queen brood

Chapter 258 Resolved

Having said that, when did a society really have fairness?Injustice among classes is what constitutes a society!And there's not that much injustice at all!It is probably because there are too many of these messy things that there is a later reason.Please remember the URL of this site:  …As for the United States, with its many hegemony in international behavior, how can there be any style of justice that is in line with justice.At most, it's just to fool children.

Qi Mo had discussed this with others in his previous life, and now he looked at the man in front of him who was constantly beheading his own clansmen, and he just felt it was funny, thinking that I am not a decisive, righteous and awe-inspiring protagonist, but I just don’t kill You will not be able to live a better life if you die, such a person who must take revenge!

Thinking of this, his mouth was not weak at all, and he roared: "The road we are on is a road of thorns, but no one can stop us from going forward, because this is our wish, this is our lifelong dream Go! Kill this man as proof! Everyone goes crazy!"

However, he glanced at the three women who were constantly slashing at the side, and secretly blocked their way with flame worms, but it was difficult to stop them, and he couldn't help feeling a little headache. If he let them rush in and be killed, he would be at a loss. This person must be killed quickly!

Thinking of this, Qi Mo immediately began to turn the eight charged particle cannons, and began to manipulate various positions. While giving a passionate speech, he used flame worms to block the progress of the three women, while arranging the positions of the charged particle cannons .With one mind and three tasks, and can't make any mistakes, although Qi Mo can handle it, he is still a little nervous.

The village on the water clearly saw the madness of the three women, and couldn't help laughing. Although it was an extremely angry smile, it seemed heroic. He wanted to attack the three women!

In this situation, because of the loss of consciousness, the defense state is greatly reduced.If you get hit by this guy, you won't be able to escape at all!

Mizusakamura was obviously aware of this, and this was probably the best opportunity for revenge. He immediately raised the long knife in his hand, beheaded one person, and then aimed at Suya, Luosi, and Hengdie. At that time, Mizukami's whole body was up and down.It was full of bright red blood, and his eyes were shining fiercely, staring at the three of them, the kind of hatred that seemed to be skinning and swallowing their bones, even Qi Mo couldn't help shivering, he yelled : "Go to hell!"

The charged particle cannon is still being deployed.It's too late!Seeing that he was accumulating the power of a decisive blow, Qi Mo roared excitedly!

This guy must be stopped, if this blow hits, the three women will most likely die!

Qi Mo didn't want to see this result.At this time, it is too late to change the status quo even by cutting off the bewitching machine, so it is necessary to bewitch everyone!

"Come on! Everyone! Go! Go! Ahead! It's dawn! It's a dream! It's the other side! It's heaven! It's the place you all hope to reach! Prove yourself! Prove!!!"

Everyone seemed to have really seen the dawn, saw the dream, saw the other side, and saw the heaven. In their godless eyes, some sincere admiration appeared.Then overwhelming crowd flocked towards Mizukami Muramasa.Mizukami Village was suddenly surrounded by crowds and turned into a human ball.

Such a good opportunity was interrupted just like that, Mizukami Muramasa's eyes were full of regret, looking at these people, some decisiveness appeared in his eyes, and there was another chance, that is to blew himself up!Thinking of this, some determination appeared in Mizusakamura's eyes!

The decision you need to make!

In fact, this is the importance of information.The so-called know yourself, know your enemy, and win a hundred battles is no nonsense. If Mizukami Masaru knows that the release time of Qi Mo's machine is not a lifetime control, nor is it an unlimited time control, then he will definitely choose to procrastinate.His level 21 existence wanted to escape, and it was impossible for anyone to stop him!At that time, kill another carbine.It is simply abnormal, how could it be so embarrassing now?Even thought of committing suicide to make a decision?

However, he still did not choose this path after all, because when he died, he would have nothing!

Just as Mizukami was thinking this way, he suddenly dug a path among the crowd.Countless people were killed following his actions.He doesn't want to die, he wants to continue to live. If he is not strong enough to kill Qi Mosuya, then he can go to the bloody place to hone, and wait until the peak of level 21 and come back. At that time, wouldn't it be easy to kill them ?

Thinking of this, Mizukami is trying harder to escape.

But the crowd was surging, and the passage that was just opened was filled up in the blink of an eye.

Within the field of vision, it turned into darkness again, and Mizukami was gritting his teeth secretly, so he couldn't go out at all!Sooner or later, I will be consumed by these unconscious guys to death here... Hiss!Mizukami was feeling the energy attacks of the people around him, and couldn't help but gasp. Just now, his entire right arm was penetrated!Thinking of this, he ruthlessly took out his life-saving hole card, swallowed a pill, and the flesh and blood power all over his body suddenly started to burn, and some blue fires really appeared all over his body, but this was not enough, he slammed the small He bit off half of his tongue, chewed it hard a few times, and then spit it out. He silently read a few words of truth in his mouth, then raised his eyes, and yelled violently: "Shock!"

hum! ! ! !

All the people surrounding him were so shocked that they had no strength at all, and their bodies temporarily lost consciousness. They lay on the ground and wailed unwillingly, shouting whether they had completed the holy way?

"Huh! Huh! Huh!" Mizukami was breathing heavily, the flame on the surface of his body was not a flame of ability, but actually burning his body, consuming his lifespan every second, Without further ado, he glanced at Qi Mo with infinite resentment, turned around and fled - until now, Qi Mo has not used space to teleport, and it is obviously unrealistic to try to kill him, so Shui Shangcun is I chose to escape!

"Can you run away?!" Qi Mo sneered, watching Murakami Mizukami gradually disappearing from sight, and activated the charged particle cannon!


The eight silver lights merged into one in the space, and went away in an instant. If someone with the speed of light noticed it, he could dodge it in advance, but if he didn't realize it, he was attacked suddenly, and he couldn't run away at all.

The water village in the distance was being hit suddenly, and then fell down.

"Huh. It's finally resolved." Qi Mo breathed a sigh of relief, seeing the potholes around him, he couldn't help laughing wryly: "This is really a big mess!"

Right now, listen to Kaka!puff!With such a voice, Black Fang finally completely digested those resources.

Everyone withdrew from the situation of being bewitched, their eyes were a little dull, and they didn't know what happened.The same is true for the third daughter, who was not injured at all.

Hei Ya soon came to Qi Mo's side, expressing his apology for not being able to fight side by side with his thoughts, the apology was very heavy, Qi Mo comforted Hei Ya down after a burst of comfort, and glanced at those members of the Shui Shang family, Qi Mo said, "Eat them."

Hei Fang listened to the order and executed it immediately, eating up all of these seriously injured people in a short while.It is said that if this person dies, he will definitely lose some energy. This kind of half-dead state is the most suitable. However, in normal battles, it is either you die or I live, so how can you beat people like this on purpose? A half-dead state for Black Fang to devour?This water village is leaving these people alive, but not killing them, in fact, it is in the hope that Black Fang can recruit them and let them continue to live.No matter how much you hate in your heart, you must know that these people are of the same clan after all. Although many people have no blood relationship, the Mizushang family is a big family with many family members, so there are really many people who are related by blood. Just thinking about this In fact, this is also human nature, and there is nothing unusual about it, but it is cheaper for Qi Mo. Qi Mo will not let these people live like you, the water villager, want!

If there is this kind of kindness, Qi Mo will not start the flames of war. The end of the world is not a peaceful world, even if it is swallowed by strange beasts, as long as Qi Mo and his relatives live well What about the relationship?Although it is a cruel truth, it is very realistic.Qi Mo can do this, and many people want to do it too, but this is not something you can do if you want to do it, what you need is the ability.

Qi Mo walked to the side of the three women, helped the three women up, looked at the ragged clothes, the indistinct creamy skin, but not much breasts, took out some clothes and covered them up, waiting for them to gradually wake up.On the other side, Hei Fang was about to fall into the state of digestion again, but there was no order from Qi Mo, so he forcibly stopped the digestion and squatted next to Qi Mo, looking very hard.

Su Ya was the first to wake up, she woke up from the confusion, her eyes became much clearer, she looked around, recalling what happened just now, she couldn't help being afraid, she snuggled into Qi Mo's arms and didn't speak, she was just too young The handsome Su Xia who killed the Quartet showed the attitude of a little girl at this time.Feeling uneasy, thinking, is this his world?But leaning against Qi Mo's chest like this, feeling the smooth and even heartbeat, the uneasiness has also stabilized a lot.

Qi Mo stroked Su Ya's back and head, quietly calming her emotions like this.At this moment, Heng Die and Luo Si also woke up, Qi Mo nodded to the two, their eyes were still not clear enough just now, seeing Qi Mo, he shook his head vigorously, remembered the scene just now, fell silent, Feeling a little depressed, he didn't speak.Qi Mo didn't say much.


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