The Sun Emperor Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 66 66 Recruiting a Disciple [Looking for investment and reading]

Chapter 66 66 - Recruiting a Disciple [Looking for investment and reading]

a day later.

Jiang Hao and his party took the cross-domain teleportation array of the Jiang family branch in Yueguo and returned directly to the Jiang family.

After knowing that Jiang Yifei and his party had really brought back Jiang Zhe's descendants, many powerful people came out to greet them, and then held a banquet to welcome Old Uncle Jiang and Jiang Tingting.

At the banquet, even Jiang Taixu, who was studying the "Nine Secrets" in retreat, stopped the retreat, came out to see his descendants, and then gave Jiang Tingting a sage secret treasure before returning to retreat.

After the banquet, Jiang Hao gave a copy of the Nine Apertures Spiritual Liquid that he had captured at the Millennium Film Festival to the Jiang family, and asked them to collect other materials to prepare a foundation-building spiritual liquid for Jiang Tingting. After that, he also announced that he would retreat and not break through The Nine Transformations of the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm will never leave the level.

While everyone was in retreat, Jiang Tingting and Jiang Haisheng (Old Man Jiang) also entered the Jiang Family Ancestral Temple, worshiped Emperor Hengyu and the ancestors of the past generations, and entered the family tree.

Three months later.

Jiang Taixu, Yao Tianyao, Si Yue, and Jiang Hao left the customs one after another. After Jiang Taixu left the customs, he tore apart the void, went to the universe, survived the great calamity of the saint king, and became a rare monk of the saint king; A few days after Jiang Taixu crossed the catastrophe, Yao Tianyao and Si Yue also left the customs one day after another, and also went to the universe to complete the catastrophe, making a big breakthrough in cultivation.

Before crossing the catastrophe, Yao Tianyao's accumulation was deeper than that of Siyue. Before crossing the catastrophe, he was a saint in the second heaven. It's a little bit worse. After passing through the tribulation, it will only be the third level of the saint's strength.

Of course, Yao Tianyao and Si Yue are not ordinary people after all. Both of them are great saints who committed suicide. After passing through the tribulation, they both competed with Jiang Taixu and Jin Yang in the starry sky. If it weren't for Jiang Taixu at the last moment, When Taixu enters the divine forbidden state, he will really be defeated by Yao Tianyao.

[PS: Jin Yang is the eighth level of the Saint King]

[PS: To be able to become saints in this difficult era, Jiang Taixu, Yao Tianyao and Siyue must have eight taboos, right?In the original work, Jiang Taixu fought against the emperor and left his name on the crystal tablet. It would be no problem to say that he was the emperor's son-level genius!It makes sense for an emperor-level prodigy to have a divine ban! 】

After the competition and knowing their approximate strength, the four of them continued to return to Jiang's house. Then a few days after returning to Jiang's house, Jiang Taixu disappeared, saying that he was going to meet someone, and Yao Tianyao and Jin Yang had nothing to do, so they just discussed the understanding of the Great Way of Fire together.

After Siyue learned that the Taiyin Divine Body had been found, she immediately went to Jiang Tingting. She handed the laurel futon directly to Jiang Tingting and taught Jiang Tingting the "Taiyin Ancient Sutra" step by step.

On the day when Jiang Tingting opened the reincarnation with the "Taiyin Ancient Sutra", Jiang Hao also refined his part of the peerless essence, broke through two transformations in one breath, successfully promoted to the ninth transformation of the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm, and then measured the sky. Chi directly tore a spatial rift in the loophole of the Hengyu Emperor Formation and teleported Jiang Hao to a desert outside the Jiang family to survive the tribulation.

The sky thunder rolled, and Jiang Hao fought for two hours in the sea of ​​thunder. The nine-color sky thunder, the sun god thunder, the five elements god thunder, the Taiyin god thunder and other thunders were all over again, and the last catastrophe during the period was even more so. The Sun God Tower evolved, and the Nine Layer God Tower suppressed it. Jiang Hao was suppressed into a blood mist on the spot, and then he was reborn in the sea of ​​thunder before he successfully broke through.

After the breakthrough, Jiang Hao returned to the Jiang family. At the same time, Jiang Chengyi, the head of the Jiang family, also came to discuss with Jiang Hao the time for Jiang Tingting to become a disciple.

In the end, after a long discussion, the two of them decided to set the time for apprenticeship in one month. They would not invite outsiders and would handle it within the Jiang family.

After Jiang Chengyi left, 001's voice appeared in Jiang Hao's ears again, saying: "The host's birthday gift package has arrived, please check it in time! In addition, 001 has one more thing to tell the host. After sending these two After receiving a birthday gift pack, no more birthday gift packs will be issued. Only birthday gift packs will be issued.”

"No, 001, what do you mean? Why is my birthday gift bag gone!" Jiang Hao immediately became angry and asked.


"After the [-]-year-old birthday gift package, there are those for [-]-year-old, [-]-year-old, and up to the [-]-year-old. They are distributed once every [-] years; after the [-]-year-old birthday gift package is distributed, the [-]-year-old birthday gift package, the [-]-year-old birthday gift package, and the [-]-year-old birthday gift package are distributed until the [-]-year-old birthday. .”

"After ten thousand years, it will be distributed once every ten thousand years, and it will continue like this for twenty thousand and thirty thousand years." 001's emotionless voice sounded in Jiang Hao's ears.

"What about the level of the gift bag? How about it? You can't trick me!" Jiang Hao saw that it was impossible to have a birthday gift bag, so he turned around and asked another question. After all, it would take decades or hundreds of years. If you get a birthday gift bag and it turns out to be just a hair, wouldn’t it be a huge loss?
"All the gifts in the birthday gift package from 50 to [-] years old are of the Great Sage level; all the gifts in the birthday gift package from [-] to [-] years old are quasi-emperor level; all the gifts in the birthday gift package from [-] to [-] years old are of the emperor level. Level. Long live the birthday gift package and the gift should be something related to the true immortal."

"Each birthday gift package contains at least one gift and as many as three. In addition, your birthday gift has been cancelled. These last two birthday gifts have been upgraded from holy level to quasi-imperial treasures."

"Ding! The upgrade is complete! The legendary holy weapon Shanhe Seal has been upgraded to the quasi-emperor weapon Yin Yang Seal; the Banfang Daluo Silver Essence has been upgraded to the quasi-emperor level divine material Taiyin Stone Essence." 001 said.

After listening to 001's words, Jiang Hao took out a large black and red seal and a black sacred stone the size of a millstone with lunar cold currents from the finger-wrenching world.

Looking at these two treasures, Jiang Hao understood the meaning of 001 after admiring them for a moment. These two half are the raw materials and soldiers of the Taoist for his apprentice Jiang Tingting who is about to accept.

Putting away the Yin Yang Seal and Taiyin Stone Essence, Jiang Hao thought for a moment and said, "001, can't you express your gratitude for such a big deal as my accepting a disciple?"

"Master, you can't be so greedy! Didn't I already express it? The Taiyin stone spirit is prepared for your future Taiyin disciple. You are so smart, host, don't say you don't understand what I mean." 001 said.

"Isn't that my birthday gift?" Jiang Hao retorted.

"You..., Jiang Hao, you are shameless." 001 cursed.

"001 If you scold me, I want to ask for mental damages. I have never been scolded in my past life." Jiang Hao suddenly said shamelessly.

"Okay, okay, okay! Jiang Hao, just wait, you're going to get a gift as a disciple, right? I'll give it. As for the mental damage fee, you can get away as far as you want." 001 gritted his teeth.

"What are you giving me? You're not going to give me a hair, are you?" Jiang Hao asked.

"On the day you accepted as an apprentice, I engraved an emperor-level killing technique on Jiang Tingting's celestial stage, which can be triggered at the moment of her life and death. How about a blow that would cause her to retreat bloody when the Supreme One comes?" 001 said angrily.

"This is good, but why don't you give me one first?" Jiang Hao asked, rubbing his hands.

"What are you still thinking about now that you have me? The Heavenly Ruler is fully revived and can kill the Supreme Being when it comes. Then why do you want a useless thing?" 001 asked. "Okay! You have a point."

"But I will definitely have more than one disciple in the future. Among other things, the complete Sun God body Yao Tong who will appear in the future of the Sun God Sect must be my disciple. Don't you intend to express it?" Jiang Hao asked.

"Host, you have changed. Are you sure that the last two heavenly tribulations in the Dragon Transformation Realm have not damaged your brain? Not to mention Yao Zhu, his sister has not been born yet, and their parents are not the sun gods at this time. Leader of the religion, can you stop thinking so far?" 001 complained.

"Don't worry about it, just tell me if you have such a life-saving treasure!" Jiang Hao said.

"Yes, I promise you that among the disciples you will accept in the future, only those with the qualifications of the Great Emperor will have a mark that can hurt the Supreme Being, but those without the qualifications of the Emperor will not even think about it. I am not the real ruler of the sky. I also have a hard time with this kind of branding." After saying that, 001 returned to the Tianzhi and fell asleep, and stopped talking to Jiang Hao to avoid being tricked by Jiang Hao if he continued talking.

Time flies, and soon, a month has passed.

Although the Jiang family did not spread news about other Holy Land families at this time, those within the Jiang family who were qualified to know were extremely happy, because this matter was, at best, a prodigy who accepted a descendant of the Jiang family as his disciple. He said that if he recruits a disciple like this, he will definitely form an ally in the future, and this alliance will last at least ten thousand years, which is worth celebrating.

The main hall of the Jiang family.

Dozens of powerful officials from the Jiang family sat on both sides. Above the main seat were the three Tao-slaying Kings of the Jiang family, the Half-Saint Ancestor, Jiang Taixu, Caiyun Fairy and Jin Yang from the Wanchu Holy Land. The one is Jiang Hao.

"Tingting, this is my teacher. You need to worship your ancestor first, and then worship me as your teacher." Jiang Hao took out a scroll and hung it in the air.

[PS: Here is the last explanation of Jiang Hao’s identity in the outside world, in case there are still people who don’t understand the comments.In the eyes of outsiders, Jiang Hao is a disciple of Tianzun in the early myth age. That Tianzun has no descendants, only Jiang Hao, a disciple he accepted in his later years, is Jiang Hao.Jiang Hao proclaimed himself a prehistoric ancient star, and then the measuring ruler was a tool of heaven, Yao Tianyao and Si Yue were rescued by Jiang Hao with treasures, and Jiang Hao worshiped the Sun God Sect because of the sun god body. 】

The scroll was opened, and the monks present looked at it, but they could only see a slender figure. It was actually the portrait of the ancestor god Qiankun painted by 001. However, because the ancestor god Qiankun was taboo in the heavens, even though the portrait did not self-destruct after it was painted, But it also creates a fog that prevents people from seeing its true appearance.

When Jiang Tingting saw the scroll unrolled, she knelt down obediently. Jiang Hao, who was sitting at the top, also stood up and bowed, "Teacher, please bear witness for me. Today, my disciple Jiang Hao accepts the Taigu Human Emperor and the descendant of the Huanggu Emperor as his disciple."

After Jiang Tingting bowed three times and kowtowed to the portrait, she also followed the teachings of the Jiang family and said: "My ancestor, my disciple Jiang Tingting, was miserable when he was a child. Fortunately, his teacher helped me. Today, I will worship you. I will be upright, worthy of heaven and earth, and worthy of the teacher's teachings. Disciple Make an oath: Never disobey even a word of the teacher's order, if you disobey the oath, you will die!"

"Okay. Today you are my founding disciple, Jiang Hao. The teacher doesn't have anything good to give you. This is a Great Sage Forbidden Weapon that can hit three Great Sage Strikes. I will give it to you today. "After that, Jiang Hao took off the diamond ring that had been on his wrist, then took Jiang Tingting's hand and put it on her.

"Teacher, this is too precious. I can't have it." Jiang Tingting quickly refused after hearing that it was a great holy forbidden weapon.

"It doesn't matter. This diamond is of little use in my hands, so just keep it if I give it to you. After all, I can't teach you anything, so just use this diamond as compensation!" Jiang Hao said.

"Thank you teacher for the gift." Jiang Tingting thanked her.

"There's more!" After Jiang Hao finished speaking, he took out another black sacred stone the size of a millstone and said, "This is a piece of Taiyin stone essence, which can be used to refine quasi-imperial weapons. It is also of Taiyin, so it is most suitable for you. Wait. Tingting, when you kill Dao, I will give you another piece of fairy gold to be refined into the divine stone."

When Jiang Tingting saw this piece of Taiyin Stone Spirit, she also liked it very much, so she took it and put it into the newly opened Sea of ​​Bitterness.

Seeing that Jiang Tingting had accepted the Taiyin Stone Essence, Jiang Hao flipped his hands over and took out a big black and red seal and handed it to Jiang Tingting.

When he saw this big seal, even Jiang Taixu on the side was a little concerned, because it was a quasi-emperor divine weapon. Judging from the appearance of this big seal, the quasi-emperor was still a high-level quasi-emperor.

"Tingting, this is a quasi-emperor divine weapon called the Yin-Yang Seal. You can use it as your defense weapon!" After saying that, the divine seal entered Jiang Tingting's sea of ​​suffering.

"Teacher, I can't have the Quasi-Emperor Soldier, this will be useful to you too." After Jiang Tingting said this, she wanted to take out the Yin-Yang Seal and return it to Jiang Hao.

"It doesn't matter. I have nearly ten quasi-emperor weapons around me. You can ask your grandfather Yao and your mother-in-law. They each have two quasi-emperor weapons. My lineage has few people, but there are a lot of treasures. Other resources for cultivation If so, I don’t know what resources the Taiyin Divine Body needs, so I’ll ask my mother-in-law to pay more attention to it then,” Jiang Hao said.

"This is nature. It is my honor to be able to cultivate a Taiyin divine body." Si Yue said.

At this time, Jiang Hao's spiritual thoughts activated the measuring ruler in the wheel sea, and said via voice: "001, it's your turn to appear."

"Understood." 001 responded, and with a slight shake, the measuring ruler left Jiang Hao's sea of ​​suffering, and then a purple figure walked out of the measuring ruler.

"Uncle Master." Jiang Hao shouted on the spot.

[PS: The Imperial Weapon God Zhuan was all trained by the Great Emperor. It is normal for the emperor’s son to call the Imperial Weapon God Zhuan “uncle”!After all, the imperial soldiers are the brothers of every great emperor.And here Jiang Hao is set as a disciple of Tianzun, and calls Tianzun his teacher. It is normal for Tianzun's brothers to call him "Uncle Master" or "Uncle Master". 】

"Greetings to Senior Shen Zhuan." When the monks present saw 001 walking out, they all stood up and bowed down.

"Yeah." 001 responded and walked towards Jiang Tingting.

Then a purple energy flew out, entered Jiang Tingting's body, washed her marrow and shaved her hair, and said, "What a good seedling."

"Uncle Master, my disciple, don't you need to express your gratitude?" Jiang Hao said.

"You're right, I should express my gratitude. Since you have given me the materials and the soldiers to protect the Tao, then I should also give you a means to protect the Tao!" After saying that, 001's fingers glowed, and he An ancient divine pattern was carved between Jiang Tingting's eyebrows, and the extremely mysterious pattern was imprinted on the Immortal Platform.

PS: I’m looking for collections, investment, reading, and monthly votes. I’m looking for readers and authors who are all in short supply.

(End of this chapter)

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