The Sun Emperor Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 1 1 The Cause of Traveling

Chapter 1 1-Cause of time travel
Ancient stars, Kunlun Mountains.

"001, I've arrived at the Kunlun Mountains. Should you tell me why I traveled to the world of Zhetian after my death?" A young man with a well-proportioned figure and handsome appearance asked in his heart while standing on a peak in the Kunlun Mountains. .

"Host, don't worry! If you want to know the reason, you have to actually enter Kunlun Dragon Mountain! The spiritual energy of this ancient star is hard to find. It took me 22 years to absorb the spiritual energy before I recovered. After entering Kunlun Dragon Mountain, there will be enough spiritual energy for me to use. Only then can I tell you everything." A neutral voice sounded in Jiang Hao's ears.

"Okay, I believe you again. But you have to tell me how to enter Kunlun Dragon Mountain! As a mortal, I can't enter Kunlun Dragon Mountain surrounded by the imperial formation." Jiang Hao asked in his heart.

"Don't worry, the host. Three days later, on the night of the full moon, I will naturally guide you into Kunlun Longshan. As for now, you should rest well! Then follow my instructions to arrange a formation, gather spiritual energy, and open it in three days. Prepare for the domain gate." A neutral voice said.

After hearing the neutral voice, Jiang Hao didn't say much, but silently raised the sickle in his hand, cleared a clearing, set up a tent for the night, then took out dry food and water, chewed it slowly, and added physical strength.

After eating the dry food, Jiang Hao sat in front of the tent and thought about what happened half a month ago.

Jiang Hao had just graduated from college half a month ago. The whole class attended the graduation reception in the hotel. Jiang Hao got drunk and was helped back to the dormitory by his classmates. When he woke up at noon the next day, he found a ruler inside his body.

It was a simple purple ruler. After Jiang Hao saw the ruler, a light and shadow appeared in the ruler. He told Jiang Hao that his name was 001 and asked him if he wanted to know why he could time travel after saving a little girl in his previous life. Enter the world of the novel "Shading the Sky".

Jiang Hao naturally wanted to know. After all, although Jiang Hao read a lot of time-travel novels in his previous life, Jiang Hao himself knew that it was the author's imagination, but he did not expect that he would actually time-travel after his death.

But what Jiang Hao didn't expect was that his time travel would be so surprising. After death, his soul would suddenly be reshaped into a small baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes, contained in a small wooden basin, and floated along the river. .

If Jiang Hao had not been lucky and there were no strong winds and waves along the way, Jiang Hao might have died before leaving the army and be buried directly at the bottom of the river, becoming food for fish.

Fortunately, Jiang Hao was lucky. He met a fisherman who came to fish by the river. He was rescued by several people and contacted the law enforcement officers. Later, the government department could not find Jiang Hao's parents, so he had no choice but to send them to Jiang Hao. Jiang Hao went to a state-run orphanage, where Jiang Hao took root and grew up.

The grown-up Jiang Hao had the experience of studying in his previous life, or maybe it was due to time travel. His mental power was extremely strong, and he could read ten lines at a time without forgetting them. He became what the school teacher and the director of the orphanage called "other people's children."

Jiang Hao, who excelled in studies, was admitted to a very famous university in the country under everyone's expectation. However, after Jiang Hao entered the university, he discovered that the world he came to was actually that of the red-haired monster in his previous life. The pinnacle work], the world of "Shading the Sky".

As for why Jiang Hao knew that he had traveled to the world of "Zhe Tian", it was naturally because of Jiang Hao's classmates. There were 33 people in total. However, the names of these people were extremely familiar to Jiang Hao. They were similar to the novel "Zhe Tian" he had read in his previous life. "The protagonist Ye Fan's college classmates have the same name.

Ye Fan, Pang Bo, Liu Yunzhi, Li Changqing, Wang Yan, Zhou Yi, Lin Jia, Li Xiaoman, Wang Ziwen... After knowing the names of these people, Jiang Hao knew that the world he traveled to was not an urban world. It was the world of the popular novel "Shading the Sky" in his previous life, and he became one of Ye Fan's classmates.

After knowing this, Jiang Hao became friends with Ye Fan and Pang Bo during the four years of college, and was recognized by the future [Emperor Ye Tian], thinking that he could follow Ye Fan to the fairyland in the future.

[I explain the reasons in the author’s words]

It's just that Jiang Hao's idea of ​​hugging his thighs was not realized. After graduating from university, Goldfinger came to report and asked Jiang Hao to go to Kunlun Longshan. The reward was to tell Jiang Hao why he traveled to the world of "Shading the Sky".

Three days later, at night.

Under the bright moonlight, Jiang Hao followed 001's instructions and stepped on the Eight Diagrams Yin and Yang field drawn on the ground with mysterious steps. He walked dozens of steps in a row, then made a sword finger with his hand, pointed forward, and let out a sharp sound. Drink: "Bright moonlight, listen to my command, gather! Open the door to break the world!"

As Jiang Hao shouted, a bright purple light shot out from Jiang Hao's sword finger, turning into a hundred-foot-long hand. He grabbed it hard in the air, and the infinite moonlight was condensed into a silver light door one-foot high and appeared in Jiang Hao's head. In front of you.

Immediately afterwards, 001's urgent voice sounded in Jiang Hao's ears: "Host, go in quickly! The monks from Kunlun Mountain have discovered something strange here. Four monks from the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm and a dozen Four-Pole Secret Realm are heading towards Coming over here."

Hearing this, Jiang Hao hurriedly picked up the packed backpack, and then stepped into the silver light door.

And the next second after Jiang Hao entered the light gate, more than ten figures from the horizon descended on the Bagua field with divine rainbows.

"Elder, what happened here just now? A big purple hand plundered all the moonlight in a radius of hundreds of feet." A middle-aged man asked.

The four old Taoist priests in front checked nearby and said coldly: "Someone was doing something here just now, using the power of Yuehua to open a temporary gate into Inner Kunlun."

"What? Entering Inner Kunlun? Isn't that place sealed by the formation? How can anyone still go in? I remember that there are records in the bookstore. 2000 years ago, two saints from our Kunlun sect, Wang Laozu, joined forces for more than ten years. A senior Holy King teamed up to break into Inner Kunlun, but died under the strangulation of the killing array before entering. Now that the ancient planet has entered the Age of Ending Law, how is it possible that there are still strong people who can enter Inner Kunlun?" A middle-aged man from the Four Extremes Secret Realm asked in confusion.

"Strong? That's not necessarily true. Maybe the monks who entered Inner Kunlun just now are casual cultivators who have been inherited by the great sages of their predecessors. After all, I can see something here. This Bagua Yin and Yang Field is actually a very mysterious teleportation array. The essence then uses the power of Yuehua to break through the inner Kunlun killing array. If the monk who enters Inner Kunlun is strong, he can directly infuse divine power to activate the teleportation array. There is no need to use the power of Yuehua to stimulate the formation of the formation. Domain gate." Another old Taoist priest from the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm explained.

"You guys are guarding here. This Bagua Yin and Yang field can naturally gather the power of the moonlight, and it is also a good place for cultivation. I'm going to see the master. He is a great monk from the first level of Xiantai. I think I can study this teleportation array. Pattern, if our Kunlun sect can reproduce the pattern and enter Inner Kunlun, that would be a great blessing." said an old Taoist priest standing at the front.

"Brother, then go and ask the master to come out of seclusion! The three of us are guarding here. Unless the three of us die, no one can destroy the formation." An old Taoist priest said approvingly.

"That's right, brother, you go ask the master, we will stay here." Another Taoist from the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm also said. "Okay, I'll go ask the master right now." After saying that, the most powerful old Taoist priest rose into the sky and flew towards the mountain gate of the Kunlun Sect in the distance.

On Jiang Hao's side, after stepping into the light gate, the scenery changed, and the world in front of him suddenly opened up.

This is a new world.

The peaks are towering into the sky, the wind and clouds are around the waist, the stars are around the head, and the clouds are closed, like the chaotic air, full of the original atmosphere of the heaven and the earth. This is the real Kunlun, a near fairy land that flew to the earth from other places.

Finally successfully entering the Kunlun Immortal Land, Jiang Hao also showed joy on his face and took a deep breath.

Ah - this air is so damn sweet. This breath instantly refreshed Jiang Hao's tired body. Jiang Hao stretched, his muscles and bones crackling.

At this time, 001's neutral voice sounded in Jiang Hao's ears, "Host, let me show you my power!"

After that, the light and shadow of 001 appeared in front of Jiang Hao. The light and shadow was holding the long purple ruler in his hand, and then, 001 jumped into the air.

I don’t know if it was because Kunlun Dragon Mountain was forbidden to fly. The moment 001 took off, the lines in Kunlun Dragon Mountain absorbed the vitality of heaven and earth and revived, strangulating 001.

"Humph! A small skill, watch me break it!" After finishing speaking, 001 melted into the purple ruler, and a purple light wave passed by, all the revived lines dimmed, and the vitality of heaven and earth in Kunlun Longshan also turned into a The maelstrom was absorbed by the purple ruler.

After a while, the whirlpool of heaven and earth energy dispersed, and 001 walked out of the purple ruler and entered Jiang Hao's sea of ​​consciousness again.

At this time, Jiang Hao couldn't wait to ask: "Okay, 001, you said you wanted to absorb the vitality of the world and revive it. Now it's time to tell me the reason why I traveled to the world of "Zhe Tian" after my death! "

"Haha, host, don't worry! I won't harm you, I will tell you the reason for your time travel."

"Host, do you still remember why you died in your previous life?" 001's neutral voice sounded, asking Jiang Hao leisurely.

"In my previous life, I saved a little girl about 5 years old from an earthmoving truck that ran a red light and was hit and killed on the spot. Wait, little girl, are you saying that I traveled through time because of that little girl?" Jiang Hao remembered. When I was reading novels in my previous life, one of the popular ways to travel through time was to save someone who was killed on the road. I quickly woke up and asked.

"That's right. It's true that the host you crossed over because of that little girl, but that little girl wasn't the main reason for you to cross over. The main reason for you to cross over was that little girl's father—the Ancestral God of Qiankun." 001 said.

"Ancestral God Qiankun? Who is that? I've never heard of it." Jiang Hao said.

"Host, you don't need to know too much about the Creator (the Ancestral God of the Universe). You only need to know one thing, that is, the Creator is one of the strongest people in the world. And the reason why the Creator allows you to travel through time is to end it. The cause and effect between you and his child." 001 said.

"Finish the cause and effect? ​​001, you mean that I saved the boss's daughter, so I ended the cause and effect. But since the little girl is the boss's daughter, she should have a protective treasure on her body! Even if I don't save it, Nothing will happen!" Jiang Hao asked.

"That's right. Even if you don't save the host, it's okay. Nothing will happen to the little princess, but if you save the little princess, it's a kindness. If you saved the little princess and paid the price with your life, then this is a great kindness. The world in your previous life has As the saying goes, [The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring], your kindness to the little princess is a real life-saving kindness, so the Lord Creator will naturally repay this kindness on behalf of the little princess."

"Originally, the Creator wanted to revive you, and then give you 150% of the [-] years of luck in your previous world as host in return. But unfortunately, the world in your previous life was an ancestral world. Even if you create this ancestral world, The existence of the world has passed away. Even if this ancestral world has entered the Age of Ending Dharma, it is difficult to change this world. Therefore, the Creator changed a way of repaying you and took away your soul after death from the world consciousness of your previous life. , and then host one of your wishes in your previous life to travel through time, so the Creator fulfilled your wish and sent you to the world of your favorite novel "Shading the Sky" in your previous life."

"At the same time, I and the measuring ruler were created as your golden fingers." 001 explained.

"So I can understand that after I died, the big boss cost too much to save me in my previous life, so he sent me to the world of "Zhetian" and gave me a new life, right? Then I want to know about my previous life How much can 150% of the world's luck in 001 years help me? And what is the role of you and the measuring ruler [-]?" Jiang Hao asked calmly.

"Host, your first understanding is very correct. If the Creator wants to forcefully rescue you in your previous life, it will be like fighting a big boss at the same level. Then at that time, you will owe the Creator the cause and effect. And if you can't repay this cause and effect, then you will only end up in ashes."

"Then host 150% of your luck in the past 50 years. According to my calculations, if you become a political host, you can become the leader of a nuclear-armed country before the age of 500; if you become a business host, you can establish a country that controls one-fifth of the world. A financial empire with a fortune; if you follow literature, you will be the most talented person in history; if you follow martial arts, your life span will be 300 years, and you can reach a level that even nuclear weapons are difficult to eliminate. At the same time, this luck will still be good after your death. It will benefit your descendants for [-] years."

"Then let's talk about the Heavenly Measurement Ruler. This is a weapon that can be compared with the weapon of enlightenment that the Emperor Light Immortal King of "Perfect World" has spent his whole life cultivating, that is, the [Emperor Light Level Immortal King Weapon]. Of course, the Heavenly Measurement Ruler is like this It is powerful. In order not to destroy the balance of the world, the Creator also set up seven layers of seals. The first three layers can be unlocked by absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth. Now that they have been unlocked, the measuring ruler is equivalent to the imperial weapon of this world."

"After the host of the next four layers of seals reaches the secret realm of Xiantai, one layer is unlocked, which is equivalent to the weapon of the Heavenly Emperor in this world; one layer is unlocked to become a saint, and it is equivalent to the immortal weapon in this world; one layer is unlocked to become an emperor, and it is equivalent to the weapon of the Immortal King in this world; becoming an emperor is equivalent to the weapon of the Immortal King in this world; The Hongchen Immortal has unlocked the last layer, which is equivalent to this Realm Emperor Light Level Immortal King Weapon."

"Then the Heavenly Ruler also has another function, that is, no one can know the host's situation by calculating the heavenly secrets, unless the host agrees." 001 said.

 Jiang Hao can not attend the class reunion three years later, so he doesn't have to worry about Yinghuo's crocodile ancestors and the risk of being forced into the ancient forbidden land to collect medicine in Beidou. Jiang Hao only needs to wait for Ye Fan's return at Blue Star.During this period, take good care of Ye Fan’s parents so that Ye Fan will not be in the tragic situation of [the son wants to support but the parents are not around]. It will not be difficult for Ye Fan to guide the protagonist to the path of spiritual practice!Then instead of going to Beidou, I will just cling to the ancient stars until Ye Fan becomes the Emperor of Heaven and enjoys the blessings in the heaven. When his life is short, just let Ye Fan refine the divine source liquid to seal it.When the time comes, just follow Ye Fan and enter the Immortal Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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