The Sun Emperor Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 91 91 Leaving [Seeking investment and reading]

Chapter 91 91-Departure [Seeking investment and reading]

All the resources of the three Taoist headquarters were taken away by Jin Yang. Seeing that Jiang Hao's counterattack was so terrifying, the other Taoists no longer asked Jiang Hao to commit suicide and apologize, but shifted all the responsibility to Ye Fan.

This time, Jiang Hao didn't stop him too much, because if he really wanted to say it, Ye Fan was indeed responsible. He just asked the Jiang family to bring a message to those orthodox people. If you want Ye Fan's life, then go to the Northern Territory, Boundless North. The domain is the place where their respective orthodoxy and Ye Fan settle accounts. There are no other requirements except that monks and forbidden weapons above the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm cannot be used on Ye Fan.

Ye Fan, who was in Zhuofeng, knew that there would be a bloody battle soon after he went to the Northern Territory. He immediately came to the door with resentment, hoping that Jiang Hao would come forward to resolve the grudges. In the end, he didn't even see anyone, only in the cave where Jiang Hao lived. He wandered outside, but he couldn't break through the pattern light curtain to see anyone.

Three days later.

After Jiang Hao put Bai Zhan into a magic weapon, he took out the Xuanyu Platform and took Ye Fan, who had already packed up to salute, to turn around several times and get rid of the Taoism sent by the dead strong men outside Taixuan Sect. The spy then stopped on a barren mountain.

"Little Ye Zi, the holy bodies of all ages were forged in blood and fire. Be careful when you go to the Northern Territory!" Jiang Hao said.

"I understand. If I die in the North Territory, I will ask you to take care of my parents for me when you return to Blue Star." Ye Fan said.

"You won't die. Take it." Jiang Hao took out a silver armor and a storage bag and gave them to Ye Fan.

"This is?" Ye Fan asked.

"This is a handed down holy weapon. I'm lending it to you temporarily. You have to return it to me later. There are several holy master-level weapons in the storage bag, ten forbidden weapons of different levels and some healing elixirs. My investment in you, don't die. I look forward to your great Eucharist in the future."

"Remember, if the person chasing you dares to use a forbidden weapon or someone above the secret realm of the dragon to attack you, take a picture stone and write it down for me, and send it to any branch or stronghold of the Jiang family in the Northern Territory. Let me help you find an explanation. Forbidden weapons and the like should be used when they should be used, and I am not short of this forbidden weapon."

"By the way, I'll give you another trick. You can suppress those Taoist monks and send them to the Jiang family branch. I'll ask the Jiang family to help you collect the ransom. In the end, you seven, Jiang The family is second, and I am first." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

"I know." Ye Fan responded.

"Okay, let's go! Your uncle Jin has already carved the teleportation array." Jiang Hao said.

Then, Ye Fan stepped into the teleportation array opened by Jinyang and disappeared.

"Jin Yang, have you made all the arrangements for Ye Fan?" Jiang Hao asked.

"It's all done. There is a brand of mine in Ye Xiaozi's body, which will be activated when his life is in crisis, and save his life."

"In addition, I have erased the grimace mark in Ye Fan's body." Jin Yang said.

"Okay, let's wait for the fish to take the bait!" Jiang Hao said and then he was recharging his energy.

After half an hour.

More than twenty men in black appeared near the barren mountain. When they saw Jiang Hao and Jin Yang, they immediately threw hundreds of formation flags and sealed the sky and the earth.

"Haha! Fellow Taoists from the ruthless lineage, I have been waiting for you here for a long time." Jiang Hao said with a smile after seeing the men in black.

"The fluctuation of the domain gate opening!"

"Ye Fan has left the Southern Territory? Did you send him away?" asked a man in black at the head.

His voice was very hoarse, and the tone and timbre were also very strange.It is simply impossible to identify who the other party is by relying on their voice.

However, Jiang Hao didn't even need to recognize the man in black in front of him, who else could it be except Hua Yunfei.

"I sent Ye Fan away, just half a quarter of an hour ago!" Jiang Hao smiled and nodded.

"You don't seem to be surprised at all by our appearance? Let me guess, it was the Jiang family who told you!" After receiving Jiang Hao's confirmation, the man in black transformed by Hua Yunfei asked in a deep voice.

"Haha! Why do you think it was the Jiang family who told me about your existence?" Jiang Hao asked.

"Except for the traces of us left behind by our failure in the Jiang family 20 years ago, no other orthodoxy knows our existence." Another man in black said in a hoarse voice.

"I see, I forgot that you also plotted against Jiang Yifei of the Jiang family."

"Then I would like to know, is the grimace mark you left in Ye Fan's body marking Ye Fan or luring me into taking the bait?" Jiang Hao asked.

"Both. We cannot give up the ancient holy body, but a sun god body that has been cultivated to the secret realm of Immortal Platform is equally precious." said the man in black who answered Jiang Hao's question.

"Sun Divine Physique, how did you see it? I have always concealed my physique." Jiang Hao asked.

"We discovered during the Star Peak Gathering that the Sun Divine Fire is so terrifying that even the Holy Lord is unwilling to touch it, but you, a monk in the Immortal Stage Secret Realm, can freely control it. Only the Sun Divine Body recorded in ancient books has this ability. "The leader in black said.

"Since you know that I will wait for you, have you never considered that you are not my opponent and will be wiped out by me?" Jiang Hao asked again.

"Of course we know that you have a lamp-shaped handed down holy weapon, so we brought three of them today. And in case there are guardians behind you, we have two Tao-killing Kings."

"The formation flag we set up just now is made up of three complete King Killing Formations and a half-dead Holy Level Killing Formation. There is also a corner of the Great Emperor Killing Formation inside. Let alone the two of you who are powerful today, there are ten more. Even the mighty ones are no match for us." After saying that, three light balls exuding holy aura appeared in this blocked place, and the powerful auras of more than twenty men in black also emanated from them. Except for the leader Except for the man in black, the auras of the rest of them are not lower than those in the Sendai Secret Realm. There are nine auras at the powerful level here.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! You are really well prepared for this battle!"

"There are 23 people in total, one secret realm of the four extremes, two Dao-killing kings, nine great masters, eleven half-step masters, and three handed down holy weapons."

"Indeed, even a Half-Saint may fall in this battle, but you still underestimate the enemy."

"Jin Yang, suppress everyone except the cultivator in the Four Extremes Secret Realm." Jiang Hao said sharply.

"Yes, my lord." Jin Yang replied from the side.

Afterwards, the 22 men in black watched dumbfoundedly as the aura of Jin Yang, who was originally only in the realm of great power, exploded, surpassing the Dao Slayer King, surpassing the Half Saint, surpassing the Dao Slayer King, and reaching the realm of the Sage King.

Of course, the men in black present did not know what kind of pressure the Saint King was, but they could sense that Jin Yang, who was originally only powerful, now exuded more power than the three handed down holy weapons in the sky.

PS: I’m looking for collections, investment, reading, and monthly votes. I’m looking for readers and authors who are all in short supply.

(End of this chapter)

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