queen brood

Chapter 114 The Return

The faces of Gong Yanzhi, Murong Huadu and others were extremely ugly, but the former city lords who just came in were extremely proud, looking down at the several senior officials of Xilong City present.

In the past, these city lords were just existences on par with themselves, but they didn't expect a super powerful new Xilong city to emerge out of nowhere, sweeping Erzhe, annihilating them all, and had to surrender.

Although he was obedient and obedient on the surface, but he suddenly stepped down and didn't get much treatment, so it was inevitable that his heart would be filled with anger.Naturally, thoughts arose.

It is this kind of thought that makes these people turn their backs at this moment.

An old man came out and said to the camera: "Have you seen us? Have you heard our voices?"

"You must have heard it, you must have seen it, please listen to my words carefully, please take a good look at this **** Xilong City!"

The veins on Murong Hua's forehead were throbbing violently, he said angrily, "What do you want to do?!"

"I don't want to do anything!!" The old man was very excited, he seemed to be much more excited than Murong Hua, and I don't know how he put on this emotion. His 70-[-]-year career has made him very proficient in human relationships, His acting skills are even better than some actors.

"I don't want to do anything! It's what you want to do!"

"What exactly do you want to express?" Murong Hua had just said it, but realized that what he said was wrong. Saying such a thing is equivalent to being taken away by this guy and losing the initiative. It seems that he is still tender. In such a desperate situation, I didn't even think about how to solve it...

When the old man heard what Murong Huadu said, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He sneered and said: "It's not what I want to express, but what the people of this city want to express. They are starving, but you ordered the soldiers Take all their food!!"

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of all the high-level officials in Xilong City who were present at the scene changed dramatically, and Gong Yanzhi immediately burst out: "You old bastard is actually spitting blood! They are clearly commanded by you city lords! If the command power is not in your hands , How did you get in?!! Please answer my question!"

"Ha!!" The old man continued to sneer and said, "What you said is so funny, did you hear that? Everyone, did you hear that? Xilong City separated all the troops in the city and reorganized them, saying that the command power remains the same. In our hands? You are the one who spouts blood, you are the one who is joking! Your question?! Of course I can answer your question!!"

The figure of the old man at this moment suddenly became taller in the eyes of the people in Xilong City.

At this moment, everyone in Xilong City raised their heads and stared at the white screen, without blinking their eyes.Even breathing is careful.The entire Xilong City, which is Lincheng at this moment, was silent.

The old man took a deep breath and said to the camera: "Of course I can answer! Because of people's hearts! Because those soldiers don't have the heart to take away the food, they don't want to share your food! Because many of you, They are also their relatives! Who wants to steal food from their relatives? What an absurd thing! It is precisely because they still have this last bit of conscience that they are willing to let us in and let us bravely expose you These disgusting dirty faces of the high-level officials of Xilong City! You greedy parasites and maggots, you must be expelled! Only in this way can everyone survive better!"

Although Gong Yanzhi was so angry, he still asked: "Parasite? You can clearly see what our place looks like—"

Before Gong Yanzhi finished speaking, he was interrupted by the old man, and at the same time by several city lords behind: "You must be expelled, your incompetence, your incompetence, and your greed can also be denied. From what I know, a woman, a woman named Li Weiyang, is the daughter of the former city lord of Xilong City. This is a woman with no ability, that is, an ordinary person. Her daily food consumption, water source, and housing Luxurious villa, served by servants! What do you think it is, isn’t this just a parasite kept by you incompetent and greedy guys?”

"Damn Xilong City!"

"Damn the upper class!"

"Greedy parasites!"

"Give us back the food!"

"Damn it, give it all back to us!!"

"Give us back all the food that was stolen! Give us back what we deserve!"

Many ordinary people in the city have already booed accordingly, and soon, more and more voices of protest.

These voices gathered together and turned into a complicated and noisy sound, which spread to the tallest building in Lincheng.

"You are so courageous!" Duan Yuanhua's eyes widened when he heard that this person dared to scold the woman of Lord Qi Mo, and cursed, "Do you know her identity!?"

"Of course I know her identity!! She! She is the woman of the city lord Qi Mo!!" The old man said loudly.

Hearing that this woman turned out to be the city lord's woman, everyone shut their mouths at the same time.Facing the brutal city lord, they couldn't resist at all.

Feeling the silence outside, the old man was taken aback for a moment, and secretly said in his heart, "Damn it, this Qi Mo's prestige is so powerful, how many people are afraid of him, and they dare not resist?"What a bunch of bloody cowards, idiots! 'Although he was cursing like this in his heart, he still said impassionedly in his mouth: "I know, of course I know. I know but dare to say that because Qi Mo is dead! That cruel and murderous city lord My lord is already dead!! I don’t have to be afraid anymore, I have to get back my own things, I have to stand in the front, and get back food for these hungry people!”

"If there's nothing! We'll starve to death!!"

"We want food! Give us food!"

Soon the voices of protest rose again, this time louder than before, and instantly gathered into a huge tide, slapping over.

"We can give orders!" Gong Yanzhi tried to save the situation: "We can give orders now, but those soldiers give up the food they robbed!"

"Is that food still there?! Those few foods! They have already been eaten by those soldiers who gritted their teeth and endured the guilt! It's you bastards who ordered them to eat it! Otherwise, they must have eaten it!" I won’t eat it!” said the old man, he became more excited and danced: “But, you still have a lot of things, we can take them back with our hands! Are you right?!”

"Yes! That's right!"

"You are right!"

"We want to eat!"

"We're starving to death!"

"Give us something to eat!"

"Let these damned Xilong City executives step down quickly!!"

Camera down.Its task has been perfectly completed.

In the room, the West Longcheng side were all slumped on their chairs. Their eyes were a little dull. The last line of defense had already been lost. The military power was in the hands of others, and now the aspirations of the people were in the hands of others.

Xilong City is no longer that Xilong City.

But all the city lords sneered, full of complacency, and looked at these high-level officials with eyes as if they were looking at maggots, very dismissive.

"we won."

"Now Xilong City is our property."

"Goodbye, you fools."

Gong Yanzhi and the others, who were slumped in their chairs, stood up in an instant, and the coercion of the ninth and eighth levels bloomed, because those city lords were already ready to kill them! !

"Go first!" Gong Yanzhi gritted his teeth and said to everyone.

"Go? Where do you want to go? You all have to die here today." A city lord sneered and turned the entire room into an ice room. The doors and windows were all frozen, and the entire room was locked instantly.

"I want to go, you little guy can't stop me!!!" Gong Yanzhi yelled, and countless black feathers appeared on his body in an instant, and he opened the wall next to him violently, and the black feathers wrapped around Xilong City. Several senior executives rushed out of the room, and Pengxiang was in the air.

"Stay here for me!!" A middle-aged man stretched out his palm, and suddenly a super big bubble appeared, and the bubble instantly became bigger, enveloping Gong Yanzhi and others.

It is easy to enter the bubble from the outside, but it is extremely difficult to break through from the inside to the outside.

Gong Yanzhi and the others struggled with all their strength, but they still couldn't break through immediately. With this time difference, someone had already come to help.The situation is getting worse.



Gong Yanzhi and the others looked very ugly.

"Hahaha, just capture you without a fight. Maybe you can keep your whole body—oh, no, the palace master, and the city master's woman, we will enjoy it—haha!"

A tall man stood in the broken room and stared outside with a sneer.

Hearing the insulting words, the senior officials of Xilong City yelled: "You bloody bastards!" "Bastards!"

However, they looked at the sky in despair. When will the city lord come?

At this time, the city lords had already started to attack.

Facing so many attacks from level nine powerhouses at the same time, Gong Yanzhi and the others were powerless to resist.

"Damn it to you guys who don't know what to say."

"Stop talking nonsense, do it! Send them to die!"

"Gong Yanzhi stays and we have to make good use of it."

Just when these city lords were about to make a move, suddenly——

"Oh oh oh oh!" Several city lords covered their heads and screamed, their expressions extremely distorted!

'Boom! '

A city lord's head suddenly exploded!Although it didn't explode completely, it looked different, bleeding from seven holes and brains splashing out.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo......" Several city masters held their heads tightly, as if they were in great pain at the moment. They tried their best to control the little bug in their brains and prevent it from exploding, but even so, the little bug The slightest movement, the swipe of the paw on the brain, will bring about an unbearable headache of incomparable intensity.

Gong Yanzhi, Duan Yuanhua, Duan Yuanhua and others were dumbfounded, what's the matter, they all suffered from headaches?

Suddenly, Murong Hua thought of the worms in his head, his eyes widened, and he realized something: "The city lord is here!"


"Is the city lord here?"

Gong Yanzhi and the others suddenly widened their eyes!

The severe headache made these city lords unable to control it with all their strength, and if they were negligent, they exploded with a bang!

However, they didn't persist for a long time, but in the blink of an eye, their brains were splashed, their seven holes were bleeding, and their faces were extremely hideous!

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