queen brood

Chapter 167 Enter

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However, Qi Mo was still staring at the sunset in a daze, and Su Ya next to him went crazy and called him, but he was still unmoved.For the latest free chapters of this book, please visit...

Qi Mo suddenly turned his head: "It's okay to see too much. Although it is beautiful, it feels ordinary and boring if you see too much. Let's go."

"Go? Where are you going?" Su Ya was taken aback, covering her eyes, trying not to look at the sunset.At the same time, he was secretly surprised that Qi Mo didn't have anything to do... This was a little too weird.

"Naturally, I'm going to grab the treasure."

"Ha... oh... why are you okay?" The competition for the treasure is not something that will happen for a while, but now Su Ya is very curious why Qi Mo doesn't have anything to do when he looks directly at the dead sunset.

Doesn't this guy have too many secrets?

It's really unpredictable.

The secret that was clearly revealed is very shocking, I didn't expect that this guy still has a secret!

In fact, how can Qi Mo have so many secrets, it's just that he is a little special than others.Qi Mo is not proud of this.

Speaking of which, I have read a lot of online novels in the original world. The protagonist in it travels through other worlds. Although there are some sadistic stories, the essence is to set off the protagonist’s awesomeness. .All in all, the protagonists will shine brightly, and they will have countless hole cards, and they will not be able to kill them no matter how hard they try.

Qi Mo has also traveled through time anyway, except for Qi Mo's own talent - wisdom, which is special compared to others, there is only one hive king worm that is uniquely blessed.And what's the secret?What other cards?Hyper-civilized weapons?This is not unusual at all in the Rain City of the Gods, and it cannot be called a secret at all.

So Qi Mo didn't understand Su Ya's feelings at this time.

Listen to Su Ya's words.Naturally, he was taken aback and frowned.He asked, "What are you talking about? Is there anything wrong?" However, he only realized in an instant what this guy was talking about. "You mean that the sunset just now is harmful to the human body? So you remind me not to look at it?"

Su Ya nodded.

Qi Mo said with a smile: "I don't know why. I just think it's beautiful, it's as if my soul has been sucked in, but I don't think it's too beautiful after watching too much."

How could Su Ya be convinced by these words, she snorted, thinking that this Qi Mo didn't want to talk about it, and she didn't want to make any more fun.Staring at the other end of the mountain, that is, the plain surrounded by a circle of [-] peaks.



Su Ya jumped down.Qi Mo didn't dare to play like this, and ran down the rock wall, but the speed was faster than her.But when Su Ya saw that Qi Mo surpassed her, she snorted again, and then started to speed up, passing Qi Mo again.

Qi Mo also quickened his pace slightly.

Eventually the two landed together.

Su Ya jumped down directly, and even accelerated.So after falling, boom!With a single sound, a large pit with a length of three feet was directly blasted out of the ground, and at the same time, the smoke and dust scattered.In the midst of this, Su Ya was inevitably a little embarrassed.She didn't feel embarrassed, and she was very refreshed about it, and walked out in two or three steps.He stared intently at the space in front of him.Can't help but say: "Go!"

Although when chatting with Qi Mo, he said that it would be enough to win the dozen or so treasures.There is not much confidence in winning the treasure.In fact, this guy is very confident in his own strength, and he is bound to win the treasure. He said no to it, just to avoid embarrassment if he can't get it.

Qi Mo didn't care too much.During these three days.He was allocated eight treasure weapons.

Most of them are weapons around level sixteen.

It's not that Qi Mo didn't think about using this weapon to be devoured by Hei Fang directly, but when Su Ya heard Qi Mo's intention.He suddenly jumped out to interrupt his thoughts, and reprimanded him for being a prodigal. If you replace this weapon, wouldn't it be possible to exchange for more high-level energy crystals and metals?These weapons are all the treasured 'green leaves'. Can such a treasured green leaf be an ordinary item?

Qi Mo thought about it and gave up.Collect all these weapons.In fact, it wasn't that he didn't think that although swallowing weapons directly was a waste, it wasn't wasting too much. Exquisitely crafted weapons were not at the same level as those rough metals.However, Su Ya said so, saving money is nothing, and giving this thing to Jiang's family to replace metal, not only won favors, but also took advantage of it.Why not do it?

Su Ya dodged and jumped forward.She seemed to have jumped into some kind of water, and ripples appeared in the space. When the ripples appeared, she had disappeared.

Qi Mo couldn't help but think of that Jiang Sanyue, when he worked with her, he also confided in her - the secret realm.Two words.

In fact, it confuses the super-civilized space and the secret realm.

This one in front of me is a genuine secret realm.

In fact, when you came down from the mountain peak, you were no longer at the foot of the mountain in the original God's Rain City.

This is just a formal entrance.

Qi Mo immediately stopped hesitating and threw himself in.

When entering this secret space, Qi Mo suddenly felt cheerful——

What a vast square this is.

Anyway, more than three hundred miles, that is, 150 kilometers.

The ground is all paved with bluestone, and the upper sky above is a bright yellow color. There is no blue sky and white sun, but it is not a model like a super-civilized space, but a more delicate existence.There is a subtle difference between the two, which Qi Mo still doesn't know.As long as there is not much difference at all.

The secret realm is equivalent to the small ball inside the space sphere, and the super-civilized space is the small ball attached to the outside of this ball, which is different in nature and the time flow rate is also different.The flow rate of the secret realm is slower.

Three zhang away, Qi Mo found Lai Suya.Su Ya also looked back at him.

Su Ya pointed to a mountain nearly thirty kilometers away.

It is just an illusion to say that it is a mountain peak. It is more like some kind of mysterious totem pillar, where it is erected and various coats of arms are carved.

"Is that the treasure?" Qi Mo couldn't help asking, it looked like a mountain from thirty kilometers away, so how spectacular would it be when you get closer?This huge item turned out to be a legendary treasure?

No wonder it is called a treasure, ordinary people can't use it at all!

"That should be the treasure." In fact, Su Ya was also stunned at this time, is this thing too big?Is this the treasure?According to previous rumors, this treasure is placed in the most conspicuous place in this secret space.Now this place is 150 kilometers long and vertical, and only this guy can't be more conspicuous. It seems that it is indeed a treasure.

"The average person can't take it away even if they want to! Are these idiots still fighting to the death for it?" Qi Mo couldn't help but said.But thinking about it is also true, these people have obtained many treasures from their bodies, fighting not only to win the right to compete for the treasure, but also to obtain the treasures from the opponent.

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