queen brood

Chapter 47 The 9 Breeding Creatures That Came in Time

() The bald-headed man looked at the head of the group with eyes and cold eyes, as if he was in winter, he felt the bone-chilling cold, he couldn't help but shivered, and continued to stammer: "Of course I didn't mean that! I mean, are we going to continue the quest in a different way?"

"no need!"

The irritable Sheng Zizhen did lose his composure. He said angrily: "There is no need for this. We spent half a day and finally shortened the distance with him. His current defense ability should be the lowest! Just catch up and attack with all your strength. Kill him in one wave!"

After hearing this, the bald man shut his mouth. If he continued to speak, he would only be scolded. He couldn't help being slightly annoyed and dissatisfied. This is human nature.It's not just him, many people in the Zhankong Mercenary Corps have this kind of emotion.

Sheng Zizhen, who was furious, didn't realize the situation of everyone. He was surprised that Qi Mo dared to leave the hiding place before dawn. However, after searching for a long time, he finally shortened the distance with him.

As long as we continue to pursue, we will be able to deal with him immediately!

At the same time, in the basement where Sheng Zizhen once hid, the corpses were piled up here, and they were not buried or burned.

A tall figure squeezed through the wall and came down to the basement. This is the brood. Looking at the food, the brood looked at the food, most of which were level [-], and a few corpses of level [-]. They opened their mouths without hesitation and ate all the corpses , turned into energy.

Because of the level, and the weapons have been recycled, this batch of corpses only brought 20.00% of the upgrade energy to the brood.

If it is digitized, the current level of the brood is level nine and 20.00% seven.

The corpse alone did not bring that much energy. The biggest harvest was a broken sword. The material of this broken sword was extraordinary. The waste is not recycled, but it is cheaper for Hei Fang.

Black Fang, who had recovered the energy, began to conceive. This time, there was no order from the master.

It is its first, autonomous gestation.

Because it knows that the owner is already in danger, if it does not rescue the owner in time, the owner is likely to die.

That's what it never wants to see.

Nine-level mother nests can breed poisonous scorpions at level seven, lurking snakes at level six, elf shooters at level five, large worker bees at level five, suicide bats at level four, worker bees at level three, and First-class larvae, first-class parasites.

Although the intelligence of the brood is outstanding, it lacks in thinking and measurement, but fortunately it can carry out enough data statistics.

Soon, the brood made a difficult decision.

The determined brood began to gestate, and in just 10 minutes, the gestational organisms were bred.

There are nine eggs on the ground, one big egg and eight small eggs.

The large one is eighty centimeters in diameter, and the small one is only twenty centimeters in diameter.

Soon, the breeding creatures broke out of their shells, and the creatures that broke out of their shells immediately devoured the eggshells.

At this moment, Qi Mo, who was twenty kilometers away, suddenly felt that besides two lurking snakes and 24 parasites (many of which were killed), he had nine more spiritual connections!

It's a gestating creature!

'Zi! '

Just now.

A spear flew over with bursts of sonic booms!

This is simply the power of destroying the world, which made Qi Mo's excited mood sink just now. Although he had predicted and dodged the spear, the range of the spear's attack was not only the spear itself !

'boom! '

The spear was inserted not far from Qi Mo, and it exploded directly!

The range of three meters around was devastated.

Qi Mo was four meters away from the spear. Although he was not hit by the destructive force, it also caused him great damage.

The violent shock wave threw Qi Mo into the air, and hit a big tree hugged by the two of them, even knocking down the big tree directly.

Qi Mo fell so badly that he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood!

His mind was dizzy and blank, but there was no time to waste now, those people were about to catch up!

damn it!Although it was not caught up at all in the morning, it was quickly caught up in the afternoon. This is really a desperate situation.

The lurking snake made a sneak attack as if sending death, delaying the chasing enemy for a moment, Qi Mo shook his head fiercely, gritted his teeth, "Ah!" screamed wildly, then stood up desperately, and continued to run wildly!

Qi Mo not only wanted to run wildly, but also looked around through the parasite.

If the lurking snake hadn't let the enemy's speed be delayed for a moment, what would have brought him a devastating attack!

At this time, it is even more important for the parasite to check the tracking status of the enemy.

Sheng Zizhen looked at the figure stepping on his blind spot in the distance and disappeared again, gritted his teeth, and cursed angrily: "Shit!" He wanted to chase and kill this Qi Mo.Already exasperated.

Gu Jiamao's deputy head, Xiang Ming, Nie Jun and other captains had no right to speak at this time. The entire Zhan Kong mercenary group was commanded by the head alone, and everyone followed him.

Qi Mo made a big bend and turned back. He did this all morning, because there are many mountains and rugged terrain in this area, which is the most suitable place to escape in the forest.

If he went to the non-characteristic terrain outside the forest, he might have been overtaken long ago.

After all, he is only a level six.

But now he has another plan, which is to meet the nine new birth creatures.

Soon, Qi Mo sensed a new gestational creature, and also saw a gestational creature not far away.

An incomparably huge scorpion, with its tail hanging up, is a full three meters long. There is a faint blue light flashing on the tail, which is an extremely poisonous toxin.

There are also eight bats, each of which is the size of a human head. Like ordinary bats, their skin is pitch black.However, the difference between them is that they are only at level four, and their self-detonation blow can be comparable to the strongest blow at level five, or even surpass it.More than three bats are superimposed, and the increase produced is very impressive.

If there were three hundred of these bats, Qi Mo would not have to be afraid of the Zhankong mercenary group, and let them fly to explode themselves, killing them one by one without mercy.

However, the level of the brood is not very high, and the number of bred creatures cannot reach that level at once.

Qi Mo continued to move forward. Because of the spear just now, Qi Mo had to use the two lurking snakes as cannon fodder to delay his time. The two lurking snakes were instantly killed by Sheng Zizhen's Zhankong mercenary group.

Therefore, at this time, the replenishment of these nine breeding organisms is very timely.

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