Pokémon life.

Chapter 163 Tower of Phantom

Chapter 163 Tower of Phantom
Rubi was the beautiful winner of the Gorgeous Contest in Autumn Leaf Town and won the second ribbon badge.Originally, Luo Yangshuo planned to go directly to Yinyu City for the next journey. After all, Naqi in Yinyu City has an inexplicable relationship with Mi Keli, and also has a good relationship with Yasha, so it would be good to meet her.

But the next gorgeous contest will be held in Lusha City, and the time is still relatively tight, so I have to go to Lusha City first, and then if the tunnel is cleared, I can go back to Orange City to let Safiya challenge the next thousand miles, and then fly directly to Yinyu City.

After setting the goal, Luo Yangshuo and the others also rested in Qiuye Town for one night, and took the sightseeing cable car back to the route of Zilu City the next day.However, they didn't want to go back the same way, so they decided to change the route and cross the desert to return to Purple City.

Crossing the desert Luoyang Shuo, they were quite prepared. After all, it was a desert, and there were still many ground-type elves. After walking for a long time, they encountered a large group of mountain rats and mandible ants.

Mountain rats are okay, and their temperament is relatively gentle, but mandible ants are more ferocious, and they will still attack passing elves or humans from time to time. They can still be dealt with alone, but if you encounter a group of mandible ants in the desert, it is best to take a detour. There are no flying elves, and they will let you know the power of quicksand.

But for the current Luo Yangshuo, it was not a problem.When Darkley went down into the dark hole with one move, a piece of mandaw ants basically lay down, and the final evolution of the mandible ants was the desert dragonfly, which was already a great elf for poor trainers.

So Luo Yangshuo simply subdued a large group of elves. After all, elves who could be related to dragons would not be so weak no matter how weak they were.

Even Lilia is very interested in the mandible ants, and wants to bring one for training.

After subduing many mandible ants, Luo Yangshuo also discovered a characteristic of mandible ants: the overdeveloped jaws lead to a heavy head. If it is overturned to the ground, the mandible ants are just like turtles, unable to turn over at all.

Seeing that Luo Yangshuo had subdued the mandible ants, Shafiya said: "I heard from my father that there is a small country on the other side of the desert, and there is a desert ruin in the desert, and there are mythical beasts in it. Do you want to go and see it?"

"Is it a divine beast? Let's go and have a look." Ruby said, "Maybe it can be subdued."

Luo Yangshuo thought that Reggie Rock could indeed be subdued here in the game, but he didn't know if it was true.

Under the leadership of Sha Feiya, Luo Yangshuo and his party came to this ruin that was almost buried by the wind and sand.Luo Yangshuo took the lead to enter the ruins, and at the same time took out the electric light from his backpack, illuminating the buried ruins.

Liliai and the others also entered quickly, only to see that the ruins were also covered with yellow sand, covering most of the original appearance of the building.Luo Yangshuo took the lead and walked inside until he came to a huge vertical stone slab. There were some dots on the stone slab, which looked like Braille in the game.

Luo Yangshuo subconsciously looked under the ground, where the stones were evenly distributed.Including the stones under Luo Yangshuo's feet, there are 25 stones in five rows and five columns.

In the game, you have to walk a few steps and use secret skills to open the passage below. I don’t know if it’s okay here?
"Ruby, Safia, stand on the two stones to my left, and Liliai, follow me." Luo Yangshuo stepped back and said.

The three of them were puzzled, and Lilia asked suspiciously, "Xiao Luo, can you understand the writing on the slate?"

"I don't understand, I can only say try." Luo Yangshuo said.

Ruby nodded, and pulled Safia to the stone on the left, and Lilia also stood on the stone behind Luo Yangshuo.Seeing that they were standing still, Luo Yangshuo dispatched a fire-breathing dragon, a golden monster and a flame chicken to correspond to the front and left two squares of Luo Yangshuo respectively.

The three elves stood still, only to hear a dull clicking sound, and then there was no movement.Luo Yangshuo looked at the stone slab and said, "Charizard, push that stone slab for me to see if I can move it?"

The fire-breathing dragon nodded, and pushed its claws hard towards the stone slab. The stone slab and the stones below were pushed back, revealing a dark hole.

Everyone was so excited, Luo Yangshuo raised the lamp to shine inside.I saw that the inside was a closed space. Although it was covered with dust, it was obvious that a huge footprint and a string of leather boot footprints were still very clear.

All the clues pointed out that someone had already been here, and deciphered the secrets on the stone slab, and subdued the elves inside.

Luo Yangshuo touched his chin: "It seems to be a step too late." In fact, he had already been mentally prepared. After all, in the animation, the Gods had three divine pillars, and it was obvious where he got them.I just didn't expect him to get the Three Divine Pillars so early.

Ruby shook his head and said, "Since there are no more, let's go out too."

Afterwards, a few people left the ruins, but as soon as they got out of the ruins, they found a violent sandstorm outside. Luo Yangshuo hurriedly handed over the goggles he bought to the crowd, and the group put on the goggles to block the wind and sand. At the same time, they also prepared to return to the ruins to avoid the sandstorm.

"Wait, why is there a tower there?" Lillie called.

Following her words, Luo Yangshuo and the others looked at the direction they came from just now, and saw a vaguely high tower erected in the desert not far away.

Luo Yangshuo shuddered, they had never seen that tower when they came here!And this tower is obviously more than ten meters high, it is impossible to say that it is invisible!

Suddenly, Luo Yangshuo thought of the Phantom Tower in the game, and couldn't help saying: "Safiya, have you heard of the Phantom Tower?"

"Phantom Tower? I've never heard of it." Safiya said.

"I really want to read it in a travel journal." Lilia said suddenly, "It's a very ordinary traveler's travel journal describing his travels in the Fangyuan area. I read it when I came to the Fangyuan area."

Seeing everyone looking over, Lilia continued: "The travel notes mentioned this desert. They said that during a sandstorm, they vaguely saw a tall tower. After the tower appeared, the sandstorm suddenly stopped."

Following Lillie's words, the sandstorm outside suddenly stopped strangely.Ruby swallowed, and said, "Why does it feel like listening to a ghost story, what happened later?"

"I don't know. It was mentioned in the travel notes that he was going to the tower, but the tower disappeared before his eyes strangely." Lillie said.

"Then, shall we go and have a look?" Luo Yangshuo said.

"I don't think so." Safiya hugged Lilia and said with a look of horror.

Ruby thought for a while, and said, "I think it's better to go and have a look, I always feel that there is nothing scary about this tower."

Luo Yangshuo also nodded and said, "Let's go and have a look, maybe it disappeared as soon as we went."

After hearing this, the two girls had no choice but to agree, and a group of people came to the front of the tower, but the tower did not disappear like a travel note, it was still standing there, quietly and without a trace of weirdness.

"Or, let's leave." Liliai said while pulling Luo Yangshuo's clothes.

"I always feel that this place feels familiar to me." Luo Yangshuo stroked his chin and said, "It's best to go in and have a look."

After speaking, Luo Yangshuo stepped into the tower.But in the next second, Luo Yangshuo rushed out and shouted, "Get out of here quickly, we can't stay here any longer!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Yangshuo immediately pulled Liliai and Safiya who hadn't reacted and ran back. Ruby also thought of something, and quickly left the range of the tower with a livid face.

(End of this chapter)

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