queen brood

Chapter 365 Fighting Evans

Soon, Qi Mo followed the Baiwu people.

Qi Mo took out a fifteenth-level flame worm and let the flame worm enter the body of the Baiwu man.

Soon, the flame worm entered.

The angle of view changed suddenly, and the distance between the flame worm and the flame worm king was really not small, about three or four kilometers, but this distance was just right.

Qi Mo silently urged the flame worm to activate its skills.

Fire Bugs only have one skill.

This is also a skill that has never been used, that is nuclear explosion!


The flame worm exploded in the dark space like an atomic bomb.

The power of the nuclear explosion can completely threaten the flame worm king.

However, there is some distance between the two, and it is not a zero-distance attack, so the threat is just a threat.It cannot kill the flame worm king.

boom! ! !The sound of explosions has not stopped, not one after another, but this one has not stopped.

The sound lasted ten seconds.

just stopped.

But the Baiwu man in front of him didn't change much, Qi Mo couldn't help being a little astonished and dumbfounded, even with such power, he couldn't do anything about it.

You must know that the power of this nuclear explosion does not lie in how much damage it has, but in the power of group attacks.The power of this nuclear explosion is greater than the attack range of the war behemoth.

It didn't even destroy the dark space.

Qi Mo shook his head, and decided to give up the flame worm king in the Baiwu man's body.

It's not that there is no gain, it's just that the loss is a bit too big, it seems that we should pay attention to it in the future.After all, now is the time of battle and cannot be easily consumed.These fifty flame worm kings and fifty war behemoths are already all of Qi Mo's top combat power.

Fortunately, the war behemoth can fly above the secret realm.Otherwise, on this ground, it would have already entered the body of the white mist man.But here comes the problem again, this giant war beast is so huge, and this Baiwu man is just a tiny bit.Could it really be sucked in?Qi Mo didn't try it. If he was really sucked in and lost another war beast for no reason, it would be too late to cry.

Right now!

The sky suddenly darkened.

Qi Mo suddenly looked at the sky.

so dark?

How strange!

It didn't turn black suddenly, but turned black very quickly. Qi Mo immediately looked up, and the sky above turned out to be a reflection!

It is the reflection of the city.Qi Mo's eyesight is extraordinary, he can even see himself in the reflection, the expression on his face.

Suddenly, Qi Mo had some strange feelings.

White mist people, strange cities, dark spaces.reflection.

Is there any connection between this?

Qi Mo keenly sensed that there must be some connection among them.

Is it...!

Qi Mo suddenly thought of a very ridiculous idea.

That is, isn't the space I am in a real space?The reflection in the sky is actually in the real world. The world I am in is actually a reflection?Zhouzhuang dreams of butterflies, butterfly dreams of Zhouzhuang? !


If this ridiculous idea is true.If you tell the secret of this secret realm by yourself, you can completely control the rules of the secret realm to carry out an attack.

Qi Mo shook his head and expelled this weird idea. He didn't know why he had such an idea, but the wisdom in his mind told him clearly that this was not a good thing, because it was denying himself The presence!

If denying one's own existence has reached an extreme.

Then, it will really be completely denied.

Because of this world.If you even deny yourself, how can others recognize your existence?

Thinking about this carefully, Qi Mo suddenly felt the darkness around him disappear again.

Light has returned to this world.

It's just that where did the light appear from, Qi Mo searched for a long time but couldn't find it.

But because of this period of time, the parasites controlled by Qi Mo have completely dispersed, but the city is simply terrifying.They didn't even find them, whether it was Kashgar or Suya and Fengjie.Damn it!Qi Mo had a bad premonition.


It's just that I can't find it. Why is there such a bad feeling?


Qi Mo sensed something was wrong again!

It's not that I have a bad premonition in this regard, but I have a bad premonition about myself!

In crisis!

Qi Mo looked around sharply.Immediately, he saw all the white fog people stop.

They stopped walking and turned their faces to Qi Mo one by one.

Of course, if a face without any features is a face.

The hostility of these Baiwu people made Qi Mo feel threatened.

Suddenly, a crazy super Qimo from Baiwu came running.

The speed wasn't too fast, just about the same as an ordinary human young man's full sprint.

Qi Mo can easily dodge.

Then, two more people rushed towards Qi Mo.

Qi Mo dodged again.

Immediately afterwards, there were four, eight, sixteen, and the number of people was increasing, and there was no structure, no rules, and random attacks in a chaotic manner.

However, it may seem difficult to keep dodging without being touched, but for Qi Mo, there is no pressure at all. His reaction nerves are not comparable to ordinary abilities!

But even if this is the case, there are bursts of horror in my heart, you know, what might happen if you wait.

It was exactly as Qi Mo expected.

The sky darkened again.

Five minutes and 16 seconds?

Qi Mo thought silently.

Check again to see if it's the irregular darkness, or... this!

According to Qi Mo's perception, the speed of these Baiwu people is much faster, which has reached the tenth level of speed!With such a large number, with such a speed impact, even the twentieth level cannot avoid it.Too many!

After a while, the sky appeared bright again.

The bodies of these white mist people began to turn red.

It was a bit difficult for Qi Mo to dodge, and soon the sky darkened again.

Still five minutes and 16 seconds!

Is there any way to do this?

Qi Mo thought silently, this death secret realm is not an ordinary secret realm, as long as one knows the rules, one can master some unique powers, carry out an attack, and comprehend the laws of this secret realm.

This will be of great help to those below level [-]. Who wouldn't want to understand the law of the secret realm?Most likely the law of time.

But above level 21.Generally, people have initially realized the law of time, so it is a pity to discard it if it is tasteless.

Qi Mo made the flame worms and war behemoths all fly in the sky.And ordered them not to fly away at will, and then took back their divine sense.

Just now, Qi Mo divided his spiritual thoughts into one hundred parts, and now he took them all back. Seeing the impact of these white fog people, he immediately showed a calm smile.

This is too much to do.

Dodged a few times.Suddenly feel bored.

However, this is too much trouble!

See if the attack from the outside can be effective!

Qi Mo thought to this point, then jumped up and landed on the back of a giant war beast.

He silently calculated that it would be dark soon.next.These white mist people will become stronger!Affected by the rules, Qi Mo can't stay on this giant war beast for too long, so something must be done during this time.

Looking sideways at the war behemoth, he ordered to go down.

Skill, Flame Roar.

The flames come down to the world, this is the fire of heaven, burning.Burn all enemies to ashes!Let the flames fall on the world and burn all enemies who dare to stop!You unremarkable guys, all turned into charcoal under the pressure of the sky fire!

Whoa whoa whoa!

A flame suddenly appeared in the sky, the flame grew rapidly, and then turned into a huge flame with a diameter of 50 meters. It was dark, but this huge flame continued to shine on the world like the sun!


The flames instantly turned into thousands of fireballs, shooting towards the ground.

Bang bang bang-!

The flames hit the ground crazily.But the ground didn't move at all, and this strange metal building didn't move at all. So, couldn't these metals be all around twentieth-level metal?Even this kind of attack has no effect?

Seemingly aware of Qi Mo's intentions, Hei Fang immediately responded: "There is a special rule affecting it, and it's not the twentieth-level metal!"

Was it a rule?

Qi Mo's eyes were cloudy and uncertain.Then he looked at the white mist man.

The flames scorched these white mist people, but they didn't let them die. They curled up and rolled on the ground in pain, but no matter how uncomfortable they struggled.Neither died.

Qi Mo suddenly had a heartfelt feeling, looked at the mirror in the sky, and suddenly understood something.

The light appeared again.

Qi Mo was taken aback again, he, who is quite sensitive to time, understood something again.

ha!It turned out to be like this... Qi Mo couldn't help but smile.

When the time came, Qi Mo had to be affected by the rules, but instead of going to the ground, he landed on the roofs of these buildings.

As soon as he went down, he immediately met a pair of eyes.

Evans Seven.

"It seems that the violent attack just now caught your attention." Qi Mo said lightly.

"Yes." The bearded Evans seemed a little honest, smiled at Qi Mo, and nodded solemnly: "What did you seem to understand just now?"

"That's beyond what you can know." Qi Mo said lightly.All the information about this person flashed through his mind in an instant.

Evans Seven.There is a quarter of the Eldar blood in the body, but it is not a mixed blood, but a natural, self-conceived one, which is very strange.And very rare, this self-incubated Eldar blood is not the general Eldar blood, but the blood of the 'king' among the Eldar.There is a quarter, but it is strong enough, and the spirit race visited him and asked him to be the next 'king'!It is said that there is a special secret method that can allow him to directly break through level 21 and become the existence of the king's realm!

Just because the current king of the royal family only contains one-tenth of the king's blood!

If he is allowed to combine with that king's princess and give birth to a child, he can be cultivated and activated when he was a child, and he can even get a child with half of the king's blood.

One-half of the king's blood is enough to hit the realm above the king's realm!

However, the request of the Spirit Race was rejected by him. This is the Rain City of the Gods. Among the alien races, the deterrent power is extraordinary, so the Spirit Race did not dare to do it at all. They were only tempted by sugar-coated bullets with sweet words, but how could he with unlimited potential Maybe give others a breeding machine?

What a joke!

What king?

I can work it out myself!

When these words reached Qi Mo's ears, he couldn't help but admire him, what a man!

Evans is known for being able to control enormous amounts of energy.It is considered to be the most difficult one among the three people on the Kashgar side.

It is also the one with the fastest growing strength among the six of Kashi, Fengjie, Su Ya, Roger Vincent, Evans Seven, and Qi Mo.

In just one month, he has grown from an ordinary master to the level of Qi Mo, who has the strength of level 21!

Even more unbelievable than Su Ya.

But appreciation is appreciation, and Qi Mo will not be merciful because of this.


"it is good!"


The moment the bearded man raised his hand and threw his feet, four huge energy balls appeared and smashed towards Qi Mo.

Bloody Roar!

Flames roar!

War Roar!

Thunder Roar!

Among the fifty war behemoths, forty war behemoths released their skills.

Every ten war beasts used the same skill.

Although the four skills are used together, the time it takes to release them is different, so the time of arrival also has a sequence.

The first is the bloody roar, which is an individual skill, and it is the fastest to use.

The level of the war behemoth is level seventeen, while Evans' level is nineteen. The bloody roar of the war behemoth can only be fully displayed against opponents that do not exceed its level, which is equivalent to a one-hit kill. Skills, however, if there is no defense, even the elites of the seventeenth level are hard to block.However, when the opponent's level exceeds that of the giant war beast, the power of this blow becomes limited.Fortunately, it is not without effect.

The war behemoth opened its biggest mouth and let out a burst of roar, which had a special sound wave, which was exerted on Evans.At this time, Evans only felt that the blood all over his body began to rush, and an inexplicable sense of depression filled his whole body, making him extremely uncomfortable.He quickly circulated the energy like Haihe in his body, and quickly suppressed this uncomfortable feeling.

At this moment, the energy ball in his hand also rushed towards Qi Mo.However, it was roared by the flames to the moment. The huge flame ball hit the energy ball, and the power that erupted instantly had reached the nineteenth level.


This is really sparks colliding with the earth. There are huge energy bodies between the two. When they collide with each other, a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rises!

Gradually, the flames destroyed the energy ball, but new energy balls destroyed the flame ball, and continued to crush Qi Mo. At this time, the war roar of the war behemoth was displayed.

Roar!Roar!Since he felt uncomfortable, this roar made Evans feel a great irritability and restlessness.The energy is running rapidly in his body, but the effect is not very good.


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