queen brood

Chapter 379

Then Qi Mo made 250 flame worm kings form five battle formations to protect his surroundings, protecting himself tightly.And on standby, because he discovered a small accident and needed to use these flame worm kings at any time.

Immediately afterwards, he began to drive two hundred war beasts——Since he was upgraded to level nineteen and practiced for so many days, Qi Mo's cao control ability has obviously improved a lot. a smooth.

The two hundred war behemoths entered the invisible state following Qi Mo's order. The thunder roar of these two hundred war behemoths has been used seven to eighty-eight times, and there are many times of bloody roar and war roar. As for the flame roar, it is very in good condition.

The giant war beasts formed a battle formation suitable for them. Although this battle formation is extremely simple and does not have much benefit, it is still a battle formation. After using it, the speed suddenly became much more agile, and the team neatly killed those people .

Flames roar!

All of them opened their mouths, and the power of the roaring flames combined together, rushing towards these people violently!

Some people still don't think so, thinking that this is just a tenth-level beast, and they dare to rush over—of course, this is just a subconscious thought, and almost everyone immediately thought of a problem, that is, these tenth-level monsters Where did the two hundred strange beasts come from?

There are also some people who have been paying attention to Qi Mo's movements. When the seventeenth-level beasts around Qi Mo slowly disappeared, they instantly realized that those huge seventeenth-level beasts wanted to sneak attack!

Their speed is very fast, and before the group of people they found had time to warn, Levi had already shouted: "...Danger!!"



The flame, the red flame, swelled, crazily and violently swelled, and immediately tens of thousands of fireballs bloomed instantly. These people instantly saw the most beautiful scene in the world, and the huge fireball split into tens of thousands of fireballs in an instant. Hundreds of millions of densely packed small fireballs.It seems that a huge planet disintegrated in an instant, which is more beautiful than any fireworks.The scattered fireballs attacked these people's bodies in a regular and selective manner.They feel like boats sailing on a stormy sea.The violent turbulence made them vacillate, and they were about to be destroyed.

The defensive shield was about to be shattered soon. Although the fireballs were not very powerful, hundreds of them hit in an instant. Even if they were not very big, it was difficult to defend against them. Such a dense and crazy attack was simply astonishing.Fortunately, they can completely run the energy in their bodies.Supplementing the energy missing from the defensive shield, instead of being shocked by the spirit of Black Fang, the energy cannot be replenished. If so, these people would have died long ago.But now, it's just the difference between dying early and dying late.

Two hundred war behemoths unleashed roars of flames not far away.

Flame Roar is a group attack skill.But Qi Mo concentrated all the power of this move through the ingenious operation of the battle formation, turning it into a huge ball of fire, and then concentrated a small point of impact.The duration of two hundred flame roars is still three to ten minutes, which is almost equivalent to concentrating the power of two hundred flame roars together.It's just a step away from fusion.Qi Mo could imagine that if the power of these two hundred flame roars were combined... Humph, that level 10 combat power.Even if a dozen came, it would be wiped out in an instant.

Rist looked at the huge fireball flying towards him. He had to bear the impact of hundreds of fireballs every second. The rapid consumption of the energy shield made him terrified. Although the power of this flame ball was not too great, the density was too high. Astonishing, such an attack is simply unheard of.Crazy!

The defensive shield soon became shaky, and it was about to be broken. If it was broken, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Everyone opened their eyes wide, frantically running the energy in their bodies to replenish the energy shield.Used to firmly support this move, under such a dense attack.There is no way for these people to escape, they can only continuously output defense, and then be weakened by continuous consumption, falling into a terrible endless loop.If you can escape.They are also willing to escape, but once they escape, they will immediately die because they cannot output energy in time to replenish the defensive shield, causing the defensive shield to shatter!As if stuck in a swamp, there was no way to leave, only to watch his body sinking.It's really the worst thing in the world!

These people are somewhat hopeless.

And the worst thing was that black man with a height of [-] meters. His name was Parson. Because he was confident in his high-density petrified body, he immediately removed the defensive shield car. At that time, in his opinion, This was an extremely wise decision, but now that he was being hit by hundreds of fireballs every second, he couldn't think of it anymore.The fireball hit his body frantically, and then exploded violently, sparks splashed everywhere, which was really beautiful.But his body was heating up rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, all the clothes on his body had disappeared, and his whole body became a huge red stone.During this process, the pain brought to him is simply indescribable. The burning pain caused by the flames is very familiar to ordinary people, but it is different at this moment. The flames continue to roast your body in all aspects, but you are not dead. It is conceivable to endure this kind of severe pain, this kind of pain!He has a ferocious face, with bulging muscles all over his body, his eyes have been completely burned into hollows, and all the scenes in front of him have become blurred, because of the severe pain, he can't bear it any longer.

Because he is very aware of the characteristics of his petrified body. Although the current appearance looks very terrifying, he may not die in 10 minutes, and he has to endure such pain for 10 minutes. Thinking about it, it makes people shudder , Anyway, death is death anyway, why do you have to suffer so much pain?Death is not terrible, the continuous pain is the most terrible. His throat is unable to speak because of the pain, his mouth has grown, and there are bunches of flames spraying out of his throat. It seems that there is also a slight hiss... ... Such a voice came out.

'boom! '

Parson couldn't bear it any longer, and crazily reversed the energy in his body violently, and then ignited and discharged it vigorously. This crazy reverse operation resulted in only one result, that is, his body exploded!


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