queen brood

Chapter 205 Methods

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Su Ya leaned on Qi Mo's shoulder, squinted at the lines of data on the screen that she didn't understand at all, and couldn't help asking: "Then what is this?"

"An aggressive software."

"Aggressive software... virus software?"

"Well. It is more complicated than virus software. It can invade independently. Of course, if the defense system of the other party is too strong, there is no way to invade at all. But this is a little different, that is, I am in this virus software An address that can be detected is installed in it, as long as this is done, even if I can't pass the other party's defense system, I can go to battle in person, and then solve it." Qi Mo said seriously.

Seeing Qi Mo's serious expression, although Su Ya half understood, she still asked: "Then what's the use of you making this kind of thing?"

"The effect is great."


"For example, mastering more information, knowing the other party's resources, personnel, background, knowing the other party's various information, knowing the other party's intentions, of course, there are many things that the other party has not recorded in the computer, but various diagrams in the computer , but you can guess what the other party’s intentions are. This is one of them. Not only do you need to control the other party’s information, but you also need to be able to talk directly with the other party. It is impossible to contact the upper-level personnel of these families and let them be under my will. Walking, there is no meaning at all. Of course, this is only a situation where I have to negotiate face-to-face with the other party, if necessary. I will leave some interesting things, I believe the other party will find out. Then I will not keep There are more interesting things in the traces, so that the other party can move forward according to my wishes without my instigation at all." Qi Mo's typing speed on the keyboard slowed down, and he rubbed his temple with his right hand, as if he was interested in the future. The complex and huge plan is a bit of a headache. "However, this kind of thing is very difficult to carry out, and there are a lot of things to calculate. If I succeed in turning the entire God's Rain City into a chaotic battlefield and making the situation completely unpredictable, I will not be able to get enough Benefits, if Hei Fang advances to a higher level, it will be a missed game."

The terrifying and dangerous plan was spoken out in a very flat and helpless tone. Qi Mo couldn't help but smile twice when he said this.

Su Ya was listening.Naturally, she also knew about Qi Mo's crazy plan. How crazy is this to turn the entire God's Rain City into a battlefield of hell by using sobriety and various schemes?

God's Rain City is almost a place where strong human beings gather, but he has such a plan, as if he has no sense of humanity at all... Although Su Ya didn't say this, Qi Mo answered her.Even if he didn't turn the entire God's Rain City into a battlefield, war would still break out one day.From the moment when Fengjie slaughtered an organization in God's Rain City, no one blamed it, God's Rain City is no longer a peaceful place, under this calm lake.I don't know how many struggles are going on at every moment of every day.It is impossible to go smoothly in such a complicated situation, it is better to muddy the whole water.Let everyone go crazy, until the end, maybe someone will stand up and let peace come again, maybe they will become the city lord of God's Rain City.Of course, Qi Mo was no longer thinking about it at that time.

"Are you going to leave me after the rookie promotion competition is over?" Su Ya suddenly asked such a question.

Hearing this, Qi Mo was stunned for a moment, and then smiled softly.

"What are you laughing at?" Su Ya complained beside her.

"I laugh at your little thoughts too much."

What Qi Mo said is indeed the truth. Su Ya really has a lot of small thoughts, and she seems to be rarely willing to discuss these thoughts with Qi Mo. In Qi Mo's view, this is really helpless, because it may be her The habits I have developed over the years, how can I be able to capture the heart of this beautiful woman is already a great fortune, if I want this beautiful woman to say everything, it is too much to change the usual habits. Bairi talked about a dream.

But Qi Mo didn't care, he suddenly stopped typing on the keyboard, put his hands on Su Ya's shoulders, feeling Qi Mo's hands, Su Ya subconsciously wanted to break free, but she still didn't.

Qi Mo left his hands from his shoulders, and then gently stroked Su Ya's head.Su Ya didn't even move subconsciously this time, and let Qi Mo caress her head, because this feeling is inexplicably comfortable, which is really inconceivable.Listening to Qi Mo's words, Su Ya said angrily: "Who cares too much!"

"It's you."

"Ignore you!"

This guy's quarrel seems to have turned into a show of arrogance, probably because he saw that Qi Mo's show of temper was helpless, but he knew his arrogance for a while, but he didn't want to admit defeat, which can be regarded as entanglement up.

Hearing these angry words, Qi Mo touched his head again, Su Ya, who had just become tough, became soft again, put her head into Qi Mo's arms, and said like a mosquito: "You haven't answered my question yet. Doubts."

"As long as you are willing, I will never leave you." Qi Mo touched her head, seemed a little dissatisfied with this sentence, shook his head and said, "No."

"Nothing!" Su Ya raised her head a little arrogantly and glared at Qi Mo.

"Even if you don't want to, I won't leave you." Qi Mo said with a smile, Su Ya's face blushed a little when she heard this, she lowered her head and said nothing.Looking at Su Ya with half-lidded eyes, Qi Mo lowered his head, his lips met, and parted again shortly afterwards.Only then did Su Ya get a satisfactory answer, she smiled and fell asleep leaning on Qi Mo's shoulder.

Qi Mo continued to write virus programs.

Although this kind of virus program is easy to write, according to Qi Mo's ability, no matter what kind of virus is against the sky, it can be done in just three to ten minutes, but at this time, after two or three hours, Qi Mo has not completed it. .Sighing, he deleted the entire program, and Qi Mo started writing again.

The difficulty of this virus program does not lie in the silent virus, but in the detectable address in Qi Mo's mouth. Regarding this question, Su Ya didn't hear anything, so she didn't ask carefully. In fact, it is this kind of There are too many articles on the address that can be detected, so Qi Mo doesn't know how to start.It's not an address that can be detected under computer networking and other settings. Qi Mo can fix that kind of thing even with his chin.

It is an address that can be perceived through two-dimensional space.

The things in the computer, that is, the data, are generally on the two-dimensional surface, that is, the periphery. It is completely possible to reach the place where the detection primer is placed from two dimensions by setting an address that can be probed.

Qi Mo's plan is to invade other people's computers, and he can directly perceive through the two-dimensional traversal method, so as to reach the opponent's domain, directly control the situation that the virus cannot control, and thus know more things. Only by keeping those important things in your mind can you master all the things you need to master without being discovered.

However, it seems a little difficult to make such a detectable address.

This is indeed difficult, as if a three-dimensional master wants to imprint the imprint of space in this space, even if things are different in the vicissitudes of life, since the imprint of space exists.

"What should I do?" Qi Mo couldn't help touching his head. He seemed to have missed something, which made this originally simple task impossible to progress.

If you can't even make progress on this first step, how can you talk about making the whole plan?That is simply a fantasy!

Qi Mo couldn't help being a little annoyed at this thought. Su Ya was completely asleep at this time. Looking at Su Ya's sound asleep, that calm face was like a goddess, which made people's hearts flutter. Her tightly closed eyes were slightly puckered up. His eyebrows were full of coquettishness, and Qi Mo didn't dare to make too much movement to wake her up, and if she became angry from embarrassment, he would suffer disaster!

This is the suffering of insufficient strength!

She is too strong, even if she pushes her halfway, she will not be able to eat her. Only when she is willing to dedicate everything to herself can she be able to enjoy it. I think that time is not too far.

will always eat you.

Thinking of this, Qi Mo felt better.

Don't think about those things anymore, Qi Mo carefully put Su Ya on the sofa. Although he knew that this guy would not catch a cold even if he took off his clothes and slept in the snow for a night, Qi Mo still covered him with a blanket. layer blanket.

The weather is getting colder.After pouring a glass of drink, Qi Mo walked out of the room, and couldn't help but look at the sky with some emotion. At this time, the night had fallen, the sky and the earth were completely dark, and the dark clouds lowered down, covering all the starlight.

Stretching out his hand, Qi Mo let the flame worms fly into the sky, dispelling the dark clouds.

The dark clouds dissipated, and Qi Mo saw the bright moonlight and the starlight all over the sky again.

After taking a sip of his drink, Qi Mo suddenly felt a flash of inspiration, and something he had overlooked seemed to emerge.

Qi Mo frowned, and carefully recalled what he needed. Suddenly, the inspiration flashed again, and Qi Mo successfully grasped the key point of his failure!

"No wonder!" Qi Mo couldn't help throwing away the drink and clapping his hands, thinking a little excitedly: "It's really a sin for me to forget even this most basic thing!"

Thinking of this, I immediately went back to the room, wrote most of the virus program I wrote, and then used dimension travel to enter this computer world.

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