The Sun Emperor Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 18 18 Cutting Stone

Chapter 18 18-Cut Stone

"I didn't expect that fellow Taoists would come from outside the territory. It's rare. But thanking guests behind closed doors for a day is a big deal. Can you tell me first which strange stone contains the King of Medicine? If it's true, it's natural to close the door behind closed doors. It's doable." The Queen Mother of the West said.

"It's the Yunxianchi, a rare stone from the Tianzihao Shiyuan of Yaochi Shifang that sells for 20 (20) kilograms of pure origin." Jiang Hao pointedly pointed out the strange stone with the Medicine King.

"Okay! I'll give you a letter, little friend." After saying that, the Queen Mother of the West waved her hand and a light curtain composed of array patterns appeared, blocking the sight of the stone gamblers on the [-]th floor of the stone shop outside. Xianchi took it in.

Afterwards, Queen Mother Xi spontaneously took out a natal Taoist weapon - a silver hairpin, which was made from Daluo silver essence. The tip of the hairpin was incomparably sharp under the infusion of divine power. It was just a little bit, and the outermost layer of stone skin turned into stone powder. After falling, layers of stone skin fell off again, until only the size of a human head remained before Jiang Hao shouted to stop.

"Queen Mother, just click a little and the King of Medicine will be sealed in a divine source as big as a human head." Jiang Hao said after Yao Tianyao secretly transmitted instructions.

After listening to Jiang Hao's words, the Queen Mother of the West withdrew most of her divine power and just touched the stone skin lightly.

Sure enough, the last thin layer of stone skin fell off, and a dazzling golden light shot out, along with the pure source energy of the divine source, and a fragrant medicinal energy emerged between the source energy.

When the golden light dissipated, a golden divine source as big as a human head was seen undulating in the mid-air, and among the divine sources was a human-shaped elixir with complete arms and legs.

"A medicine king that has reached more than 8 years old. Thank you little friend for pointing it out to save my Yaochi Holy Land from losses. This little friend won this bet. Come, please pass on my Queen Mother's order that Yaochi Stone Square is closed. The door will be closed to guests for seven days, and the business will be open after seven days. At the same time, the elder also asked to go back to the Holy Land and transplant some rare spiritual plants into the stone workshop." Queen Mother Xi said.

"Yes, I will obey the Queen Mother's order."*n.

Then some Yaochi disciples in the stone garden outside posted a notice on the stone square gate, and then closed the stone square gate.

Soon, the monks from several stone gardens outside Yaochi Stone Square who came to select stones were persuaded by Yaochi disciples to send them out of the stone workshop. Then the old woman guarding the stone workshop took out the mysterious jade platform, opened a teleportation array, and led Follow the Yaochi disciples in the stone workshop and leave.

"Little friend, you have to keep it a secret. I have sent all the Yaochi disciples away. Only heaven knows and the earth knows what the treasure you got by cutting the stone today is. You know it and I know it. No one else can know the specific treasure." Queen Mother Xi said with a smile.

"Thank you, Queen Mother, for your kindness. Then let me give Queen Mother a piece of my mind too!" After saying that, Jiang Hao took out a blank jade slip and handed it to Yao Tianyao, saying, "Uncle Yao, seal those in Yaochi Stone Square to the Saint level." All the stones of the treasure are recorded in the jade slips, give them to the Queen Mother!"

"Yes, son." Yao Tianyao replied.Then he took the jade slip and started recording.

After a while, Yao Tianyao handed the jade slip in his hand to the Queen Mother of the West. The Queen Mother of the West took the jade slip, took a look at it with her spiritual thoughts, and said with a strange expression: "It seems that these fellow Taoists have a big secret! There are even stones in them. We know exactly what treasures are sealed and how many there are.”

"Now I don't have to worry about the Queen Mother. Let's cut the stone first!" Jiang Hao said. "Yes, sir."*2
Yao Tianyao and Si Yue responded, took out two stone-cutting knives, and started cutting stones.

"Little friend, I'm here to help you." After saying that, Queen Mother Xi held the silver hairpin and began to peel off the stone skin.

Soon, with Jiang Hao also joining in to help, half an hour later, all 10 strange stones were cut open. Nine small suns floated in the sky above the Yaochi Stone Square, and the pure energy of the divine source overflowed.

"My little friend, you are so powerful! Nine of the 10 strange stones have a divine source, and the remaining one has no divine source. The Book of Destiny also contains a Taichu Fate Stone sealed in it. In addition, the treasures of other stones pointed out by the little friend , After today, Yaochi Shifang will be half useless!" Queen Mother of the West said with emotion.

It’s no wonder Queen Mother Xi was so emotional, but the treasure in mid-air is really touching!
There is a silver-white, fist-sized Taichu Fate Stone sealed in the Book of Destiny. It is a treasure that makes the heart of the emperor's heart beat. Among the remaining nine strange stones, there is also a treasure that makes the heart of the emperor's heart beat. That is the price of 28 yuan. The Feixian Terrace with its pure source.

Inside, a thin layer of divine source is sealed with a piece of green-gold metal as big as a basin. There are large tear marks on it, as if a fairy is crying. It is one of the nine immortal golds, the green gold of fairy tears. The Imperial Soldier West Emperor Pagoda of the Yaochi Holy Land is It is this kind of fairy gold sacrificed.

The treasures among the remaining eight strange stones are also extremely precious. After the sky stele is cut open, there is a golden divine source that is as large as one square. There is a small half-square red and extremely extraordinary copper block sealed inside, which can be used to refine the holy weapons handed down from generation to generation. One of the treasures - Shouyang red copper, but this is not the most precious. The most precious thing is that after this small half square Shouyang red copper is cut open, there is a round copper essence as big as a human head inside, which can be refined. The sacred material of quasi-emperor soldiers - Shouyang copper essence, and a piece as big as a human head can already be used to refine a quasi-emperor level heavy weapon.

Behind the Heaven Monument, a bowl-sized divine source was cut out of the Heaven and Earth Melting Furnace. There was also a strange substance sealed inside, flowing with nine colors of divine light. What was even more peculiar was that its shape changed indefinitely, between solid and liquid. between.

At first, even Yao Tianyao and Si Yue were not sure about this treasure. Just when Jiang Hao was about to ask 001 for help, the Queen Mother of the West exclaimed: "This... this is the peerless essence!"

Even after Queen Mother Xi told the name of this treasure, Jiang Hao and the others still didn't know the function of this treasure. Queen Mother Xi had no choice but to explain: "Everyone knows about dragon marrow, right? The top dragon marrow can be used as a life-extending treasure. At the same time, It is also one of the indispensable treasures for monks to practice in the secret realm of dragon transformation. After the dragon marrow is sublimated, there are two real treasures. One is the dream fairy marrow. This kind of treasure is only produced in small quantities in the ancestral dragon veins. The real treasure for extending life, but it doesn’t help much in cultivating the Secret Realm of Dragon Transformation.”

"The second is the peerless divine marrow. This kind of divine marrow has a chance to be produced in any dragon vein between heaven and earth, but it is very rare. And the ball of peerless divine marrow in front of me is integrated into one body. I can be sure that this ball of divine marrow is also Produced from an immortal root no less inferior to the ancestral dragon vein."

"And I see that my little friend's cultivation is already at the second peak of the Four Extremes Secret Realm. It won't be long before I can use this peerless essence. I think when I see you again in a few years, my little friend's cultivation will have reached the Immortal Stage Secret Realm. .”

PS: Thanks to QQ reading book friend [book friend 20200428164505303] for a monthly pass

Thanks to book friends [Taotao River Water? ? ] a monthly pass

Thanks to book friend [Xihua fj] for the 100-point reward
(End of this chapter)

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