mo immediately moved more than ten meters.

The opportunity is now!

This is really a race against time.

Ten queen bees and ten elf holy archers started to stop the world snake, and the thirteen flame dragons also spread their wings and flew over to join the siege.

When the flame dragon just arrived, Qi Mo immediately ordered the queen bee, who arrived one second earlier, to activate the rapid state and the queen bee state, regardless of the world snake's best efforts to entangle, and rush to the direction of the electromagnetic gun!

Two queen bees against a five-pack electromagnetic gun!


Jiang Sanyue let out a coquettish cry, and Qi Mo withdrew from the state of concentrating on the control, and moved immediately. While moving, he also gave the order in his mind to control the queen bee and other breeding creatures to move immediately.

'Bang bang bang bang! ! ! '

The queen bee easily moved away, but two more flame dragons were shot, blood and flesh flew around, and they were smashed into sieves.Although the flame dragon has a strong recovery ability, it can't resist the bombardment of this super-civilized technology five-pack electromagnetic gun.

The moment the queen bee dodged the attack, Qi Mo was about to burst into tears. This loss drove him crazy, and he couldn't bear it any longer!

"Go to hell!"

The queen bee has already exploited this gap, making the five electromagnetic guns useless.

As long as one attack, the five electromagnetic guns can be easily terminated. As long as the threat of the electromagnetic guns disappears, Qi Mo will be much more relaxed when facing the world snake. Going all out, he will be able to clean up all of them in an instant Lose.

Qi Mo's eyes couldn't help burning with enthusiasm and anticipation.

But things always backfire!

When the queen bee rushed over to destroy the central system of the five electromagnetic guns, ten green-haired gorillas jumped out of the base.

This was too sudden. Although Qi Mo gave an order as soon as he saw them, he still didn't have time to control them, and the ten worker bees were tricked.

Ten queen bees were repelled by ten green-haired gorillas!They flipped in the air, but fortunately, their injuries were not very serious. This minor injury was recovering at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye.

"Oh oh oh oh!!"

The ten green-haired gorillas repelled the queen bee. They were so excited that they kept beating their chests. The sound of bangs and bangs made people very disturbed. The ten green-haired gorillas seemed to be very excited.

This green-haired gorilla is completely different from the world worm and world snake. The latter seems to be a deliberately manufactured half-machine and half-creature, while the former, this green-haired gorilla seems to be a real creature.

Those eyes came alive, and the ten gorillas were all at the tenth level, and they seemed to be different from the world snake, with much less moisture.

When Qi Mo noticed this scene, his heart sank!

Before Qi Mo could think about it, Jiang Sanyue who was beside him shouted, "Get out of the way!"

Naturally the railgun came—'Bang bang bang bang bang! ! ! '

The 25 shells came galloping at a fast speed, almost destroying the space, and the power made people tremble.

Boom!Although it had moved a long time ago, the aftermath of the electromagnetic cannon hitting the steel ground made people feel a little uncomfortable, and the strong sound waves almost broke the eardrums.

This situation has deteriorated to a certain extent.

Qi Mo's face was gloomy like water, and the aura of the green-haired gorilla was as deep as an abyss. Even if Qi Mo's side went all out to deal with it, it would be very difficult. Now there are more world snakes and world insects interfering beside him, and there are five more An electromagnetic gun capable of firing 25 shells at a time is even more desperate.

No, even so, there is still a glimmer of life!

As long as you can hold back the green-haired gorilla and the world snake, destroy the electromagnetic gun first, and then rely on the flight of the flame dragon to swim against the world snake. After killing the world snake, slowly deal with the green-haired gorilla, Still beatable.

This is the only way.

Before Qi Mo and Jiang Sanyue could communicate, Jiang Sanyue's eyes flashed decisively, she gritted her teeth and said, "Qi Mo! Give me a minute to prepare, and I can hold back those ten green-haired big boys for you!" Chimpanzees!"

Qi Mo looked at her in surprise, but did not hesitate. This is a moment of life and death, and one must be decisive, so he nodded immediately: "Okay!"

This decisiveness is not only decisive, but also trust is mixed in it, otherwise, it would not be so decisive. It is these few trusts that make Jiang Sanyue feel very comfortable. She gritted her teeth and her eyes became more determined.


Just in an instant, a queen bee came over. Qi Mo jumped into the head of the queen bee, grabbed the queen bee tightly, and then hugged Jiang Sanyue and put him behind him.

This queen bee is also blessed with a 'swift' state, so her speed is extraordinary, and she can easily give Jiang Sanyue 1 minute.

After another five seconds, the electromagnetic gun fired another 25 shells.

In other words, although the electromagnetic gun is amazingly powerful and expensive, but if it is put into use, the cost is pitifully low. If Qi Mo wants to consume slowly and fight a protracted war, the electromagnetic gun can be fired until next year. ...

The time of this battle must not be careless. Although Qi Mo tried his best to control these breeding creatures, he was inevitably negligent. Although these breeding creatures are very powerful, the opponents they face are also against the sky.

If it wasn't for Qi Mo who was controlling their every move, every subtle movement was comprehensive, and it was just a single thought driving their general actions, they would have died a thousand or eight hundred times long ago.

As time passed, a gorilla was riding on the back of a flaming dragon. Although the flaming dragon kept rolling over, the gorilla remained motionless. "Roar!" The gorilla roared, stretching its palm, It even showed claws nearly half a meter long!

This claw was extremely sharp, with a cold light, obviously it was not easy to catch. The flame dragon was riding on him, but it was not easy to get rid of it, so he had to catch it without a fight.

Qi Mo was terrified when he saw it, the flame dragon might die again!Gritting his teeth, he controlled the tail needle of the poisonous scorpion next to him to stab wildly.

The green-haired gorilla was not afraid of the stabbing of the tail needle at all. Although its skin was scratched, it was fine. It rolled a few times on the spot, taking the flame dragon away from the attack range of the poisonous scorpion. .

As soon as it was out of the attack range, the green-haired gorilla immediately stretched out its half-meter-long claws and stabbed fiercely into the flesh of the flame dragon.

With a sound of '噗嗤', blood gushed out like a spring, which further stimulated the animal nature of the green-haired gorilla. Its eyes turned red, and its strength became stronger. The flame dragon struggled desperately, struggling violently, but it had no effect.

The green-haired gorilla continued to dig out the flesh and blood of the flame dragon. With each paw, a large mass of flesh would come out. Its movements were so fast that it dazzled people. In just one second, the green-haired gorilla had already dug out the flesh. Six big groups of flesh and blood.The flame dragon kept howling in pain. Although they were all rapidly born creatures, because they were not low in level, they still had a trace of wisdom. Facing death at this moment, they were naturally a little unwilling.But what if you are not reconciled?Can it still explode its potential strength?It is just an ordinary gestational creature, a mass-produced product that is no different from other gestational creatures. At this moment, the only choice is to die!

This is the greatest tragedy of living beings!

During this time, the blood of the flame dragon had been sprayed all over the green-haired gorilla.

However, the green-haired gorilla didn't know how to stop, and continued to crazily dig out flesh and blood, with one claw, two claws, and three claws, at a speed so fast that it was hard to see clearly, and quickly dug out the internal organs, almost in the blink of an eye, Just split the whole flame dragon into large and small pieces of meat!

The blood dyed the green-haired gorilla into a red gorilla. Its red eyes seemed to be shining fiercely. After this step, it screamed excitedly. This extremely cruel and bloody scene simply made people A man's liver and gallbladder are split.

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