queen brood

Chapter 19 Crazy Hunting

() After resting in the basement all night, Qi Mo got up early in the morning, and the breeding function of the black tooth has not recovered, even if it is not at night, it is estimated that it will not be able to conceive until noon.

Qi Mo ordered Hei Ya to stand by here, while he took an elf shooter, six worker bees, and four parasites to hunt.

With a change of mind, Qi Mo ordered the four parasites to fly away, and asked them to look for five-level and six-level strange beasts.

Seeing the parasite flapping its wings and flying away, Qi Mo also started today's hunt.

He came to a plain in the forest. There were no trees here, only flowers and plants. There were many strange beasts grazing here, but most of them were second- and third-level monsters. Although they were all in groups, It's not worth hunting for Qi Mo.

Qi Mo set the level of today's hunting at level five.Soon, as he wished, he found a wind wolf.

The ferocious wind wolf has a strong body, three meters long from head to tail, and its fur is like armor. Its eyes are full of wildness, and its mouth is full of hot air.

Among the fifth-level alien beasts, the wind wolf is not the only and very powerful alien beast, but it is indeed the most difficult to provoke a fifth-level alien beast.

Because wind wolves live in packs, if you find a wind wolf, there must be a group of fierce wolves.

"Boil it!!" a leading wolf cried out.The voice was very high, as if it was venting something, and it seemed to be proving something.

Qi Mo covered his ears, looked at the powerful figure in the distance with some astonishment, and thought in his heart, to become the leader of this pack of wolves, at least one must have a strength of level seven?

Level 70 is already beyond the range that Qi Mo can deal with. Maybe Hei Fang can kill him, but the leader wolf who has more than [-] wolves can easily kill Hei Fang with his subordinates.

Confronting these wolves head-on is undoubtedly a dead end, but Qi Mo is not willing to let all these level five targets go.

He immediately fled out of the sight of the leader of the wind wolf, and began to look for the wind wolf who was alone. Although they lived in groups, it was impossible for these guys to be together all the time.This also gave Qi Mo a chance.

Soon, Qi Mo found a single wind wolf, and Qi Mo immediately ordered the worker bees to harass it.

There was only one worker bee to harass. When Fenglang saw a little guy with only a third level attacking him, he was immediately enraged and jumped up. However, Qi Mo, who was controlling the worker bees not far away, had already expected it After using this move to attack, he calmly gave the order.

The worker bee flew obliquely and easily dodged the wind wolf's attack.Seeing that his attack had failed, the wind wolf was immediately annoyed.

After the worker bees dodged the blow, they immediately flew away. Seeing this, the wind wolf quickly caught up and wanted to make another pounce.

With such a simple temptation, the wind wolf and the pack of wolves drifted apart.

However, the wind wolf quickly caught up with the worker bees. After all, the level difference is the key to strength that cannot be ignored, and the worker bees can't match the speed of the wind wolf.However, just as the wind wolf was about to succeed in killing the worker bees, an arrow shot out.

The time went forward five seconds, and the elf shooter took out the bow that had been hidden behind his back. It didn't have an arrow. At first, Qi Mo was a little puzzled, how could he shoot an arrow without an arrow?

However, when the elf shooter fully drew the bow, the moment the arrow appeared automatically, Qi Mo understood why.

It turned out to be an energy arrow.

'Whoosh! '

The arrow branch shot out at such a speed that it was almost invisible to the naked eye. The wind wolf couldn't resist it in a hurry, the wolf hairs all over its body stood on end, howling, ready to fight back desperately.

At this moment, five worker bees attacked the wind wolf from all corners, frantically stabbing the wind wolf with its tail needles, the wind wolf continued to howl, the sound was very miserable, when it was about to yell for help, it came again. It was an arrow that flew over.

This arrow directly hit the neck of the wind wolf, which was difficult to move a lot.

There was only a puff, wolf blood splashed everywhere, and Qi Mo rushed out, stabbing hard into the body of this strange beast with a specially polished sharp bone.

It's not over yet, Qi Mo pulled fiercely, instantly expanding the injury.

The smell of blood permeates the surroundings, and in the jungle, it is easy to attract the attack of strange beasts.

However, this is also the result of Qi Mo's deliberate intention, because those four-level and five-level alien beasts and even six-level and seven-level alien beasts are all scattered in various places, and they never come out at all. With this bloody method, it is easy to attract interested alien beasts Onlookers come over.

A few days ago, Qi Mo used level two or three little strange beasts, and all the little strange beasts he attracted were two or three level little strange beasts. Now that he uses level five strange beasts, he might be able to attract many level five strange beasts.

If two opposing alien beasts meet, maybe it will cause a big war and cause a large-scale death of alien beasts. At that time, it will be cheaper for Qi Mo.

Of course, this was not in Qi Mo's plan.


Qi Mo didn't know how crazy his behavior was.

If an experienced old hunter saw such behavior, he would undoubtedly be terrified and run away immediately.

A guy who can do this is simply a lunatic!

It just so happened that Qi Mo belonged to this kind of lunatic without common sense, and there was only a thin line between a genius and a lunatic.


Qi Mo almost drained the blood of the wind and wave, and ordered a strange beast to take the animal back in its mouth, let Black Fang enjoy it, and turn it into energy.

Because his own level has not been completely stabilized, Qi Mo did not take out the energy spar.Although he lacks energy spar, Black Fang needs it even more.

If Hei Fang can reach level eight as soon as possible, many things will be much easier.

Sure enough, many strange beasts were attracted by the smell of blood, Qi Mo ordered the elf shooters to shoot continuously on a tall tree.On the other hand, he led five worker bees to conduct guerrilla warfare on the periphery of these strange beasts.

A wind wolf was killed again. This time, it didn't bleed too much, so Qi Mo ordered the worker bees to take it back.Because the time is too short, if it is not dealt with in time, it will be discovered by other strange beasts immediately.

Qi Mo killed very quickly. By noon, he had killed more than a dozen level 20 creatures and more than [-] level [-] creatures.But the price was also very serious. Qi Mo suffered the first injury in history, his internal organs were in severe pain, and his internal organs seemed to be disordered.The ribs all appeared to be broken.

Of the six worker bees, one was killed in the battle, and the other five were seriously injured. The elf shooter was overtaken by a powerful opponent, and both arms were directly torn into pieces. If it wasn't for Qi Mo's timely rescue, they might have already died up.

It seems that within today, the elf shooter will not have any abilities.

Although their recovery speed is very fast, they will not be able to fully recover until tomorrow.

However, the elf shooter's fifty powerful arrows have been shot, and it is completely considered a success, and he retreated.

Qi Mo returned to the basement with the remnants of the defeated generals. At this time, the mother nest was emitting black smoke, and it seemed that it was digesting intensely.

Suddenly, Qi Mo saw the energy crystals of five fifth-level creatures in a corner of the room.

Is this reserved for myself?Qi Mo looked at Hei Ya, and suddenly smiled: "It's really not easy. You actually think about me, how much energy do you need to be able to advance to the eighth level?"

Hei Fang, who was in the black smoke, heard the words, and immediately said: "I'm still short of 70.00% of the energy of two, and I can be promoted to the eighth level."

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