queen brood

Chapter 199 Charged Particle Cannon

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Although he was greedy for life and afraid of death, his heart for the Alien Beast Protection Association was real. With tears streaming down his face, he said, "It's not that I'm ruthless, it's that the green hills are left without worrying about firewood!"

The only enemy in this room was this person.For the latest free chapters of this book, please visit...Seeing Hei Fang suddenly teleport into space and come to the top of his head, Qiu Yue was secretly shocked. Sure enough, the space ability was used, and because of the tug-of-war between the four of them, he shared part of the man's mental strength. , It's a pity that now those four people are greedy for life and afraid of death and left. This person's mental strength has been recovered, and he can naturally use his space ability!

Thinking of this, Qiu Yue hated those four people even more. Qi Mo, who was unable to use his space ability because of their seesaw just now, was suppressed by him. In an instant, Qi Mo was killed, but they didn't want to escape in a blink of an eye!This great opportunity is lost!The opportunity I have worked so hard to fight until now is gone!There is no retribution for the hatred of these like-minded partners around!

He hated Qi Mo very much, but he hated those three people even more for their incompetence!Gritting his teeth, he blocked Hei Fang's claws, looked at the flame worms besieging him, and sighed, knowing in his heart that he could not kill Qi Mo, if he continued like this, his life would be in jeopardy!Thinking of this, the thought of retreating also arises, and he turns and leaves without hesitation.Staring at Qi Mo bitterly, he said in a cold voice, "I will kill you!"

"I will kill you too!" Qi Mo smiled ferociously at him.He is the person who is least afraid of revenge, and the more this person wants to kill himself, the better, when he said this sentence.Already caught in his own game.

Suddenly, Qi Mo frowned slightly.He said, hey, there are still a lot of miscellaneous things here that haven't been killed.But something tricky was found in the monitoring room.He rushed over murderously.

But when those people saw Qi Mo killing him, they naturally wouldn't wait. Although Qi Mo didn't go slowly, they also walked fast. They all watched the massacre in horror and didn't know what to say anymore. up.Wait until Qi Mo comes here.But it was already empty.Walking in, I found that the layout inside is all kinds of monitoring equipment. This room is not small, about a thousand square meters, there are large and small rooms, and this monitoring room is just one of them.

Look at those surveillance cameras.All kinds of sophisticated instruments, Qi Mo hummed, and said: "No wonder, I was discovered as soon as I came in, so there was the speech trap in the conference room for me to jump, instead of sending someone to kill Yu I."

I am not depressed that these people fled.Compared to the escaped [-]th-level, two [-]th-level, and one [-]th-level, these people are insignificant at all.

If you escape, you will escape. Xiao Xiami is Xiao Xiami, so why dare to take revenge?

In fact, it is true.These people looked at Qi Mo's merciless massacre, and they were really dying.How dare he have any thoughts of revenge, so Qi Mo, who is afraid of riri every night, will take revenge.Already wanted to escape from this God's Rain City.After all, even if Qi Mo doesn't retaliate, how can there be any eggs under the whole nest?The Alien Beast Protection Association acts insolently on weekdays and offends an unknown number of people.

It is due to the fact that each member has a kind of madness, and no one of the powerful families in God's Rain City is willing to provoke this mad dog, even the Yuwen family is unwilling to provoke this mad dog that everyone wants to bite, so they compromise.Although this is a bit majestic, in fact, it's not that others can't kill you, but they don't get much benefit from killing you, so they don't do anything. Now 90.00% of the people in the Alien Beast Protection Association have been killed. A dozen of you, people will crush you to death because of resentment!Especially the Yuwen family, seeing you as a member of the Alien Beast Protection Association, wished they could swallow you alive and be ashamed.Staying in this God's Rain City is simply going to die.

That is, from then on, the Alien Beast Protection Association in the God of Rain City disappeared completely.There are no more organizations like the Alien Beast Protection Association popping up.There are paranoid people in this world, but they are a minority, and if they are killed, they will not reappear.Maybe a little cruel, but it seems to be true.

Black Fang didn't follow, it was having a good time in the conference room, although most people were corroded by the acid, but they still managed to maintain some bodies, not completely turned into acid water, it was all energy, the number of people There are a lot of them, so naturally they have to eat them all.Seeing Hei Fang's continuous devouring, Qi Mo muttered, wondering if Hei Fang knew it was unpalatable?Qi Mo suddenly thought that when eating Li Weiyang's food in Xilong City, Hei Ya also said it was delicious, which proves that she still knows what is delicious and what is bad, but her body has changed and her sense of taste has disappeared maybe.Thinking of this, I can't help but think of Li Weiyang, it's been a while since I came to God's Rain City, but there is a big event right next to it, when the rookie competition is over and I also turn this God's Rain City upside down, I will go back for a while trip.When you're done thinking about it, don't think about it anymore.

Qi Mo walked into other rooms, and after looking at the layout inside the room, he probably knew what it was for.

It turns out that the monitoring room is with the intelligence department. I turned on the computer, typed with both hands on the keyboard, and recalled some information. I read it carefully several times, and checked some information. Seeing that a password was added, I stretched out my hand Travel through a dimension, find the historical input password there, return to the three-dimensional, and input the password.Looking at the above information, Qi Mo knew a thing or two about the Alien Beast Protection Association.Today I almost stumbled into a big speech. It was not an ordinary speech, but that there was a machine in that room that could confuse people. To deal with me, it should be the highest level of "soul-destroyer". Agitation', 'charm' two levels.

It's a pity that I broke the wall and some of the instruments installed in the wall, so the machine couldn't be used.

However, Qi Mo has innate abilities, and with the information in the computer, it should be possible to repair it.Qi Mo kept an eye out, when he was living here, when he was bored, he would repair this thing, maybe it would be useful in critical times?

If it's useless, he can pretend to be a ghost and create an organization to cheat money and women?These absurd thoughts flashed by, and they were not pursued further.After getting some property information, he couldn't help but click his tongue, the Alien Beast Protection Association is really poor!It's no wonder that the Alien Beast Protection Association, just researching and manufacturing that deceptive machine, doesn't know how much manpower and material resources have been spent, and the money is like running water, which is not surprising at all. , is simply miraculous.

However, the Alien Beast Protection Association, after all, is an organization with more than 2000 members, and it still has nearly ten million in liquid assets. Although it is not much, Qi Mo's short-term spending is enough.

When he came to the financial room, he entered the password to open the safe. Qi Mo found a black card from above the pile of world coins. It looked like it was actually made of metal materials above the fifteenth grade, and it was heavy in the hand, probably weighing three to four catties!Of course, this weight is nothing to Qi Mo.

After taking the credit card away, Qi Mo went to the warehouse to find a lot of goods, swept them out with energy, and threw them to Hei Fang to swallow.

These resources are a batch of extremely important materials for any big family, but in the eyes of Qi Mo, who has more than two hundred pieces of treasures, they are too ordinary. Fortunately, the quantity is large enough, and these After eating all the corpses and the mountain-like materials, I am afraid that the eighteenth level can be raised by half!

Qi Mo left behind a rather interesting thing.

It is a super-civilized weapon.

The five electromagnetic guns and the particle pistol in my hand have gradually become a little stretched as the level has improved. It is actually a good way to say that it is stretched.To put it bluntly, it turned into waste.This new ultra-civilized weapon is much more powerful than the particle pistol and the five-pack electromagnetic gun, so it's no wonder that Qi Mo likes the new and dislikes the old.With a laugh, he took this new toy found from thousands of materials in his hand and played with it.This is a circular cannon barrel, which is somewhat similar to the five-pack electromagnetic gun, but the lines and lines in the center are much higher than the five-pack electromagnetic gun.

This weapon is not very new, and there is a layer of dust on it. It seems that this super-civilized weapon, the Alien Beast Protection Association will not use it at all, so it is put in the warehouse. It's a bit of a pity.With a casual wave of his hand, the energy will drive away all the dust.It showed a brand-new original appearance, but it still gave people a jerky feeling, like a weapon that was just made, without seeing blood, and without that unique charm, making people feel eager to use this weapon to kill people Feel.I don't know if it's an illusion or what.

The weapons that the Alien Beast Protection Association can't use don't mean that others can't use them, especially this Qi Mo, with his magical ability to travel through dimensions, any weapon computer machine is like a chicken and a dog in front of him!As soon as Qi Mo's consciousness was invested, he quickly understood the weapon.

"It turns out that this is a charged particle cannon." Qi Mo touched his chin, kept playing with it, and at the same time input a little bit of energy, so that it can be controlled from a distance like a five-pack electromagnetic gun.

The weapon of this cannon is a charged particle cannon. The so-called charged particle cannon is to shoot out charged particle clusters like cannonballs.As long as there are different types of negative and positive charges, it is possible to use this method to attack and spray.

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