194 Chapter 194 - Entering the Northern Plains

"Then what if I exchange the whereabouts of the "Nine Secrets" inheritance?" Jiang Hao asked lightly.

"The value of the inheritance of "Nine Secrets" is indeed no worse than the Forbidden Secret Technique Chapter of the Emperor's Scripture, but I'm sorry, I haven't received the approval of Emperor Luan Gu, Emperor Bingluan Gu Axe, and I can't make the decision on this deal."

"If Brother Jiang really wants to exchange the secret realm cultivation methods and taboo secret arts chapters of the Luan Gu Sutra, then he might as well follow me to the sacred lake in Luan Gu Gobi in Beiyuan, where Mr. He is guarding Emperor Luan Gu. Inheritance, Brother Jiang, you also have the Imperial Armament on your body, and you may not be able to awaken the sleeping Luan Gu Axe. If Brother Jiang can convince Luan Gu Axe at that time, he will naturally be able to obtain the Emperor Scripture and the Forbidden Secret Technique Chapter." Wang Teng thought for a while and said.

"Hmm! You haven't been recognized by the Luan Gu Axe yet, so how did you get the inheritance of the Luan Gu Great Emperor?" Jiang Hao asked in surprise.

"Brother Jiang doesn't know that I was brought to Luan Gu Gobi by Mr. He. At that time, I only met Luan Gu Ax once. That is when the god of Luan Gu Ax woke up and talked to me for a few words. Then I was given the Luan Gu Emperor Talisman, my Heavenly Emperor's Holy Sword and Heavenly Emperor's Chariot, "Luan Gu Sutra" and Luan Gu Secret Techniques were all rewards obtained after passing the tests left by the Luan Gu Emperor again and again, and now I Still have to pass the last test."

"The initial requirement for the last level of assessment is that the inheritor's strength breaks through to become the King of Dao Slayers. If the last level of assessment is passed, all the treasures of Emperor Luan Gu in his life will belong to me. At the same time, only then will Luan Gu Ax recognize me and serve me. Protect the road." Wang Teng explained.

"I see." Jiang Hao nodded to express his understanding, and then asked: "Brother Wang, does he still have something to do? If not, how about setting off to Luangu Gobi now?"

"Do you want to leave now? That's okay. It just so happens that I have reached the ultimate level of cultivation. I have also completed a small test and received a reward for my breakthrough strength." Wang Teng touched his chin and said.

"Then let's go!" Jiang Hao raised his hand and took out the birthday gift bag he had received as a reward. The Galaxy Sky Bridge handed it to Wang Teng and said: "This is a secret treasure. If you activate the Galaxy Sky Bridge, after knowing the chaos of the ancient desert, With the coordinates, we can travel back and forth between the two places very quickly, so we don’t have to go through so much trouble and use multiple Xuanyu Platforms.”

"Thank you!" Wang Teng took over the Xinghe Tianqiao and began to inject divine power.

At this time, Wang Chengkun, the head of the Wang family, and a group of powerful Wang family members also stepped forward to help Wang Teng and inject their divine power, because Wang Chengkun and the others were also returning to the Wang family in Beiyuan. Now that there is the Xinghe Sky Bridge, they can easily take a 'hitchhike' .

Soon, with the cooperation of more than ten powerful people, the Galaxy Sky Bridge was fully charged. Then Wang Teng thought, the coordinates of Beiyuan Luangu Gobi were engraved in the Galaxy Sky Bridge, and then the Sky Bridge made a "buzzing" sound, and then the Sky Bridge One end pierces through the void and connects to an unknown place. The next moment, the other end of the overpass is wrapped in Wang Teng, Jiang Hao, Wang Chengkun and more than ten powerful people who are returning to the Wang family. They enter the void and disappear without a trace.


Beiyuan, Luotian Wasteland.

Located in the northeast of Beiyuan, this is a desolate prairie. There are few people here and there are thick sedges, but wild wolves are in groups, and the howling of wolves can be heard every moonlit night.

But today, the desolate Luotian Wasteland was a little more crowded. A void passage suddenly appeared in mid-air, and then a section of the rainbow bridge emerged from the void passage. After a while, more than ten monks walked out from under the Hong Bridge. It was Jiang Hao and the Wang family who came to Beiyuan through the Xinghe Skybridge.

After a group of people walked off the Hongqiao, Jiang Hao raised his hand and waved his sleeves, and the Galaxy Sky Bridge turned into a starlight and was put away by Jiang Hao. Then Jiang Hao looked at the grassy grassland in front of him and asked with some surprise: "Eh? Here? It's not Luangu Gobi!" "Brother Jiang doesn't know. This is indeed not Luangu Gobi, but the Luotian Wasteland in the northeast of Beiyuan. Luangu Gobi is in Luotian Wasteland, and He Lao lives in Luangu Gobi. There is a sacred lake among them, which is also the place where Emperor Luan Gu left his legacy."

"The reason for the entire Luotian Wasteland is that the Emperor Luan Gu has set up an extremely grand air-forbidden formation. No one below the Dao Slayer King can fly into the air, and all the treasures that open up the domain gate cannot be used in the Luotian Wasteland, so next we go We can only walk in the Luangu Gobi," said Wang Teng, who was on the side.

"Teng'er, then you can take Fellow Daoist Jiang to meet Senior He! My father and the elders will return to the clan first. After you have finished discussing, Fellow Daoist Jiang can come to my Wang family to have a rest." Wang Chengkun said.

"Okay!" Jiang Hao replied, and afterward, Wang Chengkun and a group of Wang family's great powers turned into rainbow lights and soared into the sky, flying towards the Wang family.

After Wang Chengkun and his party left, Jiang Hao and Wang Teng also stepped into the Luotian Wasteland and headed towards the Luangu Gobi.

As time passed, Jiang Hao and Wang Teng had penetrated thousands of miles into the Luotian Wasteland using mysterious footwork. Along the way, they also killed many monsters without eyesight. It was already dark at this time, and the bright moon hung high in the distance. On a stone cliff there is a giant silver-white wolf that is tens of feet tall, swallowing the moonlight and looking up to the sky howling.

Looking at the scene of the wolf whistling at the moon, Wang Teng and Jiang Hao did not disturb it, and the silver wolf only glanced at it slightly. The two stopped paying attention and continued to swallow the moonlight.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful beast king in the Luotian Wasteland. I'm afraid there will be a great king with this level of cultivation!" Jiang Hao said after staying away from the stone cliff.

"The Silver Wolf King was originally the lord of the Luotian Wasteland. Before Mr. He was born, the Silver Wolf King had always been the overlord of the Luotian Wasteland. Even after Mr. He was born, the Luotian Wasteland had always been the Silver Wolf. Wang Weizun, after all, although Mr. He is powerful, he doesn’t care about things.”

"Mr. He and Silver Wolf King are not in conflict with each other. And I have been practicing in Luotian Wasteland over the years, and I have met Silver Wolf King several times. Wolf King knows that I am the descendant of Emperor Luan Gu, so naturally he will not embarrass us."

"But when we get here, the ancient desert is not far away, just ahead." Wang Teng said.

The two of them then continued deep into the Luotian Wasteland and traveled hundreds of miles. At this time, the bright moon set and a red sun loomed in the mist in the sky.

After marching all night, Jiang Hao and his two men finally saw the Luangu Gobi Desert, at the end of the Luotian Wasteland.

Afterwards, the two walked out of Luotian Wasteland and entered the ancient Gobi Desert. After walking for half an hour, they came to a crystal clear lake shrouded in mist and filled with colorful steaming clouds.

(To be continued)
(End of this chapter)

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