queen brood

Chapter 143 Rules, Strangeness, Ordinary People, City of Gods

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On both sides are yellow, white and red buildings, and the bottom floors of these buildings are mostly shops selling various things.For the latest free chapters of this book, please visit...The wide street is about 100 meters long. Passers-by of all colors walk on the road. Caucasians, yellows, and blacks can all be seen. There are some small carts on the street, selling some food. The iron railings protect the sidewalk, but there are very few vehicles passing by on the avenue in the middle.On the contrary, there are many people pulling carts.

This is a bit weird. It is obviously an extremely modern city, or a city built in the sky, but there are rickshaws. This really makes people wonder how to evaluate it.Even riding some strange beasts is much better than this kind of cart.

Jiang Ye next to him seemed to see Qi Mo's surprise, and said with a smile, "Don't underestimate these cart pullers. When we go to Jiang's house, we will also take this cart."

"Because the main city of God's Rain City is a bit special, it is the key to supporting those floating islands, so some rules have been specially customized. Didn't you notice that there are very few vehicles on those roads? It is because of the influence of this city, only management Only those who are able to drive vehicles. Under the influence of this city, your Yanlong may not even be able to carry us flying."

"I don't know what the reason is, probably because of sympathy."

"Compassion?" Qi Mo became more and more confused.

After landing in God's Rain City, Qi Mo really noticed that his flame dragon seemed to have been affected. He could still fly, but it couldn't carry Qi Mo to fly.This weird change made Qi Mo a little terrified.Can't help but be more puzzled.

"Well, it's the person who made the rules. I have sympathy for those ordinary people, so I left it to these ordinary people to pull carts. Let them survive in this last days.

Although these words are still in the cloud, but with wisdom, Qi Mo understands a little bit. The rules restrict Qi Mo from being able to ride the flame dragon. The rules allow ordinary people to pull carts and become the norm.

It seemed that Qi Mo understood.Jiang Ye said: "It's not too much wrong with what you think. This is a rule set by a super strong man, and it is also a rule made by the construction of this city in the sky. The big man who made the earth stand still can do this. It's entirely possible."

In this God's Rain City, the rules he made——human beings generally have no means of transportation except on foot and rickshaws.This moment became the truth.

There are many kinds of justice in this world.Everyone's standards are different. Others' justice may be extreme or impartial, and may completely subvert your cognition. However, your justice may also be shocked and disapproved by others.Associated with justice is law.The law is a rule tool established by human beings based on the social moral system. Anyone who violates the law will be punished.

However, whether it is justice or law, it is a kind of thing under truth.

Compared with the ever-changing justice, there are rigid laws and truths that are completely the plaything of the strong.It cannot be changed.

It's like this earth is revolving around the sun every day.It’s like the entire universe is operating as usual, just like the three-dimensional space, that time is affecting it all the time, this is the absolute truth, it is something that cannot be changed, no matter how strong the strong is, the earth will be destroyed , the dust left by the earth will continue to revolve around the sun.

However, now, someone has achieved this step, can customize the rules and customize the truth.

The rules made by this strong man, just like people need to breathe air, need to eat, and cells need to metabolize, have become recognized by this three-dimensional space world!

"Indeed." Jiang Ye also nodded: "However, in my opinion, this strong man has customized this rule. It would be better to turn all ordinary people into capable people."

"This is indeed tasteless. If a capable person walks or runs, it will be much faster than this cart."

"Human laziness is immeasurable." Qi Mo said. "By the way, isn't it possible to land directly from Jiang's house?"

"No, we came back early, so it's best to go by car."

"That's really impossible."

This is the outside of a wilderness, with city and street civilization on one side, and wild turf beasts on the other, which is very distinct.

The coachman is a special existence, protected by the rules, and can only be held by ordinary people, and cannot be harmed by strange beasts. Those with ability to attack the coachman need to suffer backlash.

However, there is a loophole in this, that is, it cannot be harmed by strange beasts, and the capable person needs to pay a price for attacking the coachman.However, if the coachmen killed each other...

In that case, it is completely in the loophole of the rules.

At this moment, there is one thing that even the rules cannot protect these ordinary people.The coachmen gathered outside the city and divided into three gangs, one was yellow, the other was black, and the other was white. Just like their skin color, the gang they belonged to was so simple and clear.

"Today I want you bastards to look good!"

"Ba Ga! You bastards, you are all going to die!"

"Fake, you bastard who doesn't know the so-called, get out of Area A, this is not the place for you to stay."

"What are these people doing?" Qi Mo asked.

"These people are fighting for territory."

"Competing for territory?"

"Hmm. So wait, within an hour, this group of people should be over. In fact, this is one of the characteristics. What I said, it would be better to turn these ordinary people into capable people, isn't it? It's fun to say."

"Oh?" Qi Mo raised his eyebrows.

"You yellow-skinned pigs and black wild boars, how do you compare?"

The language of these people is not a barrier. They can understand and speak some Chinese or English when they live together.

In this God's Rain City, the main languages ​​are Chinese and English.

"Rite first and then soldier?" As he said that, the man cut off one of his palms and threw it over: "Hehe, you bunch of rubbish who only know how to talk and don't dare to play with anything. Accept your gift!"

Not to be outdone, the black gang cut off the palm and threw it over.

The White Gang knew that if they backed down at this juncture, these people would have no right to fight anymore.

But among these white people, there are even more ruthless ones.Looking at the palm of the man coming over, without saying a word, he cut off his entire arm and threw it over: "My gift, heavier! Some!"

Qi Mo stared at this scene dumbfounded, these ordinary people are really crazy enough.

"They are so crazy, because if they back down in this battle, the other two skin gangs have to get out of this area A. Once they leave here, the sun will not be simply chopped off. able to survive."

"You humans are really strange animals." At this time, Hei Fang said in Qi Mo's arms.

Qi Mo didn't speak, and continued to watch.

Those who chopped off their hands were ordinary people, all of them were pale due to excessive blood loss. After stopping the blood, they retreated behind the crowd like heroes.

It's impossible for this first competition to end just because the white gang cut off the whole arm, "Burning people's hearts!" As he said, one of the yellow gang cut himself, then pulled out his heart, and threw it over, just threw it over , the man died.

"Thigh!" A whole thigh was thrown over.

"Human whip!" As he said that, he cut himself with a knife, turned into a eunuch, and threw it over.

Qi Mo felt pain watching these guys self-mutilate.

"After these few competitions, there is no winner or loser. It's really troublesome. If this is the case, the time will be delayed a lot. Why don't we spend 10 minutes to walk to area b? Take a bus from area b The Jiang family?" Jiang Ye said. "Can't we go directly to Jiang's house?"

"Within the rules, it's impossible to pass."

"It's really troublesome, don't go to area b, wait here, and watch the show by the way, it's quite exciting." Qi Mo shook his head and said.

Hearing that Qi Mo commented on such a bloody thing and said it was quite exciting, Jiang Ye shook his head speechlessly and said, "You are really a lunatic."

Because the gifts given before the soldiers were almost the same, no one quit the battle, and they all looked at each other with wide-eyed hostility.

Then someone yelled: "Kill!" Then they fought back and forth for about 20 minutes, killing more than a dozen people and injuring hundreds of people. The gang of yellow races won.

Then they all consciously stopped fighting. Although there was a lot of hatred, this is the rule, it is the rule of these people. As long as one party has a winning gesture, and it is undisputed, the other party must stop consciously, or die There will be more people, and everyone comes to this God's Rain City to make a living, and it's not worthwhile to kill too many people by killing each other.

"It's finally settled. It's impossible to encounter this kind of thing in normal times." Jiang Ye said: "Your luck is really 'good', let's go, first go to our Jiang's house, and then go to the [Ghost Eyes] you want to go. Spring Mountain】."

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