The Sun Emperor Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 40 40 Discussion

Chapter 40 40 - Discussion

[PS: This piece has 3300 words.Due to the part-time job of the author, there were a lot of things in the past few days, and I didn't notice that the monthly pass was already full of 100, so this chapter is 3300 words.Among them, 800 words are monthly ticket plus change, and the remaining 500 words are delay compensation. 】

"Okay, let's get back to the original topic! Now that we have saved Taixu Ancestor, we have collected four imperial weapons. If we still have one left, let's choose a divine dynasty in Zhongzhou!"

"The remaining three divine dynasties are the Daxia Divine Dynasty, the Jiuli Divine Dynasty and the Shenzhou Divine Dynasty. In fact, these three divine dynasties are almost the same! Why don't you all vote for one! Anyway, my Jiang family has no friendship with these three divine dynasties. It’s not deep enough, and there’s no discount for us if we borrow the imperial soldiers,” Jiang Chengyi said.

"Senior's words are wrong! The Jiang family does not have enough friendship with the three major divine dynasties, but it is not necessarily the case with the Guhua Divine Dynasty! As one of the divine dynasties in Zhongzhou, Guhua Divine Dynasty must have a better relationship with the Divine Dynasty, and Guhua Divine Dynasty can let Guhua Divine Dynasty Wouldn't it be more appropriate to go to the court to borrow the imperial soldiers, and then the Jiang family would provide resources to Gu Hua?" Jiang Hao said.

"Haha! That's right, thank you, little friend Jiang, for reminding me. I really never thought about it this way if you didn't tell me, little friend Jiang." Jiang Chengyi laughed after hearing what Jiang Hao said.

"Master, after the discussion is over later, I will go to the Guhua Divine Dynasty! I will borrow the Guhua Ruler first, and then I will go to the Divine Dynasty of China with old man Gu Yong and borrow the Divine China Cauldron." A monk of the Jiang family, who had never spoken before, spoke up.

[PS: The imperial soldiers of the Shenzhou Dynasty belong to the author's second design, and are not included in the original work.The Shenzhou Cauldron is made of eternal blue gold and is a four-legged square cauldron. 】

"Okay! Then I'll trouble the Supreme Elder to go to Zhongzhou." Jiang Chengyi said.

"Now that the five imperial weapons needed to save Ancestor Taixu have been assembled, the next step is to choose the person to control the imperial weapons. If you want to revive the imperial weapons to the point of awakening the god, you must at least be a great sage. arrive."

"Emperor soldiers are easy to find, but these five great saints are hard to find! After all, this world is in the age of the end of the Dharma. If you want to find all five great saints, you can only awaken the secrets!" The supreme elder of the Jiang family said.

"That's right! We only thought about the Imperial Armed Forces, but we didn't consider the candidates to be in charge of the Imperial Armed Forces!" The head of the Jiang family sighed.

"I have also considered this matter, so you don't need to worry too much. There is a complete Wushi Emperor's formation in Zishan, the dojo of the Wushi Emperor. This is why the Wushi Clock can be revived at any time." Jiang Hao said.

"But no matter how powerful an imperial formation is, it cannot simultaneously support the vast divine power required for the resurrection of six imperial weapons!" Jiang Cheng said.

"I have also considered this. Although an Imperial Formation cannot support the resuscitation of six Imperial Arms at the same time, it can also relieve us of part of the burden. With the help of the Imperial Formation, the monks in charge of the Imperial Arms do not need to be great saints. The Saint King can do it. .”

"And I happen to know a few saints in this world. A follower of Emperor Wushi has already been born, named Gu Tianshu, the peak of the great saint; Yao Bo and mother-in-law have a secret method, and they can be on par with the saint king within an hour. In the imperial formation, there are five imperial soldiers to help, which is more than enough for an hour; then there is a stone gate in the holy city, and the gatekeeper is also a monk at the peak of the saint king, but this one may have to be invited by Patriarch Jiang with a heavy gift. "Jiang Hao said.

"Guardian of the Stone Square of the Holy City? Seventeenth Elder, you have been the guardian of my Jiang family's Stone Square in the Holy City for hundreds of years. Do you know which family you are the guardian of?" Jiang Chengyi asked an elder.

"Master, I don't know about this. I have been in the Holy City for hundreds of years. I know all the guardians of the stone workshops in the Holy City, but I don't know which stone workshop they are. Just now, Xiaoyou Jiang said that there is a Saint King in the Holy City. After that, the old man was already thinking about it, but he didn't think about which fellow Taoist it was." Seventeen Elders said.

"It's only normal that the seventeenth elders don't know, because the senior saint king is now hiding in the city. In the eyes of the powerful, he is a bad old man who has only a few years to live, and the stone square is already dilapidated. ." Jiang Hao said.

"Please give me some advice, little friend. I don't know which stone workshop is the guardian." Jiang Chengyi asked.

"Actually, I didn't know it at the beginning. When I was in the Holy City some time ago, I wanted to go to that stone workshop to cut stones. But as soon as I walked nearby, the god who measured the sky ruler told me that there was a stone in that stone workshop. There was a sage king sitting in charge, so I didn’t go." Jiang Hao said.

At this moment, the seventeenth elder of the Jiang family interrupted Jiang Hao's words and asked eagerly: "The dilapidated stone workshop that little friend Jiang mentioned is the Tianxuan Stone Workshop in the Holy City."

"I just remembered that hundreds of years ago when I went to the Jiang Family Stone Workshop to serve as the guardian, I went to meet the powerful men from the All Saints families who were also the guardians of the Stone Workshop. At that time, I happened to go to the Tianxuan Stone Workshop. I I remember that the guardian of Tianxuan Stone Square looks like a bad old man."

"Yes, it is the guardian of Tianxuan Stone Square." Jiang Hao said.

"Alas! I didn't expect it to be Tianxuan Shifang! If Jiang Xiaoyou said this, my Jiang family should indeed apologize."

"The Holy Lord of Tianxuan Holy Land 6000 years ago was fatuous and incompetent. After obtaining a broken imperial weapon, he used the power of the Holy Land to attack the ancient forbidden land. In the end, one Holy Land, millions of disciples and dozens of foundations all fell and became As bones, even the incomplete imperial weapon was shattered by the [Desolate Lord] (Dacheng Holy Body) of the ancient forbidden land, and in the end, only a dozen or so people escaped from the ancient forbidden land."

"Moreover, the dozen or so people who escaped became incarnations in less than a hundred years, and became obsessed with evil. In the end, only the Holy Son of Tianxuan Holy Land was left alive, but this Holy Son of Tianxuan Holy Land was My son is also crazy, not mentally normal, and unable to talk."

"And after the strong men in Tianxuan Holy Land died back then, many ancient holy land families in the central region teamed up with the Ji family and Yaoguang Holy Land to evacuate Tianxuan Holy Land, and my Jiang family teamed up with Yaochi Holy Land to divide the Tianxuan Holy Land equally in the north. The stone workshop and source stone mine in the domain.”

"Fortunately, the Saint King of Tianxuan Holy Land has a broad mind, otherwise even if my Jiang family had the Imperial Furnace, they would have suffered heavy losses!" Jiang Chengyi said. "Master, even if you include the senior Saint King in Tianxuan Holy Land, there are only three Saint King monks! There are still two more to go. What should we do with this vacancy?" asked an expert from the Jiang family.

"Elders don't need to worry about this. Fifteen years ago, a great sage from our Jiang family came out of the divine source. This ancestor still has nearly 15 years of life. Just ask the ancestor to come and visit. Really. If that doesn't work, then wake up a senior saint king from the clan, waste some divine source liquid after taking action, and then seal it back again." said the head of the Jiang family.

"Don't worry about the vacancy in the last position. Didn't I say it before? The complete Wushi Emperor Formation can help us reduce a lot of burdens, as long as the monk in charge of the emperor's soldiers is a saint king."

[PS: The following is the monthly ticket plus 800 words]

"And two of the three monks we have selected to wield weapons are great saints, which can reduce the pressure on the Wushi Emperor Formation and transfer more divine power elsewhere. The remaining two imperial weapons will be handed over to the King of Dao Slayers Take charge!”

"I have three Dao-Slaying King-level guardians. I have recalled them all this time. Your Jiang family must have more than one Dao-Slaying King monk! The Guhua Dynasty also invited one or several kings to come to help, and Shenzhou The Divine Dynasty has borrowed the Imperial Armed Forces and also invited a Dao-Slaying King. Calculating this way, there will be at least six kings. It will not be difficult to support the Imperial Armed Forces to revive the Divine Emperor." Jiang Hao said.

"Haha! There are more than five kings. My Jiang family has a half-saint ancestor, two ancestors who are at the level of kings of Dao-slaying, and a beast king who is a Dao-slaying. As far as I know, Guhua Divine Dynasty and Shenzhou There are three Tao-killing Kings known to many of the emperors and clans of the present generation of the Divine Dynasty, but I don’t know whether they are still hidden or not.”

"The Shenzhou Divine Dynasty, the Guhua Divine Dynasty and my Jiang family can each leave a Tao-killing King to look after the house. Nine kings and one half-saint are enough to revive the Emperor Weapon God in a short time. If it is not enough, then my Jiang family Take out some divine materials and ask the ancestors to sacrifice a few secret treasures of the Great Sage, which are filled with the power of the Great Sage and can last for a while." Jiang Chengyi said with a smile.

"Okay, let's do it like this! Boy Cheng, go and tell the ancestor who is sealed in the Shenyuan block about this matter. I will go to Guhua Shenchao and Shenzhou Shenchao to discuss the matter of borrowing Guhuachi and Shenzhou Ding, etc. After the ancestor walked out of Shenyuan, you go to invite the senior saint king in Tianxuan Stone Square, and then the descendants of the demon emperor will ask you to go there. As long as the conditions offered by the descendants of the demon emperor are not excessive, I The Jiang family can agree."

[PS: Originally the great sage of the Jiang family was sealed in the divine source liquid. Then because Jiang Yifei looked too much like Emperor Hengyu, the Jiang family awakened a great sage who was sealed in the divine source liquid. The great sage was born. Afterwards, it was determined that Jiang Yifei was the ancestor of the Emperor's blood, and then he placed himself in the Divine Source Block to delay the passage of life. 】

"In addition, Jiang Xiaoyou, please give me a copy of the coordinates of the Dojo of the Great Emperor Wushi. When the time comes, my fellow Taoists from the Guhua Dynasty and the Shenzhou Dynasty will meet directly in front of the Dojo of the Great Emperor." The Dao Slayer King of the Jiang family was beaming said.

"Senior, here it is." After Jiang Hao listened to what the king of the Jiang family said, he typed a set of detailed coordinates in the void.

After receiving the coordinates, the king of the Jiang family disappeared in a flash and went to the Jiang family's cross-domain teleportation array.

[PS: The following is the delay compensation plus 500 words]

Jiang Family, the core pure land.

After discussing the matter of rescuing Jiang Taixu in the meeting hall, the head of the Jiang family announced that the meeting was over. The Jiang family could go back to practice, and those in charge of various ministries would also go to their respective posts. Jiang Hao and others were also Placed on a divine island where he lived before.

After the meeting, Jiang Chengyi, the head of the Jiang family, took the great seal of the head of the Jiang family to the core pure land of the Jiang family, and went to the deepest part of the pure land to ask to see the eldest saint who was born in the Jiang family and proclaimed himself among the gods.

After carrying the family master's seal and passing through layers of formations, Jiang Chengyi finally arrived at the deepest core of the pure land. There was an ancient palace left by a quasi-emperor of the Jiang family, with inscriptions on it. [-]% of the Hengyu Emperor Formation was formed.

When Jiang Chengyi arrived in front of the ancient palace, the family leader's seal glowed, opened the imperial formation on the palace door, and then shouted: "Jiang Chengyi of the Jiang family wants to see Patriarch Long Xiang!"

"Jiang Chengyi of the Jiang family asks to see Patriarch Long Xiang!"

"Jiang Chengyi of the Jiang family asks to see Patriarch Long Xiang!"

"Jiang Chengyi of the Jiang family asks to see Patriarch Long Xiang!"

"Jiang Chengyi of the Jiang family asks to see Patriarch Long Xiang!"


After shouting eight times, an old voice came out of the hall, "Come in!"

(End of this chapter)

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