queen brood

Chapter 129 Viviparous

() Before Qi Mo could put his imagination into action, the black mist dissipated, and Qi Mo could clearly see the 'thing' hugging him.

First of all, this is a person, um, still a woman, with two breasts, which are slightly different from the six breasts and eight breasts that Qi Mo imagined, and then the appearance, in fact, because I am eager to know Regarding the number of breasts, Qi Mo didn't look at the appearance of this 'thing' at first glance, but scanned the places he touched.

This is an admirable spirit of exploration.

This woman looks very good-looking, no, it is an insult to describe it as good-looking, this is simply a woman who is perfect to the extreme.

It even makes people feel like, is this really the beauty of human beings?this illusion.

Because of Qi Mo's uncivilized movements, there was still a little pink on the perfect face, and there was a faint smile in his eyes.

Secondly, it is the figure of this woman. At this moment, this woman is completely naked from head to toe, without a single fig leaf.So Qi Mo's eyes can clearly see the whole body.

The body is the same as the face, and it is also perfect to the extreme, so that no one can find a trace of flaws!

Perhaps the secretiveness will make people feel that the sense of eager exploration will easily make people impulsive, and the naked body will make people feel boring, but this girl's body is different, even if it is naked in front of you, you will also It gives people an urge to explore impatiently.

"Are you... Black Fang?" Qi Mo asked.

This woman, or girl, because of this perfectly perfect face, seems to be a bit green, the kind of greenness that only thirteen or fourteen-year-old girls can have, she opened her mouth, But she didn't say anything, maybe she couldn't speak, she nodded.

"You can't speak?" Qi Mo was taken aback, could it be that he is dumb?

"No...yes...yes...yes" the girl was unable to utter a word as she spoke. After a while, she finally showed a helpless look, and closed her mouth unwillingly. Such a look made people smile, Then she directly sent Qi Mo a spiritual connection: "It's not that I can't speak, but that I won't be able to adapt to the speaking process of this body for a while. I am indeed Black Fang, and this body is where I devour countless human corpses." , the existence of the most perfect form researched by deducing the gene sequence. How about it, do you think it’s okay?”

"It can be said to be very good..." Qi Mo nodded solemnly, and he asked again: "By the way, your gestation... How should you gestate?"

With such a small body, it's obvious that it's too much to conceive.

The girl stretched out her right hand, and soon, a strange bracelet appeared on her wrist: "This is the small world of space reproduction, which is automatically generated in my body. If you want to breed creatures, just give me an order directly, and then I will be in it." Conceived, after conceived, directly by twisting my right arm to expel the creature."

"This way? It's really convenient." Qi Mo couldn't help saying: "By the way, what's your level?"

"It's indeed a little convenient." The girl also nodded, and at the same time kept in direct spiritual contact with Qi Mo: "My level is naturally fourteenth, and I have fourteenth-level combat power, but because I lost such a big Body, so the fighting ability of level [-] is only the fighting ability of a human being at level [-]. However, such a large body cannot move, and it is difficult to form combat power, so it is more cost-effective to transform into a human form, right? ,Owner."


"Can you let go of your hand?"

Qi Mo's hand is still pressing on the other side...

Qi Mo quickly let go.

"It's not that I don't like my master touching me, it's just that this kind of time and place, in terms of human thinking mode, is very unattractive, so if you want to touch me, I'm very happy and very happy." Girl Hei Fang Qi Mo sent a very intemperate speech.However, she took it for granted, and there was nothing wrong with it at all.

This made Qi Mo not know how to answer...

It's kind of embarrassing.

"How do you know this? Do you also know these things by devouring humans?"

"It's not like this. I can feel every move of the master, and the daily life of every day. This is part of the ability of the contract, but this part of the induction will also be weakened by the increase in distance. The last time the master left for three days, I didn't feel the master's aura at all." The girl Hei Ya was expressionless, but she kept conveying the information she wanted to narrate: "But I still know that the master is not dead. , because if the master dies, I will suffer great damage, so I did not leave Xilong City to look for the trace of the master."

"It turned out to be like this..." Qi Mo couldn't help but feel a little weird, because what he did, did, said, and ate every day in his daily life was known by this black tooth. It's as if there is no sex anymore, especially the scene where he and Li Weiyang are in love will be known by this black tooth, anyone who is in love with a woman will be spied on, as long as he is not an exhibitionist, he will definitely will feel uncomfortable.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this." Qi Mo shook his head, expelled those strange thoughts from his mind, and then took off his clothes and put them on the girl's body.

Hei Fang clutched the clothes tightly, but it couldn't completely cover it. Qi Mo simply let her wear the clothes, but she didn't seem to know how to wear them. Although she had seen how Qi Mo wore clothes, the first time It is still a bit difficult to operate once.

"It's really clumsy." Qi Mo said, and then put Hei Fang's clothes on with his hands.

"Actually, it's not that I'm clumsy. I just want the master to dress me." Hei Fang actually said such a sentence at this time, and then grinned. , It makes people's hearts flutter.

"Don't say it on purpose!" Qi Mo couldn't help saying, thinking that I've been molested so many times today, it's really speechless, but probably anyone would be willing to be molested by such a beautiful guy.

"Flirting is still very difficult." Hei Fang sent this message in a serious tone.

"..." Qi Mo forgot that this guy was able to directly spy on his thoughts, and he didn't know what to say for a while. He didn't expect that the master-servant contract would have such an effect, so what if he had been talking to Hei Fang in the past? What?

"It's not possible to spy anytime and anywhere, and my level was very low before, and I couldn't completely intercept the master's thoughts. The master's language commands are still very useful, so the master doesn't need to be annoyed, and, as long as the distance is longer, The master's thoughts will become blurred, and it is difficult for me to 'hear' clearly what the master is thinking, and I can only analyze through some flashing pictures." The girl Hei Fang seriously answered Qi Mo's thoughts again.

"It turned out to be like this, forget it, let's not talk about it, you quickly conceive creatures." Qi Mo said without hesitation: "Create four eleven-level roaring giants."

The girl Hei Fang solemnly nodded, then stretched out her right hand, and soon, a bracelet-like thing appeared there.

This is the first time that Black Fang in human form conceived a creature. Qi Mo couldn't help but wonder how it conceived?

I saw green bubbles continuously popping out from Hei Fang's right hand, and soon, those green bubbles started to materialize and turned into **, and Hei Fang's entire right palm suddenly became a diameter A huge green meat ball nearly one meter long!

This scene is quite disgusting...

The green meat ball kept wriggling, as if it was a body. Hei Fang stared at the ball of meat expressionlessly, and at the same time used a message to talk to the owner: "This is the perfect bridge to communicate with the subspace. In fact, after level ten, I have such a subspace in my body."

"As the level continues to rise, my body is getting bigger and bigger, but that's not because my body is directly conceived, but because my body needs to continuously input energy into the subspace every day, so I have to change the structure of my body. Bigger, because of the continuous construction of those levels, so now I can easily use this subspace to breed creatures."

As the girl Hei Ya said, the meat ball on her arm began to grow bigger and bigger. After 10 minutes, it turned into a huge meat ball with a diameter of nearly ten meters!

It was as if Hei Fang had inserted his hand into this ball of meat, but it didn't look like it was made by her.

Soon, the squirming of those meat balls stopped, and another 10 minutes passed, and the violent squirming began again. However, this squirming was not a general squirming, but it was like something was about to come out of the meat balls. .

There was only a sound of '噗嗤', the meat ball was opened, and a huge figure covered in green liquid rushed out from inside.

The figure that rushed out was the Roaring Giant. This Roaring Giant was a little different from the usual Roaring Giants, it was much thinner.

Soon, a second Howling Giant emerged, and a third, until the last.

"This... from egg birth to viviparous birth..."

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