queen brood

Chapter 469 Devil

Fortunately, this is only the first time that something happened, and this news naturally did not reach the ears of more forces, so they will naturally not seize this opportunity.

It's just that someone with a heart has clearly noticed a key issue. The panicked personnel transfer of the Bloody Alliance is simply a mess. This situation makes everyone fantasize about it. Could it be that some major change has happened? ?

Suddenly, someone recalled the matter about that Qi Mo.

Immediately guessed about this matter.

The originally majestic Bloody Company looked very sad at this moment, shrinking their bodies and constantly licking their wounds.

However, they are about to face more dangerous situations.


Qi Mo, who had finished all the preparations, glanced at the distance, and then said, "Let's go."

Qi Mo didn't have any losses. If he insisted on losses, then ten of his war beasts were killed.

Miraculously, the flame worm king and the flame worms did not suffer any losses.

This made Qi Mo admire Hei Ya's intelligence even more, he is really a sensible guy.

During the period of time when Qi Mo lost consciousness, Hei Ya, Luo Si and others had a fight with that enemy.

In this battle, however, Blackfang did not let the gestational creatures go out to die.

Because these enemies are all at level 21, only the flame worm king has a little effect. As for the flame worm, the flame worm king and the giant war beast, they have lost Qi Mo's control.It has completely become a plate of loose sand, not worth mentioning at all.So Black Fang didn't let them die.Only then was it completely preserved.

So the current number of flame worm king flame worms is still the original number.

When everyone set off again, it was not a triumphant return, but a pursuit of victory.

Already lost ten level 21 existences, this bloody alliance is simply extremely weak. I'm afraid Qi Mo will be wiped out by others if he doesn't make a move, but Qi Mo will naturally not let this big piece of fat be eaten by others.

In about seven or eight hours, they will be able to reach the bloody city.

In the bloody land, the distance between regions is very far away.Even the existence of level 21 will take a lot of time.

Only with the existence of the king class can it be easy to shuttle freely in various areas.

The wind and snow were still hanging, the cold wind was blowing rapidly, and the temperature was more than ten degrees below zero, it was freezing cold.

Moving quickly in this situation is really embarrassing!

However, everyone is in the belly of the giant war beast.Even if the defensive shield is not turned on, nothing will happen, so it doesn't matter how big the snowstorm is.

Behemoths of war are breeding creatures, and they don't have a digestive system, so strictly speaking, they don't have a 'belly'.It means the stomach.

But that doesn't matter.

Under Qi Mo's control, the giant war beast formed a formation and began to move rapidly.

Forming formations, they consume less, but their speed has increased.This is a very wonderful formation.The growing Qi Mo can be easily controlled.

The energy that breeds creatures is extraordinary, even if the giant war beast is only level seventeen.But it is not comparable to a 21-level human being.

The war behemoth can explode with overwhelming thunder and roar, but an ordinary level 21 has no such ability at all.The attack range is far from knowing how inferior it is.

Therefore, even if the war behemoth goes from the east district to the central district, it doesn't need much physical strength.



On the edge of the Central District, where it connects to the North District, there is a large valley. There are barren mountains towering like clouds, and there is an abyss of unknown depth. It is desolate and depressing.

As long as humans who have lived in the central area for a period of time, they basically know what the name of this valley is.

It's called 'sinister'.

Just like the name, this desolate place is really like a ferocious beast, extremely ferocious.

There are no human beings living in such a desolate place.

Those who live here are all demons.

Those monsters with several heads, several arms, and several legs.

Although it looks terrible in human eyes, almost all of them are ugly, but the devil has the unique aesthetics of the devil, and also has the concept of beauty and ugliness.There are also beautiful demons and ugly ones.

The distinction probably lies in those strange symmetric, coordinated relationships.

Demons do not have a hierarchy like humans do.

There are only five divisions of demons.

A first-class demon is a demon that is equivalent to a human being below the eighteenth level.

The second class is almost equivalent to a demon of about twenty levels.

The third class is level 21.

The fourth class is the existence of the king class.

The fifth class is the existence beyond the king class.

No one knows how many demons live in this place called hideous, how many cruel and powerful demons there are?

It's a mystery.

In God's Rain City, these demons are very harmonious, and even started a business in God's Rain City... selling some devil's souvenirs.However, there is no such good thing in this bloody place. Demons, as the most combative race, naturally have a strong reputation.

In fact, from here we can see the strength of the creator of the Rain City of God.

Monopolize the earth, so that no force dares to invade.

You can only come to this corner to mix.Although this bloody land is much larger than the earth, it is not the earth after all. Although the environment is similar, it is far from the variety and richness of the earth scene.

On the barren hill, there is a strange palace, the whole body is made of rock.

The palace is very large, broad and majestic, and all the lines are completely made boldly.

Gives a very proud feeling!

The reason why the barren mountain is called the barren mountain is precisely because there is no plant here, and it is all composed of brown and yellow stones.

Inside the palace, there are demons one by one.

They enjoyed delicious food with each other and chatted in a relaxed atmosphere.

Sitting directly above the palace is a demon with five eyes, four hands, a sheep's head, three horsetails, and six hooves.

This peculiar demon was covered in flames from top to bottom.

This flame is a dark red flame, very strange.

At this time, the bloody land is in winter, with snowflakes fluttering, and the already dark sky is almost completely dark.

The dark red flame's ability to illuminate was not very strong, but it actually illuminated the entire hall.

The faint dark red flame is deep and strange.

At this moment, the demon suddenly raised his head, and shouted in a cold voice: "King of Nothing! What are you looking for me for?!" (.) m..read. )

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