The Sun Emperor Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 76 Chapter 76 Refining the Demon Centipede [Seeking investment and reading]

Chapter 76 76-Refining the Demon Centipede [Seeking investment and reading]

"Wait! Seduce the Sky Eagle King to check. Jin Yang, let's go, it may be the Demon God Flower." Jiang Hao reacted and said quickly.

"Yes, my lord." Jin Yang responded, and he quickly followed Jiang Hao in the direction in which the Sky Eagle King flew away.

Then the Sky Eagle King flew in the sky, and Jin Yang carried Jiang Hao and hung behind the Sky Eagle King, and followed him for dozens of miles.

After following for another period of time, this time both Jin Yang and Jiang Hao smelled a faint fragrance that made their bodies feel comfortable and made their pores open, as if they were about to emerge and ascend.

At this time, the three people fell from the sky and found that they had come to a stone forest where not a blade of grass grew. After walking for more than a mile, a stone mountain appeared. And down, the mountain became foggy.

Earth light, fire light, scenery, and water light rotate together, making the place mysterious.

Seeing that flower, the Sky Eagle King exclaimed in surprise: "There is really a demon flower in the Feathering Immortal Valley!"

"My intelligence is so likely to be wrong, Sky Eagle King. From your tone just now, you seem to doubt my intelligence!" Jiang Hao asked softly after hearing the shocked tone of Sky Eagle King.

"Ah! Please calm down, my lord! This subordinate just felt that although the Feathering Immortal Valley is a sacred land, the probability of the birth of the Demon God Flower should not be high, so I was shocked, and did not doubt the accuracy of the information." Sky Eagle King quibbled.

"Jin Yang! I think the Sky Eagle King is still too weak! You are both birds, you have to train it well!" Jiang Hao said to Jin Yang in an unclear tone.

"Hehe! Lord, don't worry! I will teach Tianying well and let him understand what the chasm between a saint and a semi-saint is." Jin Yang said seriously.

"Let's go! Go up and see how long it will take for the demon god flower to bloom." After scaring the Sky Eagle Queen, Jiang Hao was about to set foot on the rocky mountain.

And just when Jiang Hao set foot on the stone mountain, a terrifying murderous intent rushed out from an ancient cave on the stone mountain like a heavenly sword. A gray mist filled the whole world, and the smell was pungent.

And, in the next moment, the murderous intent was even more terrifying, like a hundred thousand divine swords were screaming, piercing Cang Yu, smashing everything, and trying to kill Jiang Hao.

"Refining Fire Seal!"

Jin Yang drank lightly, and a golden fire mark was struck in the gray mist. The sun's divine fire burned, burning the poisonous gray mist in a moment.

"Ha! You're just a centipede spirit, but you dare to be so presumptuous! I originally said that you would become one of the guardians of the Yuhua Immortal Valley, but you don't drink the wine as a penalty, so I'll send you on your way!" Jin Yang snapped.

Then a big hand condensed from the sun's divine fire reached into the ancient cave and captured a cloud of gray mist that stretched thousands of feet.

Then the gray mist was caught by Jin Yang and thrown into the sky, and then Jin Yang turned into a golden light and lifted into the sky.


Two tentacles as thick as a water tank poked out of the gray mist, dancing like magic hands. The sight was scary, and then the two tentacles whipped at Jin Yang like long whips.The endless murderous aura and terrifying poisonous mist surged and flooded the area. Many plants and trees withered on the spot and turned into fly ash.

"Hmph!" Jiang Hao snorted coldly, took out the purple sun lamp, and blew hard on the wick. Suddenly, balls of sun fire flew out and turned into fire crows flying below the battlefield between Jin Yang and Centipede Jing. Centipede Jing spit out gray mist below. They were all refined by the sun's divine fire.


The rocks rolled, the ground shook, and the rocky mountains seemed to collapse. However, the demon flower was still brilliant and crystal clear, undamaged in the mist, swaying out of the four-color fairy light.

However, under the double attack of Ziyang Lantern's Sun God Fire and Jin Yang's Sun God Fire, the thousand-foot gray mist that wrapped the centipede's body was removed, and a huge monster appeared in front of the three of them. The centipede, with black light shining all over its body and centipedes, has a terrifying physique.

"Oh my god, this is a centipede. Why is it so big and hundreds of feet long? Is this a poisonous insect? Why is it bigger than a giant snake?" Sky Eagle King said in shock.

Because the Sky Eagle King saw that this was not a supernatural power such as Fa Tianxiang and Earth, but the length of the body of the centipede spirit.

You must know that in the world of cultivation, if the Centipede Clan is not a heterogeneous species, its own talent is not very small, and it is difficult to break through the secret realm of Xiantai. Moreover, Kunlun Longshan is not without powerful monsters from the Centipede Clan, but they are only a few feet long, but this centipede spirit The length of the body is against the rules.

"It must be because of the mutation caused by the Demon God Flower! Although the Demon God Flower is only useful to the children of the Demon Clan, when the Demon God Flower is not blooming, the vitality of heaven and earth gathered by the Demon God Flower has been swallowed and absorbed by the Demon God Flower, so it will naturally take on some of the characteristics of the Demon God Flower. , I think this centipede demon must have grown so long because it has been under the demon flower for many years." Jiang Hao spoke out the most likely scenario.

At this time, in the sky, a giant centipede with a length of hundreds of feet moved in unison, making a rustling sound that chilled the skull, like a magic sound. It swallowed clouds and spit out mist, and it had already slashed. This mist can be poisonous. Death leader.

This giant centipede was covered in scales and had a cold luster like black iron. It opened its mouth and spat out a piece of venom, which turned into chains of order and penetrated towards Jiang Hao and the Sky Eagle King.

The Sky Eagle King let out a light scold, opened his mouth and spat out a blue light. He was also a Immortal Third Slayer, and he had even taken a half-step to become a Half-Saint in the realm of the Slayer King. How could he be afraid of a centipede spirit that was at the level of a great king?

Then the Sky Eagle King turned his hand and took out the feather sword that it had refined with its true feathers, hoping to join forces with Jin Yang to kill the centipede as quickly as possible.

At this time, in the sky, Jin Yang punched out lightly, and hit the centipede fine, immediately the centipede fine's dark scales were dented by a large piece, and the centipede fine was sent flying several times by this light punch. Land.

"Young Sky Eagle, just protect the Lord. It's just a little centipede. I'll tease it and then kill it!" Jin Yang then punched the centipede and spoke to stop the Sky Eagle King from taking off.

After the big centipede was smashed away, it was surprisingly angry when it heard Jin Yang's words. No matter that Jin Yang was much stronger than him, after chirping, it rushed towards Jin Yang like a dragon, shaking its head and tail, hovering in the clouds. Above them, they are extremely huge, disturbing the sky and the sky, and then they are coiled together, with their heads held high, just like a real dragon.

Then the whole body of the big black centipede shone with light. After circling and trapping the golden sun in its body, it turned into a huge Tao diagram. It became the Tao eye in the center, and endless gray mist poured out from the gaps between the carapace. He had to fight tooth and nail to kill Jin Yang with the poison he had accumulated for thousands of years.

It's just that Jin Yang who was locked in the Dao map smiled contemptuously: "Heh! You've had enough fun, let's send you on your way!" After that, Jin Yang in the middle of the Dao map screamed and turned into the real body of the holy spirit , the sun's divine fire instantly ignited the gray mist, then entered the gap in the centipede spirit's carapace and ignited within the centipede spirit's body.

PS: I’m looking for collections, investment, reading, and monthly votes. I’m looking for readers and authors who are all in short supply.

(End of this chapter)

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