queen brood

Chapter 541 Du Tianshen, Chapter 6 Prince 2

In this vast square, countless people of all sizes dressed in simple white clothes, regardless of poverty, regardless of wealth, regardless of power, no matter how big or small, have come here. There are words in the mouth.

This is absolute piety, and it is not useless. Of course, there is a reason why the religious development of the Black Forest Empire can be so prosperous.

Of course, the purpose of developing the so-called religion is not a bullshit conspiracy, because if it is possible to gather some "power of faith" and "spiritual power" to attack, then the Black Forest Empire would have perished long ago .

This is true ignorance. The charm brought by religion is definitely not offensive power, but to make people understand more and calm their minds. This is the reason why the Black Forest Empire really developed religion.

A person can live for countless years, so they must have some spiritual support. If there is no religion, then they will perish long ago. Even if they did not perish, they are now in chaos everywhere.

The origin of religion was originally to gather believers by intimidation, saying that if you become a godless believer, God will punish you, and then slowly evolved into a religion that uses death as a guide to let people get happiness, Christianity The paradise of Buddhism, the paradise of Buddhism, the six reincarnations of hell, and all religious allusions are compiled for better development.Every religious allusion should be able to find some changes at that time.

Chinese religion on earth, when it comes to religion, we must talk about it.Taoism.But Taoism in the 21st century has nothing at all.A religion without even a million believers is nothing but an extremely weak religion.This is also because of the continuous suppression by the rulers of all dynasties in China. Even the People's Republic of China still suppresses Taoism. On the other hand, Buddhism is respected by the rulers of all dynasties, of course.The suppression of Taoism and the admiration of Buddhism have not been absolute in all dynasties, but they are the majority. The number of followers of Buddhism in the world exceeds [-] million.On the other hand, Taoism is really pitiful to the extreme.Whether a religion can prosper depends most importantly on the will of the ruler.And the Black Forest Empire respects religion so much.Nature is constantly evolving.

Of course, the Black Forest Empire has undoubtedly killed some cults, but it is not suppressed, but has a standard judgment, once discovered.Just hit and kill immediately.The harmful nature of cults cannot be questioned.

After these devout believers finished reading the teachings of the sixth prince, they began to read "Du Tian Shen Shuo", but they were no longer kneeling, but stood up, bowed their heads respectfully and said:

"The first holy envoy asked Du Tianshen! This kind of world. Why are there people? Du Tianshen said, because there should be people in this world. Only people can change this world. This world must serve people, and we must also serve this serve the world."

"The first holy envoy asked Du Tianshen! Why do people meet each other? Du Tianshen said, because there is a traction of fate and an invisible connection between people. In this world, there are countless invisible tractions similar to this. , an invisible connection that perfectly unites people and the world together."

"The first holy envoy sighed! Ah! This is the thing! This is the history of the world, and this is the source of all accidents? This is timely rescue, life and death, mutual help, windfall, and everything at this time. source?"

"The first holy envoy sighed! Ah! Dutianshen, who is in control of the course of this world, the origin of this world, and the traction of this world? Dutianshen said, I am in control, and I am Dutianshen, controlling the world The traction of everything, the connection that controls all things, this is the union of fate!"

"The first envoy asked Du Tianshen! Why did this kind of world start? Du Tianshen said: This world..."

Pious voices were constantly floating in this square, and various interesting passages of scriptures were constantly being read out. Qi Mo listened intently, inevitably a little fascinated.

At this time, a grand banquet was being held on a tall building in the palace, but the banquet hadn't started yet, so all the music was turned off, and everyone was listening to these voices, devout prayers and scriptures.

The guests are whatever they want, these people come to this banquet, no matter whether they are people from the Deity Church or not, they will listen to the scriptures respectfully here.

And in a corner of the banquet, a young man in an exquisite dress was lying on the table, listening carefully to those voices.And beside this young man, there is an extremely handsome girl who is also listening to these voices.This beautiful girl is wearing a veil. If the veil is lifted off, it will be easy to find that this face is simply perfect to the extreme, and there is no flaw at all.It made people's heart flutter to the extreme in an instant.And this perfect and stunning figure is even more fabulous to the extreme. The exquisite and lovely evening dress wraps her body like a gentle jade, making people unable to help but feel it first.

This young man lying on the table is naturally Hei Fang, and this beautiful woman is naturally Hei Fang.It has been six days since he left the Eastern Star, and since he successfully brought Black Fang into the Black Forest Empire, during this period of time, he has used a lot of big shots, people with various abilities Qi Mo, of course, would not use those things to evolve Black Fang surreptitiously, but to use deceitful transactions in an open and honest manner in exchange for absolute wealth.Although the military force of the Black Forest Empire is very powerful, if Qi Mo is not careful, he will die, but fortunately, there is no existence that can break Qi Mo's stop time trick. This trick of crossing dimensions has finally become here. There are no disadvantages in the move.Until a few days ago, Qi Mo even successfully met the sixth prince, learned about the sixth prince's ambition, and promised him to help him seize the throne.

Of course, Qi Mo knew that the sixth prince was using him, but he was also using the sixth prince.each other.

The only thing that has changed is some metal ores and flesh and blood bodies in the Black Forest Empire.Because there is no special energy contained, it is difficult for Black Fang to advance smoothly.However, there is also a convenience, as long as there are absolute rights and enough wealth, then countless metals and flesh and blood will be obtained.

And Hei Fang really managed to become a king-level ability user recently through a huge amount of devouring in this area.

During these six days, Black Fang has been devouring continuously. Although the speed has been much faster due to one evolution, it still took a full six days.

What makes people feel extremely exaggerated is that the black teeth devoured a whole planet's worth of metal ore!

If the sixth prince hadn't paid the fee.Going around relying on Qi Mo's stealing and shooting, even if it takes 100 years, you can't get so much money. Of course, Qi Mo can also use his ability to steal money. After time stops, check other people's bank account passwords, Or just rob a bank or something.However, the empire has various measures in this regard. Qi Mo thought about it carefully, and immediately gave up fighting and killing to earn money for the materials that Black Fang devoured metal.Choose to use others and be used.

And being able to turn Hei Fang into a king-level existence so quickly was beyond Qi Mo's expectations.It is indeed very fast.

Hei Ya, who had been separated for so many days just after meeting Qi Mo, finally saw Qi Mo, so of course he had to cling to Qi Mo's side in a shameless manner.Watching Qi Mo's every movement.Everyone thought it was so interesting, even if he didn't move, he was very happy to see him, although he knew it in his heart.I like him so much, I want to stay with him.It's because of the previous contract, but it's nothing. The initial psychological barrier has completely disappeared, and naturally he and Qi Mo get along very well.

Hei Fang listened to those scriptures by himself. Although he felt that there was something interesting, he felt very boring after a few minutes. However, seeing that the banquet was so quiet, he didn't want to make any noise, so he could only lower his head in Qi Mo He whispered this in his ear: "Master Qi Mo, tell me, can I accompany you at night?"

Qi Mo turned his head with a smile, and said with a faint smile: "Of course. But this body is not as strong as my original body at all. I'm afraid it is not as powerful as that body. Can't satisfy you."

Speaking of this body, Qi Mo couldn't help but think of the tragedy not long ago. He traveled back and didn't say hello to the owner of this body, Qi Yun, and then accidentally killed him.

The specific process is like this, because Qi Mo suddenly brought back a consciousness, and the consciousness of this body also woke up from a deep sleep because of the disappearance of Qi Mo's consciousness, so Hei Fang's consciousness collided with Qi Yun's consciousness immediately, The result is naturally obvious. Hei Fang's tyrannical consciousness directly swallowed Qi Yun's consciousness... This is really an unexpected tragedy.

But in this way, this body can only belong to oneself, and the feeling of having a second life is still very good.Even if you die, you can be resurrected here.

Hearing that the master said that he couldn't satisfy himself, Hei Fang was a little happy for some reason, and said with a smile: "That's okay, I'll just let you have this."

The chanting of the scriptures in the square did not last very long. After it was about to be completely dark, most of the people dispersed, and only the more devout believers continued to chant the scriptures.Pray for God's blessing and guidance.

Of course, these believers didn't know that the God of Nadu was His Royal Highness the Sixth Prince. It was not convincing at all to preach in person. Only through deification can we preach better.It is only because of the rising status that he knows that the sixth prince is Du Tianshen, and Du Tianshen is the sixth prince.

However, for these extremely high-status people, the Dutian God Sect is naturally unwilling to make them lose their faith because of this, so they have compiled another reason.

That is, Du Tianshen is not the sixth prince, and the sixth prince is not Du Tianshen, but Du Tianshen is the sixth prince, and the sixth prince is also Du Tianshen.The two are not one, but one.

To put it simply, Dutianshen is equivalent to Jesus and Yahweh, that is, God. Jesus is the son of God, the incarnation of God, and also God, a two-in-one existence.

From the perspective of outsiders, although it is very desolate and unreliable, but from the perspective of these devout believers, they believe it instantly.

When the prayers were over, it was completely dark.The banquet has officially begun.

The sixth prince is a young man, he looks like he is only thirteen or fourteen years old.But it's just a look.His actual age is over 3000 years old.He passed the immortality system because of his special precision ability.So he did not appear in the state of an infant, but in a body around ten years old.

Within a year after he was ten years old, the experience of more than 3000 years of termination allowed him to quickly recover 90.00% of his memory within this period of time.

So even though he looks very young, he is actually even more evil than Qi Mo, with an extremely high IQ. Although Qi Mo has ability and wisdom, wisdom is nothing but experience and ability to deal with things.There is no way to compare with IQ.So when Qi Mo cooperates with him, he is also playing with fire.

However, although there is no way to compare with the sixth prince's scheming, he also has his own confidence, otherwise he will not be able to play in the end, which is really embarrassing to the extreme.

The name of the sixth prince has been forgotten, it was just a code name.It was a name randomly chosen by His Majesty the Emperor more than 3000 years ago, but now, His Majesty has long since forgotten it. Naturally, the sixth prince who has a disobedient heart will not use this name again.

The current sixth prince is called Du Prince, or Du Wang.

At this time, the Du Wang was wearing a plain white dress, looking very gentle and elegant.Handsome and beautiful, like a pretty little lolita.Holding a wine glass, he walked through the crowd, came to Qi Mo's side, and said with some complacency, "How is it? My religion."

Such a self-satisfied introduction.It's completely juvenile, it's hard to imagine that such words come from the sixth prince.All said by His Majesty the God.However, it is not a pretense, but because of the relationship between the immortality system, there is still a bit of a youthful heart, otherwise, if there is really no youthful heart, then in the process of continuous life in the immortality system, it would have been a long time ago. Unable to bear the pressure of living and exhausted the motivation to continue to live, he committed suicide.Human beings are creatures that love the new and dislike the old. When they are often together, they often feel very bad, even if they are alive, the same is true.

Hearing Du Wang's question, Qi Mo raised his head from his prone position, glanced at the black teeth that Du Wang continued to flirt with himself, motioned her not to be so rude, and said just now: "It's very It’s a good religion, and it makes me feel a little surprised. These scriptures that directly point to the origin of the world are the most mysterious, but they are also interesting.”

Hearing what Qi Mo said, Du Wang smiled and said: "The empire has made great efforts to study these things. The earliest research is why we humans jump up and fall naturally? Instead of floating in the air? And the surface of the water? , air, metal, etc., why do they have such and such forms? This is science, and the religious studies of the empire are different from this. If religious studies are completely based on science, it is easy to let People's beliefs collapse, because those sciences can easily expose the essence of religious studies. However, if religious studies develop in other directions, it will show differently."

Qi Mo listened quietly, did not speak, and nodded to signal Du Wang to continue talking.

Du Wang continued: "The main purpose of my religious studies is that all the connections in this world are created by me. Why do people eat? This is not only an instinct, but also an invisible connection. In the end, there is human thought in it, so is human thought really controlled by oneself, or is it controlled by instinct? Or, neither? There is a kind of traction in this invisible, human It is based on this kind of traction, progress, progress, rise, and life. My religious studies directly poke at this essential thing, so that the empire has such achievements, and it has become one of the four major churches of the empire in one fell swoop. .”

Qi Mo nodded and said: "However, there are not many explanations and explanations, and it seems extremely ethereal. If you are not a pious person, it is difficult to fully believe it."

The king of the capital shook his head, looked at Qi Mo and said, "You really don't understand the style, these things, even if I can't study and perfect them successfully, I can easily perfect them if I hand them over to my subordinates, but I don't , It’s not that I’m afraid of the separation of theocracy, but it’s not necessary, because the nature of religious studies is to make people half-understand. All the rules are the conclusions of the world itself, and no gods have intervened in it. How can they be so devoutly convinced by me? This is simply impossible."

Hearing Du Wang say this, Qi Mo nodded and said: "There is some truth to this."

gradually.The people in the square had completely dispersed, Qi Mo looked down, and sighed: "When a civilization has developed to the limit, there will be more material requirements, or even no importance at all. Although there is nothing wrong with this, as time goes by, you will feel "no meaning", that is empty, and at this time, you need to have a spiritual support, and the development of religious studies stems from this. Although religious studies are very large To a certain extent, it made up for what the people of the Black Forest Empire needed, but it also hindered the development of the Black Forest Empire, which is beyond doubt."

Hearing what Qi Mo said, the capital king nodded in agreement, and said: "There have been many emperors who ordered the abolition of religious studies, but every emperor who made such a request and prepared to implement it. In the end, everyone It was replaced. So in the end, the emperor no longer dared to think about religion."

Qi Mo raised his head slightly, and then asked: "Then what does His Majesty the Duke think? What should we do?"

The 'young' Du Wang had a slightly cold expression on his face.He sneered and said: "Of course I think it's very bad, Religion. Although it made up for a lot of flaws, then we should not attribute it to him, but try to find something to replace him. The reason why those emperors were abolished The reason for the loss was not because of the aspirations of the people. They did not want religion to be abolished, thus forcing the emperor to abdicate. The things recorded in the history books were simply to deceive children. In essence, they offended the upper echelons of the Black Forest Empire The interests of the majority of people, they gathered together and jointly opposed the emperor, which led to such a result. And what I have to do is to combine the power of the gods and call it the first religion, so that all Religious surrender, forced to recognize Dutian God as the first true god, and then I am going to revise the teachings so that the teachings of Dutian God will not hinder the development of the Black Forest Empire, this is my real purpose."

Qi Mo nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly thought of something, he said in shock and astonishment: "Could it be that when you first established this religion, Du Wang, you had this plan? Or, because of this plan, you came to establish this religion?"

The capital king was slightly startled, he didn't expect Qi Mo to be so quick-witted, he couldn't help but look at him with admiration, smiled slightly, shook his head and didn't speak, Qi Mo knew what this meant, he didn't want to say, or Say, can't say it.

Because this is the greatest blasphemy against religion, if this sentence is used by the enemy, I am afraid that it will make people in all churches feel hopeless, and their beliefs and worldview will collapse.

"Huh. I have to leave. I'll introduce some important people to you later." An attendant came to Du Wang's ear and whispered a few words. Du Wang's expression changed slightly, and then he returned to normal, smiling. Qi Mo said.

Qi Mo nodded and did not speak, watching Du Wang leave.

After the capital king left, Black Fang, who had been very bored, immediately stuck out his tongue and complained: "What religion, what church, what doctrine, it's so boring, it's so boring."

Qi Mo pinched Hei Fang's nose through Hei Fang's veil, shook his head and said, "You. Really..."

"Huh." Hei Fang expressed dissatisfaction with Qi Mo's nose pinching, and let out a snort from his nose.

Qi Mo hid in the corner. Although few people passed by here, after His Majesty the capital left, a number of people came over immediately. They all wanted to know who Qi Mo was?To let His Majesty the King personally negotiate on an equal footing?

Qi Mo didn't do anything on purpose, he just responded one by one with a smile. As for their questions, he kept them secret with two words.The only thing that was a little uncomfortable was that they stared at Hei Fang as if they had never seen a woman before. If Qi Mo hadn't organized it secretly, Hei Fang would have devoured them one by one.

If they really devoured it, no matter how much the capital king gave him face, these guys would still make trouble for themselves. Being able to come to the capital's banquet showed that they were big shots in the first place.

"Is it the office of the Blue Lion King... plus the religion of the gods... If these two energies are gathered together, they are not inferior to the nine existences under His Majesty the Emperor, and even worse than that." " Qi Mo said silently, his eyelids drooping slightly, as if he was thinking about something: "However, His Majesty the Emperor must have some cards, and it is impossible to let others slaughter him like this. But the other way around, this sixth prince also has some cards , It is impossible to seek power and usurp the throne just by relying on these two forces, that is simply extremely stupid, no matter how power can corrupt people's wisdom, it is still impossible for him to do this."

"However, this is not what I need to consider."

"What I need to consider is how to help the sixth prince. Then get the location of the cosmic heart fragment. Then control it. No, I can completely coerce..."

Qi Mo is thinking, the sixth prince is using Qi Mo, and he is also using the sixth prince. Since they are just using each other, there is no cooperative relationship, and Qi Mo will naturally not consider helping him accomplish anything. .What is accomplished is just done by the way because of the urging of interests. "

The night fell completely soon, and the time during the banquet seemed to be half as fast, and it took a few hours in a blink of an eye, and rejected the invitations of several young and beautiful girls to spend the night together.Qi Mo and Hei Ya walked to the room arranged by the capital king for Qi Mo.

Soon, Qi Mo and Hei Fang came to the room.

Hei Ya couldn't wait to get entangled with Qi Mo, but Qi Mo signaled her not to be in such a hurry.

Under Hei Fang's suspicious eyes, Qi Mo came to the computer on the desk, and slightly touched the virtual keyboard with his palm.Tap lightly, 'bang', 'bang', 'bang', 'bang', 'bang', 'bang' six times.The three bugs and three tiny monitoring instruments in the corner of the room were instantly shattered.

"This?!" Hei Fang couldn't help being a little angry, and said dissatisfiedly: "This capital king is too unkind?! How dare he do this?!"

Qi Mo shook his head and said: "This has been installed a long time ago, but I have been too lazy to move it all the time. It should not be the meaning of Du Wang, but his subordinates made it up their own way. I just fiddled with it a little bit, and it's already done." Killed the person on the opposite side directly.

"Oh." Hei Fang then nodded, his anger calmed down a bit, but he still murmured: "But I still find that sixth prince a bit displeased, that guy is definitely not a good guy."

The two had already snuggled up to the bed, and Qi Mo gently stroked Hei Fang's smooth back with his palm, and said with a smile: "Of course it's not a good thing, but I need him to continue to work hard to turn you into a heavenly king." Only when I am a strong person at the same level can I completely rest assured."

"Heavenly King?!" Hei Fang rubbed against Qi Mo's arms tightly, causing Qi Mo's anger to rise continuously.

Qi Mo held Hei Fang's small chin and said softly: "Of course it is the king of heaven. Only he can afford the huge energy that the king of heaven needs, but this price will also make him feel very heavy. Wait Once you arrive at the Heavenly King, we will send out the new breeding creatures that will be bred to fight against the Zerg in this universe, get more origins, and stabilize your Heavenly King realm."

"The Zerg in this universe?" Hearing the chill represented by this new term, Hei Fang suddenly became curious, and couldn't help asking: "I didn't expect there to be Zerg, how did you know?"

Qi Mo didn't answer immediately, but lowered his head and tasted it lightly in Hei Fang's mouth, feeling the sweetness of the saliva in Hei Fang's mouth, like a child who likes candy, tirelessly and recklessly.

Tongues are entangled with each other, Qimo's tongue and Heiya's fragrant tongue are entangled with each other, the rich fragrance and a different kind of stimulating tingling feeling form two different kinds of happiness, rushing up, making people feel happy. Qi Mo felt really good.

The palm couldn't help but slid to Hei Fang's buttocks, kneading wantonly on the smooth and upturned top.

Because the black teeth were quietly attached to Qi Mo's arms, the huge jade peak on his chest immediately piled up on Qi Mo's chest, and the soft and beautiful feeling it brought made Qi Mo's eyes brighten.

This feeling is really long-lost.Qi Mo couldn't help but make another shot, and slowly peeled off this exquisite and beautiful evening dress. Looking at the round and white jade peak that looked like white jade, Qi Mo's palm moved from below to here.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." that kind of irritating feeling made hei ya moan uncontrollably.

Qi Mo's palm kept circling it, and finally landed on the little delicate and lovely cardamom, and kneaded it a little.Hei Fang's back suddenly trembled and twitched uncontrollably. <I mean black teeth.Qi Mo said with a smile: "You are so beautiful."

Hei Fang said shyly, "Hurry up and give it to me."

Hearing these words, Qi Mo felt slightly at a loss, but it was only for a moment, so he stretched out his hand to look down, and was instantly surprised to find that after just playing with it a little, the black teeth became so sensitive that the area below Chao wet?It was impossible to be so sensitive before, right?

"You really get wet easily." Qi Mo said with a teasing smile.

"You're necrotic." Hei Fang's small hand hung down on Qi Mo's chest, and then said out of breath, "Ahhh...don't...touch me...below...fufu...uh...ok... ...It's so comfortable...ummm...yee...ahah..."

Qi Mo's palm has come to the outside of Taohuayuan.The palms kept rubbing against the outside of Hei Fang, seeing the cute appearance of Hei Fang screaming happily in his arms, Qi Mo suddenly felt that his anger had been teased to the limit again.

This guy is so tempting, I don't know if this body has such a strong quality?Thinking this way, he didn't use his avatar immediately, but continued to play like this.

"The palm...it feels...so comfortable, um...Qi Mo...I like it so much...I like it so much...master...give it to me...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Hei Fang unexpectedly became incoherent very quickly.

Qi Mo looked at Hei Ya's incoherent speech.He couldn't help but bury his head and kissed her again.One hand was constantly rubbing the extremely sensitive little doudou under the black teeth, and the other hand was constantly rubbing back and forth on the beautiful twin peaks, while lowering her head to taste her mouth. delicious.

“真是舒服……主人……啊啊啊……嗯嗯……快点……更加的……快点……我要……我要丢了…………啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊! !!" Black Fang kept moaning, and suddenly felt a great pleasure, and couldn't help but let out a long moan!

Lost it once? !Qi Mo couldn't help but withdraw his palm in surprise.Seeing the wetness on his palm, he glanced at Hei Fang in disbelief, and said with a soft smile, "I thought you were so powerful that I couldn't bear it at all, but how did you find out that you have become so sensitive now?"

"Huhu..." Hei Fang blushed, and looked at Qi Mo with somewhat angry eyes.He said dissatisfiedly: "Haven't you reacted yet? This body is also the first time..."

Only then did Qi Mo suddenly realize.A little surprised and said: "No wonder when I felt that when my fingers moved just now, I felt that the inside was too tight and couldn't be inserted."

Hei Fang blushed and said, "Don't be so explicit, you bastard."

Qi Mo pretended to be angry and said: "Hmph, how dare you call the master an asshole? See how I deal with you."

Hei Fang snorted dissatisfied, and then said: "Then you come and clean me up, and see if you can clean me up!"

"Wow, you dare to provoke me like this?" Qi Mo said with a joke, and began to take off Hei Fang's clothes one by one, looking at the smooth Hei Fang's body, Qi Mo felt confused for a while, What a beautiful body.

It's such a perfection that people can't help but blaspheme, but they also can't help but want to conquer, wanting to take this as their own forever.

Qi Mo would naturally have such thoughts.Soon, Qi Mo took off her clothes and also his own.

The two white bodies were entangled like this.

Qi Mo didn't act in a hurry, but carefully looked at the beauty of Hei Fang's body. His palms moved slowly as if playing a piano, gently stroking Hei Fang's body.

"Woohoo ... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... Next, soon, Hei Fang's body felt being played with by Qi Mo's fingers again.

Hearing Hei Ya's plea, Qi Mo didn't speak, but continued to tease her.

Black Fang is full of anger, his body is too sensitive now, if it was before, this bastard master dared to tease him like this, he would have been directly pushed by him, how could he still beg him here?

"Woooo...so comfortable...so itchy...really...dreadful...the body has...no strength at all...otherwise...otherwise...hehe...hurry up..." Black Fang was full of dissatisfaction. Gan Xin, under Qi Mo's toying with her body, her strength seems to have been drained, so there is no way to get rid of it.He can only let Qi Mo do whatever he wants.

In the end, he even let out a cry, telling how hateful Qi Mo is.This made Hei Fang feel extremely ashamed and humiliated.

"I'm here." Qi Mo saw that Hei Ya was still crying, so he immediately stopped teasing, slowly spread Hei Ya's legs apart, and sent his avatar outside the Taohuayuan.

"Hurry up, come in... woo woo woo... um... yah... huh huh huh..." Hei Fang's eyes seemed to be able to ooze water, seeing that Qi Mo had already sent his avatar to him. When he got under himself, he didn't rush to enter, instead, he rubbed against the wetness, and immediately cried out dissatisfied, and then sent his body fiercely: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ah!!!" Hei Fang couldn't help screaming immediately, because it was really painful.

"It hurts so much... woo woo woo..." Hei Fang's weeping appearance was particularly pitiful, which made Qi Mo's heart ache.

Qi Mo looked at the pieces of red flowers stained on the bed sheet below, couldn't help but shook his head, stroked Hei Fang's body carefully, trying to relieve Hei Fang's pain in this way, and then said: "You bastard , I was so anxious just now, now I know the pain?"

"Woooooo..." Hei Fang sobbed softly.

Qi Mo just kept this movement without continuing, feeling the tension inside, thinking that even if he wanted to continue, it would be difficult?Caressing the soft twin peaks, playing with them carefully, watching the twin peaks change into various shapes in his hands, the soft and fluffy feeling is quite good.

After a while, Hei Fang finally couldn't hold back and said: "Master Qi Mo...you...you can move now..."

"Really?" Qi Mo said with a smile, and then he thrust and thrust, directly sending his avatar into the innermost part.With such a violent movement, Hei Fang couldn't help screaming again: "Ahhhhhhhh!! It hurts!! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

However, Qi Mo's movements did not stop because of Hei Fang's call, and he continued to blow his own wind.

And the pain of black teeth quickly changed to fast, and the scream changed to moan: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...Ahh...Master...Master, your avatar...is getting bigger and bigger...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Qi Mo kept pumping and pumping, and soon felt a little stiff, and then changed his posture, quietly hugging Hei Fang in his arms, hugging her slender waist, and pumping and pumping his avatar continuously.

It's a wonderful feeling to be able to see Hei Fang's obsequiousness when you lower your head.

After about half an hour, Qi Mo finally couldn't bear it, and gushed out the essence in his body.

Qi Mo let out a long breath of relief, while Hei Fang said with some dissatisfaction, "I want more."

Qi Mo hooked the tip of his nose with black teeth, and said with a smile: "Of course." (m..Read.

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