queen brood

Chapter 28 Kill Them


Qi Mo subconsciously screamed.

The arm was detached from his body, and his face instantly became extremely pale, without a trace of blood at all, and he didn't know whether it was from fright or from excessive blood loss.

There is a wound on the abdomen where the ribs can be seen, a large area of ​​injury on the back that has turned into blood mud, and now another arm is broken... This situation is really quite bad.

Qi Mo was almost desperate. He was about to stop and make the last choice that he absolutely couldn't make—wait for death.

However, just when he was about to stop, the guy behind him laughed excitedly because of the moment when his arm was broken and the blood sprayed out. The laughter was countless times more perverted than before. Frenzy in the bones.

Crazy for death and blood!

It was precisely because of this kind of laughter that Qi Mo gave up waiting to die. How could he lose to such a guy?


Qi Mo's consciousness became more blurred due to excessive blood loss, his consciousness began to slacken, the world began to rotate, and his body was gradually out of control.

The broken arm injury and the excruciating pain constantly stimulated Qi Mo's nerves. This did not save Qi Mo's drowsy consciousness, but added fuel to the flames, making Qi Mo feel a little impulsive to faint.

From the beginning to the present, Qi Mo has been enduring and enduring the injuries to keep himself from fainting. Therefore, as long as he wants to, he can end everything in this reality in just an instant and leave the reality that has brought him serious trauma.

Although it was an escape, it was really effective.

The connection with the elf shooter hanging on the top of the big tree is gradually disconnected. This is the connection that Qi Mo voluntarily gave up, and let them escape by themselves, as far as possible. Killed by these people.

Qi Mo's speed gradually slowed down, but he still didn't give up. He tried his best to open his dull eyes wide, breathing heavily, and kept moving forward.

"Haha! It's getting more, more interesting, this guy. Hehe! Hehe! Haha!"

Boss Liang laughed and said, after he finished speaking, his laughter kept changing and getting louder, wantonly expressing his excitement.

"The big ax, which is so hungry and thirsty, is still begging for your blood!" Boss Liang raised the big ax again, holding it high, like an ancient god, judging crimes and life and death.

At the same time, not far away, the other seven people were watching Boss Liang chasing and killing this guy, moving with them, and talking non-stop.

"The shooter has disappeared. I don't know if he escaped or he ordered the withdrawal."

"Ten times out of ten, he knew that he was helpless, so he didn't want those shooters to die here, so he let them withdraw. But, since he has such an idea, why is this little guy still running? "

The machine gun girl who didn't say a word suddenly said: "Probably unwilling? We attacked him directly. I'm afraid he doesn't even know the reason why he was hunted down so badly! Hehe! But, What if you are not reconciled? Isn’t it a dead end?”

A gloomy dwarf next to this group of people also answered: "That's true. It's a pity, his control ability is still very good, and he can control so many strange beasts at the same time, what a genius .”

"However, the combat power is too weak. It is already an honor to confess here."

"Ha! It is the greatest honor to be hacked to death by the boss, or slowly tortured to death."

"Indeed, but, although Cao's ability to control alien beasts is good, his combat ability is really too weak to be praised."

"Kill it now? I'm afraid the consequences will not be good? The task should be to try to capture it alive?"

"Why panic, what the boss means is what we mean. If the boss does this, we will just do it. There is no need to think about it."

"Well said." The machine gun girl nodded with a stern face, and said, "Old nature has his own ideas. As subordinates, we don't have to think so much."

The screen switched from these people to Qi Mo.

I don't know if the movement is too ethereal, but Qi Mo accidentally walked out of unprecedented footwork and dodged this guy's attack all at once.

Seeing that his attack was dodged, Boss Liang snorted coldly: "What a piece of shit luck, then, how do you block the next move?"

As he spoke, he raised his arms.

The giant ax was raised above his head again.

Energy, gather.

instant time.

'puff! '

Blood sprayed again!

Arms fly again!

Qi Mo's left arm was cut off at once.

If it was a stupid mistake to cut off the right arm without directly killing it, then cutting off the left hand now has already explained a problem.

That's not stupid, but Boss Liang didn't intend to kill Qi Mo all at once, but wanted to chop off some other parts and slowly torture him to death. This is the most vicious idea!

Qi Mo, whose mind became dull, finally realized this.

'Boom! 'His hands were cut off, and a huge amount of blood was sprayed out. Qi Mo only felt that the surroundings were spinning for a while, and it was completely difficult to keep his balance, and he fell to the ground all of a sudden.

The piercing pain tormented Qi Mo, Qi Mo's consciousness was in a trance, and the light in his eyes gradually faded.

Seeing Qi Mo fell to the ground, Boss Liang also stopped not far away, and the giant ax he raised fell down, looking at Qi Mo who fell to the ground with disdain: "What! You just fell down? It's really boring, I thought you could run a little longer. I thought you were a genius with unparalleled willpower, but now it seems that you are nothing but rubbish."

"As trash, your fate..."

When Boss Liang hadn't finished speaking, he stopped suddenly, both in his footwork and his voice.Just now, he felt a palpitation?

What does it feel like?

How can you feel this way?

How strange!

"Illusion?" Boss Liang sneered, and continued to walk towards Qi Mo, but at this moment, his expression changed in vain, and the feeling just now appeared again. This is definitely not an illusion, it is a real feeling !

"who is it?!"

Boss Liang stared wide-eyed, looking into the jungle.

A behemoth two meters tall and four meters long appeared!

"How could it be!" Boss Liang looked at the powerful aura emanating from the monster, full of inconceivable and shocking, and said in astonishment, "How could there be monsters of this level in the periphery of this forest? Level eight!?"

The seven people in the back heard the captain say the monster's level and felt the monster's aura. They were shocked in their hearts. They all looked at each other and surrounded them cautiously.

This monster is naturally Black Fang.

At this moment, Hei Fang was already furious to the limit. He felt the vaguely weak breath of his master, and suddenly, his anger was even higher.

die!die!These people must die here! ! !

It was Qi Mo's order to echo the wrath of the brood.

"Give me... kill them!";

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