Chapter 3 3-Cultivation
"Host, 1000 million kilograms of source can be exchanged for the source of the blazing sun. You can exchange it for up to 750 million kilograms of the source of the blazing sun. Will you exchange it, host?" 001 replied.

"Uncle Yao, 001 just said that 1000 million kilograms of divine source can be exchanged for 750 million kilograms of Blazing Sun divine source. Do you want to exchange it?" Jiang Hao asked.

After hearing this exchange ratio, Yao Tianyao slapped his thigh and said excitedly: "Exchange! Exchange as much as you have!"

"Sir, you must be confused! Why am I so excited? Because in my time, the exchange ratio between ordinary divine sources and alien divine sources was 10:5. Even after hundreds of thousands of years, I think this ratio should not be the same. There will be too many changes, but the exchange ratio here at 10 is 001:10. It can be said that if we exchange it from 7.5, we will make a lot of money." Yao Tianyao explained.

After listening to the explanation, Jiang Hao put away the thousands of kilograms of divine sources spinning in the storage bag and handed them to 001 to exchange for the Blazing Sun Source.

After a while, Jiang Hao took out the storage bag containing the Shenyuan, opened it and poured out the Shenyuan, and found that the 10 golden and washbasin-sized Shenyuan originally contained in the storage bag had turned into 8 gold-red Shenyuan. 7 pieces of Shenyuan are as big as a washbasin, and 1 piece of Shenyuan is as big as a human head.

After seeing that the Blazing Sun Divine Source had been exchanged, Yao Tianyao took a piece, held it in his hand, looked at it, and said: "Sir, these pieces of Blazing Sun Divine Source are of excellent quality, allowing you to cultivate to the fifth level of the Dao Palace. That's enough."

"Then please trouble Uncle Yao and teach me some secrets of cultivation." Jiang Hao said.

"What's this? Even if you don't ask, I will tell you." Yao Tianyao said.

Then, Yao Tianyao used himself as an example to teach Jiang Hao some cultivation information.

A month later.

After Jiang Hao refined a fist-sized piece of Blazing Sun Divine Source, he broke through to the realm of Life Spring. After solidifying his foundation, he continued to refine two fist-sized pieces of Blazing Sun Divine Source, reaching the point where the divine power surges like a tide and the sky is filled with rays of light. It means that Jiang Hao has reached the peak of Life Spring.

Then, Yao Tianyao suggested that Jiang Hao could take the spiritual fluid from the source of Tao to enhance his bones, cleanse his marrow and cut his veins.

After Jiang Hao took the spiritual fluid, his cultivation level reached the realm of the divine bridge, and a red-gold divine bridge was built on the sea of ​​suffering.

On the fifth day after taking the spiritual liquid, Jiang Hao reached the peak of the Divine Bridge, and the Divine Bridge jumped over the sea of ​​suffering and reached the other shore.

After Jiang Hao reached the other shore, he sat for three months and finally survived the disaster of being lost and became a real cultivator of the other shore.

In the future, after Jiang Hao attained enlightenment, some people would also ask what the disaster of being lost was that Jiang Hao had overcome. Even at that time, Jiang Hao was filled with fear when he thought about it.

Because Jiang Haodu's misfortune of being lost is what 001 described, and the reward of 150% luck in [-] years after saving the daughter of the ancestor god Qiankun turned into a scene.

In the Disaster of Lost, the first life-and-death test Jiang Hao encountered was to become the great monarch of the unified Blue Star. Just as a lyric describes [the whole world is speaking Chinese], Jiang Hao in the fantasy world was full of high spirits. , the whole world is crawling at Jiang Hao's feet, 72 concubines in the Three Palaces and Sixth Courtyard, a luxurious scene that cannot be described in words.

Fortunately, Jiang Hao escaped from the illusion of being a politician, but the next moment Jiang Hao entered the illusion of being a businessman.

Jiang Hao, who is a businessman, is just old enough to know his destiny, but he has built a great business empire, spanning seven continents and four oceans, controlling one-tenth of the world's wealth, and one-twentieth of the world's people. Working in Jiang Hao's business empire, heads of state from various countries would send congratulatory messages every New Year to wish Jiang Hao a happy New Year.

But after Jiang Hao has walked out of the illusion of politics, the illusion of business will naturally not be a problem for Jiang Hao, and he can get out of it smoothly.

The next fantasy is Cong Wen, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature at the age of 25, then spent 4 years solving the world's top ten mathematical conjectures, then entered the world of physics, solved one of the four mythical beasts in physics in one year, and then moved on to another world. Scientist, one person has driven the development of global science and technology for 200 years.Known as the "star of the future".

However, neither the tens of thousands of people in politics nor the business empire fascinate Jiang Hao. It is naturally impossible for Jiang Hao to get lost in these false names.

After walking out of the fantasy world of Congwen, he came to the fantasy world of Congwu. After Jiang Hao saved the daughter of the ancestor god of Qiankun, he joined the army. Before he was discharged from the army, he received 3 special merits, 10 first-class merits, second-class merits and third-class merits. The merits are countless. After retiring from the army, personal force has become a myth. A nuclear bomb can hardly hurt Jiang Hao at all. However, Jiang Hao is still not tempted, because he remembers that he is trying to overcome the disaster of being lost. The monks will naturally be useless when they reach the secret realm of Sendai. Fear of nuclear bombing.

[The misfortunes of getting lost are all the imagination of the author. If the top ten conjectures in mathematics and the four mythical beasts in physics have been confirmed in reality, you can point it out in the comment area and the author will correct it if he knows he is wrong! 】

"Sir, congratulations on getting out of the misfortune of being lost and successfully promoted to the realm of the other side. The next step is hard work. Within a year, my master, you can try to break through the secret realm of the Dao Palace." Yao Tianyao said.

"Yobright, you miu like it!"

"The rest of the training will be all about hard work. I want to go sightseeing in Kunlun Dragon Mountain first and collect the relics left behind by the powerful warriors from all ages who broke into Kunlun and fell." Jiang Hao said.

"Haha! This is possible. I have been protecting the law for you for the past three months, Si Yue has been out frequently and collected all the elixirs that are more than ten thousand years old that are not covered by the killing array within a radius of ten thousand miles." Yao Tianyao said. .

"It's okay. I have a token of Kunlun Longshan here. Although the token expired after I left Kunlun Longshan, but I haven't left Kunlun Longshan now, then this token can make me walk on the ground in the killing array." Jiang Jiang Hao said confidently.

After saying that, Jiang Hao took out an ancient scroll from the finger-wrenching world and held it in his hand. It was glittering and translucent, as if it was made of the essence of the sun and the moon, but it was very soft.

It has a square shape and can be about 1.5 meters long. When it is spread out, there are occasional stars flashing and disappearing on it. It is light and peaceful, and it is hard to see what it is.

"What kind of divine object is this?" Yao Tianyao touched it.

"This is the token of Kunlun Dragon Mountain. I don't know what it is used for. But on the back is a mountain map of Kunlun Dragon Mountain. We can hold this map to avoid the Kunlun Killing Formation." Jiang Hao said.

"This... I didn't expect that there is such a treasure in the world. The old lady still remembers that when our Taiyin Divine Sect was at its peak, one of our ancestors had cultivated to a high-level quasi-emperor, but later he forced his way into Kunlun Dragon Mountain and died." Si. Yue came to Jiang Hao from a distance and said softly.

"Old lady, the Taiyin quasi-emperor you are talking about is not the Si Xuanshuang who killed the leader of Xuanyang, the Sun God Sect!" Yao Tianyao asked with a dark face.

"Yes, it's the ancestor Xuan Shuang." Si Yue said with a chuckle.

"Uncle Yao, mother-in-law, who are the Xuanyang Cult Leader and Xuanshuang Quasi-Emperor you are talking about!" Jiang Hao asked.

"Haha! Master, let me talk about this matter! Old man Yao doesn't want to mention this matter. After all, this is an unforgettable pain for the Sun God Sect."

"Probably more than [-] years ago, in the generation of our two major religious sects, Taiyin and Sun, a peerless genius with royal blood returned to his ancestors appeared. The leaders of the two sects at that time arranged a baby marriage for the two, and the two The ancestors lived up to their expectations and cultivated to the realm of quasi-emperors despite the Dao marks after the fall of the Great Emperor of China. However, ancestor Xuanshuang was a pair for life, while quasi-emperor Xuanyang was a playboy. The two elders Our ancestors had different ideas about marriage, and after being married for only a thousand years, the quasi-emperor Xuanyang divorced ancestor Xuan Shuang with a divorce note."

"The ancestors were so angry that they made an agreement with Quasi-Emperor Xuanyang. There was a war once every hundred years. If Quasi-Emperor Xuanshuang won, then Quasi-Emperor Xuanyang would join the Taiyin God Sect. This battle lasted for a full 2000 years. But the two ancestors knew the basics, so naturally neither could do anything to the other." "But before the 23rd battle, Quasi-Emperor Xuanyang went to hunt down a powerful enemy and kill him at the edge of the universe. , but Quasi-Emperor Xuanyang still suffered a serious injury, but he had to go to the battle, so Quasi-Emperor Xuanyang went to the appointment with his injuries. However, in that battle, the two ancestors fought fiercely, and Quasi-Emperor Xuanyang was seriously injured. After relapse, Patriarch Xuanshuang seized the opportunity and struck a series of cruel blows. The two ancestors decided the winner for the first time. Patriarch Xuanshuang asked Xuanyang quasi-emperor to join Taiyin God Sect, and Xuanyang quasi-emperor A man with a virtuous mind suddenly loses his temper and becomes possessed, transforming into a dead man."

"After this incident, Quasi-Emperor Xuanshuang found out after investigation that Quasi-Emperor Xuanyang had killed an enemy at the edge of the universe before going to the appointment. After knowing the truth of the matter, Patriarch Xuanshuang was heartbroken and wanted to He wanted to follow Quasi-Emperor Xuanyang. He forced his way into Kunlun Dragon Mountain and was beaten into bloody mud by the Kunlun Killing Formation. He died miserably." Si Yue vividly told a secret from the ancient times.

"Actually, let's talk about it. My old lady and I are the descendants of ancestor Xuanyang and Quasi-Emperor Xuanshuang! After Emperor Xuanshuang was divorced, he returned to the Taiyin Sect and soon gave birth to a pair of twins, Xuanyang. After the ancestor knew about this, the eldest brother who came to the Taiyin Sect to pick up the twins returned to the Sun Sect to practice the "Old Sun Sutra", while the twins' younger brother studied the "Old Yin Sutra" with the quasi-emperor Xuan Shuang. Before the two of them died of old age, they both became the top saints of a generation." Yao Tianyao added.

"Uncle Yao, what's your relationship with your mother-in-law?" Jiang Hao asked.

After all, during this period of time together, Jiang Hao had long discovered the unusual relationship between Yao Tianyao and Si Yue. If the two were said to be boyfriend and girlfriend in love, then they had obviously crossed the line. After all, Jiang Hao had seen them all. The two are practicing dual cultivation; but let’s say they are husband and wife!Not quite like it.

[Double cultivation is a normal dual cultivation between two people, not a dual cultivation in bed]

"We are Taoist couples." (Si Yue)

"We are each other's confidante." (Yao Tianyao)
They both answered at the same time, but their answers were different.

"Oh! I understand." Jiang Hao said meaningfully.

"Young master, do you think that this old woman dare not suppress you?" Si Yue spoke softly, but her words were a naked threat.

"Haha! Mother-in-law, it's just a joke, don't take it seriously!"

"By the way! Mother-in-law, how have you gained in the past few months?" Jiang Hao quickly changed the subject.

"Don't mention it. In the past few months, I have traveled thousands of miles around, and I only dared to collect herbs in the safe areas I determined. I only found two plants of King Medicine, three plants of Little King Medicine, and more than a dozen plants of ten thousand years of elixir. I also I found five plants of King of Medicine, but I didn’t dare to pick them because I was afraid it would trigger a killing array and strangle them.”

"Now that we have this ancient scroll, we can completely select less dangerous places within the safe zone and the range that I'm not sure about to collect elixirs," Si Yue said.

"Since my mother-in-law is familiar with the area, let her take care of the ancient scroll! Yao Bo, you hold the measuring ruler in your hand, and your purple energy will protect us." After that, Jiang Hao handed the ancient scroll to Si Yue, and then said He took out the measuring ruler and handed it to Yao Tianyao.

Then he took out the Xiaoyao boots, Tiancanyi and Jingangzhuo from the gift bag, put on the Xiaoyao boots, put on the Tiancanyi, and put the Jingangzhuo on his left wrist.

"Since the young master also has something to protect himself, let's go!" After Yao Tianyao said that, he held up the measuring ruler, and the purple air fell down. Siyue held the ancient scroll in her hand and walked in front, while Yao Tianyao walked After the final break.Jiang Hao was protected by the two, so he was the safest.

Soon, the three of them came to a flat land, where a red fairy flower grew. The flowers swayed, and the faint fragrance of the King of Medicine lingered around.

"Sir, here is the first Medicine King I found, but when I stood here, it gave me a dangerous feeling, so I did not pick this Medicine King. But I just checked the ancient scrolls, Medicine King The place where it grows happens to be a safe zone, and there is no emperor killing array, so you can pick this Medicine King plant." After that, Siyue took out a jade shovel, pulled it with her divine power, shoveled it through the air, and connected the Medicine King fairy plant. All the roots and soil carried by the roots were dug out and taken into hands.cut off,
After shoveling out the fairy flowers, Siyue took out a top-quality jade box and kept the Medicine King properly, and then handed the jade box to Jiang Hao.

"Sir, old man Yao and I both have life-saving medicine. I'll give you this medicine!" Si Yue said.

"Okay, I'll accept it without mercy. If Uncle Yao and mother-in-law need the medicine king, just ask." After saying that, Jiang Hao took the jade box and put it in his finger.

Then, in the next three months, the three of them, led by Si Yue, traveled to the nearby Kunlun Longshan Mountain and picked up 3 King Medicine plants, 7 Little King Medicine plants, and 13 Ten Thousand-year-old elixirs.And there are two other plants of the king of medicine that actually grow in the killing array, the roots are connected with the killing array, once the medicine king killing array is picked, it will revive and kill the herb pickers.So the three of them could only reluctantly give up the two medicine kings.

"Sir, all the elixirs that can be harvested from thousands of miles around here have been picked. Next, which direction should we go." Si Yue asked.

"Pick slowly in other directions around the periphery. Let's move towards the valley in the core hinterland first." Jiang Hao instructed.

"Yes, Young Master." Si Yue responded, then looked at the ancient scroll, determined her position, and headed in one direction.

After deciding on the next destination, the three of them set off towards the Core Immortal Valley. Along the way, they ate the elixir when they were hungry, and drank the dew on the elixir when they were thirsty. They marched like this for a full 10 days.

Suddenly, Si Yue, who was leading the way at the front, stopped because a stone forest appeared in front of her. In the stone forest, a person sat cross-legged on a piece of sapphire. The treasure was solemn and filled with fairy aura.

On him, there are strands of terrifying qi that exudes, which is extremely intimidating.

"Young Master was a peerless man who had reached the level of a great saint during his lifetime. Unexpectedly, he died in the Kunlun Killing Formation. His physical body was intact, but his soul was destroyed by the killing formation." Si Yue said.

 All the Emperor's Scriptures are in one volume - [Holy Level Treasure]

  Happy Boots: Allows the wearer to have the fastest speed in the world - [Holy Level Treasure]

  King Kong Zhuo: The Forbidden Weapon of the Great Sage, the user can strike three attacks from the peak of the Great Sage - [Holy Level Treasure]

  Guardian*2: They all have the qualifications of a great saint——[Holy level treasure]

  Thousands of kilograms of divine source - [Holy level treasure]

  Heavenly Silkworm Clothes: It has patterns that can ward off dust, calm wind, divert water, and repel fire. The wearer can refresh his mind and be protected from all evil spirits. ——[Holy level treasure]

  A single emperor-level secret technique is a [holy-level treasure], and the "Nine Secrets" and "Emperor-level Forbidden Secret Techniques" are [quasi-emperor-level treasures]

  Futons and other products (immortal fruits) woven from immortal branches and leaves are [quasi-emperor-level treasures], elixir liquid is [holy-level treasure], and a complete elixir is [emperor-level treasure]

  Galaxy Overpass: Users can travel between two places at high speed through the overpass after knowing the coordinates of the two places - [Holy Secret Treasure]

(End of this chapter)

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