The Sun Emperor Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 25 25 Years Big Shoot (2) [This chapter is not well written, readers forgive me! 】

Chapter 25 25-Millennium Shooting ([-]) [This chapter is not well written, please forgive me, book friends! 】

PS: The author had a little trouble at home. In addition, I was deceived and said that this book could not be signed. As a result, the outline of the author's next new book was coded out. I also received a contract message from the signing site. It has not been available for a few days. I took 10 days to finish this chapter as I was writing this book, plus family matters, so the plot is a bit stiff, please forgive me!
After bidding on the ancient jade, the beautiful woman in green saw that the auction house was sluggish, so she took out a hot jade slip and a cold black wooden board.

"No. 90, eight lots, one volume each of the handwritten notes of the sages who practiced the "Old Sun Sutra" and "The Ancient Taiyin Sutra", with a base price of 90 catties." The beautiful woman in green announced.

After hearing that this was a letter from a saint, the crowd in the auction hall became unusually noisy, and the beautiful woman in green had to ring the divine bell next to her to suppress the noisy sound.

After the divine bell rang three times, the auction hall finally fell silent.

A moment later, an old voice from the Xuanzi box came out: "I would also like to ask all fellow Taoists to give me the Yin-Yang Sect and not compete for this saint's manuscript. The Zhongzhou Yin-Yang Sect offers 150 million kilograms of source."

"Ha! What does the Yin-Yang Sect mean? I, the Burning Flame Sect, offer 180 million kilograms of gold." A confident voice appeared in the Xuanzi private room.

"What a coincidence! I, the Xuan Bing Sect, are also very interested in this Saint's Notes. It's a source of 200 million kilograms." A cold voice came from another private room with the name Xuan.

Then, Xuanzihao and Dizihao opened several private rooms again, and the price of these two volumes of saint's manuscripts reached a high price of 350 million catties.

[Let’s talk about the reason why no Taoists are willing to join forces to buy the Codex. This is because theoretically, if a Codex is studied at most ten times, the Dao marks in it will be destroyed, and the more you study it later, the more difficult it will be to understand, and it will also be difficult to understand. It will become increasingly blurry. 】

At this time, several private rooms were becoming more cautious when opening their mouths because of the high price of 350 million kilograms of springs. After all, these 300 million kilograms of springs had been the cultivation resources of the teaching for the past two years.

But at this time, a giant in the Tianzihao box spoke up, "My Jiang family has contributed 400 million kilograms of resources. I, the Jiang family, are determined to get these two volumes of manuscripts. Please give me some thin noodles!"

After hearing the words of the head of the Jiang family, the whole place was silent again, because this was the second time that the boss of the Tianzihao box had opened his mouth to compete, and every time Tianyao Baoque’s thousand-year-old auction, in fact, the Tianzihao box would not Say whatever you want, but once you say it, it’s basically determined who the auction item will go to.Unless there is a second sky-high box opening to compete for.

"Master Jiang, I, Yaochi, want this manuscript of the Tao of Taiyin. I wonder if I can give it to you. I, Yaochi, are willing to give me 200 million kilograms of it. After all, the "Hengyu Sutra" of the Jiang family is also a scripture with the attribute of fire. This Tao of Taiyin is very important to me. The Jiang family is not of much use." Queen Mother Xi said in the Tianzihao box where the Yaochi Holy Land was located.

Then, the Jiang family's box was silent for a moment before agreeing to the request of the Yaochi Holy Land. After all, they were both members of the Northern Territory Imperial Clan and were naturally close to each other.Moreover, the Taiyin Scroll Notes are indeed not of much use to the Jiang family, so it would be better to sell favors to the Yaochi Holy Land.

Then, the beautiful woman in green tapped the hammer three times, and the two volumes of letters were divided between the Jiang family and the Yaochi Holy Land.

Behind the two volumes of the saint's manuscripts was the auction item provided by Jiang Hao. It was the purple golden ginseng king that was auctioned by the Jiuli Divine Dynasty for a sky-high price of 370 million kilograms. The reason for this sky-high price was because Dong The Holy Land of Huang Yaoguang and the Shenzhou Dynasty of Zhongzhou, the three supreme sects, started to compete together. I don’t know what benefits the Jiuli Divine Dynasty promised to Yaoguang and Shenzhou in the end before they stopped. Otherwise, this medicine king would have to pay 500 million. The source is not exaggerated. "147 lots, including a complete sage scripture, the starting price is 150 million catties." said the beautiful woman in green.

Then he took out a tray made of ten-thousand-year-old red sandalwood and uncovered the red cloth on it. Inside was a silver scripture.

The sutra is not thick, only nine pages in total, but the monks present are still shocked. They are shocked that the material of this sutra is actually made of Daluo silver essence that can be used to refine the handed down holy weapons. They are shocked that there are monks who would auction such a real treasure. Because after taking this scripture, it is not difficult to establish a holy land-level orthodoxy. The foundation of the holy land is nothing more than ancient strong men, current strong men, handed down holy soldiers, and sage scriptures. And taking this scripture can be said to establish a holy land. A quarter of the necessities were collected.

And after hearing that it was the scriptures of sages and sages, the powerhouses of the imperial clan in the Tianzihao box couldn't sit still. Even the Buddhist imperial clan of Xumi Mountain had a strong man who spoke, and Jiang Hao was carrying it several times in a row Price, finally this saint's scripture was bought by the Ji family for 150 million catties.

After the auction of this saint's scripture, the beautiful woman in green also announced that today's auction would be over and the auction would continue tomorrow.

Soon, nine days passed, and during these nine days, Jiang Hao, Yao Tianyao, and Si Yue were not absent from the auction every day, witnessing the progress of this thousand-year auction. Every day, the auction amount was at least 3000 million jin, and the highest. The one-day auction volume reached 800 million catties.

[PS: I read in the comments that some people said that the transaction price is too outrageous. Let me tell you here. In fact, I think the treasures useful to saints are priceless and should be bartered. So the current auction price is naturally not It's too much.Moreover, the Thousand-Year Sale of Tianyao Baoque must have brought together the top treasures collected over the past thousand years for auction, so the transaction price is not outrageous. 】

And today, it is also the last day of the thousand-year auction of Tianyao Baoque, and Tianyao Baoque also let out a rumor. There are not many treasures for auction today, only ten pieces, but each one is a real treasure. None of them will be less than 800 million catties.

Moreover, today's auction is no longer held in Tianyao Baoque. The yellow private rooms and private rooms are not even qualified to watch. The attendants of Tianyao Baoque took out tokens and handed them to Xuan Zihao, Di Zihao and The high-ranking guests in the Tianzihao box then left.

The monks who got the tokens directly crushed the tokens and came to the space inside a palace-shaped handed down holy weapon in Tianyao Palace through teleportation to participate in the auction on the last day.

And many monks who have participated in the Millennium Sale before or in the Taoist tradition who have participated in the Millennium Sale know very well that the last day of the Thousand Year Sale in Tianyao Baoque is like this. Those who say nothing are crushed. The keepsake is sent to the Saint Soldiers to participate in the auction.

Soon, after all the monks who had received the tokens arrived, there was an auction platform made of chaotic stones in front of the Saint Soldiers Space, and an old woman (yu) who exuded the aura of a slashing king slowly walked up to the auction Standing on the stage, he said in a hoarse voice: "I am old, so I will walk more slowly. I would like to ask fellow Taoists to make it easier for me."

[This article assumes that the Imperial Clan has at least one Dacheng King, and there are many non-Imperial Clan holy lands that also have Dao-Slaying Kings.There are semi-saints in Yaochi Holy Land, Yaoguang Holy Land, Guhua Divine Dynasty, Demon Emperor Palace, and Mount Xumi. 】

After hearing what the old woman said, many of the monks present curled their lips. You, a Tao-killing king who is said to have hundreds of years to live, are really shameless pretending to be an old man here.

(End of this chapter)

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