queen brood

Chapter 384 Victory 1

Sure enough, when time flowed again, Void Nightmare burst out a flashing skill in the void instantly, and came to a place three meters above the sky, then drew a big curve in the sky like crazy, and fled crazily to the depths of the mountain go.For the latest free chapters of this book, please visit...

Qi Mo frowned lightly. Sure enough, when time stopped, the Void Nightmare could clearly see what he did after time stopped. In this way, it would be much more troublesome to deal with him.

But the trouble is not impossible. The huge war monster is still buffering and it is difficult to move. Qi Mo can only fly with the five flame worm kings and Hei Fang. This time, Qi Mo transferred Hei Fang to this person's side .

Spirit shock!

When time stopped and flowed again, Black Fang immediately used a skill, and the Void Nightmare couldn't resist at all, and couldn't help being stunned, stunned.

The five-headed flame worm kings immediately connected to Qi Mo, and the main body quickly issued orders one by one to the "subconsciousness" thrown at these flame worm kings. The five-headed flame worm kings instantly used their skills-flame burst!

The flame worm king, who absorbs a lot of energy through battle formation skills, is comparable to the peak of level 21. If it is head-to-head in a short period of time, even this Void Nightmare is not an opponent of a flame worm king, but this kind of rapid consumption is too powerful , not to mention using a skill?Basically, as long as a skill is used, the energy on the flame worm king will completely disappear.At that time, if you are still injured, you will have no combat power at all.Qi Mo knew this clearly.But if he continued to dawdle like this, sooner or later he would lose this void nightmare even more.There is only one fight.

Although Qi Mo has become very proficient in the process of traveling through dimensions and affecting three dimensions, the consumption caused by this has not decreased.The consumption of crossing dimensions is not the consumption of energy, but the consumption of spirit, which constantly weakens the consciousness. If it is used to a certain extent, it may lead to death.Just like the mental attacks that all capable people are plagued by.The reason is that after genetic evolution, there is not much benefit to the spirit.From a certain point of view, no matter how powerful a level 21 is, he is just a 'mortal'. The thinking possessed by a mortal will gradually become divided over hundreds of years, and he will get tired of everything around him.longing for death.

Since ancient times, only the high-ranking people have longed for longevity and hoped to live, because only those who are in high positions, hold power, have wealth and beauties.To understand the beauty of this life.The bottom and middle classes of society are all oppressed by the constitution of the whole society. These people are the most contemptuous, and they don't take their lives seriously.However, no matter whether they are superior or inferior, the same thing is their lifespan.In fact, if the superiors are allowed to live a few more years.This superior also desires death.This is the limit of mortals.

Only by breaking through level 21 and reaching the level of a king can this situation be completely changed.The concept of king has been completely separated from human beings, and can be called a new species.Human beings who have reached the realm of kings will have a considerable change in their spirit and consciousness, and will become extremely powerful in a short period of time.

So, a level 21 conscious will.It is very likely that there is no one strong at the first level with a tough character.

Of course, if one had to face a mental attack, Black Fang's attack could instantly kill a level 21 with a stronger consciousness, while a weaker level [-] would just be in a daze for a while.This is because of changes in energy, physique, and so on. Although the spirit has not changed.But changes in this aspect will also increase the defense of the spirit, and the bucket theory is not suitable for genetic evolution.Because ** and spirit are two separate systems.


The flames exploded in an instant.Explosions create flames, flames create explosions, in an almost infinite loop.The principle of hot flow is very simple.It belongs to a spraying explosion method, spraying out most of the energy as the reflection of the explosion, and in the process of spraying, a new explosion is generated and circulated in this way.Explosions again and again, although the power did not increase a lot, but weakened to a certain extent, but the speed was so many times faster, superimposed to the final attack, the impact was amazing, and the speed was almost as fast as the speed of light.When the speed reaches a certain level, it can also be turned into power, and it is a power that people cannot avoid.

Five huge flame bursts erupted in the sky instantly.The space nightmare could only watch the attack rushing towards him. He tried his best to escape, but it was difficult to recover. Under the absolute strength, he had no power to recover.At this time, spitting out your blood may be able to resist for a while, but in that case, you will die faster!The thinking in the brain is running fast, and the space nightmare is desperately thinking of a solution, but there is no other way - the powerful flame worm king, after concentrating the energy of those 49 flame worm kings, and a 21-level existence There is no difference, the current attack is equivalent to five 21-level existences, and they use a crazy move!No matter what kind of conspiracy and tricks, under the power of this majestic, it will have no effect!

The final choice can only be to resist life and death, the space nightmare is desperately running the energy in the body to supplement the defensive shield, to resist the overwhelming flames.The flames surrounded him in an instant, the scorching flames, the strong impact, frantically destroyed his defensive shield, and cracks appeared in the blink of an eye. The power of the flame explosion was too great, even if he tried his best to maintain The integrity of the shield is still difficult to maintain.While maintaining the integrity of the shield, the Space Nightmare is also constantly used.Throw all these fiery and explosive attacks into the void to relieve the current pressure.

'Crack, click, click!Boom! '

The shield finally shattered, and the pupils of Space Nightmare shrank instantly!

'boom! '

The fierce flames wrapped him up violently, and crazily impacted and devastated him.

After 1 minute, the flame barely stopped.

Qi Mo looked a little surprised, this guy is not dead, it is really surprising, after these five flame worm kings used a move of flame burst at the same time, he was able to survive, this guy's strength is really impressive be surprised!

At the same place, the entire body of the Space Nightmare has become pitch black.

When the defensive shield was instantly shattered, he used a body protection move, which was a different kind of shield, which was formed by clinging to his skin.


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