queen brood

Chapter 161 Combat

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He lowered his head abruptly, and immediately saw the scene where Kashgar was "rectifying the Fa on the spot" the fleeing cast.For the latest free chapters of this book, please visit...

The palm caught the inside of Cas's head, and kept kneading Cas's brain. He kneaded for a while and closed his eyes with great enjoyment, before it became sticky.Just let go.

When everyone saw this scene, they were furious and terrified.This guy who is nicknamed a cold-blooded killer, why not change his nickname, is it more appropriate to call him a brain-rubbing maniac?

But they didn't have a chance to complain about this, and they saw that Kashi had come to another person's head, his palm was like a knife, as if he had stabbed into tofu, and easily killed Lengtou, a level [-] existence. .He rubbed the inside of Lengtou's head with his palm a few times, closed his eyes as if enjoying himself, and then hummed a few times.

The group of dazed-headed youths above looked at this horrific scene, and they had no fighting spirit at all. How could such a crazy monster-like guy continue to fight him!That is courting death at all!

However, even if they do not fight, they cannot escape Kashgar's clutches.

Soon, Kashgar patronized the minds of these guys one by one.

After pinching the minds of these people, Kashi clapped his palms with satisfaction, continued climbing the mountain, and soon returned to Fengding, sitting on the cliff, Kashi waited for the next batch of prey.

However, after waiting for 3 minutes, there was still no prey, and he couldn't help rubbing his heart a little bored, where a string of bead-shaped tumors protruded.

Every time someone rubs a person's brain, his palm will absorb some essence from it.While enjoying the pleasure, the unique essence in the brain will be transmitted to his heart along with his palm.Then give him almost endless strength and speed.This is the source of his strength.

In God's Rain City, many people guessed what Kashgar's true strength was.

A level [-] peerless genius?

A top level sixteen expert?

An incomparable genius at level seventeen?

A fierce and strong person at level [-]?

Or level nineteen?Level [-]?

Some people even speculated that Kashi's strength is actually level 21!

However, these people guessed wrong. In fact, Kashgar has no grades.

He is just an ordinary person...

However, with this evil, special secret method.He can easily slaughter those ability users, but the price is to keep killing people, kneading that person's brain, and absorbing the evolution of power.

Far away in Kashgar, there is a girl in blue. The girl in blue is very short.Her appearance is also very beautiful, her eyes are sparkling, like a porcelain doll, people can't help but feel pity for her.

However, this little girl who looks like the loli next door is Fengjie who everyone is frightened by.

Lolita's name is Fengjie.

She doesn't have a nickname, someone once took the nickname [Killing God Lolita].Then everyone who called her by that nickname was killed by him.

There used to be an organization leader with this name, and then she broke out of that organization in broad daylight and frantically massacred all the members of that organization.

This battle is her complete fame battle.

From then on, her name can only be Fengjie.

"My name is Fengjie. This is the name my mother gave me. If you dare to call me any nicknames, I will definitely not let you go." The voice was very sweet, so I said this, everyone The eyes are still twinkling, as if praying.

However, such a person is actually a killing god who can easily slaughter so many people.

So no one would find it cute at all.

On the contrary, it was very scary.

Makes the scalp feel tingly.

I couldn't help screaming and screaming.

Feng Jie, with a lollipop in his mouth, looked at the people coming up below, and several marbles appeared in his hands. The transparent marbles flashed with various wonderful colors. Naturally, these were not ordinary marbles, but a A toy made of a very high-grade material.

Of course, it's a murder toy.

With a flip of the hand, the marbles flew down quickly and directly shot those people in the head.

A person who was climbing the mountain, his eyes were wide open, and he looked straight ahead in disbelief. He didn't know how he died. Just three seconds later, he felt that his consciousness was getting weaker and weaker. A strange look looked at himself, and then died.

If his head was pierced by the pill, he would not die immediately, and his consciousness would remain for three or four seconds, but his brain stopped functioning, making it impossible for him to figure out what happened.Nor does it occur to him that he is dying.Not even a lot of pain.

"A group of guys who are dying, do you want to die like this? Then I will fulfill you..."

Feng Jie raised his hand and took the marbles back.Nodding in satisfaction, he said with a smile: "Keep dying, my marbles will let you die silently and without too much pain, I'm so kind, thank me quickly..."

... & ...

Qi Mo looked at the powerful enemy who was attacking, showing a stern expression.This is a team composed of two [-]th-level teams, two [-]th-level teams, and [-] [-]th-level and [-]rd-level teams.

"Su Ya. We seem to be in a little trouble." Qi Mo turned his head and said to Su Ya.

Su Ya scratched her head and hair with her little finger, because too many people were killed, even if she avoided it carefully, blood would inevitably splash on her hair, which was really sticky and uncomfortable: "Trouble? How many people?"

"Two fifteen grades, two fourteen grades, thirteen twelve and three grades." Qi Mo said truthfully.

"Oh? That's really troublesome. Of course, if that fifteenth-level guy is a very powerful fifteenth-level."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Actually, there is still a big difference between level [-] and level [-]. For example, if I go all out, I can instantly kill an ordinary level [-]. In fact, you can too." Su Ya said As he said, he simply untied his hair and scratched his sticky hair vigorously. Because the blood contained the energy of other people, it would take a long time to use energy to expel these blood molecules from the hair. A lot of strength.

"Hopefully, if it's the powerful fifteenth level, we'll probably have a tough fight."

"Hehe, you actually said it was a tough fight, not that you couldn't beat it. It seems that you are really confident."

Qi Mo gave Su Ya a weird look, and said, "I've never thought about whether I can beat it or beat it."

In fact, Qi Mo's eyes were full of anticipation.

Because, before encountering the powerhouses of level [-], [-], and [-], if you raise the level of Brood Black Fang to level [-], let alone the battle for the treasure three days later , right in front of you, it will be of great help.

And these seventeen powerhouses are exactly the opportunity for Hei Fang to break through in one fell swoop!

Thinking of this, Qi Mo couldn't help being a little excited.

During these three days, try to raise the level of Black Fang as much as possible, and breed as many creatures as possible.This is Qi Mo's plan.

Qi Mo still had some expectations for that treasure.

I didn't expect much before, because I heard that many strong people came to snatch it, but later I heard that Su Ya said that in this snatch battle, beings above level [-] could not participate at all, so I looked forward to it.

In fact, Qi Mo also had the idea of ​​snatching corpses from other peaks, but when he thought about it, it would be a thankless task if he ran into organizations like corpse refining.Those bodies that have been refined do not have any energy worth absorbing at all.

Not much gossip, at this moment, the seventeen strong men are already about to rush up the mountainside.

And Qi Mo, also seized the opportunity of coming this time, put all the bred creatures into battle, and began to frantically deal with the two humans beyond the fifteenth level.

As for Hei Ya, and Su Ya, they began to face off against the two level [-]s.

This is the plan that Qi Mo came up with in a short time, whether it was Su Ya and Hei Ya who cleaned up the two level [-] first and then came to help many breeding creatures, or many breeding creatures to assist Hei Fang and Su Ya in attacking.It's all extremely easy.

The facts seem to be somewhat different... It is still very difficult to fight against the existence of the [-]th-level existence that has not broken through the [-]th level.

Even if Qi Mo tries his best to control it, there will inevitably be some exceptions, just like the scene before him, this reckless guy wants to rush up because he is level [-], two levels higher than Qi Mo Qi Mo will be executed on the spot.

This may be the so-called capture the king first.

However, Qi Mo still has a little behind.

He raised the pistol in his hand, regardless of the man's astonishment, confusion, and shocking thoughts, he said: "You are too naive to think..."

The particle pistol, which had already been fully charged, attacked frantically.

The particle beam directly penetrated this guy's head.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Mo used the particle beam to shoot through the heads of four or five people.

Without exception, these people are not the existence of the twelfth and third ranks.

Because once it reaches the fourteenth level, not only the effect of the particle beam is much worse, but it is not so easy to be shot.

Only those of the twelfth and thirteenth levels can be shot so easily.

On the one hand, it was a matter of reaction speed, and on the other hand, it was because Qi Mo had already occupied an excellent terrain.

Being condescending, these people can only climb upwards because they cannot fly, which gives Qi Mo a great geographical advantage.

With the help of a group of breeding creatures, Qi Mo quickly killed all thirteen people of the [-]th and [-]rd levels.

Looking at his dead subordinates, those two fourteenth-level men were simply mad with hatred, and they completely tore two flame dragons, one goblin, and one thunder beast to pieces on the spot.The sudden explosion really startled Qi Mo.

"How dare you kill so many of us, you bastard, you must die, I must kill you bastard!!!"

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