queen brood

Chapter 409 Nuclear Explosion

If this is the case, the soldiers transferred to the base of the God of Rain City will definitely not be able to do this step, and it is impossible to be so cautious.For the latest free chapters of this book, please visit...

The second-rate powers are all extraordinary. Luo Huanshan can be ranked No. 20 and third, and he still has some skills.


In many cases, being cautious is useless.

Qi Mo sneered, although he found it tricky, it was exactly what he wanted, if it was an opponent who had no resistance, and slaughtered, there would be no pleasure at all.

Just when the attacks of the four teams were about to fall on the flame worms.

Qi Mo activated the skill.

Skill - nuclear explosion!

The explosive principle of a nuclear explosion is to use the nuclear fission or fusion reaction that can be sustained and rapidly proceed, and instantly release huge energy to produce a nuclear reaction explosion to form a huge destructive effect.

When an order from Qi Mo came in, the skill nuclear explosion was used in an instant.There is a special system in the body of a living creature. This special system is a system for using skills. It can use skills in a planned way, which is very convenient and fast.

The way humans use skills is usually an attack method formed by relying on various energy skills. Only through continuous operations and the process of using skills proficiently can they be used quickly and flexibly.

However, this is not the case for breeding creatures. There is no need to comprehend a variety of complicated skills, as long as you rely on a special system in the body of the breeding creature, you can use it as instinct as a gesture.

This has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it is very convenient, and the disadvantage is that it is naturally unable to react quickly, terminate the skill, and flexibly use this skill to perfection.

But in general, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

When the nuclear explosion skill is used.Almost half a second later, certain special elements in the flame worm's body began nuclear fission. These special elements are far better than the usual "uranium" materials that make nuclear bombs. It is an exclusive new substance in the sun.

A touch of white light.

Instantly erupted among the crowd.

That blinding white light.Let everyone temporarily lose everything in their field of vision. Before they could react, they were burned by the white light.

There were screams one after another, and everyone was a little at a loss. This dazzling white light had a special burning sensation.Obviously a special attack.However, if it was an attack, why didn't the energy shield block it?

Almost everyone quickly thought of the reason: "This is radiation!"


Everyone immediately began to use energy shields specially designed to resist radiation.

Compared with the previous defense shields, this radiation shield pays more attention to isolation, but many people think of something when they use this radiation shield.

Why, there will be radiation?

Could it be.Nuclear explosion? !

Everyone's eyes widened, it was really unbelievable, they hadn't reacted yet, they all looked in the direction of the nuclear explosion in shock, just now they wanted to strengthen the defense of the radiation shield, but it was already too late.

After the nuclear explosion, only a second passed before these people used their radiation shields.

The sound of that explosion.It hasn't been sent yet.

Now, it's finally passed on!


Two huge mushroom clouds erupted in the sky in an instant.

Compared with the mushroom cloud of ordinary nuclear bomb explosions, this is even more peculiar, because this is a nuclear explosion carried out in the air, while nuclear explosions made by humans generally explode on the ground.Therefore, the shock wave of the nuclear explosion at this time affects the ground, and it is obviously inappropriate to describe it as a mushroom cloud.

Although everyone has realized that this is a nuclear explosion, there is no time to strengthen any defensive shields.

In an instant, it was pushed to pieces by the powerful shock wave of the nuclear explosion.Although the formation is powerful, the defense against this kind of ranged attack is obviously insufficient. As long as one person is a little behind, it will immediately affect the situation of the entire team. It's all over the place.

The damage of a nuclear explosion is all-round destruction, that is, there is no dead angle shock wave. When a nuclear explosion occurs, this huge amount of energy is in less than a second. The high-temperature and high-pressure gas generated by the explosion expands strongly to the surroundings. This Pressure waves like hurricanes travel through media such as air, water and soil.It can travel 2000 meters in five seconds, destroying everything it can push.

It's an all-around hit.

There is no dead angle damage at all.

The raging energy exploded crazily here in Luohuan Mountain!

No one was spared. Just the nuclear explosion of two flame worms engulfed the two groups of people in the front and back, nearly [-] people.Although the lethality of this nuclear explosion is limited, these people with artificial abilities, facing this huge shock wave, if they defend properly, they will not suffer any damage at all.

It's just that the most important thing is not to kill the enemy. If Qi Mo wanted to kill the enemy, he would not have sent the flame worm to explode himself.

The main purpose of the flame bug's self-destruct is to break up the enemy's attack.

Everyone felt the strong shock wave, and the formation had been completely destroyed. Although they resisted with all their strength, they still couldn't maintain the formation.

This is the difference between low-level and high-level. Although the formation can explode to a certain extent, even a large formation of [-] people can instantly kill five or six kings.

But itself, after all, is still fragile and easily destroyed.

The four teams closest to the nuclear explosion, [-] people, suffered the most nuclear explosion attacks in an instant, and they were killed all at once.

Although the power of the nuclear explosion is not great in general, they are indeed almost zero-distance contact. If they are still alive, then this nuclear explosion skill is really tasteless.

In addition to the shock wave, this nuclear explosion also has strong high-temperature damage and damage, that is, the damage caused by light radiation. The fireball glow during the nuclear explosion can last for a few seconds, making the surrounding air temperature as high as hundreds of thousands of degrees. The light radiation of she includes xshe ray, ultraviolet ray, infrared ray and visible light.Such high temperature radiation will burn, melt, and kill most objects, and even deprive the surroundings of oxygen. People who are not dead will also burn their skin, destroy their eyesight, and burn their respiratory tract. It's just that these people are all capable, even if they are subjected to A certain amount of damage, but it can also be fully recovered.


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