The Sun Emperor Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 23 23 Dragon Pattern Black Gold Holy Spirit Sword

Chapter 23 23-Dragon Marked Black Gold Holy Spirit Sword

"This Nine-Aperture Stone Man is amazing. If he hadn't been cut open, he would be able to compete with the Emperor in the future!"

Although the dragon-patterned black gold sword is less than an inch long and is a very small sacred object, if it had not been born in advance and was conceived with the Nine-Aperture Stone Man, it would definitely have become the supreme emperor's weapon in the future.

The monks present were both regretful and shocked. The Nine-Aperture Stone Man was so extraordinary. He was born with weapons, and it was a sacred object like dragon-patterned black gold. If it could really be born, his combat power would surely shock the world in the future.

At this time, the golden spear of the sun appeared in Yao Tianyao's hand. Yao Tianyao's bloodline resonated with the ancestral Taoist soldiers. A golden light shot out from the tip of the spear and hit the dragon-patterned black gold Holy Spirit Sword, turning into a ball of golden sun fire to calcine the small sword.

After a while, the divine fire dissipated, and the dragon-patterned black gold sword no longer exuded murderous intent and fell down.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Si Yue quickly caught the dragon-patterned black gold sword that fell from mid-air.

After seeing the dragon-patterned black gold Holy Spirit Sword being refined, many monks present started to think about it. "

Little friend, sell me this sword for 13 jin! "

"Sell it to me, 15 catties!"

"I need it, 18 catties!"


At this moment, many people showed their favor to Jiang Hao and wanted to buy this sword, even though it was small.

But it is still very precious, because it is intertwined with part of its own laws, and the material is fairy gold. Although it is tiny, it is still considered a peerless rarity.

However, Jiang Hao ignored the competition among these people at this time, because after the dragon-patterned black gold Holy Spirit Sword was refined, the voice of 001 rang in Jiang Hao's ears.

"Host, don't sell this Holy Spirit Sword. Give it to me. Then you add three pieces of dragon-patterned black gold the size of a human head. Give me 100 years. After 100 years, I will return you a Holy Spirit Sword that will become the supreme weapon. "001 said.

"Three million kilograms of dragon-patterned black gold, why do you need so much? To refine a divine sword, at most one million kilograms is enough? And why don't you sacrifice it to the level of an imperial weapon." Jiang Hao asked.

"Hey! That's right, a sword uses 100 million kilograms of black gold with dragon patterns, and the supreme Taoist pattern on it is not too much for me to accept you 100 million kilograms of divine source! If this nine-aperture stone man is not destroyed, it will take at least a hundred It takes tens of thousands of years for it to be fully born. At that time, the Holy Spirit Sword can barely be regarded as a supreme weapon. Millions of years have been compressed into a hundred years. I accept 100 million kilograms of dragon-patterned black gold from you, but that’s not too much!"

"As for why it is not sacrificed and refined into an imperial weapon. That is because each imperial weapon is unique and has a different way of the emperor. This way is also imprinted in the Tianxin Seal. Moreover, the host should not forget that the restricted area There are still two Holy Spirit Enlightenments who are still alive. As the emperor of the Holy Spirit Clan, do they not know how many Holy Spirit Enlightenments have appeared in the world? At this time, there is only one more Holy Spirit Imperial Soldier. Can you guarantee that these two Wouldn’t the Ancient Emperor, out of curiosity, take away the Holy Spirit Sword from you and then beat you to death?”

"Although the Ancient Emperor cannot kill you due to the presence of the Heavenly Ruler and me, one more thing is worse than one less thing, isn't it?" 001's voice answering Jiang Hao's doubts rang in Jiang Hao's ears.

"Is that so! Wouldn't the sacrifice to refine the supreme weapon attract the attention of the Holy Spirit Emperor?" Jiang Hao asked.

"Dacheng Holy Spirit is not uncommon. From the age of mythology to the present post-ancient era, there have been more than two hundred Holy Spirits in Dacheng. If you do some tricks from here, one more Supreme Artifact will not arouse too much suspicion. And at worst, I am on the Holy Spirit Sword. Adding a sense of baptism of time, people will know at first sight that this is a supreme weapon from the mythical era, and it will not arouse too much suspicion." 001 said.

"That's it! I'll give you the Holy Spirit Sword! As for the immortal gold, I'll pay it to you in installments. First, cut 100 million kilograms of fairy tear green gold from the piece of immortal gold cut out from Yaochi Shifang. You can exchange it for dragon pattern black gold. Use the Holy Spirit Sword, and I will slowly raise the remaining 200 million kilograms of dragon-marked black gold for you. No problem!" Jiang Hao said. "Yes. But the remaining 50 million kilograms of dragon-marked black gold must be replenished within 200 years." After 001 finished speaking, he disappeared.

At this time, Jiang Hao also came to his senses. Hearing that so many monks were present asking to buy the black gold holy sword with dragon pattern, he couldn't help but said: "Everyone, I have great use for the black gold holy sword with dragon pattern. I won't sell it."

"Uncle Yao, mother-in-law, let's go! We're going back." After Jiang Hao finished speaking, he took the lead and walked towards the gate of Daoyi Shifang.

After listening to Jiang Hao's words, Yao Tianyao and Si Yue also walked towards the gate of Daoyi Shifang.

"Senior, senior, don't you want to cut stones?" A powerful man with a short lifespan asked.

"Well! There are not many longevity-extending treasures in Daoyi Stone Workshop, but the stones in Daoyi Stone Workshop are good. I just took a look and there are dozens of stones that are worth the money. You can go buy the stones and cut them up."

"As for the purchase of life-extending medicines, I will be offering some life-extending medicines during the Millennium Sale of Demonic Treasure Palace ten days later. There are Medicine King and Little Medicine King. You can prepare the Origin Stones to bid for them." Yao Tianyao finished. Just left.

However, before leaving, Yao Tianyao still moved his lips slightly and sent a message to a powerful person from Tianyao Palace present, asking him to later tell the person in charge of the Millennium Auction to come to the Jiang Family Inn and have some treasures for the Millennium Auction. Big shot.


Jiang's Inn, a private room with a name of Qian.

At Jiang Hao's signal, Yao Tianyao took out more than ten corpses of the alien kings who were killed on the Starry Sky Ancient Road, and asked: "These are the corpses of some king monks. Can such items participate in the Millennium Sale?"

"Well! Senior, this kind of corpse has never been auctioned before. We have to divide it up first."

"There are different prices for sinews and bones, different prices for elixirs made from purified blood and flesh, and different prices for skin and scales that can be made into armor and inner armor. Auctions generally do not auction raw materials."

"But senior is also a big customer of our bank. Of course, our bank has different acquisition methods. The first one is 50 kilograms of pure source for each corpse, which is purchased directly. What the corpses are used for in the future has nothing to do with senior; the second one is to purchase the corpse directly. The method is that our bank will process it on your behalf and then send it to the auction house for auction. The processing fee for each corpse is [-] kilograms of pure source."

"However, there are only ten days until the Millennium Sale. It will definitely be difficult for us to complete the processing during the Millennium Sale, so we will arrange the finished products made from these corpses to be auctioned in the subsequent auction." A young man in purple said.

"Then let's take the first type! There are a total of 20 corpses of kings and beasts here. You can give them 1000 million kilograms of pure sources." Yao Tianyao said.

"Senior, let's keep these corpses with you for a while. Our bank can't handle it right now. After the Millennium Sale, we will pay the source after we receive the commission, okay?" The young man cried after a little calculation. Said with a face.

"It doesn't matter, I believe in the credibility of Tianyao Palace. You can take these corpses for processing first! There is no problem in distributing them after the thousand-year auction." Yao Tianyao said.

"Thank you very much, senior. Then we will leave first." The powerful man from Tianyao Palace said goodbye after collecting the 20 corpses.

(End of this chapter)

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