queen brood

Chapter 536 The Dark-bellied Sister

And the person next to the video also complained: "That's true. I obviously finished recording the video, but it disappeared. What's going on? What are you kidding?"

The system administrator was sweating profusely, wiped his sweat and said with a smile: "The things you said are simply unheard of. I will call the system records to see if there is the mysterious existence you mentioned."

So the system manager started working here, he was very puzzled, after working in this virtual game world for so long, this is the first time he encountered such a weird thing, what is going on?

Soon, time began to go back, and there was a large screen in front of the system administrators, which played back everything just now.An out-of-control 'Qira' rushed over, roared for a while, but left without making a move.

During this process, these people didn't find anything, the existence of the 'person' that these guys reported, and there was nothing on Qila's back at all.

Seeing this, the system administrator just breathed a sigh of relief, thinking to himself, how could there be such a person?Probably these damned players have been playing for a long time, and their eyes are dazzled, so they turned around and said to the two people: "You have also seen it, there is no person in your description at all, this should be because your eyes are dazzled. Pay attention to the restraint of game time. As for the abnormality of this Qila, it should be an error in the data, or the string of data itself has changed. There are only two reasons for this. I will report this to the above. Thank you This report, then see you next time..."

"Hey, hey, hey! Wait!" The player wanted to prevent this guy from leaving.But when this sentence just blurted out, it was discovered that the system administrator had already left, and he cursed immediately, and then the two looked at each other, and said in disbelief: "Is it really our hallucination?"

"No, it shouldn't be possible for me to feel it clearly, so it must not be a hallucination!"

"Also, why did our screenshots and videos disappear like this? This is really weird. The bastard staff just disappeared without explaining this, what a bastard!"

"Yeah, yeah, but I seemed to feel something just now, that guy is out of tune with this world..." This is the speech of a 'professional'.

"It should be a hacker-like existence above the system of this world, hey! It's so cool! You can capture a Kira casually! That's Kira! A Kira that even the legendary powerhouse can't defeat, that's it Willingly sit under his ass!"

"Well. And, I also clearly felt that Qila was willing to stay under that guy's ass... It was so crazy, it took my mood to play the game, this gap is really It's too big."

On Qi Mo's side, he found that these players were aware of his existence.It may have some bad effects, so I decided to be careful to fulfill my wishes, otherwise I will spend some effort to erase the screenshots and videos of those players, and it will be completely erased.Otherwise, it is easy to be detected by the rule data operation of this world, and it can be found again from the deleted garbage.

It's no big deal to be discovered though.The Black Forest Empire is so huge, there are tens of thousands of big figures who leave their posts every day, and there are hundreds of planetary leaders who are killed by surprise attacks every year. It is impossible for people to pay attention to such trivial things as myself, but Qi Mo was very cautious, avoiding such and such possibilities.

After roughly controlling the world, Qi Mo began to project his consciousness into three dimensions, all he needed was a suitable body.

If it is around the earth, it will enter your body in an instant, but during the many weeks covered by the civilization of the Black Forest Empire, I don't know how many billions of light-years away from the earth, there is no possibility for my consciousness to perceive it. For one's own body, one has to find a body suitable for one's own consciousness, and then completely control that body.

This is also a kind of 'grabbing the house'.Qi Mo couldn't help showing a smile, but the conditions of this method are very harsh, not as simple as those in the Xianxia novels that he saw in his previous life. He needs to find a body that suits his consciousness and soul, and the genetic sequence of the body must be the same as his own. Their bodies, if not exactly the same, were almost the same.This condition seems very simple, but you must know that it is actually very difficult, because there are no two identical people in this world, even twins, in essence, have completely different gene sequences.

"If there is really no way to control a body suitable for my own consciousness, I will try to project my consciousness into a robot, but if I project it into a robot, it will be restricted in many ways... But in Some aspects are also much more convenient. Forget it, depending on the situation, if I really have no choice, I will choose the body of a robot. The body of a robot does not have a gene sequence at all, and it can be completely controlled without any sequelae. "Qi Mo muttered a few words to himself, then became firm, immediately opened his eyes wide, and began to leave this world.

Without any hindrance, Qi Mo entered the Black Forest Empire easily.

"Huh... With some senses, within the scope of the Black Forest Empire, there are thousands of things that suit my consciousness, but among the thousands, nearly 90.00% are just suitable, not Complete fit, only [-]% of the level is above the passing line, but even though it exceeds the passing line, it is just a passing score... Moreover, this [-]% body is too far away, so There is no way to get in touch with...huh?!"

Qi Mo quickly found a breath that fit his body perfectly: "Oh! I found it! It is a perfect masterpiece. Who said there is no second me in this world? This guy has the same ability as me , although I am not as good at mastering two-dimensional. But I can also control the computer, but the method... seems to be through electromagnetic waves? Hmm, it’s not bad, it’s just him!”

Qi Mo quickly occupied that guy's body through consciousness.

When he got into it completely, Qi Mo also successfully invaded his body, but he kept resisting himself in the process, so that he couldn't completely control it...

Qi Mo quickly deposited his consciousness into this person's sea of ​​consciousness. Seeing this guy struggling constantly, Qi Mo laughed: "What's your name?"

This person's appearance is almost the same as his own, and he also has a handsome face.When this person saw himself, he was equally astonished. He never thought that this demon would look so similar to him!This is really surprising. Could it be that this is the concretization of my heart?No, it seems to be a little different.

"What are you in a daze for?" Seeing this guy frowning and thinking, Qi Mo couldn't help frowning and asked.

Hearing Qi Mo's questioning, the man finally came to his senses.Then he said: "Who are you? Why do you want to invade my body?! Are you a demon?!"

"Evil?" Qi Mo asked with some doubts: "I am not, what I want to ask now is just your name."

Through the communication and chat records of those players, Qi Mo learned that in this civilized country, religion has not disappeared.Instead, it went against the norm and developed to an unprecedented peak!And demons, justice, gods, these words often appear many times.

This is an interesting phenomenon, a technology is extremely advanced, and it follows the technology.A Black Forest Empire that has developed to such an extent that the people on Earth can't catch up for hundreds of millions of years, is still being scolded by the Earth as a 'feudal superstition' for such achievements!

"This should be a normal state of civilization development. If the earth continues to develop like this, I believe that religion will also be developed. After all, religion has already developed very powerfully. People who feel anxious will subconsciously sustenance Among the religions, only the religions on the earth are too restrictive and rigid. In the Black Forest Empire, as long as you have made some achievements in the field of religion, you can freely establish a religion and be the god of this religion!"

Qi Mo thought to himself, but seeing that this guy hadn't spoken yet, Qi Mo couldn't help but said: "You have two choices now, one, obediently compromise with me, and do everything according to my orders; two, I will You kill, even though you won’t get your memory that way, it’s nothing. Well, now you can make a choice, if you don’t make a choice within 30 seconds, I will automatically default to your choice two.”

As soon as Qi Mo finished speaking, that guy laughed: "What is your purpose, what do you want to do with my body?"

Qi Mo frowned slightly, and subconsciously wanted to reject the question, but after thinking about it, he replied truthfully: "I want to do a shocking event, which will cause the entire Black Forest Empire to panic!" Fact This is indeed the case above, stealing the fragments of the heart of the universe, although the upper level may not say anything to the lower levels of society, but the shock of the upper level is tantamount to throwing the entire Black Forest Empire into panic!

However, this guy seems to have misunderstood him, and he said in shock: "Do you want to assassinate His Majesty the Emperor?!"

Qi Mo opened his mouth wide in astonishment, this guy's thinking is really broad!How did you jump to this aspect?

Before Qi Mo could argue, this guy immediately said enthusiastically: "I agree! I agree to lend you my body! Although the way you can do it is very slim, but I want you to change the current situation for me. everything!"

This guy said this, which made Qi Mo a little bit surprised. This guy should have suffered a lot of humiliation in his life, and he has become hostile to the entire Black Forest Empire, otherwise he would not have such emotions.

But his ability is so outstanding, why does he have such emotions?Cheating?Obviously not, so why?

I didn't think too much about it. It would be great if this guy agreed, because without the consent of the owner of this body, Qi Mo would have no way to read his memory, and there would be a lot of inconvenience. At this time, he agreed It means that you can accept memory, which is the best thing.

Seeing this guy with an expectant look on his face, Qi Mo nodded and said, "I see. Then, now I will replace your body."

The man nodded.With a relaxed look on his face, he slowly closed his eyes.It seemed that he had not slept so comfortably for a long time, which made Qi Mo feel a bad premonition.

The man said, "Then, let's alternate."

So, Qi Mo slowly merged with his body.


The daytime of Donglinxing is very long, accounting for about two-thirds of the 26 hours. In this world, there are 26 hours in a day and 37 days in a month.There is also a difference in the orbit and the earth in timing.

The night is very short, so many people's activities are usually carried out in the dark, and few people sleep in the dark, in order to cherish this rare dark night.However, at this time, the Hisoka Academy in the east of Star Capital and East Lin City did not have any activities or habits in this regard. Although the habit of activities in the dark was generally accepted by the society, for these students.The school always disagrees with the implementation of this change to these students, just because the days are too long, the courses naturally increase a lot, and the night becomes an accurate sleep time.

But one-third of the 26 hours is already a lot, for these students.Is more than enough rest time.

In the dormitory of the Donglin Academy, a young man with a handsome face who resembled Qi Mo's face suddenly opened his eyes, looked around, and couldn't help feeling a little dazed.Finally came to this world.The process was unexpectedly smooth, but it's great that there is no risk.It is still night.Because of the constant traversal and shuttle, in just a few hours, Qi Mo shuttled from the earth to the east star near the capital galaxy of the Black Forest Empire. This is already an exaggerated to the extreme speed.You must know that even with the cooperation of top technology, it will take about a month for the Black Forest Empire to complete the round trip from the earth.

After such a long journey, Qi Mo felt a little tired, and soon closed his eyes and fell back into a deep sleep.

About five hours later, Qi Mo was awakened again, and he was awakened by his sister, the sister of this body.

The name of this body is Qi Yun, and the name of this younger sister is Qi Yun, which are very similar names.Pushing the elder brother, the younger sister said: "Hurry up, if you don't hurry up, you will be late."

"Understood..." Qi Mo rubbed his eyes, rolled over on the bed, subconsciously responded, but didn't get up, which caused his sister to mutter: "Well! Really, I'll give you 5 minutes, you If you don't get up again, I will cut off your head with a knife!" After such a vicious warning, the younger sister went out to prepare breakfast.

Qi Mo opened his eyes and looked at his younger sister's back. This younger sister's appearance is considered to be high-class, not far from the best, but for Dong Linxing, who has almost no ugly characters, it is considered normal. Although it is much better than the ordinary ones, it is still a bit inferior compared to the top ones, but the figure is very good, which makes up for some shortcomings.

As for the Black Forest Empire, there are two technologies that serve as the core technologies of the empire. One is the inheritance of genetic knowledge, and the other is the aspect of technological immortality.

One represents the unrestrained inheritance of culture, and the other represents the non-loss of talents.

These two aspects are very important, but even with such a beautiful name, there are still some shortcomings, that is, too much knowledge and memory, although it can be inherited through genes, even if people do not acquire knowledge, they can Can continue to understand the knowledge that has never been learned, but this process is a bit slow.

So there is an institution called a school, which specifically activates those inherited knowledge, uses fast learning methods, and lets people learn it once, which can quickly stimulate the knowledge in the subconscious.This is an important aspect.

There are also shortcomings in immortality. Through gene backtracking, genes will also be affected to some extent, and the institution of the school is also needed to make up for this deficiency.

In general, the institution of the school is still quite important.The knowledge and culture here is generally higher than that of the Earth, and even ordinary scholars are better than the top scientists of the Earth. This is the gap in the connotation of knowledge and culture.There is no way to compare the earth with human civilization in just a few thousand years.

A lot of knowledge, even if you learn it quickly, it takes about five or six years to review it again before you can perfectly stimulate the subconscious memory in your mind.

on the other hand.Because of the development of immortality technology, blood relationship has become very worthless in this world.Because if a parent has motherly love and fatherly love for a child, they also have love for their grandson, but what kind of feelings can they have for their grandson's grandson and countless offspring?Only brothers and sisters, husband and wife, such relationships can go through a long period of time without being changed.Of course, there are also some human beings who have no concept in this regard.Because human emotions are always fragile and easily bewitched. A simple misunderstanding can easily separate a loving couple. In the final analysis, human beings are selfish animals. Even if someone has an unparalleled spirit of sacrifice, it is also for something of himself.For example, glory, integrity, and fame, but to praise these sacrifice spirits, in the final analysis, even if it is all for the sacrifice spirit of others, it is only for oneself.This is a very objective and cruel perception.Qi Mo thinks it is very reasonable, but it is also unreasonable, because constantly thinking about these things can only drive people crazy in the end, and there is no result at all... "Ah!!!!" Mo thought about it.There was a sharp scream!

Qi Mo only felt that all the sweat pores on his back stood up, as if he had been tuned into an ice hole.A gust of chill filled every part of his body, Qi Mo shrank suddenly, and then rolled to the side!

"Bang!!!!" This was the sound of a kitchen knife hitting the bed, cutting off the quilt directly, and then embedded it deeply into the bed frame.

"What do you want to do! Do you want to murder your brother?! You are going crazy!!" Qi Mo couldn't help being angry, pointing at this Qi Yun and roaring, where have you ever seen such a sister? , just said that if waking up brother failed, he would cut off his head, but now he really brought a kitchen knife and chopped it off without saying a word!The development of the plot is too sudden!This character is too broken! !How can there be such a sister!It's just too scary! !

Qi Yun still had a smiling face, with one foot resting on the bed, two hands holding the kitchen knife, and then exerting force like this, obviously trying to pull out the kitchen knife embedded in the bed frame, but even if it was like this, it would take a while. There is no way to pull out the kitchen knife, one can imagine how hard this guy used just now!What are you kidding, this guy!This broken sister!

Qi Mo tried his best to recall in his mind, of course, not recalling his own memory, but recalling the memory of the owner of this body, to see if this guy has done any dirty things to this sister!But after searching for a long time, at most, I peeked at this sister taking a shower together, and then slept with her in the middle of the night. During the sleeping process, at most, I just touched and hugged, and didn't have a real fight... Other than that There is really nothing nasty about it, why is this younger sister so terrifying?Could it be that this guy has discovered my existence and replaced his brother's existence?

"What! What! My cute little sister calls my brother to get up, but you don't get up, it's like dying! If you die like this, no one in the world can get you! Do you know that!" Qi Yun bared her teeth , wanted to pull out the kitchen knife, but still didn't pull it out, I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, although after nearly 100 years of life in two lifetimes, for her, her personality has not matured much, and she still has some childish aspects, which is really true She looks quite cute, bah, how cute is this, it's simply terrifying, Qi Mo quickly corrected the younger sister's attributes.But listening to the younger sister's complaints and recalling some of the guy's arrogant words and behaviors in the past, Qi Mo suddenly knew that she didn't know his existence, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.Facing this crazy sister just now felt a dangerous pressure, which is really rare.

"Understood." Qi Mo nodded, then stood up, jumped off the bed, and carefully stayed away from this terrifying sister.

Qi Yun looked at Qi Mo complainingly and said: "Really! Brother, come and help me, there is no way to pull out the kitchen knife... Ah!" Qi Yun pulled out the kitchen knife all at once, but it was also because it was too sudden , I was not ready, and my body fell to the ground suddenly, and I squatted on my buttocks. I couldn't help but yelled in pain: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...!" Haha, finally pulled it out! But it was pulled out suddenly just now, it was too sudden. It's really strange."

Qi Yun touched the back of her head, of course she wouldn't think about it because of this little weirdness.It's a bit weird but that's okay.

It was just now that Qi Mo manipulated his abilities... It seems that the fourth-level stripping does not reduce the power, but the number of uses is really much less... While thinking, Qi Mo has already come to the kitchen next to the living room, This school dormitory is a full [-] square meters. Although it is not too big, it is also well-equipped with two bedrooms and a bathroom.The study room, living room, kitchen, and balcony are all available, and it is very comfortable to live in. The most important thing is that there is no charge here.However, it is not appropriate to say that there is no fee, because it is paid together with the tuition fee.

Qi Mo looked at the breakfast on the dining table, and couldn't help opening his mouth in surprise. He didn't expect the breakfast made by this terrifying sister to be so delicious, and it was almost the same as the food on earth. He took a bite.Can't help but exclaim: "Mmm! It's delicious!" This is the truth, it's even better than Li Weiyang's cooking, but it makes sense when you think about it carefully, after all, this Qi Yun is over 100 years old up.Each of the previous two lives was activated at the age of 50, returning to a young age.

In fact.The world returns to youth at the age of 50, and only nobles and rich people can do it.Common people like Qi Yun cannot be so extravagant. With the development of science and technology, it is not surprising that ordinary people live for 150 years. Most people wait until they are too old, usually a hundred years Only after the age of [-] can the immortality technology be used to activate youth, so that waste can be saved.

The main reason why Qi Yun was able to do this was because of this Qi Mo.No, it's Qi Yun.

Qi Yun, as the key research object of the Black Forest Empire and the upper layer of the planet to the east, is completely like a mouse. He has to have sexual intercourse with a woman almost every week to produce offspring and inherit them completely with genes. They tried to pass on Qi Yun's ability to control the electromagnetic field, but this experiment often failed. After so many years of research, none of them possessed Qi Yun's ability completely, and there were only seven or eight people who could barely control the current, but they were the same as Qi Yun. Comparing the capabilities of the clouds, it is simply a sky and an earth, and it is impossible to compare.In addition to the reproduction of offspring, Qi Yun also undergoes a comprehensive examination every week, ranging from the study of spiritual power to the study of the soul, to blood and urine tests for various tests.It can be said that every year is like this.It was precisely because of this kind of life that Qi Yun was tortured unbearably, but if he didn't do this, then he and his sister would have no chance of continuing to live.This is an absolute measure on the part of the empire.

Qi Yun was forced to have no choice but to obey!

However, although this is torture, it also brings huge benefits. The obvious one is the subsidy of immortality technology, a large amount of money provided, if it is not for the Black Forest Empire, there is a regulation that it must be activated at the age of 50, Qi Yun I am afraid that I will choose to activate once every 30 years!

This is Qi Yun's miserable world.

The life of a little white mouse who is being played with and teased by others.

This made him full of resentment towards the Black Forest Empire and the upper layers of the East Lining Star, but no matter how powerful his ability to control electromagnetics is, compared to the East Lining Star, it is nothing more than a negligible existence!Weak and pathetic!What's more, compared to the huge and endless Black Forest Empire?

Qi Mo carefully calculated that the electromagnetic control ability of Qi Yun, the owner of this body, is roughly equivalent to that of a level [-] ability user in the earth world. Although it is still a bit difficult to fly, compared to ordinary people, it is undoubtedly is very powerful.Just a part of the power of the Black Forest Imperial Army can easily kill the king-level existence, and a ninth-level slag wants to resist?This is simply wishful thinking and daydreaming!

Thinking about this, Qi Mo couldn't help being stunned.

Listening to his brother's praise, the younger sister couldn't help being elated, with a smile on her mouth, she looked at Qi Mo with a smile and said, "Really, it's so delicious..." However, seeing his brother in a daze, he couldn't help but Zhu asked, "What's the matter, brother?"

Only then did Qi Mo come to his senses, shook his head and moved away from the topic and said, "It's just that I suddenly found out that the breakfast you prepared is so delicious, it really surprised me a lot."

Qi Yun was exaggerated by Qi Mo and couldn't find Bei anymore, so she said with a silly smile: "Brother, what you said is really exaggerated, too exaggerated... Hehe! Compliment me again!"

Hearing his sister's last sentence, Qi Mo couldn't help but spit out the milk from his mouth.Someone even said to praise me again! ?I couldn't help laughing and said: "You are simply the best sister in the world! Such a caring and delicious breakfast really moved me. And I was very moved, unprecedentedly moved, it was so delicious, Hurry up and marry me! We'll register tomorrow!"

Although it was just a joke, this Qi Yun seemed to really take it seriously, first she smirked for a while, and then her cheeks turned red when she heard about the marriage.He lowered his head and poked his fingers, not knowing what to say.

It is said that in the Black Forest Empire, brothers and sisters get married, even if they are brothers and sisters, there is no relationship at all. This aspect is not bound by the law, but it will still be condemned in terms of morality. Parents, relatives and friends will all oppose this aspect, of course.There are also a few supported exceptions.

It's just a joke. Although it's a joke, the atmosphere is a little embarrassing when this guy takes it seriously.

This made Qi Mo couldn't help smiling wryly, feeling that he was really self-inflicted, self-inflicted, this is, if he had known that he would just perfunctory her a few words, wouldn't it be enough?To play the atmosphere so embarrassingly, you know.How terrifying is this terrifying younger sister, if she is completely pissed off, the consequences are simply unimaginable!

When breakfast was halfway through, the younger sister blushed and began to look up at Qi Mo, and then whispered: "You are so abrupt. I almost took this invitation as a joke... But carefully Think about it. How could you be joking about this? Unless you want me to cut off all your limbs, it should be true, but this is too sudden. Have you considered the future? We must Go to another city, sever ties with your parents, and then you can get married and live together with peace of mind."

"Hahaha... This is really too abrupt, I'm sorry... I'll talk about it later..." Qi Mo was really stunned when he heard what this guy said. He grabbed the juice on the side and drank it, trying to suppress his shock.

"No! Today we will go to register! Then we will transfer to another school! How about it! How about it! I can't wait anymore! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh again, you really made me wait!" Hahaha!" Qi Yun said to Qi Mo with a blushing face full of excitement, and then hugged Qi Mo's arm, and the softness on her chest immediately squeezed Qi Mo's arm.

It turned out that this guy's blushing was not because of shyness, but because of being too excited? !This made Qi Mo feel a bad premonition, he didn't expect such a simple joke to cause such a big mistake... Damn it...

"Pfft!!!" Qi Mo finally couldn't hold back anymore, and sprayed out all the juice!

I will go!That's a little too jumpy!It's about to get married!What a joke!

Qi Mo said with a dark face and lowered his head: "I think... this needs to be discussed again!"

"Hey!! ~~~ What are you discussing? My dear brother, my body is already hungry!! ~ Do you not want to get my body? Eun??! I actually know, I actually know, You once secretly watched me take a shower, brother!!! I will give it to you ~ how about now!~" Qi Yun said with a charming smile, looked at Qi Mo with a little blurred eyes, then stretched her thighs, and sat down directly On the top of Qi Mo's avatar, he hugged Qi Mo's waist, his legs kept shaking, rubbing against Qi Mo's avatar, Qi Mo's anger was quickly provoked by this guy...

And Qi Yun's loose collar and the pair of huge jade peaks are also fully exposed because of Qi Mo's perspective.

Stretching out a pair of small catkins, Qi Yun touched Qi Mo's avatar through Qi Mo's pants, then uttered Fanglan, and said in Qi Mo's ear: "Hee hee Brother, you are already hardened. ...Do you really want to enter...in my body...I...I also really want...want...want to be with...brother forever..."

"Brother...you answer me quickly?..." Qi Yun asked with a smile.

Qi Mo swallowed a mouthful of spit, and then said seriously: "This is too fast! Although I want it very much, it is an instinctive reaction of the body, and it has nothing to do with my consciousness. Even if it is instinct, it can also affect consciousness. , but as long as the will is concentrated to a certain extent, instinct and consciousness will have nothing to do with each other."

Qi Yun's forehead and Qi Mo's forehead were stuck together, Qi Yun stuck out her tongue, and touched Qi Mo's lips within a tenth of a centimeter, then retracted, and asked with a smile: "Hee hee... Brother, do you still want to touch Qi Mo's lips?" You didn't answer me...!"

"I don't want it." Qi Mo said firmly.

"It's up to you!" Qi Yunhu said with a straight face.

"It's up to you." Qi Mo said with a smile.

"Okay, brother, you win." Qi Yun left Qi Mo's body, then tapped Qi Mo's avatar with the sharp knife hidden in his sleeve, and then said with a smile: "This time I will forgive you!"

Qi Mo sweated profusely, with an urge to kill this terrible sister. If he agreed just now, he might be cut off by this guy? !Although it belongs to this brother Qi Yun, the feeling of empathy is not good...

"Okay, stop making trouble, and go to school after eating." Qi Mo said.

"Well, I see, my dear brother." Qi Yun said with a smile.

"It's too nasty. Shut up, you stupid maggot sister." Qi Mo reprimanded mercilessly.

"Oh?! How can you say so unfeelingly? You obviously fell in love with me just now! You definitely fell in love!" Qi Yun said as if demonstrating, kissed Qi Mo's cheek, and said: "What! I eat It's over, let's go first! My dear brother!"

"This guy..." Qi Mo touched his cheek, thinking that one day he might be unable to hold back and push this guy to...

Anyway, it's not his sister, so Qi Mo doesn't have so much psychological burden.It's just that the most important thing now is how to get the fragments of the heart of the universe. I don't have any information... However, there is still a while, Qi Mo thought secretly, and nodded.He also finished eating, and put the plate into the sink in the kitchen. Qi Mo was just about to leave, but remembered that Qi Yun had always done this kind of work, and couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, and walked over: "Forget it, she made breakfast for me , there is nothing wrong with washing it."

After washing the dishes, Qi Mo left the dormitory with a learning terminal similar to a tablet computer.

After getting on the elevator, I clicked on my study area. The elevator moved left, right, and down. It took about 3 minutes to arrive at the fifth-level study area where Qi Mo was.

There are six levels in the study area, and each level takes one year to study. Now, the fifth level is about to graduate, and Qi Yun will soon enter the life of the last level. I gave up my body.

Walking into the classroom, looking at the guy with a headset, Qi Mo slapped him on the head as usual, and knocked off the headset, causing the guy to glare: "Qi Yun, you are too much!" , This habit must be broken! Otherwise, we will not be friends in the future!"

"Huh?! Nuhuo, since when did I become friends with you?!" Qi Mo joked pretending to be surprised.

Crossbow Fire was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Seeing the crossbow fire, Qi Mo couldn't help but patted the table and laughed.

The crossbow fire immediately reacted, looking even more annoyed, and wanted to fight Qi Mo's.

The girl sitting in front of Qi Mo glanced at Qi Mo, and said affectionately, "Good morning, Qi Yun." (To be continued. (.) m..reading.) 9

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