queen brood

Chapter 195 The Magical and Twisted Place

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At the door of the corridor of the meeting room, there was a bald man sitting here boredly reading the novel. When he saw Qi Mo walking in, he frowned immediately: "Which department are you from? Why did you come here until now? What the hell are you doing!"

Qi Mo grinned and said, "None of your business!"

This bald-headed level [-] is not bad, but in Qi Mo's opinion, it is nothing at all.Please use .. to access this site.Hearing Qi Mo's words, the bald-headed man's expression changed drastically, his face showed ferociousness, and at the same time, the energy in his hands gathered, and he slapped him fiercely. It looked like he wanted to slap Qi Mo to death : "What kind of dog are you!"

"I'm your grandfather Qi Mo!" The black teeth in his arms rushed out first, opened his mouth wide, and ate the man's palm in one go, and then continued to swallow, crunching, along the path The human wrist swallowed the entire arm in just an instant.

puff!The blood splashed out like a fountain, and it was quite spectacular, this man didn't have time to scream out!He was bitten off by the black teeth and directly swallowed the entire head.Then the mouth widened a little more, and the bald head was completely eaten in three or two bites.The whole process is crisp and neat, without muddling at all.Touching his black teeth, he said, "It's really beautiful."

Hei Fang arched Qi Mo docilely.

Qi Mo strode towards the meeting room, opened the door, and immediately saw the scene inside.

This is a vast conference room of 400*400 meters, with almost 2000 people sitting in it.In the center of this vast conference room, there is a circular podium, a middle-aged man.The level is not high, about fifteen.Standing in the middle, the passionate speaker, the following was quiet, and more than 2000 people were all staring at this man quietly.Listen to every word he says.There is something weird in the room.

It's not that everyone's fanatical eyes are weird, it's not that everyone's concentrated attention is weird, it's not that the man on the stage is slobbering and doesn't care about his appearance... It's something else, when Qi Mo opened the door , suddenly felt a shock in my heart!Eyes blurred!Spin around!The speech of the person on the stage suddenly became like Huang Lu Dazhong.Every word is like a gem, and every word is like a golden jade, which makes people's soul can't help shaking.I just feel that what this person said is simply too right, it is the truth in this world, and I can't help feeling that I want to entrust everything to this person, and I will die for him.Moreover, this feeling keeps multiplying and superimposing every second, and the first two seconds are still ripples in the lake.A few seconds later came the Qiantang River Chaos, followed by the monstrous waves in the storm, making people feel unable to control themselves.

Move forward some time.

When Qi Mo walked into the Alien Beast Protection Association, the people in the monitoring room behind the pinhole camera noticed Qi Mo's existence.

These monitoring personnel are generally also responsible for controlling and coordinating intelligence. This person in front of him is a key figure who has recently surfaced.The information about him is really endless.At first, as a master of alien beasts, he wanted to beat and beat, but unexpectedly, he was killed. Now he aggravated the situation and turned it into a serious level of 'skill'.In the Alien Beast Protection Association, there are a total of five levels to mark the danger of people and the intensity of attention.

Below and above are tigers.Stay, Lu.Technique, thousands.

Qi Mo was in the second state of attention, but when Qi Mo and Su Ya cooperated to defend a mountain, then repelled Feng Jie in the secret realm, and killed Wuji in the secret realm, it can be said that the famous battle of the first battle God's Rain City, of course, the reputation of this person has not been fully spread yet, because the people who compete for the treasure in the secret realm are all high-level elites of the family, and this person's information is only known by the elites of the family, not It is known by most people in the City of Rain of the Gods.When the Alien Beast Protection Association heard the news, it immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.The attention on Qi Mo immediately rose to the 'thousand' level.

All of Qi Mo's information is well known by these people. Of course, there is not much information about Qi Mo, most of which are just speculations. The news about Qi Mo's teleportation in space is a bit wrong, let alone Hei Fang's Secrets, and details of these gestating creatures, etc.However, even if it is not comprehensive, there are still four or five out of ten. These people can be said to know a thing or two about Qi Mo.

When Qi Mo stepped into the gate of the Alien Beast Protection Association, a supervisor was eating instant noodles and complaining about the bad food today. When he saw Qi Mo, he almost smashed a bowl of instant noodles on the precious On the instrument, he quickly put the instant noodles aside, and said: "Here! Here! The thousand-level people are here! Here they come! Quick! Quick! Ask Mr. Feng Huawei for instructions!"

"Hurry up! Report to the front desk by the way, and ask the front desk to delay as long as possible... Ah! This, this person killed someone!" Just as the man was about to call the front desk and ask the front desk to delay the time, he suddenly saw Qi Mo paw the The scene where the neck was crushed, such decisive killing made him shudder uncontrollably, what kind of murderous maniac is this!It's unbelievable!

This guy is here to make trouble!

Soon, the communication of that Mr. Feng Huawei was connected. After listening to the report, Feng Huawei sneered and said lightly: "Don't act rashly, just wait for him to come over. Now we are fully releasing the 'dementor' here. According to the information, this person is just a little guy at the eleventh level, as long as he opens the door, hey, obediently become one of us! Let him know what is correct, let him know what is righteous!"

Scene change, back to the present.

Qi Mo opened the door, and was immediately shocked by the speech inside, and his ears were filled with the voice of this person's speech.

On the stage was a middle-aged man dancing, slobbering, with a distorted expression and a vicissitudes of voice.He is speaking:

"I am very happy to be able to say so much here, and I am also very happy that everyone can listen to so much here. Every word I say is the voice in my heart that I most want to say, and it is also what each of you wants to say. the sound coming out."

"Carrying out our philosophy, before the end of the world, there were many people in the world who advocated peace, ran for those creatures that were killed by humans at will, appealed, and appealed for those human friends all over the world. But this The voice of the world will always be ignored by everyone, but we know that even if it is ignored by people, we must continue to stick to it. Because it is an idea, even a belief. I believe in what I believe, just as you believe Your beliefs are the same, our beliefs are the same, this is justice, it is an inviolable sacred experience, there are many people in this world who don’t understand us, but even if they don’t understand, we have to carry on.”

"There is no road ahead, but we still have to go on, and we will work together to open up a glorious road, just as we hope, to make this world the world we want."

"There are a lot of animal protection regulations in the world, but, yet in this world, the rules that people implement are still people-centered. This is a very stupid move. It is a very bad worldview."

"As far as this world is concerned, alien beasts are exceptionally powerful, but humans don't know their strength, but feel that they can slaughter them at will, and take out the crystal nuclei in their bodies and use them as consumables. This is What a crime! After killing the alien beasts, they cook and eat the corpses of these alien beasts like pigs and cows, how cruel it is."

"Let me first explain that I am not a vegetarian. I also like to eat some meaty dishes. However, eating the meat of those alien beasts is unforgivable, because those alien beasts are intelligent! Owned Intelligent creatures are our kind, they also know sadness, they also know anger, and they can also think. One day, our friends will be unbearable to us humans, and will take revenge on us that is difficult to end! At that time! The result What will it be like? Will human beings eventually perish? We don’t want to have such a result. What we work hard and the industry we are involved in is to allow human beings to survive better and more harmoniously. "

"In those restaurants in God's Rain City, the dishes of alien beasts are generally accepted. We are urgent to change this status quo. This is a difficult thing to change, but we must change, because these are wise They are not much different from human beings, so what is the difference between eating these creatures and eating humans?"

"We are a human society, we must carry out civilization to the end, we must not compromise because of this society, absolutely not!!"

This person speaks very fast, speaking passionately above, and everyone below, high-level and low-level, all look at this speaker with the same eyes, fanaticism and almost crazy eyes.Deep down, he couldn't control his emotions anymore. When he said the last sentence, he couldn't help screaming loudly, and it lasted for a long time in this conference room!

Qi Mo's eyes widened outside the door. Behind the crowd inside, there was a [-]th-level director named Feng Huawei, who looked as if he had been struck by lightning, and his expression was in a daze. Qi Mo, who was listening to the speech, suddenly showed some warmth With a smile, from now on, this new peerless genius from God's Rain City will be working for the Alien Beast Protection Association, which is really great.Thinking of this, he was genuinely excited.As the person in charge of the Alien Beast Protection Association, his strength is not too strong. In fact, the Alien Beast Protection Association is this type of organization. Strong strength does not mean everything.

What we are talking about here is philosophy, personal knowledge, and management ability. As long as you have these, even a person of level [-] or [-] can manage a group of people of level [-] or [-].

It's a magical and twisted place.

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