The Sun Emperor Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 80 80 Heading to Taixuan [Seeking investment and reading]

Chapter 80 80-Going to Taixuan [Seeking investment and reading]

"Ah! Oops! I forgot to bring a chariot. This time it's an invitation from the Jiang family. Isn't it a bit shameful for me to go like this!" After flying halfway, Jiang Hao suddenly stopped in mid-air and said angrily. said.

"My Lord, in fact, you are the biggest face when you go to the first level of the Immortal Secret Realm. No one dares to laugh at you even if you don't have decorations such as chariots." Jin Yang walked out of the void behind Jiang Hao and said.

"That won't work. My identity is now a disciple of Tianzun. Even if no one outside knows about it, it doesn't matter. If I don't have a chariot, I still need a mount. Jin Yang, help me look for it. Is there a divine horse nearby that is suitable for use as a mount? The monsters, those of the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm and above are sufficient." Jiang Hao said.

"Then let me look for it!" Jin Yang responded, then closed his eyes, and the power of the Holy King-level soul spread out from the center of his eyebrows, exploring into the distance.

After a while, Jin Yang opened his eyes and said: "My lord, if you go northwest for 25 miles from your current position, there will be a purple-feathered Yanyan Crow from the first level of the Immortal Secret Realm. If you go northeast for 48 miles, there will be a gryphon. If you go west, 31 miles away there is a mutant with the blood of a white tiger; 12 miles further forward there is a Biyunhu (hou, three sounds); 70 miles to the southwest there is a wild stone-armored elephant at the first level of the second level of the Immortal Stage Secret Realm."

"These are relatively divine horses and meet your needs as temporary mounts." Jin Yang said.

"Five heads? I hate crows, even if they are monsters; gryphons and green clouds are not very majestic and domineering; although the wild stone elephants are powerful enough, they don't suit my temperament. Just choose that one A mutant of the white tiger bloodline!" Jin Yang commented and chose his mount for the future.


Two rays of golden light pierced the sky and landed on Baihu Ridge, a small country in the southern region, Ye Country.

After landing from the sky, Jiang Hao found the alien species with the blood of the white tiger that Jin Yang said with a sweep of his mind. He was now sleeping in a cave. It was indeed extraordinary and extremely domineering.

"Roar!" Suddenly, there was a roar in the White Tiger Cave, and a three-foot-long white tiger walked out, with a black word "king" on its white forehead. There were huge wings on its waist and ribs, and the tiger's tail was as powerful as a long whip. .

"You strong humans, leave White Tiger Ridge. This is my king's territory." The white tiger monster said gently after feeling the incomprehensible strength of Jiang Hao and Jin Yang after walking out of the cave.

"Interesting! A rare and polite monster! Little guy, how about being my mount? I will give you a ten thousand year elixir every year!" After that, Jiang Hao took out a spiritual fruit in the shape of a white tiger. Play with it in your hands.

After the white tiger felt the white tiger's breath that was many times purer than his own on the spirit fruit in Jiang Hao's hand, his throat moved slightly, but he still refused: "Impossible, I will never be a mount in vain."

"Oh! Really? Then do you know the origin of this spiritual fruit? I picked it in an extremely dangerous place. It was once the home of the White Tiger Elixir. What I really want to say about this spiritual fruit is... The White Tiger Elixir has something to do with it! With such a White Tiger Fruit, among other things, it is not difficult to purify the White Tiger bloodline in your body!" Jiang Hao said with a smile.

"You strong human being, please leave! I will fight in vain and never be a mount. This is the oath I made when I was practicing as a child."

"If you are willing, I can exchange this white tiger fruit with you for a piece of ten thousand years of spiritual things." The white tiger alien swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said.

"Oh! What is the ten-thousand-year spiritual object? If I am interested, I can naturally exchange it." Jiang Hao asked with a smile.

"A portion of the Earth's Core Body Tempering Liquid is most suitable for monks who have broken through the Four Pole Secret Realm to temper their bodies and bones," Bai Hu said.

"Then let's exchange!" After Jiang Hao said that, he threw the White Tiger Fruit in his hand to Bai Zhan. "Human, be careful." Bai Zhan said angrily, and then his divine power came out of his body. He gently caught the white tiger fruit, opened his mouth and spat out a top-quality jade box and carefully put away the spiritual fruit.

After Bai Zhan put away the spirit fruit, a half-foot-tall jade bottle floated out of the cave behind him, filled with the earth's core quenching liquid, and then floated in front of Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao raised his hand to take the Earth Core Tempering Liquid, opened the cap on the jade bottle, and suddenly a strong spiritual energy spurted out, and the fragrance was fragrant.

"Baihu, are you really not going with me? Don't think about it anymore." Seeing Baihu turn around and go into the cave, Jiang Hao took out a few more white tiger fruits and put them on the ground.

"Human, do you still have white tiger fruits?" Bai Zhan asked in surprise when he saw the white tiger-shaped spiritual fruits as big as fists on the ground.

"I still have quite a few white tiger fruits here, including ten thousand year elixir level, small medicine king level, and medicine king level." After saying that, Jiang Hao took out two white tiger fruits that were over 5 years old.

"Gudu!" Bai Zhan swallowed. Thinking that the two powerful human beings across from him were both great monks above the Sendai Secret Realm, he suppressed the thought of robbing him and said, "Human, take these white tiger fruits away! I, Bai Fight, never be a mount.”

"I really don't think about it." After saying that, a platinum-gold Medicine King-level White Tiger Fruit appeared in Jiang Hao's hand.

"I am not a mount, human, please leave!" After saying that, the white tiger wanted to enter the cave.

But Jiang Hao put away the spirit fruit with a wave of his hand, and then, with a little movement, the holy power of the sun activated the power of order and turned into a divine chain, binding Bai Zhan tightly and saying: "You are ambitious! But the more ambitious you are, the more I want to You surrender and become my mount." After saying that, the Divine Chain of Order turned into a collar and was put around Bai Zhan's neck, and then he turned over and sat on Bai Zhan's back.

"Ho! Human, you are looking for death, let me go." Bai Zhan roared and shook his body vigorously, trying to shake Jiang Hao off his back. At the same time, the tiger tail behind him also hit Jiang Hao on the back of the head.

"Disobedient mounts will be beaten!" Jiang Hao sat motionless on Bai Zhan's back, but in his hand was a whip made of the holy power of the sun.

And just when Bai Zhan's tail was about to hit Jiang Hao, a ray of holy power turned into a sharp blade and instantly cut off a section of Bai Zhan's tiger tail.

At the same time, with a "pop!", Jiang Hao's whip struck Bai Zhan's buttocks, and a burnt mark appeared.

"Ouch! Go to hell, human being!" At this time, Bai Zhan opened his mouth and spit out an ancient jade knife with cracks. After Bai Zhan spit out the jade knife, it glowed brightly, and then in the bright light After disintegrating, it was a Tao-killing King-level forbidden weapon. Now, with the last blow before disintegrating, a blade of light struck Jin Yang.

"Is it the king's forbidden weapon? That's good, but it's a pity that you underestimated my strength, little tiger!" After Jin Yang said this, he raised his hand and crushed the light of the sword that could kill the powerful.

PS: I’m looking for collections, investment, reading, and monthly votes. I’m looking for readers and authors who are all in short supply.

(End of this chapter)

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