queen brood

Chapter 17 New Breeding Creatures

() As night fell, the sounds of insects, beasts, and birds gradually disappeared, and the entire forest became extremely quiet. Blackness began to become the main theme, and some miasma, which was difficult to see with the naked eye, emerged from the soil and diffused.

Qi Mo came to a street with Black Fang and three worker bees.It is said that it is a street, but it is actually all ruins, with vegetation growing everywhere. It can only be seen from the dilapidated concrete walls that this is a product of the civilization of the old age.

"It turned out to be like this." Qi Mo muttered to himself in disbelief.

In the ruins of this old era, there are many strange beasts hidden, and he has to be careful, but there is a sixth-level peak behind him or even a foot into the seventh-level brood Black Fang, so he doesn't have to worry about being powerless.

It would be better to say that there are many strange beasts in the ruins of the old era, otherwise it would not bring so much energy to Hei Fang. The fifth-level monster killed three heads, and the fourth-level monster killed twelve. First, the third-level monsters killed twenty of them. As for the second-level monsters, they quickly escaped when they saw the brood from a distance. biology.

Qi Mo can't absorb the energy spar today. He has successfully advanced to level five, and his body has reached a saturation point. It will take a period of adjustment before he can continue to absorb the energy spar.However, the brood is different, as much energy as there is, it can eat as much energy, even the corpses of those strange beasts can be eaten, and it can be directly converted into energy and become part of its strength.In this way, everything is received as ordered, no buffer time is required, and the level can be upgraded as much as the energy comes, which is undoubtedly a super advantage of Hei Fang.Qi Mo also saw this, and couldn't help being a little happy.

The most obvious effect is that the volume of Hei Fang keeps increasing. When the black mist once again appeared and covered Hei Fang's body, and then dispersed, Hei Fang's body has become almost three meters long, and the height has also increased from almost one meter To 1.6 meters seven.If it stood up, it would undoubtedly be a colossus.

"Master! I'm already level seven."

In a relatively spacious basement, Hei Fang said to Qi Mo.

The basement was relatively well sealed, except that the roots of some mutated trees pierced through the walls, extended in, and damaged some.But there is no water or soil in it, so enough is enough and it doesn't continue to grow.So apart from a thick layer of dust accumulated on the ground, everything else is fine.

And this basement is the basement of an apartment building. When you open the room, there are a lot of household appliances, as well as some money, computers, and books that you didn't take away in a hurry.

Qi Mo turned on the emergency light above the door, and it turned on, and the light appeared, illuminating everything.At this moment, after hearing Hei Fang's words, he quickly turned around and said joyfully, "This is really great."

"However, my body has become more and more cumbersome, and my movement speed has dropped a lot. It will be difficult to enter the battlefield in time in the future." Hei Fang said: "Upgrading to level seven, I know how to breed two kinds of creatures, one is a suicide bat , one is a shooting elf."

"Bats and elves..." Qi Mo couldn't accept it a little bit, and asked with a frown: "Is this also a bug? You can also conceive it?"

Hei Fang immediately replied to Qi Mo without hesitation: "Insect is a general term, and all creatures can be called 'insects'. The most general meaning is the five insects, scorpions, scales, hairs, feathers, and kuns. Beasts, birds, insects."

"Oh? So that's the case." Qi Mo responded with interest, waved his hand, and used his supernatural energy to suck up all the dust on the ground, then piled them up in a corner, found a chair and sat down: "Put the new Breeding creatures, tell me the details."

Black Fang immediately said: "The suicide bat is a fourth-level breeding creature, and the elf shooter is a fifth-level breeding creature. The suicide bat is a one-shot explosive flying combat power, while the elf shooter is a long-range attack power. According to my ability, those below level two can conceive two heads a day, and those below level three can conceive four heads a day. However, I have already conceived creatures today, and there is no way to conceive them again. But I have already upgraded, and my breeding ability is heavy. After setting it once, it can be bred again."

"It's not detailed enough, give me the information of these two breeding creatures." Qi Mo thought for a while and said, the breeding quota is very important, and it must be carefully considered before breeding.

"Okay." Hei Fang responded, and then passed the detailed information of the two creatures to Qi Mo through his mind.

"Suicide bat, level four. Its wings are one and a half meters long, its body is sixty centimeters long, and it weighs twenty kilograms. Its main attack method is self-detonation, which produces a strong explosion and causes serious trauma to the enemy. It is a level four suicide bat. The suicide blow of a bat is equivalent to the full blow of a fifth-level beast. And the self-explosive attack has a very good superimposed effect, which is easy to generate energy and cause qualitative changes. The superimposed effect of three self-destructed bats is to increase the attack power by 20.00%. The superposition of self-explosion effects of more than five has increased by 30.00%, and seven..."

"Elf shooter, level five. The similarity with humans is 70.00% two, and the height is unified at 1.4 meters five. The main attack power is shooting with a bow and arrow, which is a long-range attack power. The range of a bow shooter is 200 Within meters, the number of arrows shot per day is fifty arrows, and the shooting level is accurate. The agility is high, and the defense is low."

Qi Mo looked at the detailed information and thought about how to choose. Suicide bats are not suitable for the current situation. The strange beast that has just been realized does not mean that you need to try it. This kind of breeding creature is completely a consumable , which is in stark contrast to the powerful self-healing ability of bred organisms.So he won't choose the suicide bat, the elf shooter seems pretty good, but...

Just when Qi Mo was thinking, the Black Fang of Brood Nest interrupted Qi Mo's thinking, and it said: "Master, I have a new ability, which is to strengthen the previous breeding creatures. Every time I upgrade two Level, each kind of breeding creature has a chance to strengthen. Each breeding creature has only three chances to strengthen, and each time it is strengthened, the level of the breeding creature can be increased by two levels. The strengthened creature will become a new species, which I call the 'enhanced species'. It is distinct from the non-enhanced species and can be bred directly later."

"Strengthen?" Qi Mo was taken aback, then subconsciously continued to ask: "Is there anything special?"

Hei Fang continued: "The special thing is that after strengthening, the gestation creature not only increases in strength, but also has a new special skill. However, this special skill is uncontrollable, and I can't predict it. For example, worker bees, after strengthening, Call it the 'Big Worker Bee', strengthen it again, and become an elite worker bee, and finally evolve into a queen bee. The level of a worker bee is three, the level of a worker bee is five, the level of an elite worker bee is seven, and the queen bee is nine."

Qi Mo was overjoyed, but then he thought that it might not be that simple, he pondered slightly, and then asked: "Is there any price for this ability?"

Black Fang replied: "The price is that it takes a whole day to strengthen and transform the breeding species. I can now carry out the first strengthening transformation on the parasites, larvae, and worker bees. During this period, no species can be conceived. Moreover, if I conceive a creature first and then transform it, I will not be able to perform enhanced transformation, because the special breeding energy required is already insufficient."

After hearing this, Qi Mo frowned, stood there and thought for more than ten minutes, and finally decided to put down the plan of strengthening transformation first, although Qi Mo was looking forward to the special skills produced after strengthening transformation, But now because the brood's gestation speed is very slow, it is difficult to put it on the battlefield in time, so replenishing combat power at this time is the most critical.

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