The Sun Emperor Who Covers the Sky

Chapter 95 The treasure of 95 ruthless people [seeking investment and reading]

Chapter 95 95-Treasures of the ruthless lineage [Please invest and read]

Seeing the medicine pills divided according to the realm on the four wooden shelves, Jiang Hao thought for a while and took away [-]% of the top dragon marrow collected by the ruthless people on the first wooden shelf, and then considered that he still had a lot of money. There was a big family to raise, so the second shelf greeted Wei Yi and Jiang Taixu and took away [-]% of it.

[PS: It’s really not an exaggeration to raise a big family. Bai Zhan, Hua Yunfei, Jiang Tingting, the golden-winged roc egg under the demon flower, Yao Zhuo...]

After that, Jiang Hao didn't touch the elixir engraved on the shelf of "Saint, Saint King, Great Sage". After all, there were only less than twenty bottles of elixir on the shelf, and he hadn't cultivated to the realm of a saint, so he didn't know Yao Tianyao, Si Yue and Jin Yang should choose which kind of pill is suitable for them.

"These two bottles of Great Sun True Yang Pill are very suitable for me and Jin Yang. They belong to me." Yao Tianyao came to the shelf and found two bottles of pills and took them down. Then he gave one bottle to Jin Yang and kept the other bottle himself.

"This bottle of Hanyue Xuanyin Pill is very useful for my current cultivation. None of you have cultivated the Yin attribute, so let me have it!" Si Yue took a black cold jade bottle after speaking.

"I major in the scriptures of Tianxuan Holy Land, and I major in the Way of the Stars. I will take this bottle of Xuanji Vientiane Pill and the life-prolonging elixir that is useful to the Great Sage!" Wei Yi also took two jade bottles after finishing speaking.

"Then let me take three bottles of life-extending elixirs!" After saying that, Jiang Taixu took one bottle of each of the three realms of life-extending elixirs from the shelf.

"Then the remaining nine bottles of elixirs belong to me! I have been sleeping for nearly ten million years. Although there are many elixirs prepared at the beginning, most of them have been turned into useless elixirs under the influence of time. The nine bottles of elixirs here are just right. Replenish the inventory." After Jiang Hao finished speaking, he took away the two empty wooden shelves in front.

Then, everyone looked at the last jade tripod made of nine-day white jade on the wooden stand with the word "quasi-emperor" engraved on it.

"Open it! Then divide it equally. This will be fair to everyone." Jiang Hao suggested.

"Okay." Wei Yi said

"No problem." Jiang Taixu said.

"I agree."*3 Yao Tianyao, Si Yue, and Jin Yang said.

[Hua Yunfei has no place to speak here]

Seeing that everyone agreed, Jiang Hao stepped forward, took the jade tripod off the wooden frame, and then carefully opened the lid of the jade tripod.


A pink cloud suddenly shot up into the sky, and it was very fast, but no matter how fast it was, it still couldn't reach the saints present. The five people simultaneously used a divine power to seal the sky and lock the earth, trapping the pink cloud.

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, this pot of medicine is very special. What rises into the sky is only a cloud of medicine, not the real body.

Of course, this green cloud also has powerful medicinal properties, so it even deceived great sages and saint kings like Wei Yi, Jiang Taixu, and Jin Yang.

In fact, the real great medicine is still in the jade cauldron.

Seeing that the real medicine had not escaped, the five of them worked together to refine Fenxia into a spiritual elixir that could extend the life of the Tao-killing King for 300 years, and then looked at the jade tripod.

An elixir in the jade tripod has a very special shape. It is not a round elixir, but shaped like a flat peach. It can be as big as a fist, pink and tender, and fragrant.

Then everyone observed carefully and found that the medicinal properties of this elixir were too strong. After opening the lid of the cauldron, pink rays of light floated up from the "Peach" from time to time. Everyone absorbed a ray of the rays of rays of light and refined it into their bodies, and found that it was wiped out. A trace on the wheel of life is gone, of course, after continuing to refine into the second pink glow, there is no such miraculous effect.

"According to my judgment, this elixir has [-]% of the potency of an elixir fruit!"

"This elixir is shaped like a flat peach and can have the effect of extending the life of the Quasi-Emperor. It should be made from the fruit of the real flat peach immortal tree as the main medicine, and with other holy-level life-extending treasures as auxiliary materials. A big medicine." Jiang Hao said after observing.This is his judgment and it is absolutely divine.

"If I take this flat peach pill, it will be enough to extend my life for about 5000 years. I think even a quasi-emperor can extend his life for a thousand years. If it is taken by a monk under the Great Sage, he should be able to live for a lifetime." Wei Yi said.

"How about sharing the elixir equally?" Jiang Taixu said.

"Senior God King, Senior Wei, how about I use six drops of the White Tiger's elixir of immortality in exchange for this Flat Peach Pill with you? If this elixir is cut open, I'm afraid the efficacy will be greatly damaged. I'll use six drops of the elixir of elixir. Is it possible to exchange the flat peach pills that belong to you?" Jiang Hao said.

"Can we exchange the elixir liquid? Yes, I have no objection." Wei Yi said.

"Me too." Jiang Taixu said.

Seeing that Jiang Taixu and Wei Yi agreed, Jiang Hao's spiritual mind entered the finger-wrenching world and found the White Tiger elixir that had taken root next to the fairy pond. His spiritual mind told it to spit out some of the medicinal liquid.

The White Tiger elixir looked at the humans who trapped it in this small world. Although it was dissatisfied with Jiang Hao's behavior, but thinking of the Kunlun Formation Spirit's instructions, although it was dissatisfied, it still spit out 36 drops of knuckle-sized elixir that looked like a small white tiger. The medicine comes out.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao quickly took out a top-grade spiritual jade gourd and put away thirty drops of the medicine, and then took out two jade bottles and put away another six drops of the medicine.

outside world.

Jiang Hao's hand turned and two jade bottles appeared in his hand, and then he handed them to Jiang Taixu and Wei Yi.

Jiang Taixu and Wei Yi opened the jade bottle, looked at the three white tiger-shaped droplets that were complementary and fused, and then carefully put them away after placing layers of bans.

At this time, Yao Tianyao also sealed the jade tripod of Pan Tao Dan tightly, engraved a prohibition on it to prevent the medicine from dissipating, and gave it to Jiang Hao.

Afterwards, the seven people entered the third stone gate.

After entering, there are more than 50 stone platforms inside. Each stone platform has a kind of refining sacred object on it. The last ones are treasures that can be used to sacrifice the king's divine weapons.

Here, everyone saw the Daluo Silver Essence, the Galaxy Divine Sand, nine different Nine Heaven God Jade Kings, Yaoyang Red Copper, and the Taoist Bones of the Holy Realm monks after they transformed into Taoism, which are precious materials that can be used to refine the holy weapons passed down from generation to generation. At the same time, there are several sacred objects such as Chaos Stone, Xuanhuang Stone, and Shouyang Copper Essence that are used to worship the quasi-emperor soldiers, but the most precious thing here is the six pieces of fairy gold as big as human heads on the last four stone platforms.

The six pieces of fairy gold that are as big as a human head are two pieces of dragon-patterned black gold, one piece of fairy tear green gold, one piece of divine mark purple gold, one piece of destiny orange gold, and one piece of bright white gold.

"I want these two pieces of dragon-patterned black gold, and the remaining four pieces of immortal gold should be divided between Senior God King and Senior Wei!" Jiang Hao thought of the dragon-patterned black gold Holy Spirit Sword that he cut while gambling in the Holy City a few years ago. 001 said at that time Three million kilograms of dragon-patterned black gold can return a supreme weapon-level dragon-patterned black gold Holy Spirit Sword in 300 years.

At that time, 100 million catties of dragon pattern black gold had already been paid, and then Tianyao Palace paid 50 catties of dragon pattern black gold in exchange for the demon god's foundation. Black gold.

PS: I’m looking for collections, investment, reading, and monthly votes. I’m looking for readers and authors who are all in short supply.

PS: I received a reward of 1666 book coins from QQ reading book friend [Qian Shou Chen Guang] yesterday. It should have been added today, but considering that the author will be on the shelves this Friday (September 9), so the addition will be put on the shelves Time to add.

[Note: Today is September 9th]

PS: There is a single chapter at 12:10, which is very important!
(End of this chapter)

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