queen brood

Chapter 238 Chaos Begins

"I'm not questioning you, it's just that if such a rule comes down, the Yuwen family will probably fall out immediately!"

"Which family is the Yuwen family? What's their business?" Feng Min said displeased.For the latest free chapters of this book, please visit...

The person below seems to have been used to such non-shocking and endless words, and slowly explained: "The Yuwen family is one of the members of the Yunshang Alliance. They are mainly known as cao controllers. Mainly concentrated in this family.

Speaking of this, Feng Min remembered that there really seemed to be such a family: "That's it! Then let's formulate the rules like this. This rule only restricts Qi Mo!"

The man was speechless immediately: "This will inevitably arouse Qi Mo's resistance and anger."

"He likes to play but not roll!" Feng Min said domineeringly.

"...Okay." The man was about to leave.

Feng Min suddenly thought of something and said, "I'm just joking with you!"

The man staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Only then slowly listened to Feng Min's next sentence: "In this way, it is better to change the number of strange beasts to three. If it is limited to this number, then the Yuwen family is also like this. In this way, they have nothing to say? Arrange for Qi Mo to fight with that Cambrian in the first battle! And tell that Cambrian all the information about Qi Mo! Tell him to be careful, if he wins, I will reward you a lot! Hmm...do you want to give him some? What about things? Forget it, the best weapon is the one that suits you, and if he is really as powerful as you said, he should be able to handle it."

"Master is wise!"

"It's natural."

... & ...

Qi Mo was a little surprised by the regulations, that only the three-headed cao are allowed to control creatures?It is said that the Yuwen family has already quarreled, but this is not an important matter, Qi Mo didn't take it to heart.Because he didn't care about this battle in the first place.If you win, you win, and if you fail, there is nothing you can do about it. Besides, it is impossible to fail with the escort of the nineteenth-level Black Fang?

The first battle is about to start, about 10 minutes away.The knockout rounds are not played one by one, but many people face off at the same time, generally speaking.Powerful people will not meet together, but seeing the list of duels surprised many people.

"Qi Mo actually confronted Han Wu!"

"Is there any mistake? These two guys have every chance to enter the top three of this knockout event, but they met in the first round of the knockout round? It's really unbelievable! What are the Fenglu officials doing!"

"This should be the meaning of Fenglu."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you know? It is said that Qi Mo once severely offended the Fenglu organization. The news was spread by people in the Fenglu organization. It is probably the big man who decided to decide such a somewhat unreasonable battle. Already!"

"Quick, quick! The broadcast will focus on this battle at the same time. Compared with this battle, other battles are a bit dull. Using such a battle to heat up the atmosphere of the rookie competition is nothing better. !"

"That's right! Hurry up! Focus the camera on their battle, the No. 13 duel stage."

Everyone was a little surprised when they got the news.Obviously, they didn't expect the wind road organization to arrange it like this!At the same time, many people thought of the regulations that came down just now. They thought they were used to restrain the Yuwen family, but when they saw this battle, some people immediately came to their senses!I am afraid that that rule was also made by the Fenglu organization specifically for Qi Mo.

No one thought that a dignified Fenglu organization would make it difficult for Qi Mo.Although this Qi Mo is a peerless genius.

The head of the Jiang family was slightly taken aback when he heard the news.Then he laughed: "Let me see what's so special about this kid!"

All the people in power in the Su family also put down the things in their hands, stared at the picture on the screen, all of them were silent, thinking to themselves, through this battle, they might be able to know what happened to Qi Mo's real strength up!

When Su Ya got the news, she couldn't help laughing: "The Fenglu family really doesn't understand Qi Mo! Do you think you can defeat him in this way? You are so naive! No, I have to fight for such a wonderful battle." Go and have a look!" Although the children of the Su family next to him were not very optimistic about Qi Mo.Because there are only three of Qi Mo's manipulative creatures left, he naturally felt that Qi Mo could not defeat Cam Wu.

These people have already heard about the power of Cambrian.

When Jiang Sanyue heard the news, she was immediately filled with righteous indignation, and complained to the wind road organization in dissatisfaction, but because her strength was too weak, complaining was useless.Can't help but feel a little unhappy.

NO.13 duel table.

This duel stage has attracted many people's attention, because this is the duel stage between Qi Mo and Cam Wu.

At this moment, Qi Mo suddenly appeared on the duel stage.

Everyone froze for a moment, thinking their eyes were blurred.It just appeared so abruptly, it's not that it's too fast to see clearly, it's teleportation!

Immediately everyone cheered, envious of Qi Mo's spatial ability, and shouted for victory at the same time!

Qi Mo has risen strongly like a new star. Although many people are jealous and hated by many people, there are still many people who look forward to and admire him!

Seeing Qi Mo who suddenly appeared, everyone's atmosphere reached its peak, and the cheers made those who supported Cambrian look at each other in blank dismay.

Qi Mo looked at those people in surprise, thinking that he also has a fan club?I couldn't help showing some weird smiles, and then waved to those people, and the cheers suddenly became louder!

"Lord Qi Mo! Lord Qi Mo!"

"We must win!"

"Lord Qi Mo, I love you!"

All kinds of voices reached Qi Mo's ears.

Qi Mo's sudden appearance also shocked many big shots watching this match, and their eyes lit up!Because the distance was too far, these people didn't realize that Qi Mo just paused time before moving.

Looking at Qi Mo on the computer screen, Feng Min, the highest authority in the Fenglu organization, frowned and muttered to himself: "This is not a trick, it seems to be teleportation, how is this possible? A The little twelfth level can actually move instantly, this face is too absurd! It must be investigated carefully!" Suddenly, she thought that the wind road organization had already investigated, and put all the news in her beside.It's just that I didn't go through it because I was lazy.Now that I am interested, I immediately took the large stack of papers and quickly looked through it.Seeing the record of events above, Feng Min's eyes became brighter and brighter.It's really extraordinary!Not just this unexpected strength, but that kind of calm and fearless state of mind!I didn't expect such a powerful person to appear, it's really surprising!

Almost half of the war broadcasts fell on this upcoming game.

God's Rain City has a special small satellite, so it can completely form a live TV broadcast, and the cameras are aimed at Qi Mo.Reporters stood carefully at the corners of the cameras, taking photos of Qi Mo in the center, but the reporters in the corners were still there, holding the microphones in their hands and talking about various things to the camera: "Maybe many people don't know yet. This, his name is Qi Mo, is a rising star of the God of Rain City. According to relevant information, he is a member of the Jiang family, one of the Fudao families. It is said that this person who owns the God of Rain City Those few most powerful young people have comparable strength! This is simply unbelievable, but it just unfolded in front of our eyes!"

While talking, the reporter knew that he still needed to say a lot, and the speed of his speech should not be random.I also couldn't say wrong words in front of the live TV, so I was still quite nervous, took a breath, and immediately spoke at a fast speed: "Maybe many people don't know the strength of what I just said. He is so strong, so to speak, if this thing is true, this person is fully qualified to win No.1 in this knockout round! This is for sure! However, this time. The organizer of the rookie competition is the highest The person in charge made a rule, that is, Cao control creatures are only allowed to play against the top three, and this Mr. Qi Mo is famous as a Cao control master! I am afraid, it is done by the organizer to take care of the emotions of other players! Believe it Many people are already waiting to see, next, let's talk about it. What kind of character is this Mr. Qi Mo's opponent! Han Wu... Hey! Wait!"

When this person talked about Cambrian, he stopped before he finished speaking.This is a big taboo, but at this time there is not so much to care about, because there are waves of cheers!A lot of people found some amazing characters approaching the competition stage, so they screamed and cheered.This voice reached the ear of the sharp-eared reporter, and immediately stopped Cambrian's introduction. Those people who came to watch were the real bosses!Cutting off Cambrian's introduction is nothing at all!

"Everyone, please watch!" The reporter waved his hand, causing the camera to move, and then the reporter's body writhed and came to the front of the camera. He turned his head, pointed at a few prominent figures in the crowd in front, and said He said: "Look, everyone, these guys are already well known to everyone, and they are admiring and cheering. Many people are looking forward to their battles, but they have to wait until the knockout round is over before they can see them. However, Now I don’t want to be able to see it right away! Let’s take a quick look and see the status of our genius heroes!”

"Oh! That young man who is quite handsome and exaggerated just celebrated his 19th birthday this year. His name is Kashi! Everyone has heard of it, but they didn't expect him to come to the knockout venue today. Obviously, this Kashgar wants to see Mr. Qi Mo fight!"

"Ah! Look at the figure of that little girl, everyone fears and adores this little girl. Everyone must have heard of her sister. It's a pity that this thirteen mercury has gone to the bloody place to hone and fight hard. We will no longer see that crazy, cold-blooded, and passionate figure that makes us tremble! However, this figure of Fengjie already has a faint shadow of her sister! But I want to report that this Fengjie was not He lost to Qi Mo carefully and carelessly. In that battle, the eldest lady Su Ya and Qi Mo joined forces. Su Ya and Feng Jie were exhausted first, and Mr. Qi Mo won again. I have recognized the strength of this Mr. Qi Mo!"

The reporter said excitedly, because he knew that he was the first to react and report the presence of those peerless geniuses, so the ratings must be the peak among all his peers!Although this does not bring him any benefits, it is an honor, and any benefit cannot be compared.As long as you have this honor, isn't it easy to get benefits in the future?

The person pointed to the distance again, and the one who just entered the venue was Su Ya, and he said excitedly: "Our honorable and admired beautiful lady Su Ya is here! Haha! I want to say something that makes God's Rain City The news that all the men are heartbroken at the same time! It is that Miss Su Ya and Mr. Qi Mo have a lot of scandals, and they are said to be living together recently!"

Under the command of this person, the camera turned to Qi Mo's body. The camera zoomed in to show Qi Mo's lazy expression. When Qi Mo noticed Su Ya's existence, his eyes lit up and he waved at Su Ya.

Su Ya also smiled gently, and Xiao Niao's delicate appearance showed no doubt.

"Ahhh! Is the rumor true? Even if it's not true, then the relationship between these two must not be shallow!" The reporter said with a look of regret, as if he had lost all his abilities, and was distressed. His face was about to burst into tears, he sighed and said: "What I just said was actually a joke, I don't believe that the eldest lady has something to do with Mr. Qi Mo, but after seeing this scene, it made my joke It’s confirmed, what expression should I use to face it!” This subtle performance probably made many people smile knowingly before the live broadcast, but at the same time, they also became very jealous of Qi Mo, and the eyes that looked at Qi Mo were uneasy. No more shock and longing, but Chi Lulu's jealousy and helplessness.

The reporter continued to talk, and soon, Cambrian also played!The camera immediately turned to the 30*30 meter battle field.Although these peerless geniuses are very powerful, they can't overwhelm others.

With the arrival of Cambrian, the reporter briefly introduced Cambrian at the fastest speed, and then closed his mouth. At the same time, the battle field suddenly became quiet, and everyone stared at Cambrian who was on the spot just now. .

This is a burly man, dressed in blue clothes, very chic, short hair, high nose bridge, this face is very handsome, and people can't help feeling a little good in their hearts.


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