The infinite heavens start from the red building

Chapter 152 62 Blade Warriors Out of the Dawn

Chapter 152 6.2 Blade Warriors Out of the Dawn

Chapter 6

6.2 Blade, Deus Out

"Eh—although my geography is not very good, I still want to ask. Hungary doesn't seem to be close to the North Pole, so it shouldn't involve the issue of polar night?" Wei Xu still wanted to rescue him even though he realized that the situation was wrong.

"Are you kidding me? I've lived here all my life, and I've never heard of people entering the night after one o'clock in the afternoon." The tavern owner shouted angrily, "The good news is that there are only five guests including the three of you.

The others are all local residents, and they can go home to sleep even when it’s dark. I only have three rooms here, one of which belongs to me, and one for your two families. Is it okay? "

"Sorry, you may have to find another way to arrange one!" As soon as the boss finished speaking, another loud voice came from outside the door, and it was still in English, and then a big black man over two meters tall strode into the tavern.

Everyone's hearts tightened immediately, not only because of the other person's figure or skin color, but also because this person was carrying a long sword straight up on his back, and was wearing black leather clothes and sunglasses.

"You'd better give me a credible reason, stranger." The tavern owner pulled out a flat-barreled shotgun from under the counter, "otherwise I don't welcome guests with weapons here."

"Because I can save your lives, especially those who are still sitting. It's completely dark outside now. If you go out now, you are basically dead." The big black man said flatly.

"Blade, I've heard of your name, but I've also heard that you've always been in New York, why did you come here?" Wei Xu recognized the person who came here at a glance. A protagonist, which also explains the general direction of the current world.

"I don't stay in one place, but hunt and kill a group of bloodthirsty garbage everywhere, no matter where they go, I will chase them, find them, and kill them.

Since you have heard my name, you must have also heard of my sword, at least so far, my reputation is not bad. "Blade said lightly.

"You know each other?" The tavern owner was taken aback for a moment.

"I can't talk about it, I just heard about it. You'd better do what he said, because this man is a vampire hunter, and there may be more vampires killed by him than you have heard." Wei Xu kindly persuaded One sentence.

"Vampire?" The tavern owner was stunned.

"Vampire? Hahahaha!" The other drinkers roared with laughter.

"It seems that you don't believe it, it doesn't matter, just now it's completely dark outside, does anyone want to go out and try?" Dao Feng has never been a soft-hearted person.

"Oh, is that so? I'll go and have a look." A tall alcoholic took out a large pistol from his waist and strode out. "You can't kill casually these days, but vampires should be fine."

"One, two, three, four——" Seeing the big man go out, Daofeng began to count coldly. When he counted to "four", there was a sudden exclamation from outside the door, followed by a burst of gunshots, and finally It was a scream.

"Blade, please explain the reason." Wei Xu kindly acted as a peacemaker. Although he was not afraid of the so-called "vampire" at all with his strength, accurate information was still very necessary.

"Is there anyone else who wants to try it now?" Dao Feng didn't answer, but turned his head to look at the panicked drinkers around him, until no one dared to look at him before looking at Wei Xu, "I started from your I felt a terrifying power on my body.

Frankly speaking, I never thought that a human being would be as terrifying as you. If possible, the strong human beings would not mind working together to get rid of those vampires who feed on humans, right? "

"What I feel on your body is blood, blood and killing so thick that it can't be melted away." This is the truth, there are quite a few people killed by Dao Feng, and he himself is half human and half vampire.

"If you want the world to be clean, someone has to dirty yourself." Blade didn't take it seriously at all, "So, we reached an agreement?"

"Of course, but before I do it, I have a question to ask the other two guests." Wei Xu smiled and turned to the two brothers sitting in the corner who looked familiar, "Are you brothers Jieke?"

The two of them didn't say anything, they drew their guns and pointed at Wei Xu almost instantly.

"I heard that you escaped from prison, but I didn't expect to show up here." Blade had already pulled out a huge revolver and pointed it at Brother Jieke, without even looking at Wei Xu, who was also pointed at the gun. "What a coincidence!" Wei Xu himself didn't take it seriously. It was just a pistol. He used a mental shield before speaking. It didn't matter if he had a machine gun. What made him speechless was the identity of the two people.

Richard Jacco plus Seth Jacco, the Jacco brothers he just said, from another movie "Killing the Dawn", the question is whether it is this movie or "Blade Runner", No mention of fog.

On the contrary, there is a similar plot in another American drama called "The Mist", but the monsters in it are not vampires, and it is not known who cheated whom.

"Everyone, we need to cooperate now. After all, no one knows what is in the fog outside. If we don't solve them, everyone will feel uncomfortable." The tavern owner put down his shotgun and came up to persuade him to make peace.

"A vampire leader named Fortes got his head full of dung, and tried to invite the so-called 'Blood God' through blood sacrifices, and then increase his own strength. This requires a lot of sacrifices.

I only know that his headquarters is in Budapest. I passed by here today, but I didn’t expect that he had created a magic circle. These fogs are their means to block all sight and kill everyone in the town.

In this way, there will be no proof, no one can directly investigate the case without evidence, and his behavior can be covered up. "Blade said lightly.

"Then get rid of them!" As a human being, Wei Xu always agrees with the phrase "People who are not of my race must have different hearts", "Since you know this, you should also know where the magic circle is?"

"I don't know, but the construction of this kind of magic circle requires a lot of investment, and only the local rich can do it. There should not be many rich people in this small town." Dao Feng said calmly.

"Fack! It's raised by that bitch of Carlos!" The tavern owner shouted out immediately, and the other drinkers became more and more angry, just like Dao Feng said, the town is too small, and they are very familiar with each other.

"Carlos?" Wei Xu repeated the name with a strange expression, because he remembered very clearly that the one who promised to protect his brother in "Dark Beyond" was a gangster named Carlos.

"It was he who took our money and promised to give us asylum." The eldest of the Jacko brothers said bitterly, "This dishonest thing."

"Get rid of you all, so no one will know that he's not trustworthy." Dao Feng said in a habitually indifferent tone, "Boss, right? You should know Carlos' address."

"Go south, and the biggest house at the end is his home. If I'm right, your so-called 'magic circle' should be placed in his backyard garden." The tavern owner said straightforwardly.

"Hey, what are you doing with the two chicks? Are you a burden?" Seth Jacko yelled at Wei Xu dissatisfied as soon as he arrived at the door.

"Om--" A sharp cold light flashed past his ears, piercing straight into the stone wall behind him, followed by Lin Daiyu's cold voice, "Keep your mouth shut, or I will seal it for you!" .”

The whole tavern was in a commotion, especially when Lin Daiyu recalled the dagger in her hand with a flick of her right hand, and then retracted her waist. Instead, Wei Xu frowned, because what he said just now obviously did not match Lin Daiyu's tone.

As for the flying sword just now, it is actually very simple. Wei Xu and the girls have now fully grasped the spiritual power strengthened by the energy spar, and using it as a medium to manipulate the flying sword is the best way to use it.

It's just that in terms of weapon selection, Wei Xu and Busujima Saeko used the original style of short knife, 45% black iron, [-]% fine steel, [-]% gold, [-] cm long, [-] cm wide, [-] mm thick, and [-] cm thick. handle.

The blade is straight and parallel to the back of the knife, and the tip of the knife is also a straight [-]-degree cut angle. There is a five-centimeter reverse edge at the front of the back of the knife to facilitate piercing. The hand is the shape of a dagger.

Qin Keqing, Baozhu, Lin Daiyu, Ju Chuan Shizuka, and Shi Xiangyun chose short swords of the same size, but replaced them with double-edged eight-sided Han swords, double-edged swords, and a three-centimeter sword. About ten catties.

It is also for this reason that Wei Xu gave up short weapons such as long swords or long knives, and devoted all his energy except for the long halberd to the operation of the flying sword, even keeping his bare hands for physical exercise.

The girls are similar, except that Shi Xiangyun and Budao Saeko still insist on practicing swordsmanship and swordsmanship, while the other girls basically only use flying swords.

"Very good, it seems that with the help of the three of you, we will be able to solve the trouble soon this time." Dao Feng was only slightly surprised, and then said in his usual indifferent tone, "So, you two can stay here Already!"

(End of this chapter)

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