queen brood

Chapter 247 Trap

Hearing this, Su Ya couldn't help but feel a little moved. So he was always thinking about himself?But I don’t need to think about it like this. Even if there are many ignorance and barriers, it’s enough to work hard to resolve them. Are there any difficulties that cannot be overcome?She said faintly: "You are not only a bastard, but also a fool. Please remember the website address of this website:..."

"Ah?" Qi Mo was taken aback.

"Didn't I say it, as long as, as long as, as long as you are there, that's enough." Su Ya said word by word, her tone was very firm, but she couldn't help stammering when she said it.

Hearing this, Qi Mo was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Su Ya in disbelief. This warm feeling brought him back to reality from his indifference.

The indifferent and calm reason just mentioned does not contain any emotions, it is just a simple reason, which makes him feel like he is about to leave this three-dimensional space, as if falling into a dark abyss, that empty feeling is very Uncomfortable, he probably understands that this uncomfortable taste is the sequelae caused by his constant travel between two-dimensional and three-dimensional...

Listening to this now, I suddenly feel like I'm coming back.

It's been a long time since I saw this feeling.Qi Mo couldn't help being a little happy, and hugged Su Ya into his arms: "You are right, I am indeed stupid."

"Yeah." Su Ya hummed without speaking, and quietly snuggled into Qi Mo's arms. The empty and uncomfortable feeling just now had completely disappeared. If Qi Mo hadn't pulled herself back, she would have given up After speaking her own words, Su Ya already felt that she might kill Qi Mo. This completely out-of-control emotion made her a little unbelievable. Could it be that her own energy infected her emotions?This is impossible... That feeling seems to be the result of an extremely strong force, it is really strange...

"Then why did you spread the flames of war to God's Rain City?"

"End this chaotic distribution and let one family or one organization successfully rule all human beings. In this end-of-life era, only centralization can make human beings strong, not decentralization. Infighting!" Qi Mo said seriously.

"Pfft." Su Ya couldn't help laughing.This guy is really good at speaking.She didn't pierce, just quietly leaning on Qi Mo's chest, listening to the heavy, powerful and slow heart.Greedily inhaling the man's smell, it seemed to be stronger, and at the same time, the energy in his body began to grow.

"This!" After 10 minutes, Su Ya couldn't help but said in surprise: "It's so possible!

"What's wrong?" Qi Mo lowered his head and looked at Su Ya inexplicably.

"I broke through level [-]..."

"Huh?!" Qi Mo's eyes widened suddenly: "Are you kidding me!"

"Really, really broke through." Su Ya raised her head and looked at Qi Mo with some anxiety.The eyes are full of fear, because this is too weird! "It started to increase energy 10 minutes ago, and now it has broken through smoothly, without any obstacles at all. This is too weird. What's going on?"

The consecutive breakthroughs finally made Su Ya's uneasiness burst out: "There will be no serious consequences?"

Qi Mo also had some worries on his face: "Do you feel anything strange?"

"No!" Su Ya shook her head and said.

"No... Then it should be fine for the time being, but there is no guarantee that something will happen. I will solve this matter. Don't worry." Qi Mo said word by word. "I'll look into it."

He has this confidence because what he used to investigate was all the information in the entire Rain City of the Gods.

"En." Su Ya's frightened heart calmed down a lot.

Qi Mo stroked his head, his eyes were a little cloudy.Qi Mo didn't notice that there were several swift figures flying over from the outer space.

That's from the Huang family.

The news that the Huang family was breached was quickly brought over by these people!

The head of the Huang family heard the news.At first I couldn't believe it, but looking at the serious faces of the people below, I knew it was definitely not a joke!

"Isn't the defensive shield blocking it?? How many people are attacking? Which faction is it?" the Patriarch of the Huang family asked quickly.

The person below hewed and hawed and described the whole thing.By now, those people have already evacuated, and they are not in a hurry anymore, so I will describe the ins and outs in detail.

As the head of the Huang family listened, his face became more and more ugly.From white to blue, from blue to green, it was like changing faces, and finally turned black, eyes opened round like copper bells: "Damn it! The warehouse is all blocked! What are you doing here while you're still alive!!!" With a furious charge, he instantly came to the side of the people below, and swung his arms horizontally.Cut off all these people at the waist, the fragments of the corpses flew around the whole room, and the blood spilled on everyone!

"Roar! Hoo hoo!" The Patriarch of the Huang family let out a heavy breath, full of breath! "Ah ah ah ah ah!"

People with a radius of three kilometers felt an incomparably huge aura!

Those who knew this breath were astonished!This is the head of the Huang family?What happened?He even opened his breath.And look very angry!Who messed with him?I can't believe it!

Qi Mo, who was hugging Su Ya, also felt this aura, was slightly startled, and asked Su Ya, "Whose aura is this?"

"It should be the Patriarch of the Huang family. Hey, it's strange, who provoked him? He looks so angry!" Su Ya was amazed.

"So that's how it is." Hearing that it was the head of the Huang family, Qi Mo showed a look of sudden realization.

"Ah? Do you know what's going on?" Su Ya asked.

"I ransacked his house, how could he not be angry?"


... & ...


A group of members of the Mizushang family rushed into the warehouse, and suddenly they were shocked to find that there was no defense?

The Heng family is really lax, even the defenders haven't seen it all the way.Really incredible.Everyone present was speechless at the same time.It seems that I really thought that the outer shield was omnipotent!What an idiot!

In fact, before today, in the day when the protective cover was opened, they also felt that this extremely powerful protective cover was indeed omnipotent.

But there are still smart people... Minakami Iegawa found something was wrong!This is too weird!

This is almost like an ambush and a premeditated plan, could it be...!When Minakami Iagawa thought of this, his scalp tingled, is this really the case?This is really scary and unbelievable.

Minakami Yoshida knew what was going to happen, and immediately changed his expression, took out the tablet, and said in disbelief: "Oh no! There is an ambush among us!"

"This!" Mizugami Iagawa next to him buzzed in his head, and he couldn't help but feel a little flustered in his expression.

"What?! How is it possible?!" Everyone panicked and showed expressions of disbelief.

Someone took the tablet in Minakami Yoshida's hand, but found nothing, and couldn't help but wonder: "What are you talking about? Why do you judge like this? Is there any basis?"

"Evidence?" Mizugami Yoshida sneered, turned and left, already retreating: "If you don't want to die, follow me!"

Everyone's faces were ugly and uncertain, but Minakami Iagawa was straightforward. Although he was also very puzzled, he still followed Minakami Yoshida and left.And shouted: "Hurry up and follow!"

Minakami Iagawa has already confirmed that there is really an ambush in all likelihood.

damn it.Where did the accident happen?

Could it be that when attacking other families, people from that family came to Heng's family to warn in advance?But it has already been broken, and they can't take care of themselves, so how can they kindly remind others?Don't all human beings gloat?

"Hi!" Everyone could only respond.Follow Mizukami Yoshida to leave.

Mizukami Yoshida's speed was very fast, and the war behemoth that was originally behind turned its head and became the front.The war behemoth accelerated violently, and its speed was extremely fast, breaking through the sky all at once, a little faster than when it came.

But at this time of panic, when everyone saw this situation, they just kept their eyes open and didn't think too much about it, because if there was really an ambush...

can not imagine!

These few times they attacked and raided the warehouses of other families, they used surprise soldiers to win every time. Although those families had [-]% of their strength and went to God's Rain City, they were not able to deal with this [-]% of their strength.The advantage of the surprise attack is that the opponent has no time to prepare, so it is invincible. Once the opponent prepares, it will become difficult.

Although there are [-]th-level Minakami Iegawa and the genius Minakami Yoshida sitting here, if the opponent uses the strategy of delaying to fight a protracted war and let the large troops from God's Rain City return, such a group of people will undoubtedly die.

"Chong Chong!" Feeling the empty silence, everyone became more and more uneasy.


"Puff!!" "Puff!!" "Puff!!" "Puff!!"

Among the 31 people, the four who were flying suddenly burst out a mouthful of blood, and internal organs could be faintly seen in the blood.The four of them looked at the crowd helplessly, their eyes filled with astonishment and horror, as well as unbearable pain.

The feeling of being suddenly pinched and burst by the heart is really uncomfortable!

The four people died instantly, and the habit of running away was still there, but because their bodies lost consciousness, they suddenly lost their balance and rolled directly on the ground. With a 'bang', they fell heavily to the ground, rolling continuously , the speed dropped sharply, and collided with a building.

Although it turned into a corpse, the characteristics of the ability user have not disappeared. The corpse is very hard. With a 'boom', the building was directly knocked down to the ground, and the smoke and dust scattered.



"Fei Wu!!"



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