The Sun Emperor Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 197 197 Transactions

197 Chapter 197 - Trading

"Yes, the word secret "Zhe" is indeed controlled and passed down by the two Taoist traditions of Ziwei Ancient Star. But as far as I know, they don't actually know that they hold the word secret "Zhe". The information they know is that it is A volume of divine scripture that cannot be understood."

"The reason why it is impossible to comprehend is because the secret word "Zhe" is recorded on a page of Phoenix Blood Red Gold. This page is now divided into two pieces, and is controlled by the top Taoist Immortality Temple and Renwang Palace of Ziwei Ancient Star. Page, for some reasons, these two orthodoxies tried to combine the Phoenix Blood Red Gold Pages into one several times, but they were all interfered with by the orthodox tradition of Ziwei Ancient Star."

"There are two Ji Dao Holy Lands on Ziwei Ancient Star, the Sun Sect and the Taiyin Sect. However, the Ji Dao weapons of these two Ji Dao Holy Lands are not in the sects. The Seal of the Human Emperor was shattered in a dark turmoil. , is now in charge of a race in the Feixian Ancient Star; although the Sun Tower is in the Ziwei Ancient Star, it is used by the Sun Holy Emperor to suppress Beihai Haiyan and protect some means to fight against dark turmoil."

"So at this time, the ancient planet Ziwei has not seen the Jidao Emperor Armaments for tens of thousands of years. They have long forgotten the power of the Jidao Emperor Armaments, which has made them very arrogant, so the senior gods came to the ancient star Ziwei I'm afraid there will be many jokes." Jiang Hao said.

"It doesn't matter. Since they have forgotten the power of the imperial weapons, I don't mind helping them recall it." The god of Luan Ancient Ax said.

"Hmm! If senior wants to go to Ziwei, he can go with me. Within five years, my guardian and I will go to Ziwei Ancient Star." Jiang Hao thought for a while and said.

"Okay." The god of chaos ancient ax said.

"By the way, when we go to Ziwei, I have another unkind request. I want to ask my seniors to help." Jiang Hao said.

"What's the matter?" the god who messed with the ancient ax asked.

"I used some means to look at Ziwei Ancient Star from a distance. Nowadays, the Sun Sect's living environment in Ziwei Ancient Star is very poor. It is suppressed by the Golden Crow Clan of Ziwei Ancient Star. The human race of Ziwei Ancient Star does not care about this matter. Things will definitely be sorted out by Ziwei when I leave."

"And now that the Taiyin Human Emperor's orthodoxy has been destroyed, this is a blood debt that needs to be repaid by the monks of Ziwei Ancient Star with their blood." Jiang Hao said in a hoarse voice.

"How could it be? How could the Human Emperor's inheritance be destroyed?" Wang Teng said in shock.

"How is it impossible? The human emperor seal of the Taiyin Sect was broken into pieces and disappeared. It was not on the Ziwei Ancient Star. After the death of Emperor Wu Shi, a supreme figure took action in the restricted area of ​​the underworld, killing the quasi-emperors of the Sun Sect and the Taiyin Sect and the quasi-emperors of the past dynasties. Without the protection of Ji Tao weapons, the strong members of the sect died tragically, and there were not many high-level Tao soldiers left. The Taiyin sect had strong servants and weak masters in that era, and the Human Emperor Si family was destroyed!"

"Nowadays, the Taiyin Sect of Ziwei Ancient Star is no longer the Taoism of the Si family, but the Duanmu family, the servants of the Taiyin Sect in the past, controls the power. After the Duanmu family occupied the magpie nest, they massacred the Si family members and destroyed all mortals. They were all slaughtered without mercy, and then the human emperor blood in their bodies was extracted to practice secret techniques, and they also kept some of the human queens in captivity."

"These captive people and queens only have a small part of the imperial blood that is stronger in cultivation, but their realm is only in the four-pole secret realm. When they approach the dragon transformation secret realm, they will be killed by Duanmu family monks to extract the imperial blood, and they will be trapped all day long. The Duanmu family has to repay this blood debt?" "I haven't told my guardians about these things until now, because I didn't know that the monks of the Duanmu family who occupied the magpie's nest were left by the Si family." The foundation. So I hope that the senior gods can help me to destroy the Taiyin Sect." Jiang Hao said with a painful expression.

"The Holy Emperor and the Human Emperor have made great contributions to the human race. It would be okay if I didn't know about this matter. Now that I know about it, I will naturally take action! Don't worry, little friend, I will definitely lend a helping hand after going to Ziwei Ancient Star. "The god of Luan Gu Ax said angrily and agreed to Jiang Hao's conditions.

Then, the god of the Ancient Ax slashed open the void, took out a book filled with chaotic energy and handed it to Jiang Hao, saying: "My little friend, you told me about the inheritance of the "Nine Secrets". This is the "Luan Ancient Scripture" promised to you. . This scripture is the revised version of the Great Emperor in his later years. The Taoist patterns were carved by the Great Emperor himself. You should take it and comprehend it! The scroll made by the Great Emperor himself should be able to gain a lot with your understanding."

Then Luan Gu Ax shook slightly again, and a palm-sized piece of mutton-fat white jade flew out from the bottom of the sacred lake. The god of Luan Gu Ax left a mark on it and handed it to Wang Teng and said: "Wang Teng, Jiang Xiaoyou and the others set off for At the time of the ancient Ziwei star, you should also go with you! The ancient star Ziwei is one of the ancestral stars of the human race. In the golden age, the ancient star Ziwei must also have peerless geniuses. You should also go to the ancient star Ziwei to experience a thing or two! Crush the jade talisman before you leave. , I will come."

Afterwards, Luan Gu Ax returned to the small world above Shenhu Lake and continued to sleep.

After Wang Teng's protector He Lao took Wang Teng to get the reward for breaking through to the ultimate power, he apologized to Jiang Hao, and then faced Jiang Hao with some shamelessness, stretched out his wings and opened a domain gate leading to the Wang family. He just flew away from the lake and returned to the cliff to continue meditating.

After receiving the reward, Wang Teng went to a secret place and disappeared for a while before returning. The two entered the domain gate, left the ancient desert, and headed for the Wang family.

After Jiang Hao arrived at the Wang family, he was warmly received by the monks of the Wang family. After chatting for a while, he went to the banquet hall of the Wang family to eat wine and meat.

During the banquet, Jiang Hao also thought of something after drinking several hundred-year-old medicinal wine from the altar, and asked Wang Teng: "Brother Wang, if I am not wrong about the two powerful powers of your ancient race, they should It must be a creature from the Valley of the Gods of the ancient race!"

"Yes, those two great ancient creatures were the same ones that I used to be the wolf gods when I was walking in the Eastern Wasteland. I accidentally entered a sleeping place of an ancient race in the Northern Territory, where I had a very happy relationship with a Tao-killing king of the ancient race. Then he Give it to my servants."

"And after I got these two servants at that time, I went to the Holy City Tianyao Baoque to participate in the Millennium Sale soon after. I spent 500 million kilograms of pure sources to buy the fist-sized piece of Dao Tribulation gold."

"Speaking of that time when I first met Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang, you were in the Four Extremes Secret Realm at that time! In the blink of an eye, several years passed, and I went from a half-step to a supreme power, but Brother Jiang made a breakthrough from the Four Extremes Secret Realm. The Dragon Secret Realm and the Xiantai Secret Realm have become extremely powerful. Brother Jiang’s cultivation speed makes me envious!" Wang Teng said.

PS: Thanks to the Qidian reading friend [Xihua fj] for the 300 points reward!

(To be continued)
(End of this chapter)

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