queen brood

Chapter 219

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Qi Mo stretched out his hand and caressed Hei Fang's cheek.For the latest free chapters of this book, please visit...Hei Fang leaned his face against Qi Mo's hand, allowing him to move on his face.Seems to be enjoying the process.

Qi Mo didn't become obsessed with seduction and immediately swung his army down three thousand miles, but took a quick look at the flowers, savoring the tranquility and beauty at this moment.

A perfect body like Hei Fang is much more beautiful than those flowers.

Qi Mo looked at it carefully, and felt more and more beautiful. Although the hormones in his body played a part, it was by no means the main thing. It was indeed beautiful.

From the cheek to the chin, from the chin to the collarbone, from the collarbone to the shoulder, from the shoulder to the arm, from the arm to those little hands, then to the abdomen, and from the abdomen and back, back to the place where the eyes move On soft objects that cannot be opened.

Playing with this soft thing, it changed into various shapes in Qi Mo's hands.Because of Qi Mo's stroking, Hei Fang has already played with it, and he keeps making sounds of um, huh, huh, he seems to enjoy it quite a bit, biting his lip lightly, his eyes seem to be full of reproach, if you look carefully, you can really see it from that moment. Wang Qiushui saw resentment, and again saw blame in that resentment.It's strange that Qi Mo hasn't swung his army down quickly, when will he wait?

Qi Mo is really not in a hurry, the soft thing in his hand is constantly deforming, Qi Mo is like a child who is not tired of playing with toys, but fortunately, it is a little comfortable to be kneaded, although he longs for Qi Mo to buy her immediately , have a good sex, but now I have tasted a little bit of sweetness, and I don't have such big ambitions anymore.Suddenly Qi Mo let go of her twin peaks, it was so sudden, it made her feel a burst of loss, and suddenly felt empty in her heart, it was really uncomfortable.She frowned and looked at Qi Mo, as if begging for something.Qi Mo didn't care about her begging, he had played with that soft thing recklessly, and now he continued to play the game of watching flowers on horseback.

Thinking of this, his fingers continued to slide on the white body, from the softness.Sliding to the lower abdomen, Qi Mo stayed here for a while, grasping the small waist without a trace of fat, and the little belly button is all cute.Qi Mo couldn't help teasing that navel.The cute belly button is dotted on the smooth belly, after a few teases, it is put down and slid onto the thigh.

Qi Mo slowly touched the outside of his thigh, from his thigh to his knee, and circled around his knee several times.Qi Mo continued to slide down, and came to the jade feet of the jade man, playing with the pure white jade feet, the little round cardamoms, crowded together, really cute.

Although cute, Qi Mo is really not a foot control.I don't have much interest in this, although I still like it, but at this moment, there are more important things waiting for him to explore, touch, and taste.You can't treat one more favorably than another, and abandon the whole beauty for the sake of this little jade foot.

Putting down his jade feet, Qi Mo's palm swam to the inner test of the calf, and changed the direction at this time, but the ending point was quite different.It seems that I can't wait, because that is the end, the mysterious peach blossom garden, the peach blossom garden that makes people intoxicated, and the peach blossom garden that releases the fragrance of honey.So the process sped up a bit, and soon came to the position of the thigh.I just felt the coldness of my fingertips, and before I went deep into the peach blossoms, I encountered a wet trickle, it was really nourishing.Sighing like this, Qi Mo's movements became more gentle and slow. This sensitive body is really wonderful.

Walking in the depths of the thigh, he was finally blocked, but it was not actually a hindrance, but a temptation, another kind of invitation.Hei Fang finally couldn't bear it any longer. Because of Qi Mo's stroking, he had to let go of his clamped legs, letting you play with them.

But how can she hold back such teasing now.

Clamp your legs immediately and rub against each other.

Qi Mo's palm was tightly held by his thighs, and he slid involuntarily into the mysterious peach blossom garden. This peach blossom garden is full of moisture, cold to the touch, and feels very good. Although it is wet, it is extremely smooth. It seems that it has been completely absorbed by the honey liquid. submerged.Thinking of this, he couldn't help but start to move. Following Qi Mo's movements, Hei Fang's screams became louder! "Hmm!" <Shui was full of tenderness, and the soft light in his eyes made people feel extremely comfortable, not to mention the faintly seductive eyes, which seemed to be saying seductive words continuously.As Qi Mo's movements deepened, Hei Fang's cry became a little louder, very loud, but in this man's home, there was an energy shield outside, so he was not afraid of being overheard.However, just because of Qi Mo's playing, Hei Fang was really not satisfied. The pool of spring water stared at Qi Mo's eyes, his forehead was slightly raised, and his diamond-shaped pink lips moved up. If you don't kiss, then you really aren't a man.

Qi Mo kissed without hesitation.

A kiss immediately became a fierce battle, the soft tongues encircled each other, as if two dragons were fighting, or as if a male and a female dragon were caressing each other.

Hei Fang didn't close his eyes, but looked into Qi Mo's eyes.The meaning in his eyes couldn't be more clear.

Give me.

Qi Mo smiled provocatively, and the meaning in his eyes was very clear.

I won't give it to you.

Hei Ya got annoyed for a while, turned over and pushed Qi Mo to the ground, riding on Qi Mo's body, as if ready to do whatever he wanted.

Qi Mo turned pale in shock, thinking that you are so tough?

He couldn't help being a little speechless, the movement of grabbing her softness and the lower body in the peach blossom garden became a little more intense, Hei Fang only felt waves of electric shocks, his body immediately became limp and weak, the strength he had just mustered, at this moment disappeared.This situation made Hei Fang very depressed, and he didn't dare to look into Qi Mo's eyes. He knew that Qi Mo's eyes should be full of teasing.

Hei Fang had no choice but to collapse on Qi Mo's body because of his soft body, but he didn't give up. He clamped Qi Mo's avatar with his legs, and then moved to the Peach Blossom Spring, forcing Qi Mo's body back. In the palm of his hand, Qi Mo was also happy and at ease, and did not go deep. The avatar just kept going back and forth around the periphery of the peach blossom garden, and there was happiness in rubbing.The hot and thick clone burned Hei Fang's whole body contagiously at this moment.

Warm body.To Qi Mo's surprise, he hugged Hei Fang tightly, and the softness was accumulated on Qi Mo's chest again, and his pink lips were printed again. This time, there was not much tongue fighting.Hei Fang was surprised when he touched it. He couldn't help but feel puzzled, and finally looked at Qi Mo.

Staring into Hei Fang's eyes, Qi Mo smiled and said, "I'm here."

The meaning couldn't be more obvious, and Hei Fang naturally knew what Qi Mo was talking about.Neither speak.Just nodded, if Xin Dao wants to come, come quickly, this friction is so uncomfortable, although there are many cheerful flavors, but I always feel that it is still a little bit worse.It feels less than perfect.

"Yeah." Pushing Hei Fang's hair back, Qi Mo looked into her eyes.After thinking about it, he said seriously: "Be patient."

"Hold it?" Hei Fang asked suspiciously.

Qi Mo said with some surprise: "Could it not be?" After all, the body of Dark Fang Hei Ya was created out of thin air. If there was no such thing in the original setting, it would not be a surprise, but as a man, he must be more careful, so Qi Mo just asked, you have to hold back.This is the pain of breaking the melon of a virgin, and there must be some pain.Now reminded.It's what a man should do.

Knowing what Qi Mo was talking about, Hei Fang nodded and said: "Of course." Then he said triumphantly: "I, I knew that this moment existed, so when I made it, it became very thin. A very thin layer, like a symbolic mucus layer, instead of a real elastic layer of skin. In that case, there will inevitably be redness, which makes people sick."

Hearing this, Qi Mo couldn't help being speechless, thinking that he knew what it meant to have this moment!But it didn't fall red.It's nothing, Huanai will see blood after a while, it's too unattractive.Grabbing his avatar, Qi Mo leaned forward, watching Hei Ya complacently watching his movements.Seems to be very curious, and a little annoyed, this little Lang Hoof is so interested, kiss her first and then talk. 'Well' sounded.Covered all her voices.

Hei Fang, who was about to say something, could only close her eyes and mouth, and let Qi Mo demand the sweet liquid in her mouth.

Suddenly, Hei Fang suddenly opened his eyes wide, and she clearly felt a piece of hot, hard stuff entering her body.Because it has been lubricated by honey liquid for a long time, it is fearful that if Qianli Jiangling returns for a day, it will directly hit Huanglong.That thin mucus film is really useless.There was a deep collision directly, and the happiness that had been accumulated for a long time burst out at this moment. Hei Fang's body twitched momentarily, and more sweet liquid spewed out, hitting Qi Mo's avatar head.I just feel hot for a while, as if wrapped in warm water, which makes people feel very comfortable and carefree.This kind of clamping and lubricating feeling makes people can't help gushing out the essence.Qi Mo made up his mind and quickly held back.Otherwise, it would be a fart to disarm and surrender just after hitting Huanglong once?If you are killed by the enemy and throw away your helmet and armor, and leave nothing behind, it would be better to find a crack in the ground and go in for 100 years and not come out.

After settling his mind, Qi Mo began to squirm continuously, feeling the joyous cries of the beautiful woman in his arms, sometimes rapid, sometimes low, sometimes high, sometimes hoarse, sometimes joyful, as if the most wonderful song in the world The tune is average.Listening to that voice, Qi Mo wants to hear more voices, that is the voice of begging for mercy, that is the voice of excitement, that is more wonderful voices, so that the beauty in his arms can experience more happiness .He works.Hard but happy.

After some sex, Qi Mo finally disarmed and surrendered. He took a long breath, and then looked at the jade woman in his arms, only to see that she was staring at Qi Mo with winking eyes.Smiling, Qi Mo printed it.Lips meet and tongues collide.Qi Mo smiled and tasted wantonly.

After tasting it, the battle was finally over, Rao Heifang was lying on the bed like a puddle of mud, breathing in satisfaction, with a coquettish expression on his face, which was more mature than before.At this time, it doesn't change into another shape. The current state is quite good, and the master likes it very much.Thinking of this, he squinted his eyes happily, rolled over a few times, and covered all the spring light with the quilt.

Qi Mo got out of bed in twos and threes, and gently pulled the door, but saw a short-breathing girl standing at the door, who was obviously Luosi.

Hei Fang had already noticed that the girl was standing outside the door. The battle just now lasted at least two hours, so she naturally came back long ago. As soon as she came back, she found that something was wrong. What happened to that joyous cry?

She couldn't help frowning, and opened the door to look through a gap. She felt as if she had been struck by lightning, and stood there in a daze. However, the temptation of this exciting scene was irresistible to her. To be honest, it was the first time she saw such a scene. , the breathing was very rapid, the lower body listened to the voice inside, watched the hand-to-hand combat inside, and rubbed his legs unconsciously, the black light was not enough for outsiders, but it must have been a little wet at the moment.

She cursed inwardly, but her eyes did not blink. She said that although the white fox was cunning, she was still a young girl after all. She had seen scenes like this before, but it was definitely not as close as it is now, and it was still so clear. That's my bed.This bad guy really has no shame.What a jerk to the extreme... Cursing like this, the eyes still didn't leave, and the result was to watch the battle, from the beginning to the end.

Qi Mo didn't care, and Hei Fang naturally didn't care either, saying that she hadn't thought about it yet.

Opening the door at this time, Qi Mo immediately saw Luosi, who was blushing.

Looking at the naked Qi Mo, Luosi lowered her head subconsciously. For some reason, Qi Mo looked at this seductive face, showing such a coquettish attitude, and suddenly couldn't help it anymore, and directly reached out to hug Luosi's body With a small waist, his lips moved closer, and printed Luosi's pink lips.

Luosi was shocked!This man is so sudden!She struggled subconsciously, but the strange feeling in her mouth, the tongue stirring her own tongue, had an unbearable numbness, which made her forget about escaping and attacking, perhaps because she had just watched a big battle, so now she was slightly looking forward to it ?

Through the lace dress, Qi Mo rubbed Luosi's chest, Luosi's breathing became a little faster, and bursts of intoxicating blush appeared on her face, which made people enchanted.

Qi Mo directly reached out and kneaded Luosi's lower body.Luosi woke up instantly like an electric shock. She was not Black Fang, she was at Qi Mo's mercy, and immediately pushed Qi Mo away vigorously, and then ran downstairs blushing as if she was a thief.

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