Rebirth: Tiger Girlfriend Is True Fragrance

Chapter 10: Give mercy to others and forgive them (newcomers please collect and recommend)

Chapter 10: Give mercy to others and forgive them (newcomers please collect and recommend)
Jiang Zhifei was confused.

No, who are you, aunt?

He quickly stood up from the hospital bed and took a step back, his eyes wary:
"Auntie, please speak politely. This is a ward, and I don't know you, right?"

A woman in her late sixties, with a curly hair permed and a plump figure, introduced herself to Jiang Zhifei and said:
"Good boy, my name is Yu Lianying. I am Dahai's mother. You can just call me Aunt Yu."

She turned around and said urgently to the balding man who was still standing at the door of the ward, carrying several large paper bags of health care products:

"If you haven't brought the things in yet, you don't have any sense of value!"

When the man walked in silently, Yu Lianying added to Jiang Zhifei:

"This is Dahai's father, Ma Zhongxian. You can call him Uncle Ma."

Jiang Zhifei looked at the smiling woman and then at the man who was barely smiling.

For some reason, he felt like there was a cold wind blowing down below, making it chilly.

This is Lianying, and she is loyal and virtuous, which is really a bit bluffing.

"I'm sorry, Aunt Yu, I really don't know you. Also, who is the sea you are talking about?"

Jiang Zhifei kept a safe distance from the two of them and asked questions calmly.

"Alas!" Yu Lianying suddenly sighed and said with some embarrassment: "My Dahai is the young man who had a conflict with you last night."

When Jiang Zhifei heard this, he suddenly understood.

Ma Dahai is the fat bald man who caused trouble at the barbecue stall last night.

Only then did Jiang Zhifei recall that in his previous life, he and this couple had a relationship.

Not long after I woke up, the other party also came to ask for forgiveness like this.

However, Cui Yuting, who was present at the time, persuaded the two men to go back for the time being, and then immediately arranged for Jiang Zhifei to undergo a minor injury assessment.

After that, Jiang Zhifei never saw the two of them again.

But according to Cui Yuting, it's not easy for the old couple. Ma Dahai usually does his duty honestly and treats others mercilessly and so on.

Jiang Zhifei believed these words in his previous life and kindly forgave Ma Dahai, not even asking for medical expenses.

Much later, he accidentally learned that Cui Yuting had actually received 2 yuan from the couple.

In addition, in the past two months, Ma Dahai hit a young girl and had her leg amputated due to drunk driving.

This incident was featured in local mainstream media such as Fengtian Evening News in a previous life.

After Jiang Zhifei saw the news, he blamed himself for a while.

And after Jiang Zhifei had been in a wheelchair for five years and deeply felt the pain and hardship, he couldn't help but feel more and more guilty for the girl who was hit.

Fortunately, after rebirth, none of this has happened yet.

Knowing the identity of the other party, Jiang Zhifei couldn't help but be cold towards the two of them.

As the saying goes, a loving mother loses her children.

Cui Yuting is certainly not a good bird.

But this couple who only wanted to get money to make things right but didn't learn a lesson couldn't be considered good people.

"Auntie, I probably understand your purpose of coming.

You must have seen the surveillance video of the barbecue restaurant and heard the police explain the situation, right? "

Jiang Zhifei's voice was cold, which made Yu Lianying's expression become a little uneasy.

In fact, early this morning, she went to the police station to understand the situation, and she was even familiar with the process.

After all, this wasn't the first time her son was drunk and causing trouble.

According to past experience, if she comes to the door, admits her mistake and pays 800 to [-] yuan, the matter will be resolved.

But this time it was unusual.

The reason is that it does not constitute a fight between the two parties, but a unilateral violence by her son.

On this point, there is no way to rely on in-store surveillance and witnesses.

What's even worse is that she inquired and learned that the victim was applying for a minor injury appraisal.

Yu Lianying asked her lawyer that if the minor injury was confirmed and the case changed from a civil dispute to a criminal lawsuit, Ma Dahai would be put in jail and have a record!
In China, as long as there is a criminal record, not only will there be a stain that cannot be washed away in this life, but it will also affect future generations.The lawyer bluntly said that to avoid all this, unless the victim issues a letter of understanding.

For the sake of her precious son and her eldest grandson, Yu Lianying complained to Jiang Zhifei:

"Good boy, my Dahai has always been honest and done his duty. It's just that he drank a little wine last night and was tricked..."

Good guy!
When Jiang Zhifei heard these words, he really felt a little nauseous.

Your child is innocent and innocent. If something goes wrong, he will blame it entirely on others, without looking for any fault within himself.

Jiang Zhifei had anticipated something and said quickly: "Auntie, please pause for a moment."

Yu Lianying was stunned.

The next moment, she saw the other person raise his right hand, as if grabbing something from the air, and then clasp it on his left chest.

Jiang Zhifei clicked [Confirm] on the panel, activated the [Moral Kidnapping Medal], and stretched out his hand like a draft mentor:
"Please continue with your statement... No, please continue."

Yu Lianying: "..."

Being interrupted by Jiang Zhifei, Yu Lianying's brewing emotions were also interrupted.

She wiped away her tears forcefully and looked around at the people watching the theater inside and outside the ward:

“Everyone has sons and daughters, so they can definitely understand the feeling of being a parent.

If a child makes a small mistake, just teach him a lesson. There is no need to ruin the child's life, right? "

I see you don't even want to teach me a lesson.

Jiang Zhifei silently complained in his heart.

Yu Lianying said a few more words, Qingmao downplayed the incident, and didn't even mention Ma Dahai's arrogant attitude at that time.

Seeing the elderly people in the ward, they couldn't help but nod empathetically. Yu Lianying turned to look at Jiang Zhifei:
"Good boy, auntie, please be magnanimous and give my family a chance to repent!"

Jiang Zhifei stood silent, but neither agreed nor objected.

When Yu Lianying saw this, she felt anxious and without any hesitation, she suddenly knelt down in front of Jiang Zhifei:
"Good boy, please, auntie, please.

Don't worry, as long as you sign the letter of understanding, the medical expenses for hospitalization will be fully covered.

If anything goes wrong in the future, your aunt will take care of you like your own son. "

Yu Lianying burst into tears, which really touched many people.

The old lady couldn't help but said to Jiang Zhifei: "You have to be merciful and merciful. Young man, how about letting this matter go?"

The old man reading the newspaper also sighed: "We have to give this child a chance to change his ways."

Jiang Zhifei was hesitant on his face, but he kept sneering in his heart.

It's none of your business, hang up high.

Anyone who is obedient will say it, and anyone who is a good person will be willing to do it.

If it were Jiang Zhifei in his previous life, he might have been overwhelmed by this atmosphere.

But now he...

Ha ha.

If it weren't for wearing medals and getting as many reward points as possible, Jiang Zhifei would have kicked the couple out long ago.

He deliberately said something vague to put it off for the time being.

But at this moment, among the people watching around the ward, a beautiful figure suddenly rushed in.

"Xiaoyu, why are you..."

Before Jiang Zhifei finished speaking, he saw Lu Chaoyu rushing over and pulling up Yu Lianying who was kneeling on the ground.

"Why are you crying! It was obviously your son who made the mistake, why do you think we bullied you?"

She raised her eyebrows, glanced around the room, and then said calmly to the old lady:
"Grandma, you are so lenient when you say it, but do you know there is another sentence behind it?"

Lu Chaoyu turned around, stared at Yu Lianying, and said word by word:

"Let go when it's time to let go!"

(End of this chapter)

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