queen brood

Chapter 539 Want to die or live?

"Start the aaa plan?" Hearing this term, everyone couldn't help exclaiming. Although they are all extremely strong, their status is no less than that of an ordinary royal family. After saying this, I immediately felt my scalp tingling, because this plan was implemented to kill a powerful opponent that exceeded their expectations.

If this Qi Yun is the mysterious intruder, this plan will be activated.It is impossible for the empire to send only these A-level powerhouses who are equivalent to [-]th-level powerhouses to deal with a king-level or even a king-level existence. The so-called AAA plan is to use a miniature starburst newly researched by the empire. A plan to bomb the opponent to death.Within the core of this explosion, no matter whether it is the king or the king of heaven, they will all suffer a certain amount of damage. If this explosion occurs, even if there is no way to kill the opponent, it can still attract the attention of the empire, and it will be completely destroyed immediately. Block the east star, and even completely destroy the east star, so as to kill the invaders.

Although the consciousness of the cosmic heart fragment does not have much right and right to speak, but as the core of the empire, his proposal is naturally impossible to be ignored by others. Once it is proposed, it will be immediately valued by the empire, otherwise it will not be directly conveyed to the emperor. His Majesty's ears, and never implemented this plan.

The reason why these A-level powerhouses feel their scalps tingling is not only because tens of millions of people will die if they activate the AAA plan, but because they themselves will also completely disappear because of this plan.

face death.No one is not afraid.But this is the task and order of the empire, and they must accept it.They will definitely accept it, because if they don't accept it or rebel, their end will still be death, and it's not just such a simple death.Even an A-level powerhouse, facing the huge body of the entire Black Forest Empire, is simply extremely weak, like an ant that can be trampled to death at will.

So even though exclaimed, apprehensive.From their mouths, they still said firmly: "For glory! For the empire! Die at all costs!"

A detection system was installed in their bodies. If they hesitated a little bit in this one and showed their reluctance to dedicate themselves to the empire, they would not have a safe life in the future.But having said that, if that Qi Yun is really the target, it is really impossible for them to survive in the future...

Listen to everyone's response.The captain nodded in satisfaction and said: "That's right, for the sake of glory, for the empire, we will die at all costs. Now I'm starting to deploy the plan, pay attention."

"Yes!" Everyone responded at the same time.

But their hearts are different, their hearts are praying together.This Qi Yun must not be that mysterious intruder, if he is, we will surely die!

But if it wasn't an intrusion, why did they use the emergency elevator and hide in it?It seems that there are really some problems!Think of these.They kept comforting themselves psychologically.But at the same time, he was also listening carefully to the captain's deployment.

Regardless of whether Qi Yun is the goal or not, they have to carry it out!

The plan will be deployed soon.The two people immediately kicked open the door and rushed in, raised their weapons and shot in Qi Mo's direction, and there were also two people waiting on both sides of the glass window behind Qi Mo's back, and nearby, all directions There are A-level powerhouses carrying weapons on standby.Even upstairs and downstairs, there are already A-level players waiting.These people were waiting for the character to unfold. After the two A-level Qian shot that rushed in, everyone felt as if their breathing had stopped. They were very much looking forward to Qi Mo not being that mysterious character, otherwise they would die No doubt about it.

"Boom!" Two glaring white lights burst out from the weapons in the hands of the two. This is the speed of light, and they rushed directly towards Qi Mo's direction without the slightest pause. fly ash! ! !

What the dazzling white light brings is extremely powerful heat, the impact force sweeps across everything, and directly wipes out everything in front of it.

Where the shot passed, a very round hole appeared, from here directly leading to the sky several kilometers away!And this ray of light didn't disappear because it shot through all the walls in this building, it directly shot through an unknown number of buildings in the distance, and then rushed to the horizon because it was not affected by the gravitational force!

And after that, there will be continuous rays of light hitting the sky and shooting into the universe!I don't know how far it flew and how many meteorites were annihilated before it completely turned into ordinary light without any power.

At this time, in the beverage store.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" , It's almost like being able to annihilate everything, people can't help but feel deep fear.Such a sudden intrusion made it easy for people to contact the terrorists, so they frantically rushed towards another exit. With these two 'terrorists' at this exit, how dare they get close?And the waiter of this store also activated the alarm system immediately, the police guards of this building will arrive in a very short time, the waiter who has done all this squats down and hides in a corner where these terrorists cannot see, Pray they didn't notice him.

Although these A-level team members are powerful, this is the first time they have used such a powerful weapon. Such a weapon may be able to kill any A-level or even super-A-level superpowers in an instant!There is no doubt about it!

Feeling such a powerful power, their awe of the empire is much deeper.

And now is not the time to be in awe, the biggest question is whether the target is dead or not?

Immediately began to check and found that the person was really dead, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

More than a dozen A-level personnel looked at each other, and then said: "This guy died successfully. It seems that he is not the mysterious intruder..."

Watching the disappearance of the mysterious personnel.Someone immediately confirmed the signal device hidden in his body, and it also completely disappeared because of the attack just now.The signal has completely disappeared, "It is indeed dead, our mission is finally completed! Huh!"

The captain looked at the lax team members beside him, and immediately shouted: "After completing the task, don't be in a daze at this moment, we should be the team members who complete the task the fastest, so report this information immediately, and then we leave here quickly... "After he finished speaking, he paused.Continued: "I don't want to stay on this planet for a second!"

The other team members nodded at the same time, really agreeing.

So, these team members left one after another, but when they left, they encountered a little trouble. The security guards had completely surrounded the dozen or so people. There were three or four hundred security guards, all of whom were fully armed. .Asking: "Listen, people inside, you are surrounded, put down all your weapons, or you will become corpses! Do you hear me? If you don't surrender within 1 minute, you will be shot!" If you are not thinking about this With regard to the follow-up and detailed information of the 'terrorist plan conspiracy', the commander-in-chief of the police force has already ordered the killing of all those who killed innocent people indiscriminately.But for information.It can only let them continue to live!

Hearing what the guards said, these A-level superpowers couldn't help laughing. Their abilities, even with bare hands, can take care of so many of them by themselves.What's more, there is such a powerful weapon in hand, or is it a gathering of dozens of people?Want us to surrender?This kind of joke is really not funny at all!

The team leader looked at the playful faces of the team members.Subconsciously reprimanded, then walked out alone.

"Stop for me! Stop!" The police guard immediately ordered loudly.But the captain didn't care at all, and he seemed a little disdainful when he shook it.

Then the sound of firearms suddenly sounded. Although this specially made energy gun can instantly kill superpowers below c-level, it is not a problem at all for a-level powerhouses like him!

He waved his hand and blocked it directly, and said disdainfully: "Stop attacking me, let me talk to your people who can talk! Do you hear me?"

Seeing that they still intended to continue shooting, the man suddenly shouted in dissatisfaction.

Hearing these words, these people finally realized that the shots from the energy guns had no effect at all!The result of such an attack left everyone dumbfounded and at a loss.

And the top officer of the police guard seemed to have guessed something, couldn't help opening his mouth wide, pressed his hand to make his subordinates stop all attacks, and the unruly in his words had turned into respect, and said: "Excuse me Which department?"

"This is our ID. Get lost after reading it, or I will kill you!" The team leader sneered and threw the ID in his hand.

It took more than ten seconds to verify that this certificate is indeed genuine, and the highest officer of the police guards immediately sweated profusely, full of bitterness and fear, and said: "I didn't expect to provoke these guys...Damn it..." Afterwards, he lowered his He raised his voice and shouted: "Everyone, leave where you are, and don't hinder the chief from carrying out his mission!"

Hearing such an order, these desperate rookie guards, although a little unwilling, still all left.

The team members sneered one by one, and then left quickly.

Many members of the police guards were very dissatisfied, feeling that something was wrong, some were young and vigorous, and felt that the law could rule everything in this world, but now those people were killing innocent people randomly, and they were suddenly full of anger. Companion complained.Naturally, the top officer learned about this situation very quickly, and he still yelled angrily: "There are many things that you people can't manage! If you want to live with respect and willingness, give me the super power and self-awareness improvement! Otherwise, don't talk nonsense to me!"

At this moment, Qi Mo had already arrived outside the warehouse.

Qi Mo, who just came outside the warehouse, was a little hesitant. He was no longer the original Qi Yun, so he was not the guy these girls liked.

Although Qi Mo also likes the feeling of being liked and admired by others, he doesn't want to impostor to steal away the feelings that originally belonged to others.

So when he was about to contact Li Si and Qi Yun again, Qi Mo hesitated.

"Forget it. If I continue to stay here, I will implicate these two sooner or later." Qi Mo said silently.Originally, I wanted to continue to use these two guys, but looking at the sincere feelings of these two guys, I couldn't help but feel a little bit unbearable, and sighed, my heart is not black after all.

Take out the paper and pen you prepared earlier.

These two things are very rare on this planet, but they have not disappeared.

Qi Mo quickly wrote on the paper.

After writing this letter, Qi Mo walked in and inserted this thing between the twin peaks of his younger sister Qi Yun in a wicked way.Then he clapped his hands and turned to leave.

Through a special method, Qi Mo quickly found the flight that left the planet at the latest time.

Of course, there was no official method, but smuggling.

After I paused through time, I moved away, and then randomly found someone to replace my own death, so that he was shot so that there was not even a scum left. Those guys naturally had no way to track down whether they were dead.

"But there is also a problem with this." Qi Mo looked at the dark space around him, and couldn't help saying to himself: "That is, it is not certain whether this flight can go out, and the other party may have already locked everything on this planet." flight!"

As if to verify Qi Mo's self-talk, Qi Mo soon sensed that the ship stopped suddenly!

"Tsk tsk, my guess is really accurate. No, no, no, no, now is not the time to be complacent, I must get a pretty powerful ship." Qi Mo's eyes were bright, although he was very excited, but he was about to face The problem is not small, and the follow-up series of problems is simply to face the entire Black Forest Empire directly!In that case, anyone will have some headaches.

Qi Mo continued to talk to himself: "Not only that, my existence is likely to be perceived by the higher-ups of the Black Forest Empire through some method, so I must get Black Fang over as soon as possible, and then grow up quickly , and finally find the planet where the fragment of the heart of the universe is located, and take it away!"

"The difficulty I am facing now is that although I have passed the signal jammer to shield the small things installed in the bones of my body, how can I restrain my own existence so that the other party does not notice it?"

Qi Mo analyzed each thing in detail: "Only by making my own existence impossible for the other party to notice, can I have the opportunity to take the fragment of the universe heart, because if it is discovered, it will become an enemy of the Black Forest Empire. This is so unrealistic!"

"The Black Forest Empire is too powerful. I am against it myself. Even with the help of Black Fang, it is just a drop in the bucket! That is to say, the strategic significance of Black Fang can only be used for intrigue, and absolutely cannot Instead of head-to-head, we must avoid the serious and take the light!"

Speaking of this, Qi Mo's eyes brightened, but at the same time he also had a headache and said annoyedly: "What should I do so that the other party does not find out?"

Qi Mo sat in the dark cabin, constantly analyzing how to succeed?

I just thought about it for a long time, although I have some ideas, but it is still difficult to perfect!

"No, I may have considered the wrong direction. I should reverse and analyze thoroughly. Why did the Black Forest Empire know of my existence?" Qi Mo suddenly thought of something, and immediately said to himself.

At this moment, Qi Mo, who was muttering in the dark, really looked like a lunatic, but the things he did were extremely crazy.What is the difference between a madman and a madman?

"It shouldn't be the reason for the detection. If the other party has mastered the degree of two-dimensional traversal, they can discover it. They have not only studied to the extent that they only have virtual games. Perhaps, the problem still lies in the fragments of the heart of the universe. Perhaps, It is very possible that the fragment of the heart of the universe can actively feel the danger of itself... that's right!"

Qi Mo suddenly understood something. Before, he was on Earth, when he was in God's Rain City.By invading the computers of almost all forces, he successfully controlled all the information of the other party!And based on this, the dominance of the Si family was determined.

At that time, Qi Mo learned a lot of secrets.

Because of these secrets, Qi Mo found out why he was discovered.

"I traveled here through two-dimensional time travel, and I have deduced it many times during the process of coming, and I have thoroughly perfected the whole process, so I can be very sure. I did not show my feet! Even if there are traces, the other party does not have this kind of ability It was found! But I was discovered, and it was probably the other party, the cosmic heart fragment that revealed the news."

"There is at least an 80.00% possibility, so it should be a correct guess. Then, how did it know that I came here? If the guess is true, it should be the river of fate!"

"This is a weird rumor, even an absurd legend, but it is the only truth... This world is so absurd, so it is not surprising that there is a long river of fate, and. Among the materials of those forces, there are many people with a long river of fate introduce."

"Although it is unbelievable and contrary to common sense, the truth is often the reality that people can hardly imagine. Of course, this is just my guess now, and the conclusion can only be drawn through further verification..."

Qi Mo began to use his own method to completely shield the connection with the river of fate, hoping to make the consciousness produced by the cosmic heart fragment disappear through this method... However, Qi Mo suddenly thought of another point of view.

If he perceives his own existence, or the existence of danger because of his plot against the cosmic heart fragment, then even though he has blocked the connection between the river of fate and himself, then he can still feel the danger, that is, Say, I'm still very dangerous in the future?

"So far, everything is speculation and inference, and there is no factual basis to prove it, so I have to verify my thoughts step by step. I must not let this body die without knowing why."

Having said that, Qi Mo stood up from the box, opened the top, and slowly drifted to the door because of the weightlessness.

Some electromagnetic waves appeared in the palm of his hand, and Qi Mo quickly opened the door. As soon as he returned to the corridor from the dark cargo hold, gravity suddenly appeared, and the door seemed to be some kind of invisible delivery point.

There is gravity here, there is no gravity inside.

Gravity back again, this feeling is very good.

Qi Mo left quickly, but also very carefully.

Qi Mo walked swaggeringly in the corridor. Because he controlled the various paths inside the spaceship, few people passed by where Qi Mo passed. It's weird, at most, I think this person is very familiar, but looking at him like this, he should be a newly recruited staff member, but this is not possible, why is he not wearing work clothes?I have to lecture, but I just had this idea, but found that Qi Mo didn't know where he went, so he could only give up.

At another corner, Qi Mo stunned a person, then took off his clothes and put them on himself, then lowered his work cap, and continued to walk to the place where he was connected to the military spacecraft.

Stopping the time, Qi Mo successfully mingled on the military spaceship.

The military ships are obviously much more advanced than the cargo spaceship. Qi Mo looked at the room full of smooth lines, nodded, and said in admiration: "The Black Forest Empire really deserves its reputation for being able to manufacture such things, and just now The weapons of those few raiders, I guess, are around level 21 weapons, but judging from their power, they have already reached level [-]. If I hadn’t dodged fast, I would have died a long time ago... No matter where I start Look, it's impossible to deal with it..."

In a corner, taking advantage of no one, Qi Mo opened the small cover of the emergency control system next to him, then looked left and right, and started the operation.

Not trying to do something. Cao controls what.I just want to have a preliminary understanding of the status of this spaceship and the distribution of personnel at all levels.

This is information that must be known.

It's just that the process is unexpectedly slow.The owner of this body has also tried this before, but his ability is not enough at all. He couldn't invade the military's control system, so he was directly killed during the invasion, causing him to be bedridden for three consecutive days. It took more than a month to recover successfully. Since then, he has a heartfelt fear of the military's police control and alert system, a subconscious fear that still remains.It even affected Qi Mo.

However, Qi Mo is different from this Qi Yun. Qi Mo possesses more powerful control ability, more precise judgment ability, two-dimensional experience and control, which is far from what this person who has simply controlled the electromagnetic field can understand. .

Therefore, although the military's network realm system at this time is difficult, it is not impossible to complete.In Qi Mo's view, these things are at least much simpler than the firewalls on the robots captured in the bloody land.

But no matter how simple it is, it will take about 10 minutes. If Qi Mo goes all out, it is likely to attract the attention of the monitoring personnel of this spaceship, if he does not want to attract their attention.Qi Mo can only invade slowly and gradually.

"It's just that there are always some accidents..." Qi Mo stopped time, grabbed a person who found him and looked at him in horror, and then killed him, and put it in his carry-on space in reserve.

"I'm afraid it will cause some chaos. After all, one person died. It may be noticed by a security department of this spaceship!" Qi Mo was a little worried, although he could easily destroy the spaceship.But that would be a complete exposure, and the Black Forest Empire could easily destroy him.

No matter so much, Qi Mo bit the bullet and continued to operate.

Ten minutes later, when Qi Mo was about to finish...

"Damn it... What a bad luck!" Qi Mo's brows were almost knitted together.

At this time, no matter whether it was from the front or the back, someone came over.

"I didn't expect that at this time, there are still merchants who don't know how to live and die and violate the regulations to drive the spaceship!"

"It's really damn, these damn businessmen simply don't take us seriously."

"That's true, these guys only have interests in their eyes..."

"We must give them a severe punishment!"

"Yes, the captain has given his orders. If we don't give a reasonable explanation and a satisfactory answer, we will destroy them directly!"

"This is a bit too rough..." Hearing the breaking news from his companion, one person couldn't help but say.

"Guys who just left school don't realize what you said. We are fully qualified to do this, and they just hit the muzzle of the gun. They can be killed without worrying about a little punishment!"

"I didn't expect this incident to be so serious. It is said that the danger warning has been raised to A-level, which is already the highest level. There is no objection to the large-scale invasion of foreign races. This simply makes me unbelievable."

"Yeah, but the facts are so directly and brutally presented in front of us, we have to believe it!"

Hearing the almost audible voices of these people, Qi Mo shook his head speechlessly. It is almost finished now. If you give up now, all previous efforts will be wasted.

But... Qi Mo looked up again.

If you don't give up, you must kill these dozen people.

Qi Mo didn't mind killing them, but the impact after killing them would definitely attract Qi Mo's attention.Killing that person just now did not cause much disturbance, not even a disturbance, only one or two search orders.And if more than a dozen people like this were killed, the other party would definitely be vigilant.

"What should I do??" Qi Mo was having a hard time making a decision for a while: "If I really have to choose, then I can only choose to give up this invasion. Although all previous efforts have been wasted, I can start again. If I am discovered, Then there is no chance to start..."

It's just that it's blocked now, so wait, isn't it still blocked?

But so what, Qi Mo can only continue to learn common sense, after all, it is much better than being exposed!

"Yeah!" Qi Mo looked at the magnet in his hand, and couldn't help showing joy.In a low voice, he quickly said in words that only he could hear: "I didn't expect to break through at this time, and it will be completed in five seconds. Here, take a bet!? Mmm! Four seconds... bet! Look Four... no, three seconds have passed, have they come yet!"

So Qi Mo continued to invade the airship's system, and every second of time suddenly became very long, which made Qi Mo very disturbed.

I haven't felt this way for a long time.

Suddenly, Qi Mo seemed to have returned to the time when he just came to this world.Time to break out that shut down your own city!

Subconsciously licking his lips, Qi Mo said silently: They are really similar!But now, Qi Moke is much stronger than that time, even if he is discovered, it will not be a dead end, even if this body is destroyed, the consciousness cannot die.At most, he just lost a very suitable body.There is still a chance!

"I don't know the identity of the person we captured... Could it be a traitor? Just why are traitors so valued?"

The other party walked towards Qi Mo while talking.A sentence of words fell into Qi Mo's ears.

"Hey! This guess may be somewhat correct. Although traitors are not valued so much, then you can change to a dead end. Maybe it is a guy who has top-secret secret information that can threaten the empire and wants to treason. The empire is so furious?"

"This is possible!"

"Huh!" Qi Mo heaved a sigh of relief, and finally finished it. With a little consciousness to enter, Qi Mo controlled the time around him to stop.

"Huh?" Qi Mo flew in the ocean of these data, and suddenly discovered something: "The harvest is far from that little. I found a lot of problems!"

"Complete information about this spaceship!" Qi Mo said here, his eyes couldn't help but shine.Collect all kinds of information on the entire spaceship!


After receiving the information, Qi Mo successfully moved away, and then restarted the flow of time.

……………… "However, there is no information in this regard from the military department, it is too sudden..." Someone raised objections to the opinion just now.

And they continued to chat on this topic.

However, the person walking in the front seemed to have noticed something, and couldn't help but look around, his triangular eyes were full of doubts.

"Leah, what's wrong with you?" Seeing that something was wrong with him, the triangular-eyed friend quickly asked, "Did you find anything?"

"I seemed to notice a figure squatting in that corner just now, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye, as if it was my illusion..." Leah with triangular eyes said with a serious expression.

This sentence immediately alerted the people next to him: "Shadow? It shouldn't be a hallucination!"

After speaking, more than a dozen people hurriedly ran, came to the corridor where Qi Mo was squatting just now, and looked to the other side.

At this time, I just saw a few people coming from the opposite side.

Leah quickly asked, "Did you find anything just now? Did you see a man in overalls running away?"

The only response I got was shaking my head and retorting: "No. How could it be possible? If there was one, we would have discovered it and killed it long ago. Are you dazzled?"

"Dizziness? Although it's very possible, I did see a figure squatting there just now..." Leah rubbed her chin and said to herself.

Although such words are very light, they are very clear in this quiet corridor. Everyone looked at each other in disbelief, and subconsciously wanted to refute, but looking at Leah's persistent eyes with triangular eyes, he immediately gave up this idea.Leah was indeed not joking, but serious.

So they started to induce, and a person next to him patted Leah on the shoulder, and said, "Recall carefully, what exactly is that figure squatting there for?"

"Yeah, why didn't I think about it!" Leah clapped her palms, then came to the corner where Qi Mo was before, looked over, and suddenly saw the closed lid, and couldn't help showing a horrified expression .

"This is... this is the emergency control system. If there is no dazzle just now, it is a superpower with hidden ability trying to control the ship! And this person is very likely to be the target of the empire!" Leah was very chaotic Suddenly, his mind became clearer, and a flash of inspiration flashed, and he couldn't help but blurt out such words!


"It's...unlikely...the spaceship has a detection system, even if there is a superpower with hidden vision, there is no way to sneak in..."

Some agree and others disagree.

Leah threw out this hypothesis, but she didn't continue talking, but squatted down, opened the cover, and touched the keyboard of the cao control system with her fingers: "Sure enough, my guess is not wrong, the keyboard is very hot ! I think we should face this information with caution!"

Listening to Leah's words, and the fact that the small keyboard was a little hot, made these people speechless. Although some people wanted to refute subconsciously, they couldn't find a reason to refute it!

"Indeed, we reported this news to the captain!"

"Yeah!" Leah nodded solemnly.


Qi Mo took off the military uniform on the corpse and put it on.

Putting on the uniform of the military department, Qi Mo became a little heroic.

"With this military uniform, you can walk in an open and aboveboard manner. Although your face is a little raw, if you walk fast and aboveboard, it is difficult for people to doubt it. This is psychological induction." Qi Mo thought secretly, while Moving fast.

Passing through difficult-to-move checkpoints and intersections, Qi Mo used his ability to pass.

Soon, he came to the core of the ship.

This is a simple and beautiful room. A young man with blond hair and brown eyes sat on a sliding chair and watched the instructions constantly appearing on the screen, and said in his mouth: "Hey? These guys didn't accept our conditions! Really! You want to die !"

He is really the captain of this warship, a first-class national scholar, general Weimen, director of the Cilingxing Shaofu, and a member of Prince Haiming's faction. His name is Kaqisen.

In terms of empire, there is no distinction between surnames, first names, etc., and it is very loose. For example, this Katchisen can also be called Mr. Katchison directly, or Mr. Ka, General Ka, and there is no clear definition. regulations and distinctions.

As the captain of this warship, Kaqisen didn't need to do much, only to issue strategic orders.

"These damned stubborn businessmen, Heming! Do you hear me? Destroy their right wing! But look at their colors, I don't think they know who is in charge of this country!" Chisen said viciously.

"Yes!" Such a voice came from the Cao console.

Casson nodded in satisfaction, and lightly swiped his palm across the screen, mobilizing the surveillance image of the opposite spaceship.

"Hmph... I haven't seen beautiful fireworks for a long time!" Katchisen said indifferently.

Suddenly, this Kaqisen seemed to feel something, turned his head suddenly, and shouted: "Who!?"

Qi Mo sat on his chair and looked at him with a smile.

"Who are you!?" To be able to invalidate one's own super power, at least a B-level ability user or above!It is even very possible that this guy is the target of this A-level mission!

So as soon as these words were spoken, Kaqisen pulled out his energy pistol and shot at it.

However, he found that Qi Mo had disappeared at some point.

"This is..." Kaqisen couldn't believe it, why did this guy suddenly disappear?This seems a bit wrong!

"It's useless." Such a voice came from my ear, so suddenly!Katchison was startled, almost fell down, and couldn't help but screamed: "Ah! Who are you?!"

"And no matter who I am, I just want to ask you, do you want to die or survive?" Qi Mo asked with a smile: "Answer me. If you refuse, I am not without leverage. At worst, destroy your ship and make all the evidence disappear."

"Answer me!" Qi Mo asked coldly. (To be continued. (.) m.. Read.) 9

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