The Sun Emperor Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 71 71 Xuanji Cave Heaven [Looking for investment and reading]

Chapter 71 71-Xuanji Cave Heaven [Looking for investment and reading]

After summoning back all the phoenix blood red gold particles, Jiang Hao divided his mind into two tasks. Two solar divine fires, one resuscitating and melting the golden blocks of tribulation, and the other was responsible for melting the phoenix blood red gold particles.

An hour later.

Daojie gold and Phoenix blood red gold were refined into two balls of fairy gold liquid. Then Jiang Hao carefully controlled the two balls of fairy gold liquid to be mixed together, and then his mind controlled the fairy gold liquid to start shaping into a sun ruler.

After another two hours, the Sun Ruler was reshaped, letting out a cheerful chirp and circling around Jiang Hao.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao's heart moved and he summoned the Sun Ruler, but found that the prototype of the god had already appeared on the Sun Ruler. Jiang Hao was overjoyed, and then he calculated it and found that if he continued to grow at the current rate, the Sun Ruler's The prototype of Shen Zhuan can be transformed through the tribulation when Jiang Hao breaks through the King of Killing Dao, allowing the Sun Ruler to have a complete Shen Zhuan when it is the king's weapon.

At this time, Jin Yang, who was guarding Jiang Hao in the distance, also flew back and congratulated Jiang Hao.

Because Jiang Hao's current state is not the first small step of the first level of the Xiantai Secret Realm, but the peak of the second small step of the first level of the Xiantai Secret Realm. He can break through the third small step of the first level of the Xiantai Secret Realm at any time.

"My lord, you just crossed the catastrophe and it seems that a small world has been split open, do you want to go and have a look?" Jin Yangfei asked respectfully after coming up.

"Where is the small world? Go and have a look." Jiang Hao asked after hearing this.

"Over there, after I found out just now, I went to check it first. This should be a small world left by a quasi-emperor. It's called Xuanji Dongtian." Jin Yang said.

"Oh! Why do you see it?" Jiang Hao asked.

"After I entered that small world, I encountered the incomplete attack of the Emperor Zhun's killing formation, and I came out after resisting the Zhundi's killing formation with a measuring ruler." Jin Yang said.

"The Quasi-Emperor Killing Formation is interesting! Let's go and have a look." Jiang Hao said.

"Yes, Lord." After saying that, Jin Yang took Jiang Hao and turned into a golden light and flew towards a place.

After a while, Jin Yang led Jiang Hao across dozens of miles and came to a valley with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

"Lord, this is it." After saying that, Jin Yang pressed lightly in the void, and a pattern used to conceal people's eyes dispersed, and a purple door emerged.

"Let's go! Then go in!" Jiang Hao said.

"Yes, my lord." Jin Yang responded, and then sacrificed the measuring ruler, and the purple air curtain hung down to protect the two before they walked into the gate.

However, as soon as the two entered the gate, they were in the starry sky. As soon as Fang entered, lines in the starry sky lit up, and stars fell down one by one, causing the purple air curtain to tremble.

Seeing this, Jin Yang quickly injected more divine power into the sky-measuring ruler, and purple energy rose up to block the meteors. Jin Yang hurriedly led Jiang Hao through the Quasi-Emperor Killing Formation.

[PS: The killing array has not been officially launched, it is only used to screen successors, so even if you don’t use the emperor soldiers, as long as you block the meteor’s attack, and then observe slowly, there is still a way out. Jiang Hao is now using a tricky way to pass . 】

After passing through the starry sky-like Quasi-Emperor Killing Formation, the two of them saw a huge stone standing one foot high, with four divine inscriptions from the mythical era written on it. Although they could not understand it, they could understand it. The thoughts of the person who wrote these four words, the meaning of these four words is [Xuanji Cave Heaven]!
It's just that Jiang Hao and Jin Yang were shocked for a moment when they saw the huge rock, because the huge rock was quite large, but this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that this huge rock can be used to sacrifice holy soldiers handed down The sacred object - the Hunyuan Stone. "Such a large Hunyuan Stone is really rare! Just this Hunyuan Stone can be used to refine more than a dozen handed down holy weapons!" Jiang Hao sighed.

At this time, Jin Yang stretched out a golden crow claw and wanted to take away the Hunyuan Stone. However, in the end, Jin Yang tried his best and failed to take away the Hunyuan Stone. Later, Jin Yang changed a The idea was not to take away the entire Hunyuan Stone, but only the upper half, but it still couldn't be taken off, because a purple light film suddenly appeared on the Hunyuan Stone, blocking the golden sun.

"Jinwu boy, don't do it again. This Hunyuan stone has been sacrificed and refined by the Lord of Cave Heaven. It is a natural boundary monument. It is already a quasi-emperor level secret treasure, and it is integrated with this small world. Do you want to To pull out this Hunyuan Stone, we have to find a way to take away the entire small world." 001 said in the sky measuring ruler above the two people.

At this moment, a few lines of divine inscriptions from the mythical era appeared on the Hunyuan Stone. Although Jin Yang and Jiang Hao did not understand the meaning of the divine inscriptions, a simultaneous translation of 001 appeared, and a purple light shone on the stone stele. Hunyuan The words on the stone were translated into Taoist texts from ancient times, meaning:

[Fateful person, since you are here, you should go forward! 】

[This cave is divided into three floors. The first floor has a secret method created by me. You can enter the second floor after you reach the proficiency level. 】

[There is a mark left by me on the second level. After defeating me, I will recognize it and you can enter the third level. 】

[The third floor contains my life's collection. The scriptures I created and my weapons are all on the third floor. Once you enter the third floor, you will become my disciple. My disciples should kill all the Kunlun Yinglong clan to avenge me. 】

These divine inscriptions appeared for half a quarter of an hour and then disappeared, and then a page made of Daluo silver appeared, densely filled with nearly ten thousand tiny characters.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao raised his hand to take down the page. With a sweep of his mind, he memorized the secret method. Then he handed the page to Jin Yang, then sat on the floor and began to comprehend the secret method.

Two days later.

Jiang Hao and Jin Yang opened their eyes at the same time. They raised their hands and pointed forward. They shouted "Star Finger" at the same time. Two silver fingerprints pointed forward, and then a black hole was drawn into Jiang Hao's face. He Jinyang sucked it in, and when the black hole was about to close, the measuring ruler followed him in with a "whoosh".

Second floor.

After the two entered, the space was filled with purple light. A beautiful woman in purple palace clothes walked out of the void and said in a cold voice: "Beat me and get my inheritance. If you fail, I will cut off your memory. Let you forget about this place. Which of you two comes first?"

"My lord, let me come first! Just watch from the side." Jin Yang said.

"Whatever." Jiang Hao said. After saying that, Jiang Hao urged the measuring ruler to lower the purple energy to guard it.

At this time, the golden sun also transformed into its true form. The three-legged golden crow spread its wings in the air, and the true fire of the sun turned into flaming meteors and fell towards the light and shadow of the beautiful woman in purple.

The beautiful woman did not dodge the light and shadow, she just raised her hand and pressed it in the air, and a star curtain appeared, saying: "If you break this great saint-level barrier without the help of external objects within a quarter of an hour, you will be considered to have passed the assessment."

[PS: The delayed update is reduced by 1000 words because I have a chapter that was not delayed]

PS: I’m looking for collections, investment, reading, and monthly votes. I’m looking for readers and authors who are all in short supply.

(End of this chapter)

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